Parish Council

Parish Council Minutes Feb 2008


DRAFT Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting

held in the Epworth Hall, King’s Somborne

commencing at 7.00pm on Monday 4 February 2008


Cllr D Bidwell (Chairman)

Cllr R Bevan

Cllr R Dyke

Cllr F Fahy

Cllr R Harwood

Cllr R Lane

Cllr G Pearson

Cllr R Pidgeon

Cllr J Werrett

In Attendance: Mr P J Storey (Clerk to King’s Somborne Parish Council)

Public Session

Borough Councillor Tony Ward, Footpath Warden Dr Stephen Rake, Village Correspondent Mrs Jo Finch, Rev Rob Stapleton and four members of the public were present for part of the meeting.

Mothers from the Tiny Tots play group presented a petition from 63 households representing 124 young children to illustrate their claim for suitable play equipment to be installed in the play area of the King’s Somborne recreation ground. The Clerk had undertaken some preliminary investigation into play equipment available and costs and had shortlisted three equipments each costing up to £8000 for supply and installation and compliance with health and safety regulations. He would liaise further with the mothers and present a case to Members for their consideration in due course.

Action: Clerk

Ms Lancaster put the case for a Parish Council supplied minibus for community use but further discussion was deferred until Item 13.

1. Announcements by the Chairman

1.1. No announcements were made.

2. To receive reports from Tree Warden, Footpath Warden and other Volunteers

2.1 The Footpath Warden reported a successful January walk with 20 people attending. A fence along Footpath 9 leading to Palace Close had been repaired. Repair work was needed on the handrail and steps leading up to the Clarendon Way at the bottom of Cow Drove Hill.

Action: Clerk

3. To consider Test Valley Borough Council matters of interest to the Parish

3.1 In response to a point raised by Cllr Harwood at the last meeting about the justification in an earlier Test Valley presentation for quoting only 30% of households actually recycled their rubbish, Borough Councillor Ward commented that his researches showed that that figure had firstly been updated to 35% and now was nearer 95% with the introduction of the two weekly bin collection service. Cllr Ward also mentioned that a Rural Area Strategy Review was in hand to determine how to retain village shops and post offices and also that King’s Somborne was not yet included in the Test Valley Housing Strategy three yearly review. Although there was a TVBC roadshow to help villages understand the implications it was thought unlikely that sufficient financial merit existed to host a roadshow in King’s Somborne.

Cllr Ward also strongly recommended that the Parish Council invested in a Village Design Statement as this would strengthen future applications for assistance from external authorities. The Chairman directed that this be placed on the March meeting agenda.

Action: Clerk

4. Apologies for Absence

4.1 Apologies had been received from Cllr Room.

5. To approve the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 7 January 2008

5.1 Proposed Cllr Bidwell, Seconded Cllr Harwood, RESOLVED unanimously that the minutes of the meeting held on 7 January 2008 be accepted as a true record.

6. To consider any Matters Arising from those minutes

6.1 re para 2.1 A possible use for the old kissing gate had been identified and the Clerk would liaise with the landowner concerned. It was agreed that whatever claim was made on the gate it should remain within the Parish.

Action: Clerk

6.2 re para 8.1 The Clerk had contacted the Police and a presence would be provided in future whenever possible.

6.3 re para 13.1 The speed indicator device had been delivered and would be installed in the near future and subsequently rotated around the Village at regular intervals under contract with Test Valley Borough Council. Members were encouraged to suggest possible locations to Cllr Werrett. Cllr Harwood again queried why Hampshire County Council refused to allow parishes to have more than one device and Cllr Bidwell stated that this restriction would be taken up again in due course.

Action: Members

6.4 re para 17.3 The possible need for dog waste bins in the area of the Trim Trail would be reviewed in four months time.

Action: Clerk

6.5 re para 19.1 Cllr Werrett confirmed he would be meeting again with Hampshire Highways in late March to discuss highway matters of concern.

7. Declarations of Interest

7.1 Cllr Fahy declared an interest (non-prejudicial) in Item 12 (Village allotments).

8. To consider Correspondence Received and determine any action required

8.1 Details of correspondence received since the last meeting had been circulated with the agenda papers; the actual correspondence was available at the meeting for Members to peruse, as required. The Clerk drew attention to correspondence received since circulation of the meeting papers. No specific follow up action was thought necessary.

