Parish Council


PC minutes 5 August 2013

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
held in the Epworth Hall
commencing at 7.00pm on Monday 5 August 2013
Present: Cllr R Harwood (Chairman)
Cllr A Brock
Cllr R Curtis
Cllr J Evans
Cllr  F Fahy
Cllr R Jackson (paras 93 to 102.1)
Cllr R Lane
Cllr J Werrett
In Attendance:    Mr P J Storey (Clerk to King’s Somborne Parish Council)
Public Session
Mr Dyke and Mr Pidgeon, open spaces wardens, Mr Vanderpump and three members of the public were present for part of the meeting.
Mr Vandepump sought an amendment to the minutes of the last meeting to delete mention of Community Responders in relation to the grant aid application for a public defibrillator which was agreed.
Mr Pidgeon sought clarification on insurance cover if he was sued as a result of faults following his checks on play equipment on behalf of the Council and was assured that anyone acting in good faith on parish council business was covered by the Council’s public liability insurance.  However, he subsequently withdrew from this responsibility.
B/Cllr Ward confirmed that all comments received on the Revised Local Plan were now on the Borough Council’s website and that comments on the recent settlement boundary review would be available soon.  His tent at the recent Horticultural Show had generated interest amongst those attending the Show.  He would confirm the date, when known, of his intended training session for councillors on the recently revised planning legislation and he reminded everyone that all Borough news could be found at
88. Apologies for absence.
88.1 Cllr Mercer.
89. Chairman’s announcements and Councillors’ questions
89.1 The Chairman announced that Cllr Herbert had resigned due to other external interests but had undertaken to continue to help with Local Plan matters, as necessary.
90. To approve the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 1 July 2013
90.1 Proposed Cllr Brock, Seconded Cllr Lane, RESOLVED with Cllr Fahy abstaining (absent) that the minutes of the meeting held on 1 July 2013 with minor amendment be accepted as a true record.
91. To consider any Matters Arising from those Minutes
91.1 Para 83.1    Additional waste bins.  The Clerk confirmed the installation cost of a 140litre waste bin to be £224 with an emptying and cleaning charge of £5.30 per bin per visit.  A review of current bin locations and usage would be undertaken to maximise value for money.  In the meantime, the Clerk would request relocation of the bin currently by the Borne on Winchester Road to the top of Cow Drove Hill adjacent to the seat.
Action: Clerk
92. To co-opt to fill casual vacancy
92.1 No poll had been demanded as a result of Mrs Harrison’s resignation.  Mr Roger Jackson had confirmed his interest in being co-opted to fill the vacancy.
92.2 Proposed Cllr Lane, Seconded Cllr Evans, RESOLVED unanimously that Mr Jackson be co-opted to the Parish Council.
At this point, Mr Jackson signed his acceptance of office and took his seat at the table
93. Declarations of Interest and Dispensations
93.1 None declared.
94. To consider Correspondence Received and determine any action required
94.1 The Clerk drew Councillors’ attention to correspondence received, in particular, to a request from Romsey Town Council for a contribution towards the costs of erecting Christmas lights given the withdrawal of the Borough Council’s previous support and to Mr Pearson’s letter to Hampshire Highways seeking reinstatement of the white lines along the Winchester Road.  These were noted but no further action was thought necessary.
94.2 The Clerk also referred to an e-mail from TVBC which stated that the Winchester Diocese was contesting inclusion of the allotments in the community right to bid scheme.  Cllr Fahy, in his voluntary capacity as allotment co-ordinator, was replying to the managing agent’s statement submitted on behalf of the Diocese pointing out the factual inaccuracies in their letter and would copy this to TVBC.  Councillors were in no doubt on the community value of the allotments and the Clerk would make representations to TVBC on their behalf and seek the date of the review so some councillors could attend, as necessary.  He would also make tentative enquiries with the managing agents about the Parish Council leasing the allotments and possibly classifying them as a village green.
