Parish Council

Parish Council minutes Sep 2010


Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
held in the Epworth Hall
commencing at 7.00pm on Monday 6 September 2010

Present: Cllr R Dyke (Chairman)
Cllr R Bevan (Items 1 – 8)
Cllr D Bidwell
Cllr F Fahy
Cllr R Harwood
Cllr R Lane
Cllr G Pearson
Cllr R Pidgeon
Cllr D Room (Items 1 – 14)
Cllr J Werrett

In Attendance: Mr P J Storey (Clerk to King’s Somborne Parish Council)

Public Session

Dr Rake, the Footpath Warden, raised his concern at footpath walk notices being removed by persons unknown; confirmed that the stile near the Horsebridge Road junction with the John O’Gaunt pub had been repaired; that he had cut back the overgrowth on the Palace Close footpath and that no-one had yet come forward to replace him at the year end.

Borough Councillor Ward had provided a written brief which, in his absence, the Clerk had circulated before the meeting. He gave details of his new website designed to provide information on changes in Government policy affecting local councils which could be found at

1. Apologies for Absence

1.1 Cllr Gibson, Cllr Ward and PC Benton.

13. Parish Plan Update

13.1 Proposed Cllr Bidwell, Seconded Cllr Bevan, RESOLVED unanimously that Item 13 on the agenda be brought forward to enable discussion to include the Village Correspondent.

13.2 Cllr Fahy confirmed he had edited Mrs Dawn Harrison’s first draft of the Update with her assistance and encouraged fellow councillors to make their comments known to him. It was agreed to reconsider this item at the October meeting.
Action: All

13.3 Cllr Bidwell reminded councillors that the document was a community document and not the responsibility of the Parish Council although it did commission the original Plan. Cllr Werrett sought confirmation on whether the update was or would be an amalgam of comments on achievements so far and new ideas forthcoming from the questionnaire or two separate documents. It was thought likely the more suitable format would be two separate documents and Mrs Harrison and Cllr Fahy would work towards this aim.

2. Chairman’s announcements and Councillors’ questions

2.1 The Chairman reminded all present of the forthcoming elections in May 2011 and the need to encourage a wide interest in becoming a parish councillor.
Action: All

3. To approve the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 5 July 2010

3.1 Proposed Cllr Pidgeon, Seconded Cllr Bevan, RESOLVED with Cllr Harwood abstaining (absent) that the minutes of the meeting held on 5 July 2010 be accepted as a true record.

4. To consider any Matters Arising from those Minutes

4.1 Para 4.6 The Clerk would contact the Tree Warden for details on the proposed tree planting at the bottom of Top Field in order to submit to TVBC for approval.
Action: Clerk

5. Declarations of Interest

5.1 Cllr Pidgeon declared an interest in the Hoplands Estate planning application. Cllrs Fahy and Harwood declared an interest in Item 11, the provision of a cricket safety net.

6. To consider Correspondence Received and determine any action required

6.1 The Clerk drew Members’ attention to recent correspondence received, in particular, the e-mail exchanges between TVBC and the Somborne garage site developer, who wanted the recycling facility removed, and the TVBC seminar on parish councillors’ allowances. The latter included an invitation from TVBC to assist with the establishment of such a scheme subject to a fee.

6.2 Proposed Cllr Bidwell, Seconded Cllr Pearson, RESOLVED with three votes against not to seek assistance from TVBC in establishing an allowances package for councillors at this time.

7. To receive reports on planning applications considered and determined

7.1 The following responses had been made to recent planning applications received:

* Askew, Old Palace Farm – front extension and conversion of garage to study – no objection

* The Cruck Cottage, Winchester Road – re-thatch roof – no objection

* The Oast House, Hoplands – demolition of carport and erection of replacement with annex above – no objection

* 6 Upper Brook Cottages – certificate of lawful proposed development for single storey rear extension – no objection

* 22 Riverside Green – certificate of lawful proposed development for installation of 3 Velux windows to front and 5 to rear – no objection

* Rosebank, Romsey Road – fell 15 Leylandii – no objection

* Brook Farm House, Romsey Road – alterations to redundant barn to form 5 holiday units with leisure facilities – no objection

* Oaktree House, Muss Lane – crown reduce one Oak tree – no objection

7.2 The following decision had been notified by Test Valley Borough Council:

* 6 Upper Brook Cottages – single storey rear extension – issue of certificate of lawful development refused

* Park Farm, Somborne Park – erect wooden barn and convert redundant buildings to residential units with ancillary workspaces – permitted

* Rekero, 3 The Old Foundry – remove 2 Willow stumps – permitted

* 6 Upper Brook Cottages – single storey rear extension – permitted

* The Oast House – erection of replacement car port with annex above – permitted

* Rosebank, Romsey Road – fell 15 Leylandii – permitted

* Hoplands Farm Cottages – changes in occupancy conditions – permitted

* Brook House, Old Vicarage Lane – loft conversion with dormer windows and conservation roof lights – permitted

* The Cruck Cottage, Winchester Road – re-thatch roof – permitted

8. To receive the RFO’s Report and Budget Monitoring

8.1 The Clerk was pleased to report that the Audit Commission had signed off the accounts for 2009/10.

8.2 After further consultations with Engineering and Transport staff at TVBC on the standard of support received for maintenance of the speed indicator device, an amount for services provided for 2009/10 had been agreed and the outstanding account settled. As part of this discussion, the terms of the service agreement were reviewed and now included a rebate entitlement and the basis upon which the annual charge would be reviewed, together with a defined plan for the rotation of the device.

8.3 Proposed Cllr Bidwell, Seconded Cllr Bevan RESOLVED unanimously that the revised service agreement for maintenance of the speed indicator device be accepted.

