Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
held in the Epworth Hall commencing at 7.00pm on Monday 3 June 2019
Present: Cllr A Brock (Chairman)
Cllr S Dack
Cllr R Harwood
Cllr L Hodge
Cllr K Hughes
Cllr O Wales
Cllr R Webb
Present for part of the meeting:
Cllr I Beacham
In Attendance: Mrs G Foster (Clerk to King’s Somborne Parish Council)
Public Session
B/Cllr Ward, and 1 member of the public were present for part of the meeting.
B/Cllr Ward had circulated a report which is available on the website. It was noted that it included planning application information.
- Apologies for Absence
103.1 Cllr Curtis had sent an apology which was accepted by Council. Cllr Gibson had also sent his apologies.
103.2 Cllr Whitehead was absent.
- Chair’s announcements and Councillors’ questions
104.1 Cllr Brock had received correspondence from the military giving advice on how the public should act in certain types of emergencies. A link would be added to the website. Action: Clerk.
104.2 Cllr Brock had received a request for permission to allow a digger and dump truck access across part of the recreation ground into a resident’s back garden for maintenance. A site meeting would be arranged with the resident to assess what was required. Action: Cllr Harwood
104.3 Cllr Harwood asked for an update on the burying of the electric wires on the Cricket Out Fields. SSE would be chased again due to no action being taken by SSE during the past month. Action: Cllr Brock
104.4 Cllr Dack had noted several areas of open space ground and footpaths around that Parish that needing tidying up. Cllrs would let the Clerk know of specific areas in case the Lengthsman could be asked to assist with strimming / tidying. Most areas are the responsibility of HCC and any issues could be logged on HCC website. A link to this can be found on the TVBC and King’s Somborne Parish Council websites. All residents are encourage to report issues to ensure they have the best chance of getting resolved. A map would be collated from known information to show PC, TVBC and HCC ownership of open spaces. Action: Clerk and Cllrs.
7.25pm Cllr Ian Beacham joined the meeting.
- To approve the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 9th May 2019
105.1 Proposed: Cllr Hughes, Seconded: Cllr Wales, RESOLVED: that the minutes of the meeting held on 9th May 2019 which had been circulated with the agenda be accepted as a true record. The chairman duly signed the minute book.
- To consider any Matters Arising from those Minutes and their actions (reported by Councillor)
106.1 Minute Ref: Public Session and 94.1:Cllr Brock had arranged a meeting with HCC Transport Planner Matthew Bridger, Cllrs Brock and Harwood for the 13th June to discuss the Chalk Vale passing places
106.2 Minute Ref: 72.1: The NDP Steering group had reviewed their terms of reference at the last meeting.
106.3 Minute Ref: 96.1: The Allotments legal advice summary had been sent to the originator of the idea.
106.4 Minute Ref: 87.1: Cllr R Curtis had advised prior to the meeting that the usage of the dog waste bags had returned to the usual turnover.
106.5 Minute Ref: 64.7: Cllr K Hughes reported that the scheduled meeting with the youth worker had been rescheduled as he had been unable to attend. The Church would be asked if they were still able to contribute to the running of a youth club and Cllr Ward would assist with sourcing another youth worker. Action: Cllr Ward and Cllr Hughes.
106.6 Minute Ref: 64.1: The Clerk and The Speedwatch Co-ordinator had been in touch with the Police who had arranged that the speed camera Van had visited the Parish.
106.7 Minute Ref: 64.3: The landowner had been contacted on 17 May about the trees in the stream at Horsebridge, he had not been able to take any action. The exact location would be identified if possible and reported to the Environment Agency. Action Cllr Brock.
106.8 Minute Ref: 64.5 An answer had been received regarding the Memorial Bench for Brian Orange at the top of Cow Drove Hill. Unfortunately, the Landowner had not given permission but had asked if another site could be identified. Action: Cllr Beacham.
106.9 Minute Ref: 64.8 Aster Housing had been written to several times in relation to the person living in the Caravan near Scott’s Close. No reply had been received. Cllr Ward would investigate. Action: Cllr Ward.
106.10 Minute Ref: 64.11 Forms for formalizing the Communication tree in accordance with GDPR had been drawn up and would be distributed shortly. Action: Clerk
106.11 Minute Ref: 64.12 The Village Hall Committee had been asked to review the surveillance camera specification and keep the Parish Council advised.
