Minutes of a Meeting of the Planning Committee
held in the Epworth Hall at 6.30pm on Monday 02nd March 2020

Present: Cllrs Beacham, Harwood, and Wales.

In attendance: Mrs G Foster (Clerk to King’s Somborne Parish Council)

Public Session: 13 members of the public were present.

193. Welcome and Introduction

193.1. Cllr Harwood welcomed everyone to the meeting.

194. Apologies

194.1. Cllr Webb had sent his apologies.

195. Minutes of the Meeting held on 17th February 2020

195.1. The minutes of the meeting held on 17th February 2020 had been circulated with the agenda.

195.2. RESOLVED unanimously that the minutes of the meeting held on 17th February 2020 be accepted as a true record.

196. Matters Arising

196.1. None.

197. Declarations of Interests and Requests for Dispensations

197.1. None declared

198. Consideration of Planning Applications

198.1. After discussion responses to the following applications were Resolved:

a. 18/01719/FULLS – APPEAL – APP/C1760/W/19/3242179 – Councillors felt that their previous objection to the application was still valid and the Inspector is requested to reject the appeal on the following grounds.
i. The proposed Development is not only contrary to Policy T1 d but also T1 c) of the Test Valley Borough Revised Local Plan.
ii. The highway network is already deemed to be unsafe and, as a result discourages existing and proposed users; this will be exacerbated if the appeal succeeds.
iii. The proposal not only does not comply with the NPPF paragraph 109 but also Paragraph 55 In particular, the routing agreement, which is stated to be identical to that at the Forest Extra Site, is unenforceable and therefore should not be imposed.
iv. The appeal Committee should note that 13 residents attended the Council Planning meeting purely to voice their concerns over this particular issue.

b. 20/00470/DDCA – Recreation Ground, and near Recreation Ground – Remove 3 x fallen trees and 1 dangerous tree on/near area – PARISH COUNCIL APPLICATION – NO COMMENT.

c. 20/00370/DEMS – North Park Farm Somborne Park Road – Application for Prior Notification of Demolition of timber clad utility shed used for storage – NO COMMENT

d. 20/00361/LBWS – Middle Thatch Cottage Romsey Road – Replace 5 timber windows – NO OBJECTION but suggest to install as close as possible looking replacement windows of 10 mm double glazing.

e. 20/00192/FULLS – The Pheasants Romsey Road – Demolition of dwelling and garage and erection of dwelling and double garage – 20% bigger than footprint. Double height in stead of single height. Nice house. – SUPPORT.

198.2. There were no further applications received from TVBC since publication of the agenda.

199. Report on Recent Planning Application decisions by TVBC

199.1. 19/03073/FULLS – Erection of glasshouse and 2 polytunnels | Rookley Field Winchester Road – PERMISSION
199.2. 20/00259/TREES – Birch Cottage The Cross Hampshire – T1 Silver Birch – Reduce height by 2m and rebalance remaining crown by upto 1m – NO OBJECTION
199.3. 20/00186/TREES | T1 Fir – Fell | Borne House Romsey Road Kings Somborne Stockbridge Hampshire SO20 6PR – NO OBJECTION
199.4. 20/00236/TREES – Strawberry Fields Muss Lane – T1 Cherry – reduce the lateral growth by up to 2.5 metres, thin the remaining crown | – NO OBJECTION

200. Clerk’s and Councillors’ Report

200.1. None

201. Date, time and place of next meeting – Monday 16th March 2020 at 7.00pm in the Epworth Hall, Winchester Road, King’s Somborne

There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 18:56pm