Parish Council
Parish Council minutes January 2007
Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council
held in the Epworth Hall, King’s Somborne
commencing at 7.00pm on Monday 8 January 2007
Present: Cllr D Bidwell (Chairman), Cllr R Bevan, Cllr R Dyke, Cllr A Gannaway (Item 19 onwards), Cllr R Harwood, Cllr R Lane, Cllr G Pearson, Cllr R Pidgeon and Cllr D Room
In Attendance: Mr P J Storey (Clerk to King’s Somborne Parish Council)
Public Session: The Footpath Warden, Village Correspondent and Mr A Ward, were present for all or part of the meeting.
1. Announcements by the Chairman
1.1 The Chairman wished everyone present a Very Happy New Year.
2. Reports from the Tree Warden, Footpath Warden and others
2.1 The Footpath Warden commented that 23 people had enjoyed a New Year’s Day walk and that he was now planning the walks for the next six months.
3. Apologies
3.1 Apologies were received from Cllr Geary-Harwood.
4. To approve the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 6 November 2006
4.1 Proposed Cllr Pidgeon, Seconded Cllr Bevan, RESOLVED unanimously that the minutes of the meeting held on 6 November 2006, amended to include Cllr Dyke as present and Cllr Pearson as abstaining on the proposal at paragraph 9.3, be approved.
5. To consider any Matters Arising from those Minutes
1.1 Mrs Davies had declined to attend a Council meeting.
5.1 Kissing gate. The proposal to install the spare kissing gate at the entrance to the Horsebridge from King’s Somborne footpath had proven unnecessary as an adjacent property owner had installed a new access gate; the old kissing gate was therefore still available for installation in an appropriate place within the Parish.
11.1 Tree planting. Trees were being purchased and Cllr Dyke volunteered to assist with planting.
16.7 Newsletter. The Autumn Newsletter had been displayed on the notice boards.
6. To approve the Minutes of the Special Finance Meeting held on Monday 4 December 2006
6.1 Proposed Cllr Dyke, Seconded Cllr Pidgeon, RESOLVED unanimously that the minutes of the Special Finance meeting held on 4 December 2006 be approved.
7. To consider any Matters Arising from those Minutes
7.1 The Clerk explained the emergency work necessary on the Yew Tree in the Village centre and why it could not wait until the Autumn as previously agreed.
8. Declarations of Interest
8.1 No declarations of interest were made.
9. To consider Correspondence Received
9.1 Details of correspondence received since the last meeting had been circulated with the agenda; the actual correspondence was available at the meeting for Members to peruse, as required. The Clerk drew attention to correspondence received since circulation of the meeting papers.
9.2 An invitation had been extended to a representative Member to attend the first meeting with the recently appointed Hampshire Action Team (HAT) county councillor on 6 February 2007 to hear about issues and services across Test Valley and consider how the HAT could add value to County actions; Cllr Bidwell would attend.
9.3 A copy of the HCC School Places Plan for 2006 had been received and was available for perusal; Cllr Lane would study it in the first instance. It was thought appropriate to congratulate the village school on its complimentary OFSTED report.
9.4 Proposed Cllr Lane, Seconded Cllr Bevan, RESOLVED unanimously that the School be congratulated on its OFSTED report.
Action: Clerk
10. Report on Planning Applications Considered
10.1 The following responses had been made on recent planning applications received:
* 06/03171/FULLS and 06/03174/FULLS – alterations to and change of use of redundant barn to form 5 units of holiday accommodation with leisure facilities – no objection
* 06/03359/FULLS – Yew Tree House, Romsey Road – re-line chimney in inglenook fireplace and install wood burner – no objection
* 06/03620/FULLS – 2 Camp Field – addition of sloping roof to front elevation for conversion of loft space to bedroom – no objection.
11. RFO’s Report and Budget Monitoring
11.1 An analysis of budget against actual spend to date, together with a forecast out-turn had been circulated with the agenda papers. The RFO gave a verbal presentation on the Council’s financial state of affairs at the end of the ninth month into the financial year when 67% of the annual budget had been expended to date. Cllr Harwood queried some of the forecast out-turns and accepted that there could be an underspend at the year end. The combined bank balances stood at £45050.
