Parish Council
Parish Council minutes Feb 2010
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
held in the Epworth Hall
commencing at 7.00pm on Monday 1 February 2010
Present: Cllr R Dyke (Chairman) Cllr R Bevan Cllr D Bidwell Cllr F Fahy Cllr R Lane Cllr G Pearson Cllr R Pidgeon Cllr D Room Cllr J Werrett
In Attendance: Mr P J Storey (Clerk to King’s Somborne Parish Council)
Public Session Mr Charrington, from Horsebridge Station, explained the rationale behind his re-application for planning approval to erect a marquee during four months of the year as part of the family business. PC Benton explained that it had been relatively quiet on the crime front although there had been some minor thefts. Local youths had approached him with a request for a youth shelter and Members noted this and instructed the Clerk to follow up the idea by obtaining information on styles and the experiences of adjacent councils. Members recalled that no-one turned up to a meeting some months aimed at giving the youth of the community the opportunity to put forward their ideas.Action: Clerk
Mr Matthews, the Tree Warden, confirmed that seven trees had been delivered and were ready for planting. He sought the help of Members on this and on suitable locations. It was agreed that one should go in the Cemetery, two in The Gorrings, and possibly one or two in Scott Close provided someone would come forward to take ownership. It was thought appropriate for the youth of the area to accept responsibility for the trees in their area and Cllr Bevan would follow this up. It was also thought preferable that the saplings be protected by surrounds.Action: Cllr Bevan
Borough Cllr Ward introduced a preference by TVBC for building a footpath from Carlton Engineering to the Cemetery opposite Muss Lane play area to encourage staff from the company to walk to/from the Village via the Muss Lane recreation ground in support of a Government initiative to encourage less reliance on cars. S106 monies would be required as part of the planning approval process to help finance the path. After some discussion and recognising the potential longer term advantages, Members agreed to support the concept and Chairman of Planning, Cllr Room, would respond accordingly.Action: Cllr Room
Cllr Ward also reported that the application to develop the light industry site at Horsebridge had been refused for lack of detailed information on how the build would match the existing listed building although there was no objection in principle to the concept of development. Mention was also made of the government consultation on incentives to landowners in rural areas to release land for social housing. The consultation did not involve parish councils and all thought this to be a serious oversight. Details would be forwarded to Members and to HALC.Action: Clerk
TVBC was studying the dangers of and current legislation affecting cars stopping on zigzag lines outside schools and the need to protect children and young people. It seems that these areas cannot be regulated unless there are clear warning signs displayed which TVBC parking attendants can enforce; the Police no longer have powers of enforcement although they can take action for obstruction. TVBC is looking at handheld computers to issue penalty charges, educating parents through school travel plans and designing each area in such a way that drivers are unable to park there. The Environment Agency had introduced advice on flood protection and recommended the formation of flood action groups but Members thought it unnecessary to take any further action at this time. Finally, Cllr Ward gave an overview on the impact of the recession so far as it had affected Test Valley making particular reference to a drop in recycling rates, a reduction in pub licences issued, an increase in the demand for allotments, a drop in planning applications received and an increase in benefit payments, all of which impacted adversely in some way on TVBC’s income.
The meeting was then closed to the public
1. Apologies for Absence
1.1 Apologies had been received from Cllr Harwood and the Village Correspondent.
2. Announcements by the Chairman
2.1 None made.
3. To approve the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 4 January 2010
3.1 Proposed Cllr Bevan, Seconded Cllr Pidgeon, RESOLVED unanimously that the minutes of the meeting held on 4 January 2010 be accepted as a true record.
4. To consider any Matters Arising from those Minutes
4.1 Para 13.1 Cllrs Fahy and Lane were taking forward the suggestion of a petition from the children who had to cross the road at the junction of Strawberry Lane and Winchester Road.
Action: Cllrs Fahy and Lane
5. Declarations of Interest
5.1 None declared.
6. To consider Correspondence Received and determine any action required
6.1 Details of correspondence received since the last meeting had been circulated with the agenda papers. No further action was thought necessary at this time.
