Parish Council

Parish Council minutes Jan 2013


Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting

held in the Village Hallcommencing at 7.00pm on Monday 7 January 2013 

Present:          Cllr J Werrett (Chairman)                        Cllr A Brock                        Cllr R Curtis                        Cllr J Evans                        Cllr F Fahy                        Cllr R HarwoodCllr G HerbertCllr R Lane                                                                                               

 In Attendance:    Mr P J Storey (Clerk to King’s Somborne Parish Council) 

Public Session Mr John Wright, Operations Manager Scottish and Southern Electricity, gave an overview on the company’s plans for upgrading the electricity supply in the area and refurbishment of existing equipment to   reduce the number of breakdowns.  He undertook to follow up on the long awaited plans to put the supply line from The Gorrings to Romsey Road underground.

 The Open Spaces Warden, C/Cllr Gibson, B/Cllr Ward and PC Beecroft were present for part of the meeting.   PC Beecroft reported on an increase in crime in the area compared with the same time last year and stated that extra patrols were being mounted in the evenings and early mornings. C/Cllr Gibson stressed the importance of everyone wishing to see faster Broadband in the area registering this on the HCC website at  He also made known his concern at the poor standard of pothole and general road repairs and again stressed the need for everyone to report road problems on

B/Cllr Ward commented on the Tesco proposals in Romsey and the Highways surveys being undertaken to assess the impact of the new store on local roads.  He also talked about the availability of developers’ contributions and the localisation of council tax support, in particular, the 10% reduction in available funding and the need to protect pensioners.  He thought it was likely that TVBC would vote in support of the need for a top up grant to be paid to parishes to ensure the Precept they required was matched by the reduced council tax collected because of the reduction in the tax based and the top up grant.  He confirmed that Hants Highways were now reconsidering their comments on the suitability of Strawberry Lane for HGVs and that the Duttons Road offices of TVBC would be closed by the end of next month. 

  1. Apologies for absence.

1.1    Cllrs Harrison and Reynolds.

  1. Chairman’s announcements and Councillors’ questions

2.1    The Chairman wished everyone a Happy New Year.

  1. 3. To approve the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 3 December 2012

3.1    Proposed Cllr Brock, Seconded Cllr Harwood, RESOLVED unanimously that the minutes of the meeting held on 3 December 2012 be accepted as a true record. 

  1. 4. To consider any Matters Arising from those Minutes

4.1    Para 191.1        Royal Mail delivery procedures.   Royal Mail had responded to a further letter on their policy of returning mail to the main sorting office when unable to deliver which said basically that the scheme had been advertised to every household in August last year and that they did not intend to amend it. 

  1. 5. Declarations of Interest

5.1    None declared. 

  1. To consider Correspondence Received and determine any action required

6.1    The Clerk drew Councillors’ attention to other correspondence received but no further action was thought necessary.   

  1. To note the Planning Committee minutes as tabled

7.1    Minutes of the meetings held on 3 and 17 December 2012 had been circulated with the agenda.

7.2    Cllr Harwood introduced the need for another member of the Planning Committee due to the short term absence of Cllr Harrison and the Chairman agreed to attend for the time being. 

7.3    Proposed Cllr Harwood, Seconded Cllr Lane, RESOLVED unanimously that the minutes of the Planning Committee meetings held on 3 and 17 December 2012 be noted. 

  1. To receive Councillors’ Reports

8.1    Cllr Fahy confirmed he was working with C/Cllr Gibson in an attempt to bring about an improved service by the County Council’s road repair contractors. 

8.2    Cllr Evans would liaise with the Chairman over the need for more dropped kerbs in the Parish.

Action: Cllr Evans 

8.3    It was agreed that when Cllr Herbert was unable to attend a meeting of the Village Hall management committee as the Parish Council representative, Cllr Fahy would attend in lieu.

Action:  Cllrs Herbert and Fahy 

8.4    Cllr Lane briefed he had reported the Chalk Vale road damage and suspect tree to HCC.  

  1. To receive the RFO’s Report and Budget Monitoring

9.1    The Clerk reported the internal auditor had completed his interim auditor successfully and would complete the end of year audit on 16 April 2013. 

9.2    The Clerk reminded the Council that it was timely to consider a grant to the Methodist Church for use of the Epworth Hall during the past year. 

9.3    Proposed Cllr Evans, Seconded Cllr Fahy, RESOLVED unanimously that £150 be paid to the Methodist Church for use of the Epworth Hall during 2012. 

9.4    A budget monitoring report showing income and expenditure to date had been circulated with the agenda and was noted.     

  1. Payment of Accounts

10.1    Proposed Cllr Evans, Seconded Cllr Fahy, RESOLVED unanimously that the following accounts for December be approved for payment: 

To                                For                               Net            VAT          Gross      Chq/Internet

Mr P Storey                 Salary/expenses         782.11                            782.11             BACs

BPC                             Shared costs               22.00                              22.00             BACs

HMRC                         Tax/NIC                   201.29                            201.29             BACs

J Griggs                        Up Somborne Gate   449.00                            449.00             1791

Sub Arb                       Church Yew              225.00                            225.00             BACs

Sarsen Press                 Newsletter                  65.00                              65.00             BACs

M J Ellis                       Gate plaques                78.50        15.70            94.20             1792

Blake Lapthorne           Land register              248.00        40.00           288.00             BACs

P Reynolds                   Audit                          430.00                           430.00             BACs

Methodist Church         Room hire                  150.00                           150.00             1792

Totals                                                          2650.90         55.70       2706.60                                              

  1. 10.      Precept and Expenditure Budget 2013 -14         

10.1    The draft Expenditure Budget and Precept which the Council had been mindful to adopt subject to confirmation that a top up grant would be paid by TVBC to make up the difference between the council tax yield on the reduced tax base and the Precept required could now be adopted in view of the likelihood of the payment of the TVBC grant.  However, if there was a last minute change to this, it was determined that the expenditure budget would be reduced before the options of using reserves or increasing the Precept were considered. 

10.2    Cllr Harwood requested more information on burial charges levied by adjacent Burial Boards which the Clerk would obtain.

Action: Clerk   

10.3    Proposed Cllr Brock, Seconded Cllr Evans, RESOLVED unanimously that the Council adopt an Expenditure Budget of £32,360 and a Precept of £31,210 for 2013-14. 

10.4    A copy of the tabled Expenditure Budget and Precept is attached to these minutes.

  1. 11. Signage for the King’s Somborne recreation ground

11.1    Following a resident’s request for improved signage for the King’s Somborne recreation ground and village hall, it was determined that a need existed for a suitable sign at the two way entrance to the recreation ground and the Clerk would liaise with C/Cllr Gibson over its design and provision.

Action: Clerk 

  1. To receive the Clerk’s monthly report

12.1    The Clerk confirmed that a supply of filled sandbags was located on the recreation ground slip road for use by the public as required. 216.2    Unfortunately, the application for National Lottery funds to support the purchase of a MUGA had been unsuccessful. The next round of applications would open in April and it was thought worthwhile to reapply given the helpful comments made by the case officer at the Lottery handling the application.  However, the Clerk would also investigate alternative sources of funding.

Action: Clerk 

  1. Date, time and place of next meeting

13.1    The next meeting will on Monday 4 February 2013 at 7.00pm in the Epworth Hall, Winchester Road, King’s Somborne. 

Action: All  

There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.20pm