Parish Council
Parish Council minutes Oct 2012
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
held in the Village Hall
commencing at 7.00pm on Monday 1 October 2012
Present: Cllr J Werrett (Chairman) Cllr A Brock Cllr R Curtis Cllr J Evans Cllr F Fahy Cllr D HarrisonCllr R HarwoodCllr G Herbert Cllr R Lane Cllr A Reynolds (paras 167.9 to end)
In Attendance: Mr P J Storey (Clerk to King’s Somborne Parish Council)
Public Session The Open Spaces Warden and PCSO Sophie Downie were present for part of the meeting. The Clerk had e-mailed a written report from Borough Cllr Ward in which he had indicated his intention to speak at the Southern Area Planning Committee meeting in support of the Up Somborne residents against the Forest Extra application. He had also invited comments on the proposed Tesco development in Romsey and updated councillors on progress in producing the Community Plan. On behalf of the Tree Warden, Cllr Fahy reported on the poor state of the Mike Woodcock memorial tree and confirmed that a resident, Mr D Geary, had volunteered to attend to it. He also stated that the biodiversity site on 3 Fields needed urgent strimming, raking and removal of waste, and that Cllr Reynolds was liaise with Mr Rebbeck to do the work in the absence of volunteers.
160. Apologies for absence.
160.1 Borough Cllr Ward and Tree Warden.
161. Chairman’s announcements and Councillors’ questions
161.1 None made.
162. To approve the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 3 September 2012
162.1 Proposed Cllr Harrison, Seconded Cllr Lane, RESOLVED with Cllrs Curtis, Herbert and Reynolds abstaining (absent) that the minutes of the meeting held on 3 September 2012 be accepted as a true record.
163. To consider any Matters Arising from those Minutes
163.1 Para 148.1 Borne bulb planting. Cllr Fahy had purchased a variety of bulbs for the Borne and Cllrs Evans and Harrison would co-ordinate their planting next month.
Action: Cllrs Evans and Harrison
163.2 Para 148.3 Hard surface quotes. The Clerk was obtaining competitive quotes for laying a hard surface in place of the grassed area near the Bottle Bank.
Action: Clerk
164. Declarations of Interest
164.1 None declared.
165. To consider Correspondence Received and determine any action required
165.1 Cllrs noted the extension of library times as a result of the recent survey completed by HCC into usage made of the mobile library service.
166. To note the Planning Committee minutes as tabled
166.1 Minutes of the meeting held on 3 September 2012 had been circulated with the agenda papers.
166.2 Proposed Cllr Lane, Seconded Cllr Harwood, RESOLVED unanimously that the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 3 September 2012 be noted.
167. To receive Councillors’ reports, as appropriate, on actions taken and other matters
167.1 Cllr Harwood would attend the Southern Area planning committee meeting at which the Forest Extra applications would be considered and speak in support of the Up Somborne residents against the applications.
Action: Cllr Harwood
167.2 Cllr Fahy confirmed that £250 had been awarded to the Cricket Club by the Hampshire Playing Fields Association towards new cricket practice nets. There was a cracked manhole cover on Furzedown Road opposite the allotments caused by a felled tree which had yet to be replaced and he would follow up outstanding highways matters with County Cllr Gibson. He also stated that the indications were that the young people likely to use the MUGA would prefer to have open access and that he would provide a draft MUGA management report for discussion at he next meeting.
Action: Cllr Fahy
167.3 Cllr Fahy expressed concern on behalf of many residents and local businesses over the electricity power cuts now recurring and had established that a lack of funds was preventing any improvements in the system. The Clerk reminded councillors of the long awaited scheme to bury the overhead cables across the 3 Fields and recreation ground to minimise disruption. It was thought a meeting between councillors and the electricity supply company or their attending a Parish Council meeting would be advantageous and Cllr Brock would follow this up.
Action: Cllr Brock
167.4 Cllr Harrison reported on behalf of the planning committee members who had attended the recent HALC training course for councillors involved with planning matters saying that it had been of good value generally but was too basic for many at times.
167.5 Cllr Lane suggested the need to replace the gate at the entrance to the Up Somborne playing field to mark its recognition as a Jubilee Field. The Clerk would obtain estimates.
Action: Clerk
167.6 Cllr Herbert indicated that a further consultation on the draft Core Strategy would be undertaken in the late Autumn and that he had no matters of interest or concern to raise from the Village Hall.
167.7 Cllr Harwood reported that he had received favourable comments on the Newsletter and especially the plans to install a MUGA.
167.8 Cllr Curtis was arranging to meet the new School Headteacher.
Cllr Reynolds arrived at this point
167.9 Cllr Reynolds confirmed he would liaise with Mr Rebbeck over maintenance of the biodiversity area and would become involved with the Borne bulb planting. He was obtaining quotes for the signs for the biodiversity area and would liaise with Mr Matthews on information to be displayed.
Action: Cllr Reynolds
168. To receive the RFO’s Report and Budget Monitoring
168.1 A budget monitoring report showing income and expenditure to date had been circulated with the agenda and was noted. The Clerk explained the need to revise the expenditure headings to incorporate capital expenditure on play equipment etc to avoid a disparity between income, where grants received were included, and expenditure where capital expenditure was not. A revised layout would be tabled at the next meeting and thereafter.
169. Payment of Accounts
169.1 Proposed Cllr Lane, Seconded Cllr Brock, RESOLVED unanimously that the following accounts for September be approved for payment:
To For Net VAT Gross Chq/Internet
Mr P Storey Salary/expenses 728.83 728.83 BACs
BPC Shared costs 44.00 44.00 BACs
HMRC Tax/NIC 201.29 201.29 BACs
CPRE Annual sub 36.00 36.00 DD
Audit Commission Audit fee 285.00 57.00 342.00 BACs
Sarsen Press Newsletter 65.00 65.00 BACs
ICO Annual fee 35.00 35.00 DD
Mr Rebbeck Grounds maint 687.50 687.50 BACs
HALC Training 120.00 24.00 144.00 BACs
Totals 2202.62 81.00 2283.62
170. Newsletter update
170.1 Cllr Harrison was formalising the distribution of future Newsletters.
Action: Cllr Harrison
171. To receive the Clerk’s monthly report
171.1 The Clerk was obtaining quotes for annual safety inspections of all play equipment.
171.2 Cllr Fahy would attend the HALC AGM and represent the Council.
171.3 An order had been placed to replace the John O’Gaunt notice board frame by the toddlers’ play area.
171.4 Following recognition of the Up Somborne play area as a Queen Elizabeth 11 Jubilee Field, action was being taken to formally register our title.
172. Date, time and place of next meeting
172.1 The next meeting will on Monday 5 November 2012 at 7.00pm in the Epworth Hall, Winchester Road, King’s Somborne.
Action: All
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.30pm