Parish Council

Parish Council minutes June 2006


Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council
held in the Epworth Hall, King’s Somborne
commencing at 7.00pm on Monday 5 June 2006

Present: Cllr D Bidwell (Chairman)
Cllr R Bevan
Cllr R B W Dyke
Cllr S Geary-Harwood
Cllr G Pearson
Cllr R Pidgeon
Cllr D Room

In Attendance: Mr P J Storey (Clerk to King’s Somborne Parish Council)

Public Session: Four members of the public were present.

1. Announcements by the Chairman

1.1 The Chairman confirmed that the ‘tree walk’ was scheduled for Saturday 24 June when he and others would review the tree situation, in particular, where additional trees might be planted. Cllr Pearson recommended that consideration be given to planting by the old access from Stockbridge Road to Nutcher’s Drove and that the two dead trees in John O’Gaunt’s field be replaced. This was noted.

2. Reports from the Tree Warden, Footpath Warden and others

2.1 Mrs Joy Hunt, the Footpath Warden, reported that the County Council was keeping most of the footpaths clear for walkers and had cleared two fallen trees from Footpath 716. She then indicated that she would like to retire from the position towards the yearend. The Clerk would draft an article for The Gauntlet magazine seeking volunteer replacements.
Action: Clerk

3. Apologies

3.1 Apologies were received from Cllrs Gannaway, Harwood, and Lane and from Mr Matthews, the Tree Warden.

4. To approve the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 8 May 2006

4.1 Proposed Cllr Bevan, Seconded Cllr Dyke, RESOLVED unanimously to approve the Minutes of the meeting held on 8 May 2006 with a minor amendment to the deferment of the reconsideration of the youth shelter.

5. To consider any Matters Arising from those Minutes

5.1 Kissing gate. A decision on the application for a grant from the Countryside Access Forum towards the costs of the new gate was awaited.

5.2 Skate ramp. Cllr Gannaway had advised the successful outcome of the noise deadening trials at Deeping St James and recommended that Leisuremark be approached to complete similar work on the King’s Somborne ramp. This was agreed in principle, subject to receiving a favourable report from the Parish Clerk of Deeping St James and a quotation being received.
Action: Cllr Gannaway

5.3 Tennis facility. On behalf of the volunteer group investigating the prospect of a tennis facility, the Clerk confirmed that a series of meetings was in progress with a view to determining feasibility and funding sources.

5.4 School development. It transpired that the proposed development at the School was likely to be window replacement.

5.5 Returfing the junior football pitch goal mouths. Cllrs Bevan, Dyke and Gannaway were still considering alternative locations for the junior pitch should returfing proceed.
Action: Cllrs Bevan, Dyke and Gannaway

6. Declarations of Interest

6.1 No declarations of interest were made.

7. To consider Correspondence Received

7.1 Details of correspondence received since the last meeting had been circulated with the agenda; the actual correspondence was available at the meeting for Members to peruse, as required. Additionally, the Clerk drew Members’ attention to correspondence received since circulation of the meeting papers, highlighting that of general interest and, in particular, the letter from Hampshire County Council confirming that responsibility for meeting maintenance and consumption costs for the light unit to the rear of The Croft would henceforth fall to the Parish Council at an estimated annual cost of £60.

8. Report on Planning Applications Considered

8.1. The following responses had been made on recent planning applications received:

06/01315/Fulls – conversion of chapel into a dwelling with the erection of a single storey extension to provide an additional bedroom and bathroom – supported; an excellent blend of old and new architecture

06/01318/LBWS – as above

06/01341/FULLS – carport to rear of Snowdrop Cottage, Winchester Road – no objection

06/01354/FULLS – greenhouse to rear of 3 Kings Acre – no objection but it had since been advised that the application has been withdrawn because of a local objection

06/10407/FULLS – single storey side extension to provide utility room and enlarged kitchen to The Bungalow, Furzedown Road – no objection

06/01429/FULLS – first floor extension to front elevation with pitch roof to replace existing flat roof and raise chimney height at Springfield House, Up Somborne Lane – no objection

