Parish Council

Parish Council minutes May 2007


Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Parish Council

held in the Epworth Hall, King’s Somborne

commencing at 7.00pm on Monday 14 May 2007

Present: Cllr D Bidwell (Chairman)

Cllr R Bevan

Cllr R B W Dyke

Cllr F Fahy

Cllr R Harwood

Cllr R Lane

Cllr G Pearson

Cllr R Pidgeon

Cllr D Room

Cllr J Werrett

In Attendance: Mr P J Storey (Clerk to King’s Somborne Parish Council)

Public Session: Cllr Ward, the Borough Councillor, and nine members of the public, including the Tree Warden, Village Correspondent and the Neighbourhood Police Officer, were present. In future, more information on candidates for election was requested on behalf of new members of the community.

1. Apologies for absence

1.1 There were no apologies to receive.

2. Election of Chairman

2.1 Proposed Cllr Dyke, Seconded Cllr Lane, RESOLVED unanimously that Cllr Bidwell be re-elected as Chairman.

3. Election of Vice-Chairman

3.1 Proposed Cllr Bevan, Seconded Cllr Bidwell, RESOLVED unanimously that Cllr Dyke be re-elected as Vice-Chairman.

4. Election of Chairman of the Planning Committee

4.1 Proposed Cllr Bidwell, Seconded Cllr Dyke, RESOLVED unanimously that Cllr Room be re-elected as Chairman of the Planning Committee.

5. Appointments

5.1 The following appointments were made:

Appointments: a. Footpath Warden Stephen Rake

b. Tree Warden Colin Matthews

c. Village Hall Liaison Cllr Dick Dyke

d. Council for the Protection of Rural England Cllr Gordon Pearson

e. Neighbourhood Watch Cllr David Bidwell and Cllr Cllr Gordon Pearson

f. Tarmac Liaison Group Cllr Gordon Pearson

g. Flood Watch Cllr John Werrett

h. Cubs/Scouts liaison Cllr Roy Pidgeon

i. Test Valley Planning Users Group Cllr David Room and Cllr Roy Pidgeon

j. Compton Estate liaison Cllr Richard Harwood

k. Horsebridge liaison Jo Finch

Lead Councillors: a. Farming community liaison Cllr Richard Harwood

b. Three Fields site liaison Cllr Ron Bevan

c. Road Safety Cllr John Werrett

d. Sport Cllr Richard Harwood

e. Young people Cllr Ron Bevan and Cllr Roy Pidgeon

f. Transport Cllr David Bidwell and Cllr John Werrett (King’s Somborne perspective)

g. Up Somborne liaison Cllr Robbie Lane

h. TVBC Environment Action Group Cllr Richard Harwood

i. Health & Safety – Muss Lane Cllr David Bidwell

King’s Somborne Cllr Ron Bevan

Up Somborne Cllr Robbie Lane

Graveyard and Cemetery Cllr Roy Pidgeon

6. Announcements by the Chairman

6.1 The Chairman welcomed everyone to the Annual General Meeting, congratulated the two newly elected Members and thanked in their absence the two previous councillors who had not been re-elected. He also thanked those who held or had held appointments to the benefit of the community and also made the point that whilst pleased to be able to accept the nomination of Chairman of the Parish Council for another year he would be looking to handover at the year end.

7. Reports from the Tree Warden, Footpath Warden and others

7.1 The Tree Warden expressed his concern at the impact of the recent dry weather on the recently planted trees and it was agreed to purchase some bark chippings to help retain water. He also confirmed that the tree survey was in hand.

Action: Tree Warden and Clerk

7.2 PC Benton said that two Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) would be starting work from the Stockbridge Police Station in the near future and would be spending time in King’s Somborne and its surrounds to provide an increased police presence. He also commented that the Western Operational Command Unit area, in to which King’s Somborne fell, had been assessed as the best performing Unit in the county. Figures showed that juvenile nuisance was low in the area although he emphasised the need for the public to continue to report urgent and non-urgent matters to enable an on-going overall picture to be built up to enable the most efficient allocation of police resources. Finally, following the Clerk’s query, he confirmed that plans were in hand to limit, as far as possible, the impact on traffic using the A3057, of the planned Air Display over Houghton on 7 July.

