Parish Council

Parish Council minutes November 2006

Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council
held in the Epworth Hall, King’s Somborne
commencing at 7.00pm on Monday 6 November 2006

Present: Cllr D Bidwell (Chairman)
Cllr R Bevan
Cllr R Dyke
Cllr A Gannaway (Item 9 onwards)
Cllr R Harwood
Cllr R Lane
Cllr G Pearson
Cllr R Pidgeon
Cllr D Room

In Attendance: Mr P J Storey (Clerk to King’s Somborne Parish Council)

Public Session: Five members of the public, including the Footpath Warden, Tree Warden, Reverend Stapleton and the Village Correspondent, were present for part of the meeting. The Chairman invited Mr Hallwood to raise his concerns over the proposed development of the old Somborne Garage site; these are recorded later. Mr Hallwood also raised concern at the amount of dog waste left on the recreation ground by irresponsible dog walkers; a matter which was under review as part of the management of the whole area.

1. Announcements by the Chairman

1.1 The Chairman informed members that he had received a witness summons to attend the County Court where Mrs Davis was applying to reopen her case against the Parish Council which had been previously struck out. Again, the Court had refused to take the matter further. The Chairman had subsequently received a letter from Mrs Davis seeking a meeting to discuss local residents’ concerns at dog waste on the Palace Field and recreation ground sites. The Chairman sought views from Members on the way forward and it was agreed that Mrs Davis should be invited to attend a future Parish Council meeting to discuss these concerns but not be allowed to develop the discussion into one encompassing her alleged case against the Parish Council.
Action: Cllr Bidwell

1.2 The Chairman also reported that a pleasant evening had been enjoyed by those Members who had attended the Quality Parish accreditation ceremony in Winchester.

2. Reports from the Tree Warden, Footpath Warden and others

2.1 Mr Matthews, the Tree Warden, reported completion of the review into where trees might be planted and identified the following for consideration: six new trees in Palace Field including replacement of the two dead saplings; two new trees in Muss Lane recreation ground; three or four new trees in the Cemetery and two new trees in the Up Somborne recreation ground. Native species of tree would be preferred at an estimated cost of £350 plus stakes, ties and delivery. Mr Matthews would welcome help to plant and more importantly to sustain growth with watering and weeding. Cllrs Bidwell and Lane volunteered to help with planting and sustaining and Cllr Pearson with planting.

2.2 Mrs Hunt, the Footpath Warden, introduced Dr Stephen Rake who was willing to assume the responsibilities of Footpath Warden from Mrs Hunt at the yearend. Mrs Hunt reported that 27 people had enjoyed the last footpath walk. The Chairman expressed thanks on behalf of everyone to Mrs Hunt for her contribution to the community as Footpath Warden over the last three years and for hosting the Village Walks for the past 4 years.

3. Apologies

3.1 Apologies were received from Cllr Geary-Harwood.

4. To approve the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 2 October 2006

4.1 Proposed Cllr Pidgeon, Seconded Cllr Pearson, RESOLVED unanimously that the minutes of the meeting held on 2 October 2006 be approved.

5. To consider any Matters Arising from those Minutes

5.1 Kissing gate. The new kissing gate had been installed and the grant from the Countryside Access Forum for 50% of the cost had been received. Comment was still awaited from the landowner of the field where it was intended to reposition the old kissing gate.

5.6 Junior football pitch surface. Cllr Lane would obtain an estimate of costs for resurfacing.
Action: Cllr Lane

16.1 Cllr Pearson had received a reply from HCC on vehicle weight restrictions on Winchester Road stating there were none. However, the strength of the stream wall had been doubled and consideration would be given to installing verge markers and a report on this raised at a later date.

6. Declarations of Interest

6.1 No declarations of interest were made.

7. To consider Correspondence Received

7.1 Details of correspondence received since the last meeting had been circulated with the agenda; the actual correspondence was available at the meeting for Members to peruse, as required. The Clerk drew attention to correspondence received since circulation of the meeting papers.

7.2 Cllr Harwood raised a query on the HAPTC Weekly Update and was given a copy for examination. He and other Members were content to leave to the Clerk’s judgment those correspondences which should be circulated to all Members for information or action.

8. Report on Planning Applications Considered

8.1. The following responses had been made on recent planning applications received:

* 06/02875/FULLS – 2 Camp Field – addition of dormer window to front elevation for conversion of loft space to bedroom – no objection.

