Parish Council

Parish Council minutes January 2006


Minutes of a Meeting of the Parish Council
Held in the Epworth Hall, King’s Somborne
Commencing at 7.00pm on Monday 9 January 2006

Present: Cllr D Bidwell (Chairman)
Cllr R Bevan
Cllr R B W Dyke
Cllr A Gannaway
Cllr R Harwood
Cllr R Lane
Cllr G Pearson
Cllr R Pidgeon

In Attendance: Mr P J Storey (Clerk to King’s Somborne Parish Council)

Public Session: Cllr M Woodhall (County Councillor) and a member of the press were present but no other members of the public attended. Cllr Woodhall commented that a complaint had been received against a member of staff at the Bunny Lane recycling depot which it was agreed by Members was unusual. He also confirmed that the site was known to be too small, that an alternative location was being sought, that engineering work on the A3057 should start before the end of the financial year and how keen he was for the Parish to achieve Quality Parish status.

1. Announcements by the Chairman

1.1 The Chairman welcomed the new Clerk to his first meeting of the Parish Council. He also drew attention to the changes in working practice as part of the preparation for achieving Quality Parish status and confirmed that urgent business matters would continue to be circulated outside of formal meetings.

2. Reports from the Tree Warden, Footpath Warden and others

2.1 Nothing specific to report.

3. Apologies for Absence

3. Apologies for absence had been received from Cllr Geary-Harwood and Cllr Room.

4. To approve the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 1 November 2005

4.1 Proposed Cllr Dyke, Seconded Cllr Bevan, RESOLVED unanimously to approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 1 November 2005.

5. To consider any Matters Arising from those Minutes

5.1 Skate ramp. Cllr Gannaway informed Members that no specific British Standard existed for the installation of skate ramps and that the ramp in the King’s Somborne recreation ground had been installed in accordance with the best advice available at the time and included that obtained from Test Valley Borough Council. The local concern at the noise made by ramp users was being addressed and various options were available and further information on these would be made available to Members at the next meeting.
Action: Cllr Gannaway to provide a briefing note for consideration at the next meeting.

5.2 Cemetery gates. Cllr Dyke had reviewed various gate mechanisms and favoured a system of weights and pulleys but would investigate further.
Action: Cllr Dyke to undertake further investigation on design and costs and report back in due course.

5.3 Kissing gate. Cllr Dyke had reviewed the problems of installing a larger gate at the entrance to the Three Fields site by the Church but had concluded the footpath width was insufficient and a manhole and the notice board were in the way. The alternative solution was to install a larger gate 2 – 3 metres inside the field with associated additional fencing.
Action: Cllr Dyke to produce drawings and costings for consideration at the next meeting.

5.4 Youth Shelter. There remained some doubt about the requirement for a youth shelter and the site and design had yet to be determined. Further investigation was required.
Action: Cllrs Bevan, Geary-Harwood and Pidgeon to produce a report in due course.

5.5 Parish website. Cllr Gannaway reported that the Parish website was on test and would soon be available for Members to review.

5.6 Churchyard condition. Cllr Pidgeon reported that in his opinion no further action was required on the condition of the Churchyard at this time. The Clerk confirmed that work had been placed with a contractor by the Church for the installation of a french drain and the Chairman confirmed that the right to inter ashes in the Churchyard had ceased in 1997 except for those of close relatives already laid there.

5.7 German Memorial. Nothing had been received from the German Air Attaché regarding the aircrew headstone.
Action: Clerk to hasten

5.8 Tree by School. Cllr Pearson raised his concern at the safety of the large tree overhanging the school and it was agreed that the TVBC arboricultural officer’s opinion should again be sought.
Action: Cllr Pearson to liaise with TVBC

6. Declarations of Interest

6.1 None declared.

7. To consider Correspondence Received

7.1 The Clerk outlined the contents of correspondence received since the last meeting and not dealt with elsewhere in these minutes.

8. Report on Planning Applications Considered

8.1 The Chairman reported the following decisions on planning applications received; Members concurred:
05/00868/FULLS – Flat 4 Furzedown House, Furzedown Road – application to extend the time period for commencement of work – no objection

05/00908/FULLS – land adjacent to Oakleigh, Muss Lane – erection of two storey detached house and garage – supported but applicant should ensure boundary hedge trimmed back to give clear line of sight to north when exiting driveway

05/00931/FULLS – Lower Eldon Farm Cottages, Eldon Firs Lane – erection of garage block and games room – supported

05/00997/FULLS – Paddock House, Strawberry Lane, Up Somborne – replacement stable block with garage/workshop – supported

8.2 The Chairman would also discuss with the Chairman of the Planning Committee and the Clerk whether any improvements should be made to the present system whereby applications were considered, given the time constraints placed on responses and the need to make plans and discussion available to the public.
Action: Chairman, Cllr Room and Clerk to consider procedures

9. To approve the Minutes of the Special Finance Meeting held on 14 December 2005

9.1 The draft minutes had been circulated to all Members.

9.2 Proposed Cllr Pidgeon, Seconded Cllr Pearson, RESOLVED unanimously that the Minutes of the Special Finance Meeting held on 14 December 2005 be approved and the decisions on the Precept and Budget for 2006/7 be noted.

10. RFO’s Report and Budget Monitoring

10.1 Budget monitoring and income and expenditure. The Clerk reviewed the actual spend against budget up to 31 December 2005, highlighting variances and miscellaneous receipts; a copy of the comparison is attached to these Minutes.

