Parish Council
Parish Council minutes Dec 2011
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
held in the Epworth Hallcommencing at 7.00pm on Monday 5 December 2011
Present: Cllr J Werrett (Chairman) Cllr D Bidwell Cllr A Brock Cllr F Fahy Cllr P Goddard Cllr G Herbert Cllr G Pearson
In Attendance: Mr P J Storey (Clerk to King’s Somborne Parish Council)
Public Session Mr R Dyke (Open Spaces Warden) updated the meeting on open spaces and associated maintenance work and also emphasised the view that allocation of the new housing should give preference to people with a King’s Somborne connection. Concern was expressed that due process should be followed and the Clerk was tasked to follow this up. (Clerk’s note: TVBC confirm the allocation process was confidential but did consider each applicant’s local connections)
Dr Mackintosh (Chairman Village Hall Committee) presented an update on the renovation projects in the Village Hall emphasising how valuable this year’s grant from the Parish Council had been in attracting funds from both the Borough and County Councils and how he hoped the Parish Council would see its way clear to assist in financing the remaining major renovation phase next year.
County Cllr Gibson highlighted the number of complaints he was receiving about the withdrawal of certain uneconomic bus services but made the point that if the services were not used they would be withdrawn. He also commented upon how some of the recommended boundary changes were being revised as a result of on-going consultation; that should permission not be granted to Somborne Chalk Quarry to extend their excavations then more lorry loads of clay would be using the roads to supply raw materials; and he noted the need for a proper safety risk assessment of the lamppost adjacent to the stream near Martin’s Shop which had been hit recently by the drain clearing contractor’s vehicle. Cllr Bidwell requested a grit bin be supplied to Palace Close and Cllr Gibson undertook to follow this up.
176. Apologies for Absence
176.1 Borough Cllr Ward and Cllrs Curtis, Harrison and Harwood.
177. Involvement in the Lengthsman scheme
177.1 It was agreed to bring forward discussion on involvement in the Lengthsman Scheme to enable Cllr Gibson to take note of the decision. Cllrs noted the scheme would be continued into the next financial year with Stockbridge Council co-ordinating it and should King’s Somborne wish to become a member some £850 of labour would be available to fund routine clearance and general maintenance tasks around the Parish.
177.2 Proposed Cllr Brock, Seconded Cllr Bidwell, RESOLVED unanimously that King’s Somborne join the Lengthsman Scheme and that the Clerk co-ordinates the work routine with the Stockbridge administrator.
178. Chairman’s announcements and Councillors’ questions
178.1 The Chairman reminded all present that the Test Valley Borough Council draft Local Plan would be on display in the Romsey Town Hall on 25, 26 and 27 January 2012 and he urged all to attend.
Action: All
178.2 Cllr Bidwell expressed the view that the recommendations contained in the Parish Plan Update should not be overlooked and it was agreed to consider these further at the January meeting.
Action: Clerk
179. To approve the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 7 November 2011
179.1 Proposed Cllr Fahy, Seconded Cllr Brock RESOLVED unanimously that the minutes of the meeting held on 7 November 2011 be accepted as a true record.
180. To consider any Matters Arising from those Minutes
180.1 Para 161.1 Cllr Fahy reported that no funding existed to offset the estimated £3,000 to acquire the necessary equipment to take part in the Speedwatch initiative and to train the volunteers. However, the Police now had as new hand held laser camera which would enable more checks to be made and he would ascertain more details on the likelihood of this equipment being used in the King’s Somborne area and report back to the January meeting. Meanwhile, it was decided not to progress the Speedwatch initiative further.
Action: Cllr Fahy
180.2 Para 171.1 HALC had confirmed that the HCC webmail account could be made available to all Councillors and to the Clerk and given this would provide a more professional appearance and also an increased degree of protection it was decided to apply for the facility. However, Cllr Bidwell wished to be excluded and also proposed the matter be referred to the Communication Working Group but this proposal failed for lack of a seconder.
Action: Clerk
181. Declarations of Interest
181.1 Cllrs Brock and Werrett declared personal interests (neighbours) in the planning application for solar panels at 9 Winchester Road. Cllrs Bidwell and Fahy declared interests in the Expenditure Budget proposals as Trustees of the Village Hall.
