Parish Council
Parish Council minutes March 2006
Minutes of a Meeting of the Parish Council
Held in the Epworth Hall, King’s Somborne
commencing at 7.00pm on Monday 6 March 2006
Present: Cllr D Bidwell (Chairman)
Cllr R B W Dyke
Cllr A Gannaway
Cllr S Geary-Harwood
Cllr R Harwood
Cllr G Pearson
Cllr R Pidgeon
Cllr D Room
In Attendance: Mr P J Storey (Clerk to King’s Somborne Parish Council)
Public Session: Four members of the public were present. An objection was expressed to the suggestion contained in the Parish Plan that a one way system be introduced around the village centre to which the Chairman commented that this aspect of the Plan had yet to be considered in detail. Help was requested in silencing a neighbour’s dog which barked persistently and it was suggested that the complainant contact the Environmental Health Department of Test Valley Borough Council.
1. Announcements by the Chairman
1.1 The Chairman commented that a party of travellers had encamped in Chalk Vale. This group was well known to the authorities and was conforming to the Travellers’ Code; they had also indicated they would be moving on in a few weeks. (Clerk’s note: they have now moved on)
2. Reports from the Tree Warden, Footpath Warden and others
2.1 The Footpath Warden reported that a stile had been replaced in the middle of Footpath 14 (Muss Lane) and that the rabbit holes reported previously would be filled by Hampshire County Council. She also highlighted confusion in the Parish Plan questionnaire responses between footpaths and pavements, stating that the former were not designed for easy passage of push/wheel chairs and that the regular walkers did not complain. She noted the suggestion made that walkers might voluntarily cut back overhanging vegetation as they proceed along the path.
2.2 The Tree Warden expressed concern at the severity of the tree pruning in the Old Vicarage which had caused the rooks to relocate. The Chairman and others shared this concern. It was confirmed that a ‘Tree Walk’ would be organised later in the year.
3. Apologies for Absence
3.1 Apologies for absence had been received from Cllr Bevan and Cllr Lane.
4. To approve the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 6 February 2006
4.1 Proposed Cllr Pidgeon, Seconded Cllr Dyke, RESOLVED unanimously to approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 6 February 2006.
5. To consider any Matters Arising from those Minutes
5.1 Cemetery gates. It was agreed to cease any further investigation into using weights to close the Cemetery gates on grounds of cost and the likelihood that some members of the public would not respect them.
5.2 Kissing gate. Proposed Cllr Dyke, Seconded Cllr Harwood, RESOLVED unanimously that up to £800 be authorised for purchasing and installing a more user-friendly access gate into the John o’Gaunt’s field; that the existing kissing gate be removed; and that the Clerk apply for a Disabled Access grant from the Countryside Access Forum.
Action: Cllr Dyke to arrange supply and installation and the Clerk to complete the application form.
5.3 Youth Shelter. A meeting of the youth of the Village had been arranged for 5 April 2006 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall to discuss ideas on a possible youth shelter.
Action: Cllrs Bevan, Geary-Harwood and Pidgeon
13.1 Skate ramp. Cllr Gannaway would continue to monitor tests to be carried out by the manufacturers on similar equipment installed in the parish of Deeping St James.
Action: Cllr Gannaway
14.1 Notice boards. Cllr Pidgeon had reviewed the need for a new notice board to be installed in Horsebridge on highway property and the Chairman believed it beneficial if a large board could be erected on the external wall of the Village Hall; despite the risk of vandalism, both boards should be of the type allowing easy access for those wishing to display notices. Cllr Geary-Harwood would seek agreement from the Village Hall committee.
Action: Cllr Geary-Harwood
14.2 Proposed Cllr Harwood, Seconded Cllr Pidgeon, RESOLVED unanimously that the Clerk obtain quotes for two boards similar in design to existing other boards in the Village from Everest of Houghton
Action: Clerk
6. Declarations of Interest
6.1 Cllr Geary-Harwood declared an interest in Item 8 and Cllr Harwood in Item 11.
7. To consider Correspondence Received
7.1 Details of correspondence received since the last meeting had been circulated with the agenda; the actual correspondence was available at the meeting for Members to peruse if required.
