Parish Council |
Parish Council minutes April 2013 |
KING’S SOMBORNE PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held in the Epworth Hall commencing at 7.00pm on Monday 22 April 2013 Present: Cllr J Werrett (Chairman) Cllr A Brock Cllr J Evans Cllr F Fahy Cllr D Harrison Cllr R HarwoodCllr R Lane In Attendance: Mr P J Storey (Clerk to King’s Somborne Parish Council) Public Session Two Open Space s Wardens were present for part of the meeting. On behalf of Borough Councillor Ward, the Clerk commended Cllr Ward’s Community Right to Bid submission which had identified thirteen assets in the community which we wished to have acknowledged under this initiative. All present thanked Cllr Ward in his absence for his efforts in producing the Bid.
43.1 Cllrs Curtis and Herbert; C/Cllr Gibson and B/Cllr Ward.
44.1 The Chairman thanked everyone for their efforts in staging another successful Annual Assembly. He then took the opportunity to review the action points that had arisen. These included – to tidy up the Tanners Pond area (Clerk to arrange); to consider the need for low level lighting in general and in particular around the Church footpath; to consider the installation of PIR lights on the slip road to the Village Hall (Clerk to follow up with Village Hall); the need to keep the Church Road pavement clear of leaves especially in the Fall (Clerk to arrange with TVBC and the Lengthsman as appropriate); and to progress the wet weather path from Lancaster Green to the Village Hall via the School (HCC was initiating a public consultation next month on this proposal).
45.1 Proposed Cllr Lane, Seconded Cllr Harwood, RESOLVED unanimously that the minutes of the meeting held on 4 March 2013 be accepted as a true record.
46.1 Para 32.2 Speed indicator device. Cllr Fahy and the Clerk would visit Fleet Town Council to assess their equipment and report back. Action: Cllr Fahy
47.1 None declared or requested.
48.1 None tabled.
49.1 Minutes of the meeting held on 4 March 2013 had been circulated with the agenda. 49.2 Proposed Cllr Lane, Seconded Cllr Harwood, RESOLVED unanimously that the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 4 March 2013 be noted.
50.1 Cllr Harrison reported that the noise levels from events held at Horsebridge Station varied but had been much reduced by the Charrington family purchasing quieter equipment. She also requested any information appropriate to her as the Floodwatch representative. 50.2 Cllr Evans commented on the very well constructed training event at HALC for new councillors and queried whether a training pack for new councillors would be useful. It was also suggested that mentoring could be introduced and these ideas would be discussed at the next meeting. She had also attended the HALC Annual Conference at which the benefits of social media had been debated. It was agreed that the CWG would continue to examine these as a means of communication and engagement. Action: CWG 50.3 Cllr Fahy reported he had forwarded eleven photos of road potholes in the Parish, two of which had generated an immediate response from HCC and a third had been classified as dangerous. 50.4 Cllr Harwood confirmed the need for the King’s Somborne recreation ground to be spiked with solid tynes and sprayed with weed killer. Action: Clerk
51.1 The Clerk reported a suggestion by the Methodist Church that a more realistic contribution should be made for use of the Epworth Hall for meetings. It was agreed a review of alternative venues and charges should be undertaken. A budget monitoring report showing income and expenditure to date had been circulated with the agenda and was noted. Action: Clerk
52.1 Proposed Cllr Brock, Seconded Cllr Fahy, RESOLVED unanimously that the following accounts for March 2013 be approved for payment: To For Net VAT Gross Chq/Internet Mr P Storey Salary/expenses 737.43 737.43 BACs BPC Shared costs 44.00 44.00 BACs HMRC Tax/NIC 201.29 201.29 BACs HALC Training 180.00 36.00 216.00 BACs TVBC Grounds maint 782.07 156.41 938.48 BACs J Bruno Cemetery maint 45.00 9.00 54.00 BACs TVBC Dog bin emptying 803.40 160.68 964.08 BACs Mr P Reynolds Audit fee 145.00 145.00 BACs Sarsen Press Newsletter 65.00 65.00 BACs LCR mag Subscription 16.00 16.00 BACs HCC Lighting part 25.22 5.04 30.26 BACs Cllr Werrett Chair’s expenses 15.70 15.70 BACs Totals 3060.11 367.13 3427.24
53.1 Item deferred until next meeting.
54.1 Proposed Cllr Lane, Seconded Cllr Harwood, RESOLVED unanimously that Mr P Reynolds be re-appointed the internal auditor for the year 2013-14 but that the position be openly advertised after that date. Action: Clerk
55.1 Following the vacancy created by the resignation of Cllr Reynolds and receipt of confirmation from TVBC that no poll had been demanded, it was agreed to advertise for a co-opted member to be determined at the next meeting. The Clerk would advertise the vacancy and invite those interested to submit a short resume and attend the next meeting to say a few words about themselves. Action: Clerk 56. To note draft Local Plan 56.1 TVBC’s response to our earlier comments had been received and incorporated into our second response. Cllr Herbert had obtained the sought after assurances from Southern Water that adequate water and sewage systems supplies could be provided and that no increase in the flooding risk was likely.
57.1 The Clerk had walked the route of the proposed all-weather path to the School and Village Hall with an officer from HCC. The merits of a rubber matting as opposed to a cinder path would be discussed at the forthcoming public consultation. Installation was planned for the Autumn.
58.1 The next meeting will the Annual General Meeting on Monday 13 May 2013 at 7.00pm in the Epworth Hall, Winchester Road, King’s Somborne. Action: All There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.45pm |