Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting

held in the Epworth Hall commencing at 7.00pm on Monday 4 February 2019


Present:      Cllr A Brock (Chairman)

Cllr R Curtis

Cllr S Dack

Cllr H Griffith

Cllr R Harwood

Cllr K Hughes

Cllr A Townsend


In Attendance:   Mr P J Storey (Clerk to King’s Somborne Parish Council)

Mrs G Foster (Clerk designate)


Public Session


Mr R Dyke (Open Spaces Warden), C/Cllr A Gibson, B/Cllr A Ward and 11 members of the public were present for part of the meeting.


Mr Lane highlighted the dangers of poor drainage and ice on the corner of Winchester Road by the Little Somborne junction; the Clerk would report this to Hampshire Highways. Action: Clerk


Members of the public present continued to raise their serious concerns at the potential flood risk to those living along the southern border of area KS3 should development take place there. Mr Searle, as vice-chairman of the NDP Steering Group, produced some data based on Southampton Water’s statistics for 2017, the last complete year available, showing the impact on the Borne water flow as a result of possible development. This assessment showed the likely impact on the water flow even if 100% of the rainfall from 20 houses flowed directly into the Borne to be negligible. The maximum recorded rainfall in 24 hours in 2017 was 150m3 which represented just 0.65% of the daily flow in the Borne recorded in the same year.


Cllr Ward tabled a report which the Clerk had also circulated containing matters of general interest. B/Cllr Ward then highlighted the need for further final revisions to the community building/preschool planning application due to an unevenness in the ground levels and the need for further water soakaway tests. The application would now be determined by the TVBC Southern Area Committee on 12 March 2019 and all councillors were urged to attend to show support. Action: Councillors


There was also concern raised over plans to remove the hedge between the MUGA and the Okanagan property before the start of the bird nesting season at the month end and replacing it with a fence as part of the ground works for the community building/preschool. Guidance would be taken from TVBC given this date was before the planning meeting which would determine the related full application. Action: Clerk


C/Cllr Gibson would submit a report for circulation in the immediate future. Action: C/Cllr Gibson


  1. Apologies for Absence


15.1     Cllrs H Townsend and Whitehead; Cllr Webb not present.


  1. Chair’s announcements and Councillors’ questions


16.1     Cllr Brock formally welcomed Mrs Gail Foster to the meeting as Clerk designate.


  1. To accept the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 7 January 2019


17.1     Proposed Cllr Hughes, Seconded Cllr Curtis, RESOLVED with Cllr Dack abstaining (absent) that the minutes of the meeting held on 7 January 2019 which had been circulated with the agenda be accepted as a true record.


  1. To consider any Matters Arising from those Minutes


18.1     Para 4.1            Cllr Brock remained in discussion with Virgin Media over the poor state of ground reinstatement after their broadband cable installation with particular regard to the loss of road surface drainage grips on Horsebridge Road and the solidification of the gravel surface along Forge Close.

Action: Cllr Brock


18.2     Para 4.3             The provision of village entrance gates would be placed on the March PC agenda for debate.

Action: Clerk


18.3     Para 4.5            The ‘Lest We Forget’ clock to be erected outside the Village Hall had been ordered.


18.4     Para 4.4            The contract for maintenance of the speed indicator device had now been signed and would become effective 1 April 2019.


18.5     Para 4.6            Limited access width to the Muss Lane play area was causing problems for contractors with flail cutting equipment. However, the need to complete the work was recognised and a resolution Proposed by Cllr Harwood, Seconded by Cllr Curtis, to complete the work, even if it meant incurring costs in removing part of the A3057 fence line to enable access, was passed. The Chairman and Clerk would continue to investigate options.

Action: Cllr Brock and Clerk


18.6     Para 8.2.1         The Clerk was in contact with the landowner re the fallen trees in the stream approaching Horsebridge.

Action: Clerk


18.7     Para 8.5            The Clerk was liaising with the Community Responders re payment for a weather proof box to house the new defibrillator to be located outside the Village Hall and also with the supplier on child size pads.