06/01466/FULLS – erection of brick pool house with 2.6m fence adjacent to swimming pool at The Old Vicarage, Old Vicarage Lane – no objection

06/01474/FULLS – restoration, adaptation and conversion of barn to form single dwelling house adjoining Hayes, Romsey Road – no objection

9. To receive a report on the South East Plan

9.1 Cllr Dyke confirmed that he, Cllr Lane and the Clerk, had reviewed potential frontline sites for infill development within the Parish and a report would be tabled at the next meeting.
Action: Cllr Dyke

9.2 It was agreed that the principles used to select the sites in paragraph 9.1 would be used as the basis of input to a request from the TVBC Head of Planning for our views on planning policies for rural areas required by a SEERA review.
Action: Cllrs Room and Dyke

10. RFO’s Report and Budget Monitoring

10.1 The RFO gave a verbal presentation on the Council’s financial state of affairs at the end of the second month into the financial year when 10% of the annual budget had been expended to date. The combined bank balances stood at £47,428.41p.

11. Payment of Accounts

11.1 Proposed Cllr Pearson, Seconded Cllr Dyke, RESOLVED unanimously that the following accounts be paid:

Bishopstoke PC Consummables/subs 18.06 18.06 1216
Mr P Storey Salary/expenses 496.60 496.60 1217 HM Revenue & Customs Tax 246.78 246.78 1218
Playsafety Ltd RoSPA safety inspection 159.00 27.83 186.83 1219
Wanbrough VAT disbursement 43.75 43.75 1220
HAPTC Course fee 20.00 20.00 1221
Mr P Reynolds Audit fee 150.00 150.00 1222

12. To consider and, if appropriate, agree renewal of the annual insurance cover and premium payment

12.1 The Clerk drew attention to the details of the renewal premium and in particular the £10m public liability cover which could be reduced to £5m with a significant saving in premium.

12.2 After some discussion, Proposed Cllr Room, Seconded Cllr Dyke, RESOLVED unanimously that the public liability be reduced to £5m and the Clerk to arrange the change with Zurich Municipal.
Action: Clerk

13. To consider any matters arising from the Parish Assembly

13.1 Draft minutes for the Parish Assembly had been circulated with the agenda papers. It was thought nothing contained therein required immediate action other than that being considered at the current meeting.

14. To consider a response to the police on their PCSO employment questionnaire

14.1 A short questionnaire had been received on the possible employment patterns for the PCSOs soon to be recruited. The following responses were agreed –
When – Friday and Saturday nights were considered the most worthwhile times
Where – a visible presence (1) outside the Village Hall, (2) around Hunter’s Close/Eldon Road, (3) in the vicinity of the Working Men’s Club and the pub, in that order of priority
Times – (1) between 9.00pm and 11.00pm and (2) between 11.00pm and 01.00am
Other comments – this response is not a commitment to a financial contribution

15. To consider the installation of a Trim Trail on the 3 Fields site

15.1 Cllr Pearson had reviewed the Kings Worthy trim trail but found it not to be what we had in mind. However, it was confirmed that the TVBC Open Spaces Fund might be a source of funding, together with lottery monies and Cllr Pearson and Cllr Gannaway would work informally with Mr Brooke-Webb on developing ideas.
Action: Cllrs Gannaway and Pearson

16. To consider a response to TVBC’s Core Strategy Development Plan document

16.1 Cllr Room would continue to liaise with TVBC planning staff on this consultation.

17. To consider rewording the John O’Gaunt’s direction signs

17.1 Previous discussion had centred on the addition of ‘site only’ to each of the boards to avoid raising expectations that an actual palace still existed, and Cllr Pearson reported that one of the finger signs had been broken off its post.

17.2 Proposed Cllr Pearson, Seconded Cllr Dyke, RESOLVED with Cllrs Geary-Harwood, Pidgeon and Room abstaining, that a quotation be obtained for amending the signs and repairing the broken one.
Action: Cllr Pearson

18. To consider and, if appropriate, approve charges for providing information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000

18.1 The Clerk tabled suggested charges for the provision of information which compared with those charges levied by similar councils elsewhere. A copy is attached to these minutes.