12. Payment of Accounts
12.1 Proposed Cllr Pearson, Seconded Cllr Room, RESOLVED unanimously that the following accounts be paid:
To For Net Gross Chq Mr P Storey Salary/expenses 465.38 465.38 1281HMRC Tax 246.78 246.78 1282Mr Rebbeck Grounds maint 30.00 30.00 1283Cllr Pidgeon Filing cabinet 55.00 9.63 64.63 1284Ms Mabel Grounds maint 75.00 75.00 1285Methodist Church Facility hire 150.00 150.00 1286BPC Broadband 15.00 15.00 1287HAPTC Courses 40.00 40.00 1288 Total 1077.16 9.63 1086.79
13. To consider and, if appropriate approve Grant Aid to Southern Test Valley Voluntary Transport Scheme 13.1 Proposed Cllr Bidwell, Seconded Cllr Bevan RESOLVED that assistance should be given to Southern Test Valley Voluntary Transport Scheme. Proposed Cllr Bevan, Seconded Cllr Bidwell, RESOLVED unanimously that £400 be granted towards the cost of purchasing a new minibus.
Action: Clerk
14. To determine any action appropriate for the future of the Bier Hut
14.1 Cllr Pearson introduced the background to the Bier Hut and an assessment of the Hut’s condition. It was agreed that the Hut formed part of the history of the village and should be maintained in a reasonable state. The Hut, which was about 100 years old, had cost £17 when new to meet a temporary storage requirement. It is the only known example in Test Valley and would benefit from a trench being dug to allow the foundations to dry out, clearance of the adjacent undergrowth, some work to the corrugated roof and replacement guttering. In the longer term, the woodworm should be treated and the doors rehung 14.2 Proposed Cllr Harwood, Seconded Cllr Dyke, RESOLVED unanimously that the general surrounds be tidied and the roof painted in due course with a further review of work necessary in October 2007.
Action: Clerk
15. To consider proposals for replacing the Village centre bus shelter
15.1 Cllr Dyke tabled proposals for a new shelter constructed in brick and flint which would enhance the Village centre. It was decided to obtain three quotes for the design which would exclude lighting. Cllr Dyke would include an article in The Gauntlet.Action: Clerk and Cllr Dyke
16. To consider approval of a quote for returfing the junior football pitch goal mouths
16.1 Test Valley Commercial Services had quoted £95 for returfing the two goal mouths on the junior football pitch in King’s Somborne.
16.2 Proposed Cllr Harwood, Seconded Cllr Pidgeon, RESOLVED that the quote from Test Valley Commercial Services to returf the junior goal mouths be accepted.
Action: Clerk
17. To identify areas within the Parish which should be subjected to dog control orders
17.1 The Borough Council had recently made a dog control order under the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005 making it an offence to allow a dog to defecate on land to which the Order applied and was seeking to identify areas within the parish to which the Order should apply. Members discussed at length whether or not the recreation areas and the 3 Fields site should become controlled areas but recognised that most dog walkers were responsible people who collected dog waste and that such an Order would be difficult to implement.
17.2 Proposed Cllr Harwood, Seconded Cllr Room, that the three recreation areas within the Parish should be subjected to an Order requiring all dogs to be on leads but the proposal was LOST with two votes for, three votes against and three abstentions. As a result, no action would be taken at this time but the Chairman ruled that the matter would be reconsidered in nine months time.
Action: Clerk
18. To receive reports from Members on external meetings at which they have represented the Parish Council or have attended in any other capacity
18.1 Cllr Pidgeon reported that the Scout Hut was in need of repair and that there might be a bid for financial support in the future. He also reported that a revival of interest in the Youth Club had occurred.
19. Parish Plan
19.1 Cllr Bidwell sought and was given assurances from Members that actions placed upon them were in hand. Cllr Dyke would be contacting shops and businesses in the near future to create a direct link between them and the Parish Council. The Clerk had identified a volunteer litter warden but it was thought more appropriate for the moment to rely upon individual volunteers around the Parish rather than try to formalise arrangements under a Parish Council volunteer.
Cllr Gannaway arrived at this point
19.2 Cllr Gannaway commented that the website was developing well under the webmaster and that he would include details of the car sharing scheme on the bulletin board. It was agreed that Cllr Harwood need not consider further kick start actions with new clubs as this responsibility had been subsumed into the role of the recently formed Village Hall Development Committee. The report produced by Cllr Dyke and others identifying land with development potential would be forwarded by the Chairman to TVBC.
