Parish Council


Parish Council minutes July 2013

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
held in the Epworth Hall
commencing at 7.00pm on Monday 1 July 2013
Present: Cllr R Harwood (Chairman)
Cllr A Brock
Cllr R Curtis
Cllr J Evans 
Cllr R Lane
Cllr K Mercer
Cllr J Werrett
In Attendance:    Mr P J Storey (Clerk to King’s Somborne Parish Council)
Public Session
The Footpath Warden, Mr David Hayden, confirmed the plans to install a finger post and steps on footpath 14 and that the reason why vegetation was being allowed to grow along the sides of the path off Eldon Road was to provide an environmental margin to encourage wildlife.
The Open Spaces Warden, Mr Dyke, commented on the need for a larger litter bin on or near the toddlers play area on the King’s Somborne recreation ground and more waste bins in general around the Parish.
Dr Macintosh, as Chairman of the Village Hall management committee, had attended the consultation on the proposed new Village path and opined that embedded gravel was a more appropriate surface than the cellular plastic proposed.  He also introduced proposals by the Hall committee to extend the football pitch facing wall of the Hall onto the adjacent concreted area which was land owned by Fields in Trust with whom he would liaise. 
Borough Cllr Ward introduced Jacqui Evans, Housing Development Manager TVBC and Catherine Kirkham, Rural Housing Enabler from Community Action Hampshire, who talked about the benefits and procedures relating to undertaking a housing needs survey.  Such a survey would identify through a household questionnaire the extent of the need for social housing in the Parish and a suitable housing mix which would then assist the Parish Council and the developer in meeting the requirement.  Survey costs would be met by TVBC.
Also present was the Community Responder Manager, Nic Morecroft, from the Ambulance Service who introduced the scheme whereby defibrillators were being installed in rural areas for public use in an emergency.  This initiative would meet a need where volunteer community responders were not providing 24/7 availability and ambulance drivers might not be able to meet the eight minute arrival target. 
71. Apologies for absence.
71.1 Cllrs Fahy and Herbert and C/Cllr Gibson.
72. Chairman’s announcements and Councillors’ questions
72.1 The Chairman commented on the increased amount of dog excrement being left on the ground by irresponsible dog walkers and asked that councillors approached these people when they were not retrieving this waste to point out the error of their ways and remind them that such waste matter could be placed in any of the litter bins in the Parish as well as being taken home.
 Action: All
72.2 In the absence of Cllr Fahy, the Chairman also commented that Hampshire Highways would be asked to tidy up the weed growth along Old Vicarage Lane and Winchester Road and approach the owners of Fir Tree Cottage to cut back their hedge growth which now encroached across the footpath.
Action: Clerk
73. To approve the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 3 June 2013
73.1 Proposed Cllr Brock, Seconded Cllr Lane, RESOLVED unanimously that the minutes of the meeting held on 3 June 2013 be accepted as a true record.
74. To consider any Matters Arising from those Minutes
74.1 There were no matters arising not dealt with elsewhere in these minutes.
75. Declarations of Interest and Dispensations
75.1 Cllr Evans declared an interest in the grant application from the Community Responders.
76. To consider Correspondence Received and determine any action required
76.1 The Clerk drew Councillors’ attention to correspondence received, in particular, confirmation from TVBC of their acceptance of the list of community assets submitted under the Community Right to Bid scheme.  However, he would seek clarification on the interpretation of  the asset ‘land in Church Road’ and the omission of the Up Somborne telephone kiosk.
Action: Clerk
77. To determine the need for a Housing Needs Survey
77.1 Following the presentation at the start of the meeting, Councillors debated the need for a structured housing needs survey.  Differing views were expressed on the need and the potential mixed impressions the results of such a survey might generate.  B/Cllr Ward stressed the advantages of having a survey and commented on the local evidence already in existence which indicated  the shortage of suitable housing for all age groups in the Parish.  He also reminded all present of the oversubscription for allocation of a property in the recently completed Lancaster Gate project.  
77.2 A proposal by Cllr Evans to undertake the survey failed for want of a seconder and it was subsequently agreed to defer further consideration until the September meeting by which time Councillors would have had an opportunity to review the questionnaires being used in adjacent local parishes.
Action: All
78. To receive Councillors’ Reports
78.1 Cllr Evans was pleased to report that £242 had been raised at a recent Quiz Night in The Crown in aid of Myeloma UK with other donations taking the total to in excess of £800.