10.2 Accounts for payment. Proposed Cllr Lane, Seconded Cllr Gannaway, RESOLVED unanimously that the following accounts be paid:

Mr R Gammage Miscellaneous expenses £50.36 Cheque 1174
TVBC Grounds maintenance £479.54 1175
Chiso E-mail set up £41.40 1176
Southern Water KSRG £21.89 1177

10.3 There were no matters to report under the insurance claim, the audit for 2006, or tenders/quotations at this time.

10.4 Other financial matters – cost sharing. The Clerk explained that by being employed also by Bishopstoke Parish Council, there would be the opportunity to share costs of a mutual benefit and effect savings. In particular, subscriptions and course attendance fees, provided they were approved by both Councils and gave benefit to both, should be shared equally. Additionally, the broadband monthly rental and PC and printer consumables used by both Councils, but purchased by Bishopstoke PC, should be shared on an appropriate basis and this would give rise to a monthly invoice from Bishopstoke PC for settlement by King’s Somborne PC. The Clerk sought Members’ agreement to these arrangements.

10.5 Proposed Cllr Bevan, Seconded Cllr Pidgeon, RESOLVED unanimously to agree the bases of cost sharing recommended by the Clerk.

10.6 Cheque signatories. Action: the Clerk would confirm with LloydsTSB that all Members were now authorised cheque signatories.

11. Reports by Members on External Meetings at which they have represented the Parish Council or have attended in any other capacity

11.1 King’s Somborne Village Hall. The Chairman explained he might attend the next meeting of the Village Hall committee, given the importance to the local community of the facility in general.

11.2 Scouts Committee. Cllr Pidgeon reported that there were 9 scouts, 20 cubs and 25 beavers but no regular scout leaders. The Scouts relied on volunteer support but nevertheless undertook successful fund-raising and appeared to be in a healthy state.

11.3 Tarmac Quarry Liaison Committee. Cllr Pearson had yet to receive the date for the 2006 meeting.

11.4 Test Valley Planning Users Group. The next meeting would be held on 23 January 2006.

12. BOAT

12.1 Cllr Lane had nothing to report on this item.

13. Parish Plan

13.1 The Parish Plan had been endorsed at the November meeting. No further external consultation was necessary and the draft was now ready for printing. The Chairman reminded Members that £569 had been provided by HCC towards the total cost and a further £1000 had been budgeted for from Parish funds. Unfortunately, the informal sponsor had withdrawn his support. Three printing estimates had been received, the lowest being at £2201 from BML, Printers in Romsey. A further £632 was therefore required. Cllr Gannaway queried the sense of distributing a glossy copy of the Plan to every household when a significant number of recipients were unlikely to value it. However, the Chairman reminded Members that the original undertaking had been to ensure every household received a copy and he believed it wrong not to adhere to that arrangement.

13.2 Proposed Cllr Bidwell, Seconded Cllr Bevan, RESOLVED, with Cllrs Gannaway and Harwood against, that £632 be vired from General Reserves to enable the printing costs of the Parish Plan to be met.

14. Three Fields Site

14.1 The Chairman introduced the concept of the Three Fields Site becoming self-financing at some stage and thought would now be given on how to achieve this and maintain the site as a village amenity. In the meantime, the Clerk would determine with others the feasibility of tree planting, possibly utilising the Edmond’s legacy which the Chairman confirmed he would broach with Mrs Edmonds, and the cost of grass cutting.
Action: Chairman and Clerk to discuss

15. Cemetery/Churchyard

15.1 Cllr Pidgeon confirmed that he had reviewed the possible immediate dangers posed by the Cemetery and Churchyard memorials against HSW criteria and concluded that no action was required at this time. The Chairman outlined the comments received from the Diocese of Winchester on topple testing headstones and charged the Clerk with obtaining further clarification on the difference between ‘guidance’ and ‘statutory’ obligations and also checking with the previous clerk that no binding arrangement existed between the contractors IMI and the Parish Council.
Action: Clerk to seek further advice.

16. Clerk’s Report

16.1 Office furniture. A Parish-owned computer table and office chair were now surplus to requirements and it was agreed they should be offered for sale through ‘The Gauntlet’ magazine.

16.2 Health and Safety. The Clerk would complete the working from home HSW assessment for the Chairman’s agreement and signature.

17. Highway Matters

17.1 The Chairman reported that HCC had confirmed certain changes to the local speed limits which would now go out to consultation.

18. Test Valley Borough Council Matters

18.1 Cllr Pearson raised the matter of rubbish left by the recycling bins in KSRG over the Christmas period and why the cardboard containers used to bring rubbish to the site could not themselves be disposed of in the paper recycling bin as with domestic waste. It seemed there was a TVBC sign which was not displayed at this site which stated this limitation.
Action: Clerk to follow up

18.2 Cllr Pidgeon would follow up on the domestic rubbish left outside 27 Scott Close with Testway Housing.
Action: Cllr Pidgeon

19. Recreational Facilities

19.1 KSRG. The Clerk would check on progress being made towards painting the car parking restriction lines.
Action: Clerk

19.2 Cllr Harwood would submit a proposal for part funding replacement mats and nets for the Cricket Club.
Action: Cllr Harwood

19.3 Up Somborne RG. The Clerk would check on the RoSPA dates for the annual safety check.
Action: Clerk

20. Date, Time and Place of Next Meeting

20.1 The next meeting of the Parish Council would be held on Monday 6 February 2006 at 7.00pm in the Epworth Hall, King’s Somborne.

There being no further business, the Chairman closed the Meeting at 9.40pm