* 06/02945/FULLS and 02949/CAWS – Somborne Garage, Romsey Road – demolition of existing buildings and erection of office building and 4 detached dwellings with associated garages and works – objections had been received highlighting concerns over three storey dwellings in the conservation area, proposed boundary walls and double garage which would obstruct lines of sight (of interest is an inclusion in the adjacent dwelling’s deeds that no wall or fence may be erected more than one metre in height); enclosed walls likely to isolate the development rather than encouraging it to blend in with the existing; the inclusion of an office which if not there would enable garages to be adjacent to individual dwellings; removal of the established Birch tree. Members accepted these objections and required them to be made known to TVBC.

* 06/02956/FULLS – land adjacent to 25 Nutcher’s Drove – erection of 3 bed dwelling – no objection

* 06/02963/FULLS – 9 Muss Lane – creation of vehicular access – no objection, but surfaces of the parking area and the currently grassed part of Muss Lane up and including the new access should be paved or laid with tarmac, hedges cut back to enable pedestrians to see vehicles exiting property and parking was not to impede access to recreation area

* 06/03001/TREES – 5 Nutcher’s Drove – fell Sycamore – no objection

* 06/03002/FULLS – High Bank House, Up Somborne Lane – erection of two storey side extension, erection of two single storey sided extensions to rear elevation (revision to 06/01343/FULLS previously approved) – supported

* 06/03092/FULLS – Brook House , Old Vicarage Lane – erection of single storey rear extension to provide additional living accommodation – supported

* 06/03135/TREES – Borne House, Romsey Road – prune Ash, Plum and 2 Willow – no objection

* 06/03180/TREES – 24 Nutcher’s Drove – work on one Willow – no objection

9. RFO’s Report and Budget Monitoring

9.1 An analysis of budget against actual spend to date, together with a forecast out-turn had been circulated with the agenda papers. The RFO gave a verbal presentation on the Council’s financial state of affairs at the end of the seventh month into the financial year when 57% of the annual budget had been expended to date. The combined bank balances stood at £47793.

9.2 Discussion took place on the help to be given to the Village Hall in the remainder of the financial year and the recently formed Village Hall Development Committee on which both the Chairman and the Clerk sat. The Chairman explained the rationale behind the formation of the Development Committee and how it would operate separately from the Village Hall Management Committee with the purpose of raising capital funds to enable the Hall to undergo a modernisation programme. However, it was necessary to establish where the Hall currently stood in relation to current regulations on fire, electrical matters, health and safety, food safety, structural safety, and to establish this the Development Committee wished to engage professional surveys on these matters. It was hoped that the Parish Council would agree the fees levied for these surveys being borne by the budget allocated to the Village Hall with the Clerk, who was also the Development Committee’s treasurer, overseeing this expenditure.

9.3 Proposed Cllr Bidwell, Seconded Cllr Dyke, RESOLVED with one against (Cllr Harwood) and two abstentions (Cllrs Gannaway and Pearson) that the Chairman and the Clerk be authorised to approve expenditure within the existing Village Hall grant budget during the remainder of the current financial year for meeting professional fees for surveys carried out on the Village Hall as authorised by the Village Hall Development Committee.

10. Payment of Accounts

10.1 Proposed Cllr Pearson, Seconded Cllr Bevan, RESOLVED unanimously that the following accounts be paid:

To For Net VAT Gross Chq
Mr P Storey Salary & Exp 489.34 489.34 1262
HMRC Tax (1)
Mr M Rebbeck Grounds maint 148.00 148.00 1263
Bishopstoke PC Broadband 15.00 15.00 1264
J Rolfe Grass cutting 150.00 26.25 176.25 1265
HAPTC Clerks’ conf 35.00 35.00 1266
Southern Water 3 Fields 1.36 1.36 1267
PCC Grant in aid 500.00 500.00 1268
Glasdon Ltd Litter bin 156.13 27.32 183.45 1269
Royal British Legion Poppy wreath 50.00 1270
TOTAL 1544.83 53.57 1598.40

Note 1: No payment as tax due being offset against allowance for on-line return submission
Action: Clerk

11. To consider proposals for tree planting within the Parish

11.1 Following the Tree Warden’s earlier report, discussion centred on trees in general around the Parish with Cllr Pearson pointing out that the Irish Yew to the south of the Church would benefit from having the ivy removed. It was also thought appropriate for any new trees planted in Palace Field to be protected in the same way as the existing trees, for which Barker and Geary should invited to quote. The Clerk would follow these actions up.
Action: Clerk

11.2 Proposed Cllr Pidgeon, Seconded Cllr Lane, RESOLVED that up to £600 be provided for the purchase and installation of various trees around the Parish, as recommended by the Tree Warden.

12. To consider the introduction of a monthly press release

12.1 In considering the introduction of a regular Parish Council press release, it was established that Jo Finch, the Village Correspondent, routinely circulated matters of interest to local papers to which it was thought local radio and Test Valley Borough News could be added. With this degree of coverage, it was not thought necessary to introduce a further press release as long as the Parish enjoyed the services of a Village Correspondent.