78.2 Cllr Curtis reported he was meeting with the local Scouts and Cubs Commissioner to discuss various strategies and what help the Parish might offer.
78.3 Cllr Lane reported that a very successful Barn Dance had been organised by the Up Somborne residents on 15 June at which over 100 persons had attended.
79. To receive the RFO’s Report and Budget Monitoring
79.1 The Clerk reported that he had applied to TVBC’s capital grant fund for £10,000 towards the costs of the MUGA and for a further £13,953 from developers’ contributions.  The outcome of the funding bid to SITA would be known in mid-August.  All noted the next round of the National Lottery’s Inspired Facilities fund would open on 21 October should funds still be required.
79.2 An invoice had finally been received in support of the Cricket Club’s bid last year for a grant of £400 towards the costs of the new run ups in the practice nets and this would presented as part of the payments for approval.
79.3 Following on from the previous meeting, a quote had been received for serious pruning of the hedges around the Up Somborne  play area but in view of the amount involved it was thought appropriate to obtain two more estimates for comparison.
Action: Clerk
79.4 A budget monitoring report showing income and expenditure to date had been circulated with the agenda and was noted.  However, the Clerk proposed to table adjustments to the agreed budget in view of some necessary tree work in the Church and Cemetery grounds not previously budgeted. 
Action: Clerk
80. Payment of Accounts
80.1 Proposed Cllr Werret, Seconded Cllr Brock, RESOLVED unanimously that the following accounts for June 2013 be approved for payment:
To For Net      VAT Gross    Chq/Internet
Mr P Storey Salary/expenses         559.78 559.78             BACs
BPC Shared costs            52.00  52.00 BACs
HMRC Tax/NIC          340.13 340.13 BACs
Mr Rebbeck Grounds maint          749.50 749.50 BACs
TVBC 3 Fields rent  1.00    1.00 BACs
KS Cricket Club Grant                      400.00 400.00 1795
Totals                            2101.41                         2101.41                     
81. Grant Aid application from Community Responders
81.1 An application for £1,100 had been submitted by the South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust to fund the provision of an automatic external defibrillator (AED) in a vandal proof case to be located somewhere centrally in the Village  for use by the public in an emergency.  The AED would be accessed by a code provided when the 999 call was received at Ambulance HQ and instructions would become available from the AED to the user on the scene.  Whilst supporting the concept in principle, questions were raised on the funding available from the Community Responders Group and a need to consult with them over a contribution was thought appropriate.  Cllr Evans would follow this up and the application would be reviewed at the next meeting.
Action: Cllr Evans
82. Village Path consultation
82.1 A successful consultation had been managed by Hampshire County Council with whom the decision on the composition of the path and its funding remained.  The likely installation date was in the Autumn.
83. Additional dog waste bins
83.1 Following on from the earlier comments by the Open Spaces Warden and endorsed by Cllr Evans, thought was given to the need and location of any additional bins.  Likely installation locations were at the top of the Froghole path, The Gorrings exit from 3 Fields and the Palace Close exit from 3 Fields. With the change in regulations now allowing dog waste to be placed in green litter bins, it would not necessary to increase the amount budgeted for emptying and sanitising the red dog bins which currently cost £5.30 per bin per week.  The Clerk would discuss with TVBC.
Action: Clerk
84. Big Tree Plant initiative
84.1 One of the three Jubilee Oaks planted earlier in the year had died and as part of the final push under the Big Tree Plant, where one million trees were to be planted by 2015, it was timely to consider if the Parish wanted to plant any further trees.  No clearly identified space which would benefit from more tree planting was identified so it was agreed that no further action be taken under this initiative at this time. 
85. Village Hall slip road lighting
85.1 The suggestion that some form of lighting be installed along the short slip road from the Romsey Road to the Village Hall was discussed but although the Village Hall was prepared to absorb the costs of electricity consumed, provided the lights were PIR, given the likely installation costs and risk of damage/vandalism it was decided that no further action be taken at this time.
86. Clerk’s monthly report
86.1 The Clerk reported that repairs had been completed to the Church wall and that a survey of the weeds on the recreation ground had indicated a major weed spraying and fertilising plan was necessary to place them under control.  The cost of this would form part of the proposals to amend the budget for the remainder of the year.
87. Date, time and place of next meeting
87.1    The next meeting will be on Monday 5 August 2013 at 7.00pm in the Epworth Hall, Winchester Road, King’s Somborne.  
Action: All
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.00pm