Action: Clerk 
95. To receive Councillors’ Reports
95.1 Cllr Evans reported that guidelines were now available on how to claim free parking at local hospitals and the Village Agents would be distributing this to interested persons.
95.2 Cllr Lane reported on the planning meeting which had preceded the full council meeting.
95.3 Cllr Fahy reported on the priority now given to making good the potholes in New Lane and the difficulties in getting either Aster Housing or Hampshire Highways to accept responsibility for the state of the Eldon Road car park pavement entrance which currently put many elderly persons at risk of tripping.  He would seek the help of C/Cllr Gibson.
Action: Cllr Fahy
95.4 Cllr Curtis reported the local Scouts were contracting with a tree surgeon to attend to the overgrown tree at the entrance to their site which was their responsibility.
96. To receive the RFO’s Report and Budget Monitoring
96.1 The Clerk reported that he had acquired £5,000 from the TVBC Capital Grant fund towards the costs of the MUGA and a further £18,953 was likely from developers’ contributions.  The outcome of the funding bid to SITA would be known in mid-August.  
96.2 The Clerk was also pleased to report that the external auditors had signed off the Annual Return for 2012-13 and that a resolution by Council was required approving and accepting this.
96.3 Proposed Cllr Werrett, Seconded Cllr Brock, RESOLVED unanimously that the audited Annual Return for 2012-13 be approved and accepted. 
97. Payment of Accounts
97.1 Proposed Cllr Lane, Seconded Cllr Brock, RESOLVED unanimously that the following accounts for July 2013 be approved for payment:
To For Net      VAT Gross    Chq/Internet
Mr P Storey Salary/expenses           897.31 897.31             Int
BPC Shared costs            22.00  22.00 Int
HMRC Tax/NIC            58.88  58.88 Int
A J Cox D/teeth/board repairs    153.20 153.20 Int
Southern Electric Parish clock     13.03        2.60  15.63 DD
Mr M Rebbeck Grounds maint          607.00 607.00 Int
BDOExternal audit          300.00      60.00360.00Int
Totals                        2051.42      62.60     2114.02                     
98. Grant Aid application from South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust
98.1 Because councillors were not content with the named grant aid applicant, this item was deferred to the September meeting when a revised form would be tabled.  Cllr Evans would follow this up.
Action: Cllr Evans
99. Housing Needs Survey
99.1 Following further information provided by TVBC, it was decided to form a Working Group comprising Cllrs Brock, Evans, Lane and Werrett, to assess the implications of having a housing needs survey and the effects that more houses would have on the Parish.  The Group would report back at the October meeting.
Action: Housing Needs Working Group
100. School presentation report
100.1 Years 3 and 4 children from the Village School had identified local issues and possible solutions as part of a school project and Cllr Curtis presented these for consideration.  Their presentations and ideas were well thought out and were to be commended.  The Clerk would respond to Cllr Curtis who, in turn, would relay the comments back to the School and the pupils.
Action: Clerk
101. Clerk’s monthly report
101.1 Councillor vacancy.  The statutory notice was on display advertising the current vacancy resulting from Cllr Herbert’s resignation.
101.2 Borne railings.    The Lengthsman had been tasked with repainting the railings bordering the stream through the Village.
101.3. HALC AGM.    Names of councillors wishing to attend the HALC AGM on Saturday 19 October 2013 were invited.
101.4 King’s Somborne recreation ground.    Some Dragons teeth had been repaired on the King’s Somborne recreation ground as a precaution against travellers gaining access and minor notice board repairs completed.
101.5 Holiday.    During the Clerk’s holiday, Cllr Evans would be the point of contact for Cemetery matters. 
102. Date, time and place of next meeting
102.1    The next meeting will be on Monday 2 September 2013 at 7.00pm in the Epworth Hall, Winchester Road, King’s Somborne.  
Action: All
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.50pm