Minutes of a Meeting of the Planning Committee
held in the Epworth Hall at 6.30pm on Monday 3 September 2018
Present: Cllr Harwood (Chairman), Cllrs Curtis, Townsend and Webb
In attendance: Mr P J Storey (Clerk to King’s Somborne Parish Council)
Public Session: 12 members of the public were present
- Apologies
109.1 Cllr Dack.
111. Minutes of the Meeting held on 20 August 2018
111.1 The minutes of the meeting held on 20 August 2018 had been circulated with the agenda.
111.2 Proposed Cllr Webb, Seconded Cllr Harwood, RESOLVED unanimously that the minutes of the meeting held on 20 August 2018 be accepted as a true record.
- Matters Arising
112.1 There were no matters arising.
- Declarations of Interests and Requests for Dispensations
113.1 None.
- Consideration of Planning Applications
* 18/02058/FULLS – land adjacent to 5 Riverside Green – erect 2 bed dwelling – as before serious concerns were expressed by local residents and endorsed by committee members. Queries remained on the question of land ownership and the covenant, protection of trees and their roots, the restricted access and turning points adjacent to the plot. One committee member objected to the plan on the grounds of over development of this particular area of land and the other 3 wished their serious concerns to be recorded.
- 18/02135/FULLS – 1 The Wattles, Winchester Road – new garage doors – support
- 18/02206 and 02207/TREES – Brookvale, Muss Lane – fell one Weeping willow and pollard 4 others – support
- 18/02245/FULLS – Clausentum Danes, Winchester Road – change of use of annex from single dwelling to use in conjunction with main dwelling – support
- 18/01719/FULLS – Grain buildings Forest of Bere estate – change of use from agricultural buildings to light industry, office and storage – local residents had expressed serious concern at this proposal which committee members supported; in particular, the reliance on passing places for vehicles which had been part of the approved plan for Forest Extra but which had never materialised, the inability of the authorities to police access to ensure only approved routes were used and the potential increase in traffic flow in this very rural environment. By majority decision, the committee objected to this proposed plan with the rider that if approved the installation of adequate passing places should be mandatory and installed before any building work commenced.
- 18/02163/TREES – 1 New Cottages, Furzedown Road – crown lift Acer, remove deadwood from Cherry, crown lift Larch and fell one Acer – support115. Report on Recent Planning Applicatio
- 18/01782/TREES – Oaktree House, Muss Lane – reduce height of Hawthorn, Elder and Oak – support. Permitted.
- 18/02004/TRESS – Winton House, Romsey Road – fell Conifer – support. Permitted.
- 116. Clerk’s Report
- 116.1 Nothing to report.
- 117. Date, time and place of next meeting – Monday 24 September 2018 at 7.00pm in the Epworth Hall, Winchester Road, King’s Somborne
- There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 6.59pm