9. To receive reports on Planning Applications received and determined

9.1 The following responses had been made to recent planning applications received:

* 07/03494/Fulls – Oakdene, 5 Horsebridge Road – erection of garden shed – no objection

* 07/03504/Fulls – Pine Meade, Stockbridge Road – replace private dwelling with associated timber garage – no objection

* 07/03529/Fulls – land adjacent to Marfield, Muss Lane – erection of new dwelling – no objection

* 07/03534/Fulls – Bourne Farm, Furzedown Road – erection of office building with car park and associated works – no objection unless site is used for storage and or fabrication of piling equipment

9.2 The following applications had been determined:

* 07/03106/Fulls – 29 Humbers View – erection of two storey side extension to provide a garage and additional living and bedroom accommodation – permission granted

* 07/03257/AGNS – land at Eldon Edge, Eldon Road – erection of storage building – prior approval not required

* 07/03195/Fulls – Barn adjoining Hayes, Romsey Road – flue and internal layout changes – permission granted

* 07/03461/Trees – The Old Vicarage – fell one twin stemmed Sycamore – permission granted

* 07/03354/Fulls – Dapples, Winchester Road – removal of pergola and erection of conservatory – permission granted

9.3 Members noted that an appeal had been lodged against the decision not to allow the erection of a marquee for four months each year at Horsebridge Station, Horsebridge Road.

9.4 The Government was introducing new information requirements for the validation of planning applications from 1 April 2008 to enhance the level of information available in the decision making process. The Chairman of the Planning Committee had recommended no further action and this was accepted.

9.5 Cllr Pearson reported that he had attended the Appeal Hearing by the developers of the AWD site on Romsey Road and had represented the Parish Council views to the Inspector. In passing, Cllr Pearson recommended that whenever an objection was made by the Planning Committee/Parish Council the details should be filed by the Clerk for future reference; this was accepted.

Action: Cllr Room and Clerk

10. To receive RFO’s Report and Budget Monitoring

10.1 An analysis of expenditure against budget had been circulated with the agenda papers and the RFO confirmed that the Council’s bank balances stood at £47074.34 after deducting the £9555 external grant towards the installation costs of the Trim Trail. Members noted these matters.

11. To approve Payment of Accounts

11.1 Proposed Cllr Lane, Seconded Cllr Pidgeon, RESOLVED unanimously that the following accounts be approved for payment:







Mr P Storey Salary/expenses 453.08 453.08 1391

HMRC Tax/ Employer’s NIC 47.71 47.71 1392

Bishopstoke PC Shared costs 15.00 15.00 1393

Audit Commission Audit fee 285.00 49.88 334.88 1394

Mr P Reynolds Audit fee 435.00 435.00 1396

KS Tennis Club Grant 50.00 50.00 1397

FRS Trim trail 10947.29 1915.78 12863.07 1398

Lowdon Plumbing Village Hall grant 1753.11 1753.11 1399

Totals 13986.19 1965.66 15951.85

12. To consider assuming responsibility for the management of the Village allotments

12.1 Further to the recent exchange of correspondence between the Clerk and Dreweatt Neate, the managing agents for the Village allotments, the latter had raised the matter of the Parish Council taking on the tenancy of the land in question. Members noted that the current rental charge for ten rods, about 250sq mtrs, was £6 per annum and there were some 43 sites. However, neither tenancy agreements nor rules of management were known to exist and there was some doubt as to whether or not there was a waiting list. Cllr Pearson felt strongly that it should be the current allotment users who looked to improve their tenancy arrangements and all Members noted that the question of assuming management responsibility had been considered previously by the Parish Council around 1990 when the idea had not been accepted.

12.2 Proposed Cllr Fahy, Seconded Cllr Dyke, RESOLVED by five votes to four that the Clerk should establish contact with the Diocesan Office to discuss taking over the management of the allotment land.

Action: Clerk

13. To consider the purchase/provision of a Community minibus

13.1 Following the initial discussion during the open meeting, Members noted that five community buses were available for hire from Test Valley Community Services. However, Ms Lancaster had indicated that a second hand minibus could be acquired for around £10,000 whereas a new one would be in the region of £30,000. She also indicated that she would be prepared to manage the bookings and arrange garaging. However, Cllr Werrett voiced the opinion that more research should be undertake into the availability of the community buses and the terms of their availability and Cllr Bidwell undertook to follow this up with Test Valley Community Services.

Action: Cllr Bidwell

14. To approve replacement fencing bordering the recreation ground and Okanagan

14.1 The Parish Council had an obligation under the terms of the original conveyance to maintain the fencing on the two sides of the Okanagan land bordering the recreation ground. The Clerk had obtained a quote of £2552 ex VAT to replace the fence along its 77m length; the exact specification of the fence was unclear. Although Standing Orders allowed for single quotations for work up to £5000, Cllr Werrett thought it prudent to obtain more than one quote before a decision was taken.

14.2 Proposed Cllr Werrett, Seconded Cllr Pearson, RESOLVED with two votes against that more than one quote be obtained for the Okanagan fence replacement, to an agreed specification.

Action: Clerk

Cllr Bevan left at this point

15. To approve increases in insurance premiums to provide adequate cover for the speed indicator device and Trim Trail

15.1 The Council’s insurers had quoted increases in premium of £50 for each of the speed indicator device and Trim Trail to provide public liability and third party cover.

15.2 Proposed Cllr Werrett, Seconded Cllr Pidgeon, RESOLVED unanimously that the increased insurance premiums for the speed indicator device and Trim Trail be paid.