8. To approve the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 2 April 2007

8.1 Proposed Cllr Pidgeon, Seconded Cllr Pearson, RESOLVED unanimously to approve the Minutes of the meeting held on 2 April 2007.

9. To consider any Matters Arising from those Minutes

9.1 There were no matters arising not dealt with elsewhere in these minutes.

10. Declarations of Interest

10.1 No declarations of interest were made.

11. To consider Correspondence Received

11.1 Details of correspondence received since the last meeting had been circulated with the agenda; the actual correspondence was available at the meeting for Members to peruse, as required. There were no matters arising not dealt with elsewhere in these minutes.

12. Report on Planning Applications Considered

12.1. The following responses had been made on recent planning applications received: 07/00930/Trees – 5 Church Road – work on an apple tree in rear garden – no objection

07/00335/LBWS – Bramble Cottage, Up Somborne – replacement window to front dormer, repair/replace ground floor front lounge window – support

07/00548/FULLS – Clarendon House, Hoplands – two storey extension with dormer windows and single storey extension to provide additional living and bedroom accommodation, integral garage with pitch roof and erection of conservatory – no objection

07/00842/FULLS – 1 Railway Cottages, Horsebridge Road – first floor extension over existing garage to provide garage, office, bedroom and bathroom on ground floor and living accommodation on first floor – support

07/00845/FULLS – 1 Palace Close – raise roof and erect two storey side extension to provide additional living and first floor accommodation with dormer windows and roof lights – no objection

07/00959/FULLS – Horsebridge Station – erection of marquee for four months each year for wedding receptions – the Chairman invited the applicants, Mr and Mrs Charrington, to address the meeting and explain their ideas which Members subsequently supported

07/00989/FULLS – Somborne Garage, Romsey Road (resubmission) – erection of four dwellings with garages, associated hardstanding and office development – no objection

07/01030/FULLS – 5 Riverside Green – erection of new dwelling on land adjacent to 5 Riverside Green including two car parking spaces – objection on the grounds that the proposed development is too large for the plot; two objections had been received by the Planning Committee

07/01037/FULLS – The Old Vicarage, Old Vicarage Lane – erection of pool house (resubmission) – no objection

07/01089/FULLS – 1 Hunter Close – rear conservatory – support

07/01134/FULLS – Brook House, Old Vicarage Lane – single storey extension to rear elevation to provide family room and studio – support

13. RFO’s Report and Budget Monitoring

13.1 An analysis of budget against actual spend to date, together with a forecast out-turn, had been circulated with the agenda papers. The RFO gave a verbal presentation on the Council’s financial state of affairs at the end of the first month of the new financial year when 3% of the annual budget had been expended to date. The reconciled bank balances at the end of April stood at £50,476.74. 13.2 In reply to a question from Cllr Dyke, the RFO explained how The Local Government Act 1972 Section 137 permitted a Council to spend up to the product of £5.44 per head of electorate for the benefit of the community not authorised by other powers. Such expenditure was not in addition to that budgeted and the Council’s agreed budget already included such expenditure.

13.3 Cllr Harwood queried whether Members should review the budgeted £3000 for the Village Hall in view of the development work currently in progress by the Village Hall Development Committee but it was thought too early to do this at this time. Detailed plans and costings should be available in the Autumn when the matter could be reconsidered.

14. To adopt the Financial Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2007

14.1 The Clerk confirmed that the internal audit of the year’s accounts had been completed successfully and presented the audited financial accounts for the year ended 31 March 2007 and the completed Annual Return, copies of which are attached to these minutes.

14.2 Proposed Cllr Harwood, Seconded Cllr Pidgeon, RESOLVED unanimously that the audited financial accounts for the year ended 31 March 2007 be adopted.

14.3 Proposed Cllr Harwood, Seconded Cllr Pidgeon, RESOLVED unanimously that the Chairman and Clerk be authorised to sign the Annual Return.