106.12 Minute Ref: 64.13 The playground inspection had been added to the June meeting.
106.14 Minute Ref: 65.1 Disclosable Pecuniary Interest forms had been delivered to TVBC.
106.15 Minute Ref: 65.3 Cllr Ward’s newsletter had been posted on the Parish Council website.
106.16 Minute Ref: 67.1 Council Meeting dates had been advertised on the website.
106.17 Minute Ref: 68.4 A reply had been sent to the Freedom of Information request.
106.18 Minute Ref: 73.1 The list of appointments had been amended and distributed.
106.19 Minute Ref: 76.1 The list of contracts had been saved to the Council OneDrive for sharing.
106.20 Minute Ref: 77.1 Training dates for the CiLCA course for the Clerk had been investigated
106.21 Minute Ref: 86.1 Annex J had been added to the standing orders and re-distributed.
106.22 Minute Ref: 87.2 Agenda for June had included the issue of Painting the railings by the Borne.
106.23 Minute Ref: 87.4 A new Facebook ID had been set up for the Clerk.
106.24 Minute Ref: 90.1 A copy of the Internal Audit Report had been sent to External Auditors
106.25 Minute Ref: 91.1 A copy of the Accounting Statements 2018/19 and the Financial Accounts had been sent to External Auditors
106.26 Minute Ref: 93.1 The Parish Assembly minutes had been displayed on the website.
106.27 Minute Ref: 95.1 A donated postbox had been given to the Village Hall Committee to install for the Clerk if suitable.
106.28 Minute Ref: 97.1 Victim Support had been contacted for bank details for giving the grant of £50.
106.29 Minute Ref: 99.1 A resident had been asked, but had declined to take on the Village Correspondent role.
106.30 Minute Ref: 100.1 Insurers had confirmed that the benches claim could be deferred until completion of the pre-school build.
106.31 Minute Ref: 101.4 The Lengthsman schedule had been reviewed and a provisional draft made for the year.
- Matters still outstanding
107.1 Minute Ref: 87.1 Awaiting confirmation from Cllr Curtis regarding the fixing of the loose handrail at the playground. Action: Cllr Curtis
107.2 Minute Ref: 84.1 To review policies regarding employment until the next meeting. Action: Clerk
107.3 Minute Ref: 98.1 A grant from SSE be applied for in order to cover the cost of a trickle charger for the Village Hall Generator. Action: Clerk.
- Declarations of Interest and Requests for Dispensations
108.1 The Clerk declared that Mr E Foster on the payments schedule was her husband.
- To receive update on the NDP
109.1 Cllr Brock reported that the last meeting had been held on 22 May. TVBC attended and assisted with comments. There could not be a phasing program and sites would be resorted into order of preference. Steps would be taken to reduce the developable areas of each site to prevent overdevelopment and detailed maps would be produced for public viewing.
- To consider Correspondence Received and determine any action required
110.1 A resident had enquired about an update on the allotment situation. There has been no change and the Diocese of Winchester are still working towards planning permission with a developer although a new site has not yet been proposed.
110.2 A complaint has been received from a resident due to the refusal to supply feedback information relating to the NDP under a FOI request. A discussion ensued about the way the data had been collected and stored and how accessible and time-consuming it would be to re-compile into a meaningful report. Cllr Hodge and Cllr Hughes offered to assist the Clerk in the task. Proposed: Cllr Beacham, Seconded: Cllr Hodge RESOLVED: Data would be reviewed again, re-compiled into a different format and if possible redacted and presented back to Full Council for review prior to deciding on publication. Action: Clerk and Cllrs Hodge and Hughes.
110.3 The TVBC Neighbourhood Planning Officer who has been advising on the NDP would also be asked for advice relating to publication of feedback data already received. The amended NDP would continue to be worked on taking into account the previous feedback. Commenting would be required again at the next consultation. Action: Cllr Brock.
110.4 The original questionnaire wording would be re-circulated to Councillors. Action: Cllr Brock
110.5 A intermediate summary report of the major changes to the amended plan would drafted. Action: Cllr Brock.
- To receive minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 9 May 2019
111.1 The minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 9 May had been circulated with the agenda.
111.2 Proposed Cllr Harwood, Seconded Cllr Dack, RESOLVED unanimously that the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 9 May 2019 be received and accepted.
- Councillors’ Reports
112.1 Cllr Harwood reported that the Planning Committee had resolved that Permitted development applications (PDHS) would not be reviewed by the Parish Council any longer.
