Parish Council

Parish Council minutes September 2011


Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting

held in the Epworth Hall

commencing at 7.00pm on Monday 5 September 2011

Present: Cllr J Werrett (Chairman) Cllr D Bidwell Cllr A Brock Cllr R Curtis Cllr F Fahy Cllr P Goddard (Items 1 -14) Cllr G Herbert Cllr D Harrison Cllr R Harwood Cllr G Pearson

In Attendance: Mr P J Storey (Clerk to King’s Somborne Parish Council)

Public Session Mrs S Jackson (Village Agent), Mr R Dyke (Open Spaces), P/Sgt Phillips, Borough Cllr Ward and five members of the public were present for part of the meeting. Mrs Jackson explained the newly formed initiative of Village Agent whereby she had been trained to provide a link between those in need of help in obtaining, for example, home safety advice, income support and benefits etc and the agency which could provide that help, the aim being to support independent living in the home. The scheme was being trialled at selected locations throughout Hampshire and she encouraged all present to spread the word. She could be contacted on 01794 388884. She was also looking for an assistant and would welcome names of any volunteers.

Action: All

Mr Dyke reported on the state of the play areas and open spaces and confirmed he would continue to bring to the attention of the Clerk matters requiring further action. Mrs Hartley stressed the need to retain the bottle bank within the community and Mrs S Boot commented on the formation of the pre-school, its intention to mark its opening with an open event on Saturday 17 September at 10.00am to which all were welcome and also its plans to mark The Queen’s Jubilee next year. P/Sgt Phillips commented on the restructuring of neighbourhood policing which would include the closure of the Stockbridge police station and the retirement of P/Sgt Williams next month without replacement. A new initiative of issuing police officers with hand held computers enabling them to access their paperwork and e-mails whilst out in the community was working well and should result in more time out and about instead of completing paperwork in the office. He also reported the incidence of egg throwing in the community by persons from Southampton who had since had bail conditions imposed on them banning their presence in King’s Somborne. Following a complaint by a resident at the recent Councillors’ Surgery, he took note of the information passed by the Clerk on the person who was depositing human excrement on the 3 Fields site and would welcome further information on this person’s identity.

Action: All

On behalf of the Tree Warden, Cllr Fahy reported damage to the base bark of some trees probably caused by strimmers; the Clerk would follow up.

Action: Clerk

117. Apologies for Absence

117.1 PC Williams.

118. Chairman’s announcements and Councillors’ questions

118.1 The Chairman reported on his attendance at the Reception hosted by the Army Air Corps at Middle Wallop at which he had received the thanks of the Corps for refraining from making too many complaints about low flying and night flying both of which were an essential part of the training routine.

118.2 Cllr Bidwell’s request to produce a work plan in an effort to reduce the length of meetings was noted.

118.3 Cllr Goddard queried the development of broadband in the area. The Chairman was able to confirm that a petition had been submitted pressing for an increased speed and that HCC had a county-wide initiative to improve reception. Our area was recognised as being exceptionally poor. The Clerk would seek an update on progress for C/Cllr Gibson.

Action: Clerk

119. To approve the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 4 July 2011

119.1 Proposed Cllr Brock, Seconded Cllr Fahy RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 4 July 2011 be accepted as a true record.

120. To consider any Matters Arising from those Minutes

120.1 Public session and para 105.5. TVBC and HCC would include the provision of a path from the School to the Village Hall as part of the community access scheme which already included a path from the new housing development adjacent to Hunter Close to the Village centre thus no need existed for further presentations at this time.

120.2 Para 98.1 The Pre-School, Church and the Somborne Society had confirmed they were considering holding events to mark HM The Queen’s Jubilee in 2012.

120.3 Para 99.3 The Clerk was obtaining repair quotes for the skate ramp.

120.4 Cllr Harwood confirmed that wild flower seeds had been sown on the biodiversity site.

120.5 Para 110.1 Proposed Cllr Fahy, Seconded Cllr Werrett, RESOLVED that up to £250 be spent on the provision of a notice board for erection outside Cross Stores.

Action: Cllr Fahy

120.6 Para 113.1 Liaison with Horsebridge residents over consultation procedures relating to planning applications had yet to take place.

Action: Cllr Werrett

120.7 Para 115.2 Cllrs Bidwell and Harrison would host the next Councillor Surgery at 6.15pm on Monday 17 October 2011.

Action: Cllrs Bidwell and Harrison

121. Declarations of Interest

121.1 None declared.

122. Borough News

122.1 Borough Cllr Ward updated councillors on the on-going problems of finding a suitable alternative site for the bottle banks now that the layby on the A3057, using Scout Hut land and the site in New Lane had been discounted. He cited the Law of Nuisance and the need for the Borough Council to react to noise complaints and explained he was in consultation with the Cricket Club over siting a single glass collection bank on the site of or near the cricket hut. If approved, every effort would be made to reduce noise and enhance the attractiveness of the facility but one way or another a decision would be implemented by 31 October.

