If you care about your community and want to make a difference, then why not come along to an informal event and find out how you can get more involved.

Test Valley Borough Council and the Local Government Association ( LGA) are hosting  events in Andover and Romsey for anyone interested in becoming a Borough Councillor or for those who would like to learn more about the role.

Leader of the Council, Councillor Phil North said: “I really want to encourage people to get involved with a view to becoming our future community leaders. We have some very exciting and ambitious projects to take forward in the next few years and want people who will help us shape the Borough’s future.”

Leader of the Council Minority Group, Councillor Celia Dowden said: “It is a challenging but hugely rewarding role so, if you are someone who wants to make a difference, then come along and find out more.”

You will get to hear Councillors talk about their experiences as community leaders in a relaxed and interactive environment. The evening will give you all the information you need to see if being a Councillor is for you and to find out what support is available to you in the role.

The two events will be held on:

  • January 31st, 18:00-19:30 – Romsey Town Hall, SO51 8YZ
  • February 5th, 18:00-19:30 – Test Valley Borough Council Offices, Beech Hurst, Andover, SP10 3AJ

If you are interested in attending,  get in contact at cllrevent@testvalley.gov.uk  to register your free place. Just email your name and which one of the two events you would like to attend.

You can also hear local Councillors talking about what the role means to them in this video https://youtu.be/j_hVPgoWrBY