Action: Clerk


  1. Declarations of Interest and Requests for Dispensations


19.1     None declared or sought.


  1. To consider Correspondence Received and determine any action required


20.1     None tabled.


  1. To receive minutes of the Planning Committee meetings held on 7 and 21 January 2019


21.1     The minutes of the Planning Committee meetings held on 7 and 21 January 2019 had been circulated with the agenda.


21.2     Proposed Cllr Harwood, Seconded Cllr Curtis, RESOLVED unanimously that the minutes of the Planning Committee meetings held on 7 and 21 January 2019 be received and accepted.

 22.    Councillors’ Reports


22.1     Cllr Harwood reported on the applications considered by the Planning Committee earlier in the evening, primarily the Forest of Bere estate application to develop the existing farm buildings into a light industrial estate against which there had been numerous objections from local residents, in particular, highlighting the unsuitability of the narrow country lanes for heavy goods vehicles and the proposed passing places not being in line of sight, all supported by councillors. He also reported that the Cricket Club store had again been broken into and a small amount of fuel stolen and that it had taken over an hour to report the theft on 101. The Clerk would draw this unacceptable delay in reporting to the attention of the Andover divisional police commander.

Action: Clerk


22.2     Cllr Dack commented on the clear need for more positive action against vehicle speeding on local roads before a child was killed but noted the enthusiasm of the Community Speedwatch volunteers and the lack of police resources.


22.3     Cllr Hughes recounted the recent incident of a dog attack near the Horsebridge end of the village and confirmed the police and the TVBC Dog Warden had been informed. She also commented on the absence from meetings of some councillors; the Clerk reminded all present of the 6 month disqualification rule laid out in the Local Government Act 1974 s85(1) and (2).


22.4     Cllr Hughes also would continue to seek more volunteers via the communications tree with Cllr Griffith and the Clerk.

Action: Cllrs Griffith, Hughes and Clerk


  1. To receive the RFO’s Report and Budget Monitoring


23.1     A budget monitoring report had been circulated with the agenda papers. This was noted.


23.2     The internal auditor had completed his interim audit without comment.


  1. Payment of Accounts


24.1     Proposed Cllr Harwood, Seconded Cllr Dack, RESOLVED unanimously that the following accounts for January 2019 be approved for payment:


To                               For                                 Net          VAT       Gross    Chq/Internet

Mr P Storey                 Salary/expenses         1112.40       70.47     1182.87              Bacs

HMRC                        Tax/NIC                         454.63                        454.63              Bacs

Legal & General         Staff pension                  80.42                         80.42              DD

Hilliers                        3 Fields trees               220.00       44.40       266.40              Bacs

British Heart Found  Defibrillator               500.00     100.00       600.00             Bacs

Totals                                                          2263.05   319.27     2582.32                                                          

  1. To adopt the Financial Risk Assessment for 2018 – 19


25.1     Current audit and accounting regulations required an annual financial risk assessment to be adopted by the Parish Council before the yearend to which the assessment related. A risk assessment signed off by the Clerk and Internal Auditor had been circulated with the agenda papers.


25.2     Proposed Cllr Curtis, Seconded Cllr Griffith, RESOLVED that the Annual Financial Risk Assessment for 2018 – 19, as tabled, be received and adopted.


  1. To determine a grant aid application from the Village Hall.


26.1     The Village Hall management committee had submitted a grant aid application for £1,842 to cover the cost of purchasing new tables for the Hall which were lighter and more easily erected than the current old tables. Mr Vanderpump, on behalf of the committee, explained the need for funds given the amount they were having to earmark for the completion of the new community building/preschool.


26.2     Proposed Cllr Dack, Seconded Cllr A Townsend, RESOLVED with Cllr Hughes abstaining (Hall trustee) that £1,842 be granted to the Village Hall to cover the cost of purchasing new tables.


  1. To note Mr Storey’s willingness to administer the financial aspects of the new community building/preschool project


27.1     Mr Storey, as Clerk and RFO, had signed off on each of the applications to external grant funding on behalf of the Parish Council for funding towards the new community building/preschool and was known to the grant providers and familiar with the details forming the basis of each grant. Following his retirement, he had indicated his willingness to continue to oversee the finances of the project and accounting to the new Clerk for his actions. Councillors accepted the offer and consequent avoidance of loss of knowledge and expertise with thanks.