16. To consider projects worthy of benefiting from developers’ contributions for notification to Test Valley Borough Council Leisure Department

16. In order to apply for the benefit of developers’ contributions, TVBC Leisure Department had to be aware in advance of suitable projects within the Parish which could benefit from these monies. Members highlighted the following possible projects: public play equipment, bus shelters, multi-sports facilities, village hall improvements, new junior football pitch; others would be added in due course.

Action: Clerk to notify TVBC Leisure Department and Borough Councillor

17. To approve repairs to the Bier Hut and sign installation

17.1 A quotation of £517 to restore the integrity of the Bier Hut in the Cemetery had been received and the Clerk’s suggestion of installing an informative sign was accepted.

17.2 Proposed Cllr Pearson, Seconded Cllr Pidgeon, RESOLVED unanimously that the quotation of £517 to make good the Bier Hut be accepted and that the Clerk design and have installed an informative sign.

18. To comment, if appropriate, on Test Valley Borough Council’s Best Value Review of Vulnerable People

18.1 The Borough Council’s review of vulnerable people had been circulated but no further comment was thought appropriate.

19. To receive reports from Members on external meetings they have attended or have attended in any other capacity

19.1 Cllr Dyke reported that he had been in touch with TVBC about more affordable housing in the Parish and an officer from the Council would be addressing the next Parish Council meeting.

19.2 Cllr Werrett reported that Southern Water was monitoring the rising ground water levels in the Village. The new pumps in the pumping station were operating full time but should they become unable to cope the surplus would be tankered away. Cllr Bidwell confirmed that the outpour of water from The Old Vicarage into the stream was clean ground water and not contaminated in any way and it was hoped this would cease by late Spring.

20. To receive Councillors’ reports, as appropriate, on actions taken including the Parish Plan

20.1 No reports were tabled.

21. To receive the Clerk’s monthly report

21.1. Trim Trail. About 50 people attended the successful opening of the Trim Trail by Cllr Tony Ward on Saturday 19 January. Local press and TVBC Community News coverage had been generated.

21.2. John O’Gaunt Field maintenance. Whilst satisfying himself that the Trim Trail had not damaged the John O’Gaunt Field site, the English Heritage inspector had found an oyster shell and pieces of slate and tile which he took away for further investigation. He also confirmed that up to £400 a year for a five year period would be paid by English Heritage to help with the Field maintenance costs.

21.3 Local Recycling Centre. TVBC will be improving the style of recycling bins provided in the next couple of months and reviewing the signage to increase public awareness of the facility.

21.4 Emergency planning. A draft plan was taking shape and the next steps included contacting HCC emergency planners and articles in The Gauntlet magazine calling for information and volunteers.

21.5 Replacement fencing. The occupiers of 1 Kingsdown Cottages had requested the Parish Council meet its obligation under its tenancy agreement to maintain the border fencing and a quote of £300.38 ex VAT had been obtained.

21.6 Proposed Cllr Bidwell, Seconded Cllr Pearson, RESOLVED with Cllr Pidgeon abstaining, that the quotation of £300.38 ex VAT for replacing the border fence to the rear of 1 Kingsdown Cottages be accepted.

22. To consider Environmental matters of interest to the Parish

22.1 Cllr Harwood agreed to write an article for The Gauntlet magazine on TVBC’s plans to upgrade the recycling bins on the recreation ground. He would also establish the extent of TVBC’s efforts to encourage more recycling and record these to generate increased awareness. He also undertook to become the focal point of contact for residents who were aware of environmental eyesores and wanted some action taken.

Action: Cllr Harwood

22.2 Cllr Bidwell commented that an area of the Muss Lane recreation ground could become a bio-diversity area; this would be considered at a later meeting.

22.3 Cllr Fahy commented that the John O’Gaunt directional signs were misleading in that they indicated the existence of a palace. When this had last been considered it had been discounted on grounds of cost but it would now be placed on the agenda for the next meeting.

Action: Clerk

23. To consider Highway matters of interest to the Parish

23.1 Cllr Pearson opined that a reduced speed limit of 30mph should be signed at Ashley Corner and on the approaches to King’s Somborne village and Cllr Werrett agreed to introduce this at his next meeting with Hampshire Highways. Clllr Werret also confirmed that kerbstones were to be installed along part of the Winchester Road at some time in the future.

Action: Cllr Werrett

23.2 Cllr Pearson also reported that the state of the pavements in the area of Tollgate Cottage and the footpath hedgerows near the Romsey Road required attention.

Action: Clerk

24. To receive reports on the Parish recreational facilities and Cemetery

24.1 Cllr Pidgeon reported that the Youth Club was about to reform in the Working Men’s Club. It was also understood that the Tug O War team might reform.

25. Date, time and place of next meeting

25.1 The next meeting would be held on Monday 3 March 2008 at 7.00pm in the Epworth Hall, King’s Somborne

There being no further business, the Chairman closed the Meeting at 9.55pm

Clerk to the Council

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