Parish Council
Planning Committee minutes 6 August 2012
Minutes of a Meeting of the Planning Committee
held in the Epworth Hall at 7.00pm on Monday 16 July 2012
Present: Cllr Harwood (Chairman), Cllrs Curtis, Harrison, Fahy and Lane
In attendance: Mr P J Storey (Clerk to King’s Somborne Parish Council)
Public Session: No members of the public were present.
64. Apologies
64.1 Cllr Herbert.
65. Minutes of the meeting held on 25 June 2012
65.1 The minutes of the meeting held on 25 June 2012 had been circulated with the agenda papers.
65.2 Proposed Cllr Harwood, Seconded Cllr Curtis, RESOLVED with Cllrs Harrison and Lane abstaining (not present) that the minutes of the meeting held on 25 June 2012 be accepted as a true record.
66. Matters Arising
66.1 There were no matters arising.
67. Declarations of Interests
67.1 None declared.
68. Consideration of Planning Applications
* 12/01158/ FULLS (amended scheme) – Rekero, 3 The Old Iron Foundry – detached replacement garage – support
* 12/01282/FULLS – Marsh Court – reinstatement of lost gate and decorative elements – support
* 12/01343/TREES – 1 Kings Acre – crown lift Western Cedar and tidy previous cuts – support
* 12/01409/TREES – Clausentum Danes, Winchester Road – crown reduce three Yew trees – support
* 12/01302/EXTS – renewal of 09/01533/FULLS – erection of house and garage on land north if 15 Riverside Green – no objection to the proposed design of the house but concerns regarding access especially to construction traffic and disruption to other residents living in this busy close
69. Report on Recent Planning Applications
69.1 The Clerk reported the following decisions made by Test Valley Borough Council:
* 12/00932/FULLS – 1 Old Palace Farm – remove existing roof structure and provide new first floor accommodation and rebuild ground floor utility – support and TVBC permitted.
* 12/01182/TREES – Dove Cottage, Muss Lane – fell three Conifers – support and TVBC permitted
70. Clerk’s Report
70.1 The Clerk confirmed places had been reserved for Cllrs Curtis, Harrison, Harwood and Lane on the planning familiarisation course in Longstock on 10 September 2012.
71. Date, time and place of next meeting – Monday 6 August 2012 at 6.30pm in the Epworth Hall, Winchester Road, King’s Somborne
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 7.20pm