6.2 In view of the decreasing use made of direct mail in preference to e-mail, the Clerk recommended the discontinuance of the printed correspondence list and the tabling of correspondence of import at the meeting.
6.3 Proposed Cllr Fahy, Seconded Cllr Bevan, RESOLVED unanimously that the practice of circulating a printed correspondence list with the agenda papers cease and the Clerk tabled correspondence of interest or requiring action at the appropriate meeting.
7. To receive reports on planning applications considered and determined
7.1 Some debate had already taken place on the need for a footpath along the A3057 from Carlton Engineering to the Cemetery opposite the Muss Lane recreation ground using S106 monies to give support to the Government initiative of discouraging people from using their cars for short journeys. Mixed views were expressed on the need although it was recognised that the path could form part of a longer term plan to make the road safer.
7.2 Proposed Cllr Lane, Seconded Cllr Bidwell, RESOLVED with six votes for and three against that support be given for the use of S106 monies stemming from the Carlton Engineering proposal to develop the site for a footpath from the site to the Cemetery opposite the Muss Lane recreation ground.
7.3 The following responses had been made to recent planning applications received:
* Horsebridge Station – seasonal use of land for the erection of a marquee for use at receptions and other events – no objection
* Sunnyside View, Stockbridge Road – construction of three office buildings and associated works – no objection
* Horsebridge Farm House, Horse Bridge Farm Road – replace damaged timbers and roof, incorporate disabled access, change windows and doors in line with conversion for change of use – no objection
* Jessamine, Romsey Road – two storey rear extension and front porch (amended scheme) – no objection
* 22 Riverside Green – loft conversion incorporating roof lights and rear dormer – no objection
* Butchers End – single storey orangery – no objection
* Moorcourt, Palace Close – porch extension, increase in roof height and dormer windows – no objection
7.2 The following decisions had been notified by Test Valley Borough Council:
* 4 Marsh Court Farm – certificate of lawful proposed development for new extension to enlargen existing kitchen to rear
* 1 Redhill Cottages, Winchester Road – demolition of rear extensions and replace with enlargened kitchen, utility WC and bathrooms – refused on the grounds that the proposal would adversely affect the character and special interest of the listed building
* Butchers End, Winchester Road – tree work – permitted
* Brook Farm House – change of use for redundant cowsheds – permitted
* land adjoining 25 Nutchers Drove –erection of three bed detached house – permitted
* 7 Nutchers Drove – tree works – permitted
8. To receive the RFO’s Report and Budget Monitoring
8.1 The budget monitoring report showing income and expenditure to date had been circulated with the agenda. All noted that 73% of the budget had been spent and that the Council’s bank balances stood at £27,222.88. The Clerk explained a change in the proposed allocation of the budget for the Village Hall in that the Management Committee would no longer be making a bid for capital grant funding from the Parish, Borough and County Councils in this current financial year, as briefed previously. Instead, a bid was being made to the Football Foundation which, when added to a grant from the Parish Council, would enable the renovation of the Pavilion area to be completed using funds already donated from the local community.
8.2 Proposed Cllr Bidwell, Seconded Cllr Pidgeon RESOLVED with seven votes for and two against that £4,000 be granted to the Village Hall Management Committee to support the funding of the Pavilion renovation subject to a formal Grant Aid application being received.
9. Payment of Accounts
9.1 Proposed Cllr Bevan, Seconded Cllr Bidwell, RESOLVED with seven votes for and two against that the following accounts for January be approved for payment:
To For Net VAT Gross Chq
Mr P Storey Salary/expenses 629.98 629.98 1581
HMRC Tax/NIC 175.86 175.86 1582
BPC Shared costs 15.00 15.00 1583
KSVH Grant 4000.00 4000.00 1584
Mr Rebbeck Grounds maint 37.50 37.50 1585
Landford Trees Trees 203.08 35.54 238.62 1586
Totals 5061.42 35.54 5096.96
10. To consider the need for an additional speed indicator device
10.1 Members agreed the principle of installing a second speed indicator device but thought it useful to obtain data on the information recorded and evaluate this before proceeding further.