122.2 Proposed Cllr Curtis, Seconded Cllr Harwood, RESOLVED that support be given to Cllr Ward to produce an acceptable plan for relocation.

122.3 Borough Cllr Ward then emphasised the need to use the mobile library now that the timings had been extended in King’s Somborne and also confirmed that the travellers had moved on from Hunt’s Farm in Timsbury.

122.4 He introduced the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) which was designed to produce a rolling five year assessment of housing needs within the Borough and identification of land available now and in the future for development. Already identified as possible areas for development were land behind Byron House in New Lane, land behind the former vicarage and land above the allotment site on Furzedown Road. He also stated planning was in hand to hold a Parish workshop one Saturday morning at which the community could discuss potential development and other matters of interest or concern.

Action: Borough Cllr Ward

123. To determine meeting times for the Council, its Planning Committee and Councillors’ Surgeries

123.1 With the forthcoming establishment of a Planning Committee, it was necessary to review the times of meetings and surgeries to make best use of councillors’ time and that of the Clerk.

123.2 Proposed Cllr Werrett, Seconded Cllr Harrison, RESOLVED that full Parish Council meetings continue to be held at 7.00pm on the first Monday of each month, that the Planning Committee should meet at 6.30pm on the first Monday of each month immediately before the full Council meeting and at 7.00pm on the third Monday of each month, provided there were applications to be considered, and that Councillors’ Surgeries should be held at 6.15pm on the third Monday of each month immediately before the second monthly Planning Committee meeting.

Action: All 124. To approve terms of reference for the Planning Committee

124.1 Draft terms of reference for the Planning Committee had been tabled. Cllr Bidwell raised comment on the need for public participation and was assured these meetings would be open to the public and notice of them given on the Parish notice boards and on the website.

124.2 Proposed Cllr Bidwell, Seconded Cllr Harwood, RESOLVED that the draft terms of reference for the Planning Committee be provisionally approved subject to conclusion with the Horsebridge residents on the consultation process. A copy of the terms is attached to these minutes.

125. To approve terms of reference for the Communications Working Party

125.1 Draft terms of reference for the Communications Working Party had been tabled.

125.2 Proposed Cllr Harrison, Seconded Cllr Brock, RESOLVED that the draft terms of reference for the Communications Working Party be approved. A copy of the terms is attached to these minutes.

126. To appoint a Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Communications Working Party

126.1 Proposed Cllr Werrett, Seconded Cllr Curtis, RESOLVED that Cllr Harrison be appointed Chairman of the Communications Working Party and Cllr Brock the Vice-Chairman.

127. To receive Councillors’ reports

127.1 Cllr Harrison reported on work undertaken to date by the Communications Working Party, identifying the introduction of the Parish Council Chairman’s newsletter which had been very well received and would be continued, changes to the website to improve community engagement and make more information readily available and the enthusiastic manner in which some local residents had come forward with ideas.

127.2 Cllr Brock confirmed that signs had been erected at strategic points around the Parish warning undesirable persons that they were being watched by the community at large. More volunteers were required for Neighbourhood Watch and regular dialogue had been introduced with the local estates to increase awareness and pool information. Neighbourhood Watch articles were provided regularly for community safety and awareness on The Sombornes website in addition to a monthly summary in The Gauntlet.

127.3 Cllr Harwood reported he had attended a Community Development Action Group meeting at which internet speeds, parish plans and ideas for developing good practice in parishes, had been discussed.

127.4 Cllr Fahy reported that the potholes on the road to Braishfield had been repaired but white lining of sections of the Winchester Road was still awaited.

127.5 Cllr Pearson asked about repainting the telephone kiosk on the Village Green and was informed by the Clerk that he had been battling with BT to get it repainted for over two years. Photos had been sent and BT paint department had confirmed it was on their list. Cllr Pearson also thought the entrance to the Muss Lane recreation ground should be cut back.

Action: Clerk

127.6 Cllr Bidwell commented on the relative shortage of the available tarmac car parking on the recreation ground and queried if anything could be done to enlargen it; this was noted.