14.4 Proposed Cllr Bidwell, Seconded Cllr Lane, RESOLVED unanimously that Mr P Reynolds be reappointed as the internal auditor for the year 2007/8.

15. Payment of Accounts

15.1 Proposed Cllr Pidgeon, Seconded Cllr Lane, RESOLVED unanimously that the following payments be approved:

Mr P Storey Salary/expenses 471.17 471.17 1319
HMRC Tax 251.01 251.01 1320
BPC Broadband 15.00 15.00 1321
Barker & Geary Paint 78.18 78.18 1322
Hants Playing Fields Annual sub 20.00 20.00 1323
Fair Account Annual audit fee 125.00 125.00 1324
Everest Construction Repairs to Church flint wall 1150.00 201.25 1351.25 1325
Zurich Insurance Annual premium 1770.22 1770.22 1326
Mr Rebbeck Grounds works 519.00 519.00 1327
J Rolfe Grass cutting 150.00 26.25 176.25 1328
Total 4549.58 227.50 4777.08

16. To adopt The Local Authorities (Model Code of Conduct) Order 2007 including paragraph 12(2) (SI No 1159)

16.1 A copy of the new Model Code of Conduct for Parish Councillors had been circulated with the agenda papers. The Clerk drew attention in particular to paragraph 12(2) which enabled a councillor with a prejudicial interest to speak provided the public were entitled to be present.

16.2 Proposed Cllr Bidwell, seconded Cllr Lane, RESOLVED, with Cllr Werrett abstaining, that the new Model Code of Conduct Order 2007, including paragraph 12(2), be adopted forthwith.

Action: Clerk to amend Standing Orders accordingly

17. Core training for Councillors

17.1 HAPTC was organising training for new councillors at a variety of venues over the next few months and both Cllrs Fahy and Werrett indicated a wish to attend a suitable event. The training sessions would cost £20 per councillor per session.

17.2 Proposed Cllr Dyke, Seconded Cllr Lane RESOLVED that the cost of £40 for two councillors to attend HAPTC’s training sessions be approved.

18. To consider matters raised at the Annual Assembly

18.1 The Chairman reviewed matters raised at the Annual Assembly including signposts indicating the existence of the shops in the Village and the ownership and usage to be made of the Parish owned parcel of land where the skate board and junior football pitch are currently located. The Clerk would investigate the installation of signage and continue to liaise with the Tennis Club and Village Hall Development Committee over possible future changes to the facilities on the land in question. Note was made of the exchange of correspondence between the Chairman and Mr Newall representing the family who had sold the land and it was agreed to review the situation in September when firmer plans might be available for consultation.

Action: Clerk

18.2 Cllr Harwood raised concern at the need to increase our recycling efforts as a nation and as a community and thought more public education was necessary. Other Members thought the amount of available advice could be increased and Mr Ward, as our recently elected Borough Councillor, undertook to research the advice available, the recycling rates for our community and to report back. Additionally, it was thought appropriate to investigate the feasibility of inviting external experts to address the Test Valley Association on this subject and possible future council meetings.

Action: Cllrs Ward and Bidwell

18.3 Cllr Harwood would eventually write an article for The Gauntlet when more information became available.

Action: Cllr Harwood

19. Replacement bus shelter for the Village Green

19.1 Following the general agreement reached at the Annual Assembly and the comments in the Parish Plan, Members spent some time discussing the need, location, costs and plans for a replacement bus shelter on the Village Green. However, a divergence of views existed and it was thought appropriate to consider the matter in slower time and also for the Clerk to establish if any grants were available from external funding sources. In particular, Cllr Pearson pointed out the potential dangers of siting a shelter near a road junction and also from his own studies the very few people who actually used it. He also thought a better alternate location could be opposite the layby on Church Road. In bringing the discussion to an end, it was agreed that any decision should be delayed and that, in the meantime, the existing shelter should be repainted.

Action: Clerk

19.2 Proposed Cllr Pearson, Seconded Cllr Werrett, RESOLVED with Cllrs Bevan and Dyke voting against, that the matter of a replacement bus shelter be reviewed in one year’s time.