8. Report on Planning Applications Considered
8.1 * 00162 – 00083 – White Chapel, Winchester Road – change of use from chapel to residential dwelling with single storey extension to rear – no objection
* 00164 – Vine Cottage, Old Vicarage Lane – single storey extension, conversion of existing garage to guest bedroom, new garage and fence panels and gates – no objection
* 00387 – Oswald Cottage, Up Somborne Lane, Up Somborne – detached oak frame garage with playroom over – no objection
* 00407 – 1 Church Road Cottages – rear conservatory – no objection
* 00493 – Thatched Cottage, Romsey – replacement garage – no objection
* 00568 – 12 Eldon Close – wall with inset face panels to west and north boundary – no objection
* 00589 – land adjoining Oakleigh, Muss Lane – erection of two storey detached dwelling – no objection
* 01082 – barn adjoining Hayes, Romsey Road – restoration, adaptation and conversion to form single dwelling – support
* 01084 – barn adjoining Hayes, Romsey Road – restoration, adaptation and conversion to form single dwelling – support
9. RFO’s Report and Budget Monitoring
9.1 The Clerk confirmed that the internal auditor had completed his audit on the accounting records for the first nine months of the financial year. He then reviewed the actual spend against budget up to 28 February 2006 which showed a cumulative underspend between budget and actual of £5275. A copy of the comparison is attached to these Minutes. Cumulative income to date amounted to £42039 and cumulative expenditure amounted to £38757 giving a ‘profit’ to date of £3082. Monies held in the Bank amounted to: £653 in the Current Account; £9042 in the Instant Access Account and £28548 in the 30 Day Account, totalling £38243. The Council’s reserves currently amounted to £35371.
10. Payment of Accounts
10.1 Proposed Cllr Harwood, Seconded Cllr Pidgeon, RESOLVED unanimously that the following accounts be paid:
KS Village Hall Neighbourhood Watch hall hire 14.00 1186
Cheque cancelled 1187
Bishopstoke PC Consummables/subs 63.49 1188
Mr P Storey Salary/expenses 356.57 1189
Inland Revenue Tax 119.16 1190
Fair Account Audit 225.00 1191
KS Cricket Club Grant 900.00 1192
PBS UK Copier paper 0.58 1193
11. Grant Aid application
11.1 Details of an application for Grant Aid from the King’s Somborne Cricket Club had been circulated with the agenda papers. Some discussion ensued on whether items brought with Parish monies and available for use by all should become the property of the Parish rather than a particular organisation but in the end it was generally agreed that ownership, and the attendant insurance and maintenance responsibilities, should remain with the bidding organisation.
11.2 Proposed Cllr Dyke, Seconded Cllr Gannaway, RESOLVED with Cllrs Pearson and Pidgeon voting against, that a grant of £900 be made to the King’s Somborne Cricket Club for the renovation and purchase of replacement nets and mats.
12. Reports by Members on External Meetings at which they have represented the Parish Council or have attended in any other capacity
12.1 Cllr Dyke reported on a Chairman’s Training Day organised by HAPTC that he had attended which had proven to be very informative.
12.2 Cllr Pearson would be attending the AGM of the Test Valley District Group of the Campaign for the Protection of Rural England later in the week.
12.3 The Chairman had presided over the recent meeting of the Test Valley Association of Parish and Town Councils and reported that many parishes were very concerned about their apparent reduced role in determining planning applications. A resolution to hold a meeting attended by senior planning officers, the TVBC executive planning portfolio holder and the two local MPs was approved.