112.2 Cllr Wales had begun to prepare a procedure for reviewing Tree Works applications and would meet with the Tree Officer at TVBC to ensure synergy with Borough Council processes.
112.3 Cllr Harwood reported that the Cricket out field was being maintained to a high standard and that the weedkiller had worked well.
112.4 Cllr Beacham and Cllr Harwood expressed concern at the recent cutting of Muss Lane recreation ground which was felt to be much too short. TVBC would be contacted. Action: Clerk.
112.5 Cllr Hughes reminded those present that The Village Fun Day would be held on 27th July and it was hoped that as many councillors would attend as possible. Cllr Ward would investigate if TVBC would require a stall. Action: Cllr Ward.
112.6 Cllr Hughes reported that there had been some good feedback on the shorter and less formal gauntlet notes.
112.7 Cllr Hughes advised that the school PTA were considering a Circus event in March next year and had requested permission to site a big top, marquees and vehicles on the recreation ground for up to 3 days. Councillors were very supportive of the idea but would need more information regarding dimensions, dates, and amounts of vehicles to consider the request further. The Football and Cricket teams would be consulted and the School would be asked for more details. Action: Cllrs Hughes, Hodge and Dack.
112.8 Cllr Hughes asked Councillors to consider if different local groups could be regularly asked to come to Council meetings to provide updates and share planning strategies and report on difficulties they may be facing. All Councillors were in favour and time would be set aside in the public session. Groups would be approached for the next meeting: Action: Cllr Hughes.
- To receive the RFO’s Report and Budget Monitoring
113.1 A budget monitoring report had been circulated with the agenda papers. This was noted.
- Payment of Accounts
114.1 A schedule of accounts had been sent with the Meeting papers. Councillors noted the payments made during month by the Clerk under prior authorisation as below:
To For Net VAT Gross Chq/Internet
Mrs G Foster Salary/expenses 721.11 721.11 BACS
Unity Bus Admin account 92.20 92.20 BACS
Complete Weed Control Treatment 423.00 84.60 507.60 BACS
HPFA Subscription 40.00 40.00 BACS
Simon Nightingale SLR Camera 41.67 41.67 BACS
Totals 1,317.98 84.60 1,402.58
114.2 Councillors review the Payment schedule for those needing approval as below:
Mr E Foster Hardware 23.80 4.75 28.55 BACS
Groundworks Grant refund 375.00 375.00 BACS
Toolsonline Generator issues 306.60 61.32 367.92 BACS
Totals 705.40 66.07 771.47
Proposed: Cllr Webb, Seconded: Cllr Harwood, RESOLVED: unanimously, that the accounts be approved for payment. Action: Clerk
- Clerk’s Monthly Report
115.1 The quote for a trickle charger for the Village Hall Generator had not been received from the supplier. Alternative solutions would be sought. Action: Cllr Wales and Clerk.
115.2 The Clerk had spoken with Gary Lyons at Stockbridge Police Station and the Speed Monitoring Van had visited the Parish and liaised with the Speedwatch Team.
115.3 A meeting had taken place with A Senior Countryside Access Ranger from HCC, the Farm Manager of Lazilands Farms, Cllr Beacham and the Clerk. HCC had investigated the re-routing of the footpath at the top of Cow Drove Hill. It had been found the that footpath had been re-routed along the road and not inside the field boundary as residents had thought. The Farm Manager had confirmed the intention of the landowner to set aside a width of land inside the field for conservation of wildlife and therefore fences would be erected. The footpath running up Cow Drove Hill inside the field boundary would not be affected.
115.4 The Clerk would commence CiLCA training in September in Reading as HALC had no planned CiLCA training in the county this year.
- To approve the purchase of an accounting system for the Parish Council.
- The Clerk explained advise had been sent to all Parish Councils from SLCC and HALC regarding compliance with Making Tax Digital for VAT. The volume of transactions this year was expected to increase dramatically due to the community build project and the turnover was expected to be in excess of the threshold allowed for exemption under Making Tax Digital.