128. To receive reports on planning applications considered and determined

128.1 The following responses had been made to recent planning applications received:

* 11/01700/Fulls – Ferndale, Winchester Road- new detached garage, convert existing garage to habitable accommodation with new pitched roof, new porch, new brick wall to northeast and north west boundaries – no comment

* 11/00878/FULLS – Brook Barn, Romsey Road – addition of 3 dormer windows and alterations to other windows and doors. Conversion of attached garage and covered link to living accommodation with replacement of asbestos roof sheeting with clay pantiles – support

* 11/01494/TREES – The Waggon House, 4 Parsonage Barns – crown reduce one Sycamore, a Prunus and a Maple to achieve clearance from property – no objection

* 11/01899/LBWS – Marsh Court – repair of garden structures and reintroduction of lost decorative elements and rainwater improvements – support

* 11/01775/FULLS – 1 Church Road Cottages – single storey extension into front porch with additional side window – no objection

* 11/01711/FULLS – 4 New Cottages – retrospective application for erection of wooden shed- no objection

128.2 The following decisions had been notified by Test Valley Borough Council:

* 11/00368/EXTS – Commercial Marine & Piling, Furzedown Road – office building and car parking – permitted

* 11/00782/EXTS – Smiths Place, Stockbridge Road – demolish conservatory, erect two storey rear and single storey side extensions – permitted

* 11/01193/LBWS – Horsebridge House, Horsebridge Road – replace kitchen, new floors and other internal alterations – permitted

* 11/01145/FULLS – Forge Cottage, 1 Forge Close – single storey rear extension – permitted

* 11/01317/CLPS – 9 Nutchers Drove – certificate of lawful proposed development for solar panels – permitted

* 11/01109/LBWS – The Old Exchange, Romsey Road – playroom extension – permitted

* 11/01195/FULLS – Village Hall – two external extensions for storage and new windows and doors – permitted

* 10/00981/CLES – Forest Extra – certificate of lawful existing use for workshop – permitted

* 11/01494/TREES – The Waggon House, 4 Parsonage Barns – tree work – permitted

* 11/01333/LBWS – Park Farm – conversion of redundant buildings to residential properties – permitted

128.3 The Clerk confirmed that the application submitted on behalf of the Cricket Club for protective netting had been withdrawn on the advice of the planning officer. The Clerk would establish the reasons for this advice.

Action: Clerk

Cllr Goddard left the meeting at this point

129. To consider Correspondence Received and determine any action required

129.1 The Clerk drew councillors’ attention to recent correspondence received, in particular, an e-mail from CPRE encouraging councillors to support their campaign for amendment to the Government’s planning framework. He had circulated the e-mail and it was agreed that any reaction by councillors should be on an individual basis and not on behalf of the Parish Council.

129.2 Test Valley School had submitted its annual bid for sponsorship of a prize and attendance by a Council representative at its prize giving evening on 24 November 2011. Cllr Curtis volunteered to attend. Sponsorship would be determined at the October meeting.

129.3 A prospective purchaser of one of the new properties on the old garage site had confirmed his wish that the Village did not lose the bottle bank facility but that it be resited further away from his back garden and another had written at length on the strong feeling in the community about the risk of losing the facility entirely; these were noted and the Clerk had acknowledged.

130. To receive the RFO’s Report and Budget Monitoring

130.1 A budget monitoring report showing income and expenditure to date had been circulated with the agenda. This was noted. The current bank balance stood at £45,923 which included the second tranche of the Precept and receipt of developer’s contributions of £5,943 towards the costs of installing the toddler’s play equipment on the recreation ground.

130.2 The Clerk also confirmed that the Annual Return for 2010-11 had been signed off by the Audit Commission without comment and that when work approved by the Parish Council was undertaken around the Parish by councillors, the Clerk, or others on a volunteer basis, provided all reasonable precautions had been taken, in the event of an accident or third party claim the Council’s insurance would cover the individual concerned.

130.3 The Clerk had previously pointed out that Section 33 of the VAT Act 1994 permitted a local authority to purchase goods which it then gifted to another organisation and reclaim the VAT. Confirmation from HM Customs and Excise had been received verbally that this scheme remained extant and reference was made to Public Notice 749 which covered this action in section7.4. Accordingly, it was agreed that the budgeted £4,000 for the Village Hall should be spent on the purchase of uPVC windows and doors which would be gifted to the Village Hall.

131. Payment of Accounts

131.1 Proposed Cllr Werrett, Seconded Cllr Harwood, RESOLVED unanimously that the following accounts for July and August be approved for payment:

To For Net VAT Gross Chq
BPC Shared costs 22.50 22.50 1713
Mr P Storey Salary/expenses 791.82 791.82 1714
HMRC Tax/NIC 229.76 229.76 1715
Mr M Rebbeck Grounds maint 710.50 710.50 1716
Audit Commission Fee 285.00 57.00 342.00 1717
TVBC Grazing rights 1.00 1.00 1718
Sarsen Press Newsletter printing 140.00 140.00 1719
Totals 2180.58 57.00 57.

