Present Cllr Andrew Brock Facilitator/Vice-Chairman Parish Council
Mr Peter Storey Clerk to Parish Council
Cllr Frank Fahy Parish Councillor/Village Hall Management Committee
Cllr Katie Hughes Parish Councillor/Parent and Toddler Group
Cllr Rob Lane Parish Councillor
Cllr Ryan Sutton Parish Councillor
John Vanderpump Village Hall development/fundraising group
John Davis Village Hall development/fundraising group
Steve Watson YMCA
Michelle Macbean Scout Group
Jess Macbean Scouts Group Chair
Lucy Wolverson Pre-School
David Bevan Church/YMCA
Brian Gravenor Methodist Church
Graham Searle NDP Steering Group
Richard Masters Pre-School

1. Welcome

Cllr Andrew Brock welcomed everyone to the meeting, the aim of which was to discuss the future requirements of the various young people/youth groups in the Parish and determine their facility requirements following the analysis of the NDP questionnaire responses which demonstrated a need for improved dedicated facilities.

2. Village Hall

The main user was the Pre-School who also contributed the most financially and who had arrived after the recent development of the Hall. Current safety regulations resulted in minimum availability of the Village Hall for other users on the 4 weekdays the Pre-School was in session for (currently) 39 weeks of the year. Numbers attending were 28 on average but with 19 registered thus far for September. They would like a 5 day operation and more storage and from September 2017 would like to comply with the Government’s intention to fund 30 hours per week for each eligible child. Minimum age for acceptance was 2 years. The loss of the Pre-School if they could not be satisfactorily accommodated could well jeopardise the future viability of the Village Hall. The Hall was currently running at a deficit of approx. £1000pa.

The dog training sessions, which were held on the day not utilised by the Pre-School, has been a long term let which had been in place before the inception of the Pre-school. The dog training sessions were thought to be acceptable to all.

Mothers and Toddlers Group enjoyed 6 -15 attendees at each weekly session. Age range between 1 month and 5 years.

The Village Hall Management Committee was reviewing the need for sound proofing to enable more renting of facilities when the Pre-School is in session. The Hall footprint limited future development outwards but the committee was looking at the feasibility of adding a first floor. The pavilion changing rooms occupied 16% of the floor space and attracted high maintenance costs but returned only up to 2% of income; this space could be better used if changing facilities were made available elsewhere.

3. Scout Hut

No current restriction on use and would soon benefit from internal improvements including an improved heating system. Car parking outside the boundary posed an occasional problem. Apart from some additional storage, the current facilities met the Scout’s needs.

4. Epworth Hall

The Hall financially was sound but restrictions included limited parking, a policy of no alcohol and lack of a hearing loop. Additional bookings would be desirable although not at the expense of the Village Hall.

5. Group comments

Pre-School They wished to comply with Government legislation entitling every child to 30 hours per week from September 2017. Specific WCs, personal safety and food preparation facilities were required. There was no separate entrance which limited usage by others and increased the need for staff supervision when, for example, toilets were required.

Action: Richard Masters to provide John Davis with specific legislative requirements

Parents and Toddlers Group More storage required in the Village Hall and better cleaning arrangements. If an alternative location was offered it would need to have close car parking. The Group was recognised as an important part of the community.

Action: Group to liaise more closely with Hall over cleaning schedules.

YMCA More storage was required in Scout Hut to avoid the need to transfer equipment from Hamble for each meeting.

6. Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

CIL would be paid by developers from 1 September 2016 to Test Valley Borough Council to provide funds for infrastructure improvements in communities where new dwellings were built or major changes to existing dwellings took place. Payment would be based on the square meterage of the development and would likely be £175 per square metre above the first 100 for our area. Bids would be submitted to TVBC whose decision it would be to determine the application. KSPC had a ‘wish list’ with TVBC identifying projects thought to be worthy of this funding including a possible Community Activities Centre.

Action: Clerk to determine eligibility of organisations such as the Village Hall to claim under the proposed scheme.
(Clerk’s note: payments made under CIL will only be made available to KSPC but the Council may then spend the money in any way it feels will benefit the community. Thus, it could make a grant to the Village Hall. Community groups can continue to access TVBC’s community funds by way of application regardless of CIL)

7. Conclusion

In brainstorming the ideas tabled thus far, it became clear that changes to the Village Hall’s current development plans could enable the Pre-School to operate in a designated and self- contained area which would allow other areas of the Hall to be hired out at the same time.

Additionally, should a sports pavilion with showers and ablutions be built in lieu of a community activity centre, space would be freed up in the Hall for alternate uses which, in turn, would solve some of the above shortcomings suffered by other group users or facilitate new usage e.g. dance groups, computer literacy classes, entertainment. Depending upon developments, a new sports pavilion could be substituted for a community activity centre currently on the TVBC CIL wish list.

The Village Hall should be the Community Activity Centre, future options include adding a floor and this could also potentially address the need for local office space identified in the NDP survey

Action: A working group would be formed between the Village Hall Development Committee and the Pre-School to discuss with the aim of resolving current and future Pre-School needs whilst allowing the Village Hall to become available for other groups to use simultaneously. Design concepts would be championed by the Village Hall Development Committee to the Village Hall Management Committee in due course for resolution.

The current arrangement with the Village Hall operating under a separate trust was raised. The question was asked whether it would be better funded and operated if it fell under the auspices of the Parish Council who may have access to better grants and failing that could at least raise the Parish precept to make up any shortfall in funding. Grants are usually available for capital projects but not for running costs. Some of the facilities within the Village Hall are for community benefit but are not self-funding e.g. changing rooms

Action: Parish Council to consider the implications