Members of the Parish Council Planning Committee are summonsed to attend a virtual meeting
to be held online via Zoom ( on Monday 16th June 2020 at 7.00pm
Meeting ID: 545 771 0691 – Password: 2304
This Meeting is Open to the Public
1. Welcome and Introduction
2. Comments from the floor
3. Apologies for absence
4. To Review the Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting held on 1st June 2020
5. Matters Arising from the above Minutes
6. Declarations of Interest
7. Consideration of Planning Applications
a. 20/01097/LBWS – Demolish lean to and construct conservatory – Yew Tree House, Romsey Road
b. 20/01190/TREES – T1-3 removal of 3 golden leylandii cyprus hedge and T4 photonia and replace with mixed hedge of native species T5-10 reduce height of up to 2 metres in hedge of 6 cherry laurels T11 crown reduction of cotinus – golden – Hollybrook, Winchester Road
c. 20/01124/FULLS – Erection of a 2 storey side extension, to provide additional living space and accommodation – 9 Muss Lane
d. 20/01096/FULLS – Demolish lean to and construct conservatory – Yew Tree House Romsey Road
e. Any other applications received since the publication of the agenda.
8. Report on Recent Planning Decisions
9. Clerk’s and Councillors’ Reports
10. Date, Time and Place of Next Meeting – Monday 20th July at 7.00pm if no meeting is called sooner.
Mrs G Foster
Clerk to King’s Somborne Parish Council – 10th June 2020
Distribution: Cllrs Beacham, Harwood, Searle, Wales and Webb