13. To consider dates for meetings in 2007

13.1 The Clerk had circulated proposed meeting dates for 2007 chosen in line with current practice to meet on the first Monday of each month, except August, unless that day was a public holiday. These were noted.

14. To receive reports from Members on external meetings at which they have represented the Parish Council or have attended in any other capacity

14.1 Cllr Harwood reported on the Councillor’s Core Training Seminar he had attended organised by HAPTC, stating that a variety of matters of interest had arisen but in his opinion the event could have been better organised.

14.2 Cllr Pearson reported on the Rights of Way and Access Liaison meeting he had attended. Amongst other matters mentioned, a definitive Rights of Way map for the county would be freely available next year; a forum had been introduced to bring together landowners and users as part of the countryside access plan and a presentation on stream clearance, bridge and stile repair, was made.

15. Parish Plan

15.1 Cllr Bidwell sought assurances from Members that actions placed upon them were in hand and reported that he was following through those actions placed upon him. A detailed review of progress to date would be made at the next meeting.
Action: All

15.2 The Clerk had identified local builders interested in quoting for the provision of a brick and flint bus shelter and also suppliers of oak shelters to replace the shabby metal shelter currently in situ on the Village Green. The builders required a plan to quote against and Cllr Dyke offered to produce a suitable design over the next few weeks which, when quotes were available, would be tabled to support discussion at a later date on the need for and type of shelter.
Action: Cllr Dyke and Clerk

16. Clerk’s Report

16.1 The Clerk had attended a Hampshire Finance Forum organised by Community Action Hampshire at which various external funding sources had been identified; this information being of use when future funding bids were being compiled.

16.2 Quotes were being obtained for repairs to the Churchyard wall and tree pruning.

16.3 A request had been submitted for consideration to be given to painting white lines along the centre of the Romsey Road around the bend in the road at the south end of the Village

16.4 A tree preservation order, TPO 903, had been placed on a tree in the grounds of Highbank, Up Somborne

16.5 The tennis club project group intended to invite their supporters to pay a nominal subscription and produce a constitution which will then enable them to move forward with planning and funding bids.

16.6 The Byre in the Cemetery had been boarded up for years and Cllr Pearson undertook to inspect it from an historical and safety points of view.
Action: Cllr Pearson

16.7 An Autumn Newsletter would be produced.
Action: Clerk

17. Highway Matters

17.1 Adverse comments had been received about the quality of the recently completed pavement resurfacing work and individual representations had been made to Test Valley Borough Council. The Clerk would make a formal representation about the poor workmanship in support. Cllr Dyke reported two blocked drains on the Romsey Road which enabled water to flow into and flood the slip road leading to Old Vicarage Lane.
Action: Clerk to follow up

18. Test Valley Borough Council Matters

18.1 Cllr Bidwell commented on the White Paper outlining the way ahead in local government and the reorganisation options stressing, in his view, the need for local consultation at all stages in the discussion process to ensure that local government remained in the hands of local people. The White paper encouraged ‘consultation of citizens and communities’ about the size and shape of local services using surveys, focus groups and parish plans and he believed the Parish Council to be in a strong position to actively participate as it had a Parish Plan and had achieved Quality Parish status.

19. Recreational Facilities and Cemetery

19.1 Cllr Pearson reported on the progress made to establish a Trim Trail on the Three Fields; specialist advice was being obtained from suppliers and costs were being formulated. The Clerk was in contact with Test Valley Borough Council as owners and had met with Mr Massey from English Heritage to discuss the implications of installation on Palace Field and broad agreement had been reached that there would not be a problem from the English Heritage viewpoint, subject to some changes in the proposed siting of some of the exercise stations. This was being followed up.

19.2 Despite advertising, no-one had come forward regarding the loose headstone on Mrs Eleanor Jessie Ryan’s grave in the Cemetery and it was agreed that the stone should be laid flat for the time being.

19.3 Cllr Room commented on out of date notices on the various notice boards and, whilst the ability of anyone to place notices on the boards was supported, it was recognised that not everyone took down their out of date notices and some notices were not as appropriate to village life as others; Councillors and the Clerk would continue to maintain the boards on an opportunity basis with appropriate notices.

20. Date, Time and Place of Next Meeting

20.1 The next full meeting of the Parish Council would be on Monday 8 January 2007 at 7.00pm in the Epworth Hall, King’s Somborne. The Annual Finance meeting of the Parish Council would be held at 7.00pm on Monday 4 December 2006 in the Epworth Hall, King’s Somborne.

There being no further business, the Chairman closed the Meeting at 9.17pm
Clerk to the Council