Action: Clerk
11. To review the format for the Annual Assembly
11.1 The Chairman reminded Members that the Annual Assembly would be held at 7.30pm on 6 May 2010 in the Village Hall. It was agreed that no guest speaker would be invited this year and that, following his introduction of Members to those present and the statutory business, he would invite questions and comments from the floor. Before the meeting, the text of his annual report, together with a tear off slip for questions to be submitted in advance, would be inserted in The Gauntlet for information.
Action: Chairman
12. To receive reports from Members on external meetings at which they had represented the Parish Council or attended in any other capacity
12.1 Cllr Bidwell reported he was monitoring progress made towards the establishment of a pre-school in the Village. It had not been found possible for the pre-school to use the Scout Hut facility so the Village School was looking to bid for a building in the school grounds to accommodate the children.
12.2 Cllr Dyke had attended Village Hall Management Committee meetings as an observer and commented on the falling membership of the Village Hall Development Committee. He expressed the hope that this would not impact on the longer term renovation plans since, with many others, he considered the Village Hall to be an integral asset of the community.
13. To receive Councillors’ reports, as appropriate, on actions taken on lead and other matters
13.1 None tabled.
14. To receive the Clerk’s monthly report
14.1 The Clerk reported that he had been in touch with the Tarmac site manager to discuss help with snow clearance and gritting as a result of some residents having problems during the recent adverse weather. Tarmac were reviewing the help they could provide in future.
14.2 In the absence of Cllr Gibson, the Clerk confirmed that a bid for eleven additional grit bins to be installed around the Parish had been accepted by the County Council as part of their plan to provide more bins for local use in adverse weather.
15. To receive reports on the Parish recreational facilities and Cemetery
15.1 Cllr Pidgeon reported the continuing problem of the Cemetery gates being left open and urged all to encourage others to close them and the Clerk confirmed he was dealing with the surplus spoil left on site recently.
15.2 Cllr Fahy put a case for transferring the grant of £497, which as yet was unspent, for repairs to the Cricket Club garage roof and score huttowards the purchase of a new score hut. The present hut was now deemed beyond economic repair and it would assist the Club if the hut could be purchased in the name of the Parish Council as custodians of the recreation ground. The grant money would be repaid if the scheme was agreed. Cllr Werrett expressed concern that the grant had not yet been spent and recommended tighter control over similar grants in future. To this end, the Clerk would revise the grant aid paperwork accordingly.
Action: Clerk
15.3 Proposed Cllr Bidwell, Seconded Cllr Bevan, RESOLVED with one abstention that the Parish Council contributes £497 towards the purchase of a new score hut for the Cricket Club.
15.4 Cllr Bidwell commented on the vehicle wheel ruts across the Village Memorial Green and thought something stronger than wooden dragon’s teeth should be installed. The Clerk would investigate.
Action: Clerk
16. Motion for Confidential Business
16.1 Proposed Cllr Dyke, Seconded Cllr Bidwell, RESOLVED with seven votes for, one against and one abstention that, in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be discussed relating to employee’s remuneration, it was advisable in the public interest that the public be excluded and for the record the business be regarded as confidential.
At this point in the meeting the public were invited to leave
17. To review the remuneration of the Clerk
17.1 Further details on the Clerk’s working hours had been circulated with the agenda papers.
17.2 Cllr Dyke proposed that, as a result of the information tabled, the Clerk’s paid hours be increased by two per week. A counter proposal from Cllr Lane, seconded by Cllr Werrett that an additional £500 pa be paid was lost by four votes to five. Cllr Dyke’s then amended his proposal, seconded by Cllr Bevan, to the effect that the Clerk’s hours be increased by one hour per week with effect from 1 April 2010 and a second hour per week with effect from 1 October 2010. This proposal was RESOLVED by five votes for, three against and one abstention.
18. Date, time and place of next meeting
18.1 The next meeting will be on Monday 1 March 2010 at 7.00pm in the Epworth Hall, King’s Somborne.
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 10.25pm