13. Parish Plan
13.1 Following the special meeting on 20 February to discuss the way forward with the Parish Plan and allocate responsibilities to individuals or organisations, the Clerk paraphrased the contents of various letters received from external organisations. Cllr Harwood queried how to obtain detailed information on the content of the questionnaires and it was agreed that, as necessary, contact should be made with either the Chairman or Tony Ward, both of whom held an analysis of the points raised.
Cllr Dyke left the meeting at this point
13.2 Cllr Pearson queried who should contact external organisations when information was required from them and it was agreed that either the lead Councillor would make the contact, copying any correspondence to the Clerk, or the Clerk would write on behalf of the Council.
14. Village Facilities Development Committee
14.1 Some discussion took place on the need and possible terms of reference of a Village Facilities Development Committee as recommended in the Parish Plan. However, before in-depth consideration of this, the Chairman undertook to discuss further with Tony Ward.
Action: Chairman
15. Tennis Facility
15.1 The Clerk confirmed he had submitted an article for publication in The Gauntlet magazine seeking detail of persons with experience in managing tennis facilities and applying for grants to provide them.
16. Parish Council Newsletter
16.1 The Clerk had circulated the text of a Parish Council Newsletter which Members then approved together with the concept of producing at least two other newsletters within the next few months in order to meet the criterion required for Quality Parish accreditation.
17. Clerk’s Report
17.1 Cemetery signs. The Clerk reported that one of the two signs at the entrance to the Cemetery was missing and he had identified a supplier at a cost of £52.88. It was agreed to reprovide the sign with the wording amended to include the need to close the gates.
17.2 Proposed Cllr Harwood, Seconded Cllr Pidgeon, RESOLVED unanimously that a replacement sign be acquired at a cost of £52.88 plus VAT.
Action: Clerk to arrange accordingly
17.3 Memorial renovation. Two quotes had been provided for cleaning and enamel the wording on the Woodcock and German Aircrew memorials.
17.4 Proposed Cllr Pidgeon, Seconded Cllr Room, RESOLVED unanimously that the quotation from Vokes and Beck for £95 plus VAT be accepted.
Action: Clerk to arrange accordingly
17.5 Clerk’s printer/copier. Bishopstoke Parish Council were providing the Clerk with a new printer/copier to replace the current one which is eight years old and without a duplex facility. The Clerk suggested that we might like to contribute towards the cost, given the machine was shared between the two Councils, and recommended one third of the total might be appropriate.
17.6 Proposed Cllr Bidwell, Seconded Cllr Gannaway, RESOLVED unanimously that £65 be contributed towards the costs incurred by Bishopstoke Parish Council in providing a replacement printer/copier for the Clerk.
17.7 The Clerk reminded Members that he would be attending the Clerks’ Annual Conference later in the week and would report back at the next meeting.
18. Highway Matters
18.1 Cllr Pidgeon reported on the dangerous state of the pavement in Old Palace Farm
Action: Clerk to inform Hampshire Highways.
18.2 The Chairman reported that he had responded to a proposal by the Wilts and Dorset Bus Company to turn some of its buses around at the Village Green rather than have them proceed to the junction of Eldon Road and Eldon Close because they were having difficulty in turning round at this point due to the number of parked cars. It had been suggested that action be taken by the Police for illegal parking and Hampshire Highways for yellow lining.
19. Test Valley Borough Council Matters
19.1 The Chairman informed Members that the Government’s intention to review local government organisation was about to start and that he had pressed for the consultation process to include local government at Parish level.
20. Recreational Facilities
20.1 No specific reports or comments were received. However, it was thought appropriate to consider planting a wild flower display in the John o’ Gaunt field and Cllr Pidgeon agreed to oversee this.
20.2 Proposed Cllr Bidwell, Seconded Cllr Harwood, RESOLVED unanimously that up to £200 be spent in planting wild flower seeds in the John o’ Gaunt field
21. Date, Time and Place of Next Meeting
21.1 The next meeting of the Parish Council would be held on Monday 3 April 2006 at 7.00pm in the Epworth Hall, King’s Somborne.
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the Meeting at 9.15pm
Clerk to the Council