Action: Chairman
19.3 A detailed review on progress to date would be made at the April meeting.
Action: All
20. Clerk’s Report
20.1 HAPTC training seminars. Cllr Dyke expressed an interest in attending the two forthcoming training seminars for chairmanship being held by HAPTC. Proposed Cllr Bidwell, Seconded Cllr Harwood, RESOLVED unanimously that the seminar fees of £40 for Cllr Dyke’s attendance be paid from Parish funds.
20.2 Trim trial. An application for external funding was about to be submitted and the Clerk had applied for Scheduled Monument consent.
20.3 Tennis Club. Some 60 people have confirmed their interest in forming a tennis club and agreed to pay an initial subscription. A constitution was being prepared, election of officers was in hand and a submission could soon be expected by the Parish Council proposing possible location of the court(s).
20.4 The occupants of Marsh Court Farm Cottages on Romsey Road have petitioned for a change to their post code to avoid mail being misdirected to Marsh Court Cottages some two miles away and the Parish Council had been asked for comments. Members gave their support to the change in post code.
Action: Clerk to confirm
20.5 Street lighting PFI – a Government initiative to replace worn out street lights will result in the County Council no longer providing maintenance of the new lights, this responsibility falling to other authorities. The only street light to become the responsibility of the Parish Council under this Private Finance Initiative is that illuminating the car park outside the Village Hall and positioned at the bottom of Mr Reeve’s garden. Members noted an estimated £50 per annum would need to be budgeted to cover repairs and consumption once transfer of responsibility had taken place.
Action: Clerk to note
20.6 Village Hall Development Committee. The Clerk updated Members on the progress of the Development Committee which now meets regularly and was in the process of obtaining a structural engineer’s report on the state of the building, drafting a constitution and identifying possible users of the Hall and its facilities. With this information to hand, it should be possible to identify the style of building best suited to Village needs and obtain consents, costings and funds to build.
21. Highway Matters
21.1 Romsey Road drains. The Clerk had reported the blocked drains on the A3057 approach from Stockbridge into the Village to Hampshire Highways.
21.2 Junction A3057/Cow Drove Hill. Following a recent accident at this junction, the Clerk had established it was not TVBC/HCC policy to install mirrors to assist drivers at this or any difficult junction on the grounds that mirrors could divert drivers’ attention away from the road itself. However, the junction white road markings have now been strengthened and the Casualty Reduction Partnership will undertake a study of this section of the A3057 during 2007/8 which will include relooking at the junction.
21.3 Standard of pavement surfacing. The Clerk reported that the poor standard of surface finish has been referred back to the contractor by TVBC who had also received numerous complaints directly from the public.
21.4. Muss Lane junction. TVBC/HCC had confirmed that it was not policy to provide road markings where there was a low number of vehicle movements at junctions used primarily by residents who knew the area.
21.5 A3057 centre white line opposite factory site on Romsey Road. A resident had suggested incorporating a centre white line on the bend opposite the AWD factory site but again TCVB/HCC had determined this would not add to the general safety of users of the road at this point and had argued that the existing edge lines were provided to visually narrow the carriageway through the centre of the Village to enhance safety.
21.6 Hampshire Highways would be undertaking a review of the need for traffic lights at the ‘Narrows’ on Romsey Road entering the Village from Stockbridge.
21.7 In reply to a suggestion from Cllr Pearson regarding the introduction of a 20mph limit in the area of the school, the Chairman confirmed that a marker already existed to this effect. However, Proposed Cllr Pearson, Seconded Cllr Bevan, RESOLVED eight for and one against that a letter be written to HCC emphasising the Council’s support for a 20mph restriction in the area of the school.
Action: Clerk
22. Test Valley Borough Council Matters
22.1 The Chairman sought confirmation on the success or otherwise of the ABC collection system; Members had no comment to make at this time.
22.2 Cllr Bidwell commented on the White Paper outlining the way ahead in local government and the reorganisation options stressing, in his view, the need for continuing local consultation at all stages in the discussion process to ensure that local government remained in the hands of local people.
23. Recreational Facilities and Cemetery
23.1 Members had nothing of note to report at this time.
24. Date, Time and Place of Next Meeting
24.1 The next meeting of the Parish Council would be on Monday 5 February 2007 at 7.00pm in the Epworth Hall, King’s Somborne.
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the Meeting at 9.20pm Clerk to the Council