182. Borough News
182.1 Nothing reported.
183. To receive Councillors’ reports
183.1 Cllr Brock commented on the difficulty being experienced by the Neighbourhood Watch in communicating with the local Police and the on-going traffic problem in Up Somborne with deliveries to and from Forrest Extra which was under consideration by the TVBC enforcement staff. Another invitation would be made to the Police to attend a Parish Council meeting.
Action: Clerk
183.2 Cllr Fahy informed Councillors that the new notice board for outside Cross Stores was being modified and would be in situ soon.
183.3 Cllr Fahy also updated Councillors on progress so far by his Working Group looking into teenage play facilities. Local young people would be canvassed for their views by mobile phone and the Webmaster was looking at ways of using the community website to gather views. Note was taken not to raise expectations too high and the need to manage these soundings carefully to avoid giving false hope.
184. Jubilee Strategy
184.1 The Chairman outlined his thoughts on progress necessary to capitalise upon the successful Community Workshop, identifying those areas of further work for which volunteer co-ordinators had come forward or were required. In essence, a steering group comprising Cllr Harwood and Borough Cllr Ward would oversee the progress made in the five identified workstreams, which were the Localism Act, led by the Clerk, quick wins, Core Strategy response, Village Design Statement and the planning process. Some sub groups would be developed to look at specific areas within these main workstreams and approaches would be made to those who had attended the Workshop and had expressed an interest in helping develop the thought and action processes.
Action: Cllr Werrett 184.2 Cllr Bidwell introduced a comprehensive review of the draft TVBC Core Strategy highlighting some of the concerns which might be made to TVBC. It was agreed that an extraordinary meeting of the Parish Council would be held on Monday 13 February 2012 to take these views forward, paying particular attention to the rationale for deciding the number of houses to be built in rural areas, the degree of local consultation on SHLAAs and traffic control on the A3057.
Action: All Councillors
184.3 The Communications Group would draft a newsletter based on the Core Strategy in concert with the extraordinary Council meeting to be held next year with an earlier newsletter covering events to date for publication before Christmas.
Action: Comms group
185. To note Planning Committee minutes
185.1 Minutes of the Planning Committee meetings held on 21 November 2011 had been circulated with the agenda and were noted.
185.2 The Planning Committee meeting scheduled for 5 December 2011 was not quorate so with agreement the applications due for consideration were tabled at this point. Decisions taken were as follows:
* 11/02072/FULLS – 4 Kings Acre – single storey rear extension – no comment
* 11/02606/LBWS – 9 Winchester Road – installation of 12 solar panels – no comment on the 9 panels already in place but object to the 3 panels on the roof facing Camp Field
* 11/02630/Trees – Samphia, Muss Lane – fell one Ash – object on the grounds that some pruning would alleviate the problems
186. To consider Correspondence Received and determine any action required 186.1 The Clerk drew Councillors’ attention to recent correspondence received but no further action was thought necessary.
187. To receive the RFO’s Report and Budget Monitoring
187.1 A budget monitoring report showing income and expenditure to date had been circulated with the agenda and was noted. The current bank balance stood at £32,625.11.
188. Payment of Accounts
188.1 Proposed Cllr Werrett, Seconded Cllr Pearson, RESOLVED unanimously that the following accounts for November be approved for payment:
To For Net VAT Gross Chq
Mr P Storey Salary/expenses 731.97 731.97 1747
HMRC Tax/NIC 206.38 206.38 1748
BPC Shared costs 92.50 92.50 1749
HCC Street lighting 30.00 6.00 36.00 1750
Totals 1060.85 6.00 1066.85
189. To adopt the Expenditure Budget and Precept for 2012-13
189.1 A draft Expenditure Budget and Precept had been circulated with the agenda papers. There was some discussion on the single Grant Aid budget but in the end it was thought preferable to have a single heading against which any organisation could bid under the Council’s grant aid rules. It was also agreed that the Precept would remain at its 2011-12 level, which was also the 2010-11 level, and any additional funds needed would be found from the Council’s reserves. A copy of the approved Expenditure Budget and Precept is attached to these minutes.
189.2 Proposed Cllr Herbert, Seconded Cllr Brock, RESOLVED unanimously that an Expenditure Budget of £32,375 and a Precept of £31,210 be approved for 2012-13.