To For Net VAT Gross Chq
BPC Shared costs 22.50 22.50 1720
Mr P Storey Salary/expenses 776.65 776.65 1721
HMRC Tax/NIC 229.76 229.76 1722
Playsafety Ltd Safety inspection 268.00 53.60 321.60 1723
TVBC SLR management 750.00 750.00 1724
Mr M Rebbeck Grounds maint 776.01 776.01 1725
Cllr R Harwood Wild flower seed 259.20 259.20 1726
Totals 3082.12 53.60 3135.
132. To adopt a policy for the removal of unauthorised occupation from Parish Council owned land

132.1 An increasing risk of unauthorised occupation of land owned by the Council had necessitated a review of procedures for dealing with this event. A draft policy had been tabled but before formal adoption, the Clerk was to obtain templates from bailiffs of their terms of reference and payment.

Action: Clerk

133. To determine action required regarding right of access from private dwellings onto the King’s Somborne recreation ground

133.1 Most of the King’s Somborne recreation ground was owned by Fields in Trust (FiT) and managed on their behalf by the Parish Council. Although the planning approval for the four new houses on the old garage site permitted rear gates in the fenceline, FiT required the Parish Council to determine on its behalf whether or not a licence should be granted allowing access onto FiT land and, if so, with what conditions. Charity Commission advice was not to issue such a licence on the grounds that to allow access could impinge upon the rights of the public to enjoy the open space and also increase the value of the private property enjoying that right. Councillors expressed their concern at the dangers of moving vehicles, the likelihood of parked cars blocking the gate access and their not wanting to further restrict the limited parking available on-site and their legal liability should an accident occur.

133.2 Proposed Cllr Harwood, Seconded Cllr Bidwell, RESOLVED that no licence be issued to the owners of the properties adjoining the recreation ground and that the gates presently installed be removed.

Action: Clerk

134. To consider support for the ‘Love Your Village’ campaign

134.1 TVBC wished to encourage more people to become involved in their local communities as part of the wider Government initiative to give more responsibility to local people. King’s Somborne was already fortunate in the willingness of its residents to join in litter sweeps, undertake voluntary maintenance of grassed areas, complete minor repairs and generally ‘do their bit’ and the Parish Council gave its full support to this continuing. The Communications Working Party would co-ordinate a litter sweep on Saturday 12 November 2011.

Action: Comms working Party

135. To consider the rural green space strategy and possible areas for further development

135.1 Another initiative by TVBC was to identify areas suitable for development within the Parish boundary and, in part, had been covered by the Borough Councillor under the SHLAA discussion in para 122.4. Councillors had previously determined where infill development might take place and no further deliberation was thought necessary at this time.

136. To consider the TVBC access plan

136.1 TVBC and Hampshire Highways were reviewing potential ways of improving access to and around the community and had identified areas such as a new footway to Tanner’s Pond and on to New Farm, a footway part way to the Cemetery, another from the School to the Eldon Road estate and the feasibility of a pedestrian crossing outside the school. Councillors believed the footpath along part of the A3057 towards Horsebridge should be extended at least to the junction. This, with any further ideas sent to the Clerk before 30 September, would formally be submitted for inclusion in the review.

Action: All and Clerk

137. To consider the TVBC open space audit review and identify other areas of benefit to the Parish

137.1 TVBC was reviewing its records on public open spaces to enable it to justify obtaining contributions from developers towards the costs of improving quantity and quality. The current areas identified included the King’s Somborne, Muss Lane and Up Somborne recreation grounds and the play area in Hunter Close. The Clerk would notify the new area within the affordable housing development.

Action: Clerk

138. To receive the Clerk’s monthly report

138.1 The Clerk confirmed he had bid for space in the new storage areas to be built onto the Village Hall for the permanent storage of Parish records.

138.2 The annual safety inspection of the play equipment had been completed by RoSPA and the Clerk was working his way through the recommendations. Nothing of an unsafe nature had been identified.

138.3 Fields in Trust had asked that the Parish Council nominate the King’s Somborne recreation ground as being suitable for recognition as a Queen Elizabeth 11 Field as part of the Jubilee celebrations and this recognition had been granted.

139. Date, time and place of next meeting

139.1 The next meeting will be on Monday 3 October 2011 at 7.00pm in the Epworth Hall, King’s Somborne.

Action: All

There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 10.50pm