18.2 Proposed Cllr Room, Seconded Cllr Dyke, RESOLVED unanimously that the table of charges for providing information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 be adopted.

19. To consider and, if appropriate, adopt a complaints procedure

19.1 The Clerk had tabled a draft complaints procedure should there be a complaint made against the Council or an individual Councillor.

19. Proposed Cllr Room, Seconded Cllr Bevan, RESOLVED unanimously that the tabled complaints procedure be adopted.

20. To consider and, if appropriate, sponsor a prize at the Test Valley School annual presentation evening

20.1 Proposed Cllr Bidwell, Seconded Cllr Pidgeon, RESOLVED unanimously that £50 be granted towards sponsoring a prize at the presentation evening at the Test Valley School.

21. Reports by Members on External Meetings at which they have represented the Parish Council or have attended in any other capacity

21.1 Cllr Pearson informed Members that he had attended his last planning meeting with TVBC and Cllr Geary-Harwood stated she was experiencing difficulties in obtaining information on Village Hall management committee meetings.

22. Parish Plan

22.1 Cllr Bidwell reviewed progress on implementing the recommendations contained within the Parish Plan and some encouraging responses had been received from external agencies. Cllr Bidwell reminded all present of the need to maintain the momentum, especially as a further quarter’s deadline would soon be upon us. It was also thought that the need for a Village Design Statement could be subsumed within the Parish Plan and the follow-up actions.
Action: All

Cllr Bevan left the meeting at this point

23. Clerk’s Report

23.1 The Clerk reported that the Roads Policing Unit of Hampshire Constabulary was producing area newsletters and that comment was invited on communities’ willingness to receive these and make them available to anyone interested. It was agreed to welcome free copies of these.

23.2 A Tree Preservation Order TVBC.911 (2006) had been imposed on 3 Horse Chestnut, 3 Sycamore, one Ash, one pine and one Beech, a group of trees standing close to the western boundary of Ashley Glebe Farmhouse and Ashley Glebe Farm.

23.3 Hampshire county Council had issued an invitation for a representative and guest to attend a Service of Thanksgiving to mark the 80th birthday of HM The Queen in Winchester Cathedral on 18 June 2006 at 11.00am but no-one was able to accept.
24. Highway Matters

24.1 Progress on raising the height of the Parish bridges to alleviate the risk of flooding was raised but the Chairman was able to state that the full study of the River Test had yet to be completed, after which the problems of its tributaries would be considered.
Action: Clerk

25. Test Valley Borough Council Matters

25.1 Cllr Bidwell reported that the last TVBC Borough Plan had now been produced and agreed. However, the Inspector thought that Parish boundaries had been drawn too tightly and TVBC had undertaken to review these at the earliest opportunity.

25.2 In response to a comment raised by Cllr Pearson, Cllr Bidwell explained the proposals behind the Government’s draft plans to reorganise local government which included the possible demise of borough/district councils and the possible merger of parish councils into ‘Neighbourhoods’ in the belief that services would be better provided by county/unitary authorities, or large organisations. Cllr Pearson queried the potential loss of parish funds should these changes come about and the Clerk undertook to investigate further.
Action: Clerk

25.3 The dangers of joining the A3057 from its side roads within King’s Somborne village were highlighted with several areas of concern being identified and a suggestion had been made that traffic mirrors should be installed. Cllr Pearson undertook to report this concern to Hampshire Highways for comment.
Action: Cllr Pearson

26. Recreational Facilities

26.1 The Clerk confirmed that a successful inspection by RoSPA had been completed on the play equipment within the Parish with no work requiring immediate attention. However, some suggestions had been made – installation of litter bins, seat painting, protective equipment to worn notices for the skate ramp, road warning signs at Up Somborne and repairing some of the safety surfaces – which the Clerk would follow up.
Action: Clerk

27. Date, Time and Place of Next Meeting

27.1 The next meeting of the Parish Council would be on Monday 3 July 2006 at 7.00pm in the Epworth Hall, King’s Somborne.

There being no further business, the Chairman closed the Meeting at 9.40pm

Clerk to the Council