20. Reports by Members on External Meetings at which they have represented the Parish Council or have attended in any other capacity

20.1 Cllr Pearson informed Members that a new manager was about to be appointed for the Tarmac site and that it was the Campaign for the Protection of Rural England Hampshire branch AGM on 19 May which unfortunately he was unable to attend.

20.2 Cllr Pidgeon informed Members that the Scouts had held a successful car boot sale raising £256 for local funds. It was also their AGM next month, the windows to which the Parish Council had contributed had been repaired and internal redecoration of the Scout Hut was in hand. 20.3 Cllr Fahy informed Members that the grant to the Cricket Club had enable the Club to replace matting and netting and thanks to Members were expressed on behalf of the Club.

21. To receive Councillors’ reports on actions taken and review progress on the Parish Plan

21.1 Discussion deferred until the next meeting.

22. Clerk’s Report

22.1 The Clerk reported that our entry to the Village of the Year competition had been acknowledged and he would circulate the dates of the judges’ visit when known to enable members to join him for the assessment.

Action: Clerk

22.2 The Clerk confirmed that the vandalised litter bin in the children’s play area on King’s Somborne recreation ground had been replaced.

22.3 A regional conference for clerks would be held on 27 June 2007 in Bracknell which would provide useful continuation training. Proposed Cllr Bidwell, Seconded Cllr Bevan, RESOLVED unanimously to meet the expenses of the Clerk attending the South East Regional Conference on 27 June 2007 or half if Bishopstoke Parish Council was prepared to share costs.

22.4 A request had been received for Grant Aid from the Football Club to assist them in meeting the costs of replacing the goal posts and their ground mountings following earlier health and safety concerns raised at the loose fittings. Proposed Cllr Bevan, Seconded Cllr Lane, RESOLVED unanimously that £145.50 be contributed to the King’s Somborne Football Club towards the costs of replacing the goal posts and ground sockets.Action: Clerk to action accordingly

23. Highway Matters

23.1 It was noted with concern that visitors to the Church occasionally parked cars on the Village Green and the Clerk was instructed to write to the Vicar.

Action: Clerk

23.2 Irresponsible parking by the owner of a white lorry on the corner of Scott Close prevented large coaches from passing by without mounting the verge. The Police were following this up and enforcement action would follow.

23.3 Cllr Bidwell passed a letter from Mr A Lay about A3057 traffic issues, plus his response, to Cllr Werrett for information and further consideration. Cllr Bidwell welcomed this input from a newcomer to the parish and hoped that it would stimulate new ideas.

24. Test Valley Borough Council Matters

24.1 Cllr Ward acknowledged that he had yet to attend a Borough Council meeting having only recently been elected but he had undergone excellent induction training and looked forward to serving the community at large.

24.2 Cllr Pearson raised the potential problem of King’s Somborne and the surrounds being used to park cars belonging to those who car share when Stockbridge introduces parking restrictions. It was agreed that all should remain vigilant in this matter and discuss further as necessary.

Action: All

24.3 Cllr Pearson also alerted Members to a recent newspaper article informing readers of plans to change the flight paths above Test Valley for aircraft using both Southampton and Bournemouth airports. Cllr Bidwell would bring this matter to the attention of other Test Valley councils and the Clerk would place it on the agenda for the next meeting. Members noted from a press article that full details on the proposed changes could be viewed on

Action: Cllr Bidwell and Clerk

25. Recreational Facilities

25.1 Cllr Pearson reported that the wire in the fence behind the goal posts on the King’s Somborne recreation ground had been abused and needed attention. Members queried the need to replace if grazing was no longer viable and all agreed to review the wire itself and discuss further at the next meeting.

Action: All and Clerk

25.2 Cllr Lane reported serious rabbit damage to the Up Somborne recreation ground and requested remedial action possibly by Test Valley Pest Control. Action: Clerk

26. Date, Time and Place of Next Meeting

26.1 The next meeting of the Parish Council would be held on Monday 4 June 2007 at 7.00pm in the Epworth Hall, King’s Somborne.

There being no further business, the Chairman closed the Meeting at 9.40pm

Clerk to the Council

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