Parish Council |
Parish Council minutes June 2013 |
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
held in the Epworth Hall
commencing at 7.00pm on Monday 3 June 2013
Present: Cllr R Harwood (Chairman)
Cllr A Brock
Cllr R Curtis
Cllr J Evans
Cllr F Fahy
Cllr R Lane
Cllr K Mercer
Cllr J Werrett
In Attendance: Mr P J Storey (Clerk to King’s Somborne Parish Council)
Public Session
B/Cllr Ward, two Open Spaces Wardens, Footpath Warden and one member of the public were present for part of the meeting.
Borough Councillor Ward commented on the Forest Extra situation where further comments from Highways were awaited; the progress with the Community Assets submission and that TVBC would now be writing to each asset owner informing them of that asset’s inclusion in the schedule; the progress made to date on drafting the Village Design Statement and how the settlement had developed by means of adding closes which did not reflect a common village character; and the minor changes to the SHLAA. He also thought it timely to undertake a community needs housing survey since it was some years since the last one was completed.
The Footpath Warden, Mr David Hayden, confirmed the installation of a new kissing gate at the New Lane entranced to footpath 14 with himself and Mr Hall assisting the county council team; a fallen tree on the Compton Estate would be removed; and he explained the differences between permissive paths and rights of way.
59. Apologies for absence.
59.1 Cllr Herbert and C/Cllr Gibson.
60. Chairman’s announcements and Councillors’ questions
60.1 The Chairman asked that councillors’ verbal reports be kept short and to the point.
61. To approve the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 13 May 2013
61.1 Proposed Cllr Lane, Seconded Cllr Brock, RESOLVED with Cllrs Mercer (not elected for whole meeting) and Werrett (absent) abstaining that the minutes of the meeting held on 13 May 2013 be accepted as a true record.
62. To consider any Matters Arising from those Minutes
62.1 There were no matters arising not dealt with elsewhere in these minutes.
63. Declarations of Interest and Dispensations
63.1 None declared or requested.
64. To consider Correspondence Received and determine any action required
64.1 The Clerk drew councillors’ attention to an invitation to join the TVBC Mayor at the Annual Civic Service in Andover, an e-mail exchange between himself and a local resident covering speeding on Winchester Road, the White Chapel renovation and alleged breaches of planning conditions, the potential danger of the bull grazing on footpath 14, and notification from TVBC that it was considering the Council’s request to have the Village Green telephone box included in the schedule of Assets of Community Value.
65. To receive Councillors’ Reports
65.1 Cllr Lane gave a quick overview on the planning committee meeting held prior to the full council meeting and sought action on the Up Somborne recreation ground hedge.
Action: Clerk.
65.2 Cllr Brock advised that travellers were in the Nursling area.
65.3 Cllr Fahy reported on action taken with Hampshire Highways on pothole repairs; the damaged railings along the Winchester Road had been reported and that he had requested the reinstatement of the white line along Winchester Road following the resurfacing work recently completed.
65.3 Cllr Evans requested the removal of the ice warning sign from outside the Crown Inn .
Action: Clerk
66. To receive the RFO’s Report and Budget Monitoring
66.1 The Clerk reported the acceptance by the Methodist Church of the proposed increases in contributions to be made for use of the Epworth Hall for meetings and that he would budget in future accordingly. He also confirmed he had bid for funding from SITA under their Queen Elizabeth Jubilee Field award scheme for a contribution towards the MUGA costs and a decision would be made known in mid-August.
66.2 A budget monitoring report showing income and expenditure to date had been circulated with the agenda and was noted.
67. Payment of Accounts
67.1 Proposed Cllr Werret, Seconded Cllr Curtis, RESOLVED unanimously that the following accounts for May 2013 be approved for payment:
ToForNet VAT Gross Chq/Internet
Mr P Storey Salary/expenses 585.41 585.41 BACs
BPC Shared costs 22.00 22.00 BACs
HMRC Tax/NIC 340.40 340.40 BACs
Smiths of Derby Church clock 186.00 37.20 223.20 BACs
TVBCGrounds spiking 120.00 24.00144.00 BACs
Mr M Rebbeck Grounds maint 1681.75 1681.75 BACs
Totals 2935.56 61.20 2996.76
68. Draft revised Statement of Community Involvement 2013
68.1 TVBC had published a draft revised Statement of Community Involvement 2013 for consultation. Full details could be found on their website but councillors saw no need to add comment at this time.
69. Clerk’s monthly report
69.1 The Clerk reported that a new Lengthsman, Mr Richard Wheeler, had been employed; that repairs to the Church Wall were in hand; that a request to repaint the white railings along Winchester Road had been submitted; that SSE had completed some preventative tree work along the overhead power lines route across the 3 Fields site and at Muss Lane; that he was still in discussion with the Village Hall about payment of the costs of electricity consumed by any lighting to be installed along the approach slip road; and that a notice calling for nominations to fill the councillor vacancy would be posted later in the month provided no poll was demanded.
70. Date, time and place of next meeting
70.1 The next meeting will be on Monday 1 July 2013 at 7.00pm in the Epworth Hall, Winchester Road, King’s Somborne.
Action: All
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.00pm