190. To determine the hire charges for the recreation grounds for 2012-13
190.1 Given the state of national and personal finances, it was not thought appropriate to increase the hire charges for the recreational grounds at this time.
190.2 Proposed Cllr Herbert, Seconded Cllr Brock, RESOLVED unanimously that the recreation grounds hire charges remain at their present level ie Football Club £110, Cricket Club £95, dog training £75, Pre-School £50 and the King’s Somborne Primary School £178 per annum, with casual hirers paying £12 plus VAT.
191. To determine the fees and charges for the Burial Board for 2012-13
191.1 Councillors accepted the on-going need for the Burial Board to be self-financing and saw no need to increase the fees and charges for 2012-13.
191.2 Proposed Cllr Herbert, Seconded Cllr Brock, RESOLVED unanimously that the current levels of fees and charges, as follows, be adopted for 2012-13.
Child under 12 years of age No charge
Body of person 12 years or over £185
Cremated remains £130
Exclusive Right of Burial
Grave/plot £200
Transfer rights charge £25
Headstones, tablets and memorial inscriptions
Headstone or flat stone inset in the ground £125
Vase/Flat cremation tablet £75
Inscription after the first £60
All fees are doubled for non-Parish residents
192. To note proposed tree maintenance work in St Peter and St Paul Churchyard
192.1 The Clerk explained that one of the old Yew trees in the Churchyard was slowly dying and the Parochial Church Council (PCC) supported a plan to remove this and a smaller Yew near the main door. The PCC was obtaining the necessary Faculty and a planning application would be submitted. A suitable replacement Yew would be planted all at an estimated total cost of £500.
192.2 Proposed Cllr Werrett, Seconded Cllr Pearson, RESOLVED with two against that application be made to fell two Yews in the Churchyard and that a replacement Yew be planted.
193. To receive the Clerk’s monthly report
193.1 The Clerk drew Councillors’ attention to the National Lottery funding available to help finance play and recreational facilities improvements as well as other external sources. He also highlighted the undue delay in Scottish and Southern Energy’s (SSE) plan to bury the overhead supply cables which currently cross the 3 Fields site, despite frequent hastening action. This had again come to a head with a visit by another department of SSE to plan the removal of those tree limbs en route which touched the cables to eliminate the dangers of shorting out the supply.
194. Date, time and place of next meeting
194.1 The next meeting will be on Monday 9 January 2012 at 7.00pm in the Epworth Hall, King’s Somborne.
Action: All
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 10.20pm
KING’S SOMBORNE PARISH COUNCIL BUDGET AND PRECEPT 2012/13 Forecast Out-turn Budget Budget 2011/12 2011/12 2012/13eneral AdminSalary/NIC 9350 9350 9575 Office expenses 1360 1100 1200Insurance 1288 1500 1500Audit fees 1000 1000 1000Subscriptions 550 550 550Courses 100 50 100Facility hire 200 200 250Cllr expenses 100 50 100 Sub total 13948 13700 14275 Community Servicesand ProjectsCommunications 0 0 1000Village Hall 4000 4000 0Section 137 650 650 1000Parish clock 400 400 400Miscellaneous repairs 755 500 500 Grant Aid 2570 2495 5000Maintenance inc dog bins 831 750 750Biodiversity 500 500 250Sub total 9706 9295 8900 Burial BoardCemetery grounds maint 1200 1200 1200Rates 148 200 200Other works/maintenance 200 200 200Church Yard 1000 1000 1000Sub total 2548 2600 2600 Open SpacesVillage Green 750 750 750Muss Lane 300 300 300Up Somborne rec 500 500 500King’s Somborne rec 1750 1750 1750Three Fields 2000 2000 2000Sub total 5300 5300 5300 AmenitiesPlay equipment 268 200 250 Community safety/SIDs 1000 1000 1000Street light maint 50 50 50Sub total 1250 1250 1300TOTAL 32752 32145 32375
Funded by: Precept 31210 Interest receivable 10 Burial Board: Interments 1500 Memorials 750 Purchased graves 2000 Sports Field hire 200
Miscellaneous grants/income 500
Total Income 36170 Reserves +3795
Expenditure 32375