8.4 Test Valley School was seeking prize sponsorship money. Grants had been made in past years and Cllr Room had represented the Council at the presentation evening in the past.

8.5 Proposed Cllr Harwood, Seconded Cllr Lane, RESOLVED unanimously that the sum of £75 be granted to Test Valley School to sponsor prizes and that Cllr Room again represent the Council at the event.

8.6 A budget monitoring report showing income and expenditure to date had been circulated with the agenda. All noted that 56% of the budget had been spent to date. The current bank balance stood at £11414.77. This was noted.

12. Payment of Accounts

12.1 Proposed Cllr Pearson, Seconded Cllr Pidgeon, RESOLVED unanimously that the following accounts for July and August be approved for payment:

To For Net VAT Gross Chq
TVBC SID maint 1400.00 1400.00 1630
Mr P Storey Salary/expenses 737.31 737.31 1631
BPC Shared costs 22.50 22.50 1632
HMRC Tax/NIC 181.39 181.39 1633
Totals 1878.65 1904.90

To For Net VAT Gross Chq
Audit Commission Fee 400.00 70.00 470.00 1634
Mr Rebbeck Grounds maint 1102.25 1102.25 1635
KS Village Hall N’hood Watch mtg 10.00 10.00 1636
Mr P Storey Salary/expenses 671.74 671.74 1637
BPC Shared costs 22.50 22.50 1638
HMRC Tax/NIC 181.39 181.39 1639
TVBC SID repairs 370.00 64.75 434.75 1640
Mr Rebbeck Grounds maint 842.50 842.50 1641
Totals 3600.38 134.75 3735.13

Cllr Bevan left the meeting at this point

10. To consider the purchase of land adjacent to the Village Hall

10.1 Cllr Bidwell introduced the principle of the Council purchasing land in the community, in particular, adjacent to the Village Hall. Any such purchase could be of long-term benefit to the community and could assist the Village Hall Management Committee meet some of its modernisation plans in the near future. Cllrs Bidwell and Pearson were prepared to follow this up.

10.2 Proposed Cllr Bidwell, Seconded Cllr Pearson RESOLVED unanimously that the Parish Council confirmed its willingness to consider the purchase of land.

11. To consider methods of funding the installation of safety netting along the cricket boundary

11.1 Cllrs Fahy and Harwood outlined the potential for cricket balls to go beyond the grassed boundary of the pitch and, with the development into residential housing on the old Somborne garage site, the risk of damage or injury to the dwelling occupants. The Council’s insurers had confirmed the primary responsibility for ensuring safety rested with the Cricket Club. The Clerk had previously written to the developer seeking comments and his agreement to install some safety measures but had not received a reply. The Clerk had also obtained quotes for suitable netting and opined that any costs incurred should meet the conditions of developer’s contributions.

11.2 It was agreed that the Cricket Club should obtain specific comment on their cover from their insurers and the matter would be placed on the agenda for the next meeting for further consideration.
Action: Cllrs Fahy and Harwood and the Clerk

12. To consider a response to the HCC consultation on Local Transport Plan 3 Strategy

12.1 HCC had circulated a consultation document on a 20 year long term strategy and a three year implementation plan for transport in Hampshire. However, as there was insufficient local knowledge to consider the plan in detail, it was decided not to take any further action.

14. To receive Councillor’s reports

14.1 Cllr Pidgeon reported that the Cemetery and Churchyard headstone checks had proven satisfactory.

14.2 Cllrs Werrett and Harwood reported that they had consulted with the Leisure and Wellbeing staff at TVBC on suitable types of seed to develop a biodiversity area at the bottom of Top Field and would put a plan together with the possibility of bidding for external funding.
Action: Cllrs Harwood and Werrett

14.3 Cllr Pearson drew attention to the dying Yew tree in the Churchyard and the Clerk undertook to initiate appropriate action
Action: Clerk

14.4 Cllr Bidwell reported on the recent Village Hall Management Committee meeting at which differing opinions had arisen on the modernisation of the pavilion area. There was general agreement by Councillors that from a community aspect the Council should support the aim of an upgraded pavilion facility and authorised Cllr Bidwell to make this point at the next meeting.
Action: Cllr Bidwell

Cllr Room left the meeting at this point

14.5 Cllr Fahy reported he was in communication with County Cllr Gibson on installing a quieter road surface on the A3057 where it passed through the village but had been advised initially that it was likely to be many years before a complete resurfacing was undertaken. Nevertheless, he was submitting data on noise abatement in the hope of achieving a more positive result.

15. To receive the Clerk’s monthly report

15.1 The Clerk reported that the HALC AGM was to be held on Saturday 23 October 2010 and it was agreed that he and Cllr Fahy would attend on behalf of the Council.

15.2 TVBC was installing a redesigned sign for the recycling facility on the recreation ground to encourage users to recycle an asking them to deposit items for recycling only between 8.00am and 8.00pm.

15.3 The Audit Commission was to be disbanded and local councils would then contract with a commercial firm of auditors for their annual external audit although no date was yet known for the change.

15.4 TVBC was running a survey on broadband speeds in their area and encouraging everyone to participate. The survey could be accessed at

15.5 CPRE Hampshire was inviting local groups willing to undertake litter initiatives to apply for an honorarium of £100 to encourage greater involvement. The grant would go towards funding an organiser or group activities and litter picking equipment would be provided. Application forms were available from CPRE or their website at

15.4 Finally, the Clerk confirmed he had submitted the portfolio for re-accreditation under the Quality Parish Council initiative; the panel would sit later in the month.

16. Date, time and place of next meeting

16.1 The next meeting will be on Monday 4 October 2010 at 7.00pm in the Epworth Hall, King’s Somborne.
Action: All

There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 10.15pm