- A table of accounting packages available for purchase had been circulated and the Clerk recommended that a package specifically written for Parish Councils was chosen. It was noted that use of such a package would save time, increase accuracy and provide a faster year end process ready for audit. The internal auditor had confirmed he was very familiar with two of the packages suggested. Proposed: Cllr Brock, Seconded: Cllr Webb, RESOLVED: That the Clerk arrange for purchase of Rialtas Suite Alpha Financial Management Software at a cost of £494 for the first year and dropping to £180 per annum thereafter. Action: Clerk
- Approval of cost for Councillor’s Training in Whitchurch
117.1 Proposed: Cllr Hughes, Seconded: Cllr Webb RESOLVED: That the cost for Councillor Training be approved. Cllr Wales would attend the training in Whitchurch at a cost of £65.00. Other Councillors would book their courses directly with HALC during the year at a cost of £95.00 per person. Action: All Councillors as necessary.
- To consider the painting of the railings in village (volunteer or service contract)
118.1 Cllr Dack enquired if a team of volunteers was needed to undertake the painting of the railings. Cllr Brock had noted that some bollards required repairing and it was agreed that this should be carried out prior to any other maintenance being carried out. HCC would be contacted to make good any damaged bollards. Action Cllr Brock.
118.2 A separate quotation would be sought from a contractor for the painting work and further decision would be taken after the posts had been repaired. Action: Clerk.
- To approve the creation of a safer travel working group. (Councillors and volunteers)
119.1 Cllr Hughes explained a number of volunteers had been identified who were willing to form a working group to investigate all solutions to the speeding and safter travel idea in Parish. The group would work in conjunction with the Speedwatch team. Data would be researched on each solution’s effectiveness before bringing the best ideas to Full Council for consideration. The working group would be made up of councilors and volunteers. Proposed: Cllr Hughes, Seconded: Cllr Dack RESOLVED: To proceed with volunteers from the community. Action: Cllrs Hughes, Dack, Wales and Beacham.
119.2 A meeting would be set up with Wilton Town Council who had successfully campaigned to reduce some speed limits in Wiltshire. Action: Clerk.
- To consider the need to reduce adverts to A5 on the notice boards
120.1 The Clerk had noted that the notice boards were often very crowded and it had been difficult to post statutory notices on behalf of the council. Councillors were pleased that so many groups in the village made use of the notice boards to advertise community events. Proposed: Cllr Brock, Seconded: Cllr Hughes, RESOLVED: That a notice would be put up on the boards requesting that adverts be limited in size to A5 in order that space would be available for all. Parish Council notices would however have to remain on A4 Paper. Action Clerk.
120.2 The Clerk reported that she was aware that there was someone in the Parish who had been tidying up the notice boards recently and was grateful for the anonymous assistance.
- To consider the Playground report and any required actions
- Playground inspection reports had been sent to all councilors with the Agenda. Recommendations had been noted and it was Proposed: Cllr Hughes, Seconded: Cllr Hodge, RESOLVED: To leave the warning sign by the half pipe in the same place and to replace the caps at the top of the climbing frame in Up Somborne. Action: Clerk.
- The rail surrounding the play area at the KS Recreation ground needed attention and would be checked again. Action Cllr Wales.
- Cllr Hughes reported that the monkey bars at the Recreation Ground were showing some rust which had not been reported. A photograph would be taken and distributed to all. Action: Cllr Hughes.
- To consider VE day 75th anniversary celebrations
122.1 Proposed: Cllr Hodge, Seconded: Cllr Hughes, RESOLVED: The discussion on planning for VE day 8th May 2020 be deferred to the JULY meeting. Action: Clerk.
- To receive an update on CCTV at King’s Somborne recreation ground
123.1 The Clerk reported that the Chairman of the Village Hall Committee had advised that new cameras were being investigated for the entire CCTV network at the Village Hall. A contractor had been requested to provide quotations to a much higher specification.
123.2 The possibility of linking into the Scout Hut electricity supply had been discussed with a member of the Scouts management committee. It would be more problematic than originally thought due to the trees and shrubbery between the Tug of War Gantry and the Scout Hut. There may also be a need to bury the cabling across the land to the Scout Hut. It had been queried if the camera might be able to use solar power and the Chairman of the Village Hall Committee would see if this was feasible.
123.3 Proposed: Cllr Harwood, Seconded: Cllr Brock, RESOLVED: That SSE would be asked to put in a power access point by the Tug of War Gantry when burying the electric cable on the cricket out field. Action: Cllr Brock
- Date, Time and Place of Next Meeting – Monday 1st July 2019 at 7.00pm in the Epworth Hall, Winchester Road, King’s Somborne
There being no further business, the Chairman thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 9.55pm