  1. To adopt the revised Standing Orders, Financial Regulations and Council Policies


28.1     It was timely to update Standing Orders, Financial Regulations and Council Policies with the arrival of the new Clerk and these were tabled for adoption.


28.2     Proposed Cllr A Townsend, Seconded Cllr Dack, RESOLVED unanimously to adopt the revised Standing Orders, Financial Regulations and Council Policies.


  1. To approve the continued use of Variable Direct Debits, Standing Orders, BACS and CHAPS payment methods


29.1     Local Government accounting regulations required a bi-annual review of the methods by which councils paid their dues. We use variable direct debits, standing orders, BACs and cheques to settle debts, pay invoices, etc and it was thought appropriate to continue to do so.


29.2     Proposed Cllr Curtis, Seconded Cllr Harwood, RESOLVED unanimously that we continue to pay all dues as at present.


  1. To approve amendment to the Bank mandate


30.1     With the change in Clerk, it was necessary to change the signatories on the bank mandate held at NatWest to the new Clerk, Cllrs Brock, Curtis and Harwood, any three to authorise payments by cheque, as necessary. This was agreed. The Clerk would table the formal resolution at the next meeting and notify NatWest accordingly.

Action: Clerk


  1. To review the need to control vehicle access to the Muss Lane play area


31.1     Some residents had expressed concern at the occasional parking of vehicles on the Muss Lane recreation ground near to the children’s play equipment. Councillors agreed this practice should be stopped using a drop down post concreted into the ground at the entrance.


31.2     Proposed Cllr Harwood, Seconded Cllr A Townend, RESOLVED unanimously that a drop down post be affixed at the entrance to the Muss Lane recreation ground to deter unauthorised vehicle access.

Action: Clerk



  1. To agree the wording for the plaque to go with the Parish Council Memorial clock


32.1     Following the Council’s purchase of a memorial clock to mark the end of World War 1 and the Village Hall management committee’s agreement to its installation above the new entrance porch, a form of words on a plaque was thought appropriate to explain the rationale for the clock’s acquisition.


32.2     Proposed Cllr Hughes, Seconded Cllr Curtis, RESOLVED unanimously that the form of words to go on the memorial clock plaque should read – The ‘Lest We Forget’ clock was installed by King’s Somborne Parish Council to commemorate the Centenary of the signing of the Armistice on 11 November 1918 to end the Great War’.


  1. To review the arrangements for the Annual Assembly 2019


33.1     The Annual Assembly would be held in the Village Hall at 7.30pm on Wednesday 17 April 2019. It was decided not to invite any external speakers this year other than our county and borough councillors. The agenda would follow those of previous years with reports by the Chairman and RFO with opportunities for the public to speak and ask questions. Cllr Hughes asked her fellow councillors to ‘spread the word’ at club meetings and other gatherings to generate interest.

Action: All


33.2     The Clerk would make the necessary arrangements and the Chairman encouraged all councillors to attend.

Action: Cllrs and Clerk


  1. Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) progress

34.1     Cllr Brock commented that the final analysis of points raised on their initial report was awaited from the South Downs National Park Authority following which the finishing touches could be put to the draft NDP and a further public consultation held before the Plan’s submission to TVBC.

  1. Clerk’s monthly report


35.1     The Clerk reiterated important meeting dates for noting – TVBC Southern Area Planning committee meeting on Tuesday 12 March 2019 to determine the Council’s application for a new community building/preschool to be built on the recreation ground; the Annual Assembly in the Village Hall at 7.30pm on Wednesday 17 April 2019; and the Parish Council’s AGM on Thursday 9 May 2019.

Action: All


35.2     The Clerk reminded councillors of the need for them personally to visit TVBC with their nomination papers if they were to stand for re-election; all information had been circulated by

e-mail although a revised nomination paper had yet to become available. (Clerk’s note – a new link to the form was subsequently circulated)


35.3     And finally, the Clerk was pleased to confirm the Parish Council’s website complied fully with the National Disability Authority’s Code of Practice on Accessibility of Public Services and Information provided by Public Bodies.


  1. Date, time and place of next meeting


36.1  The next meeting would be on Monday 4 March 2019 at 7.00pm in the Epworth Hall, Winchester Road, King’s Somborne.


There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.55pm.