Parish Council
Parish Council minutes April 2012
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
held in the Epworth Hallcommencing at 7.00pm on Monday 2 April 2012
Present: Cllr R Harwood (Acting Chairman) Cllr A Brock Cllr R Curtis Cllr F Fahy Cllr D Harrison Cllr G Pearson
In Attendance: Mr P J Storey (Clerk to King’s Somborne Parish Council)
Public Session Mr R Dyke (Open Spaces Warden), Chairman and members of the Village Hall management committee, PCSO Downie and one member of the public were present for part of the meeting. Mr Dyke suggested the redundant litter bin on the Up Somborne recreation ground should be removed and a warning notice erected regarding the dangers of tripping due to rabbit holes.
Action: Clerk
PSCO Downie reported on a number of farm outbuilding burglaries and the need for constant vigilance. Dr Mackintosh, as Chairman of the Village Hall management committee, gave an overview of the renovation of the Hall and its present financial standing. He thanked the Council for their past support which had been very useful in enabling capital grants from both the County and Borough Councils to be claimed and emphasised the hope that further grants would be forthcoming. The Village Hall was central to the life of the community and his committee hoped that favourable consideration would be given to future grant bids to enable the renovation programme to be completed. Mr Hallwood expressed his concerns should the non-bottle banks be relocated to the rear of his fenceline.
51. Apologies for Absence
51.1 Cllrs Herbert, Reynolds and Werrett; County Cllr Gibson and Borough Cllr Ward.
52. Chairman’s announcements and Councillors’ questions
52.1 The Chairman announced the resignation of Cllr Goddard due to pressure of work and thanked him for his contribution to date.
53. To approve the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 5 March 2012
53.1 Proposed Cllr Brock, Seconded Cllr Fahy RESOLVED unanimously that the minutes of the meeting held on 5 March 2012 be accepted as a true record.
54. To consider any Matters Arising from those Minutes
54.1 Public session. Forest Extra Up Somborne. With the refusal by TVBC to grant the Certificate of Lawful Use, the Clerk would hasten action by TVBC enforcement officers.
Action: Clerk
54.2 Para 39.1 Replacement tree. TVBC would plant a replacement Yew tree in the Churchyard in place of the felled tree on the new site of the bottle bank.
54.3 Para 43.3 Road markings. Cllr Fahy had received an initial response from Highways on white line markings at junctions which was thought unsatisfactory and he was reverting to them for reconsideration.
Action: Cllr Fahy
55. Declarations of Interest
55.1 None.
56. To consider Correspondence Received and determine any action required
56.1 None received.
57. To note the Planning Committee minutes as tabled
57.1 Minutes of the meeting held on 19 March 2012 had been circulated with the agenda papers.
57.2 Proposed Cllr Pearson, Seconded Cllr Brock, RESOLVED unanimously that the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 19 March 2012 be noted.
58. To receive Councillors’ reports, as appropriate, on actions taken and other matters
58.1 Cllr Curtis briefed on the options for recognising the needs of young people on the King’s Somborne recreation ground. A multi-purpose games area (MUGA) was the most practical solution to the various preferences expressed in the young people’s survey. In addition, thought would be given to an upgraded skateboard facility. A costed proposal would be tabled at the next meeting.
Action: Cllr Curtis
58.2 Cllr Harrison introduced proposals for the organisation of the forthcoming Annual Assembly and these were adopted.
Action: All
58.3 Discussion on using the HCC website and common e-mail addresses was deferred to the next meeting.
58.4 Cllr Fahy commented he was still seeking a satisfactory solution to the dangers of excessive speed in the vicinity of the Strawberry Lane junction with Winchester Road but so far to no avail.
58.5 Cllr Pearson commented he had undertaken some research into the Village history in response to an enquiry from a member of the public.
59. To receive the RFO’s Report and Budget Monitoring
59.1 A budget monitoring report showing income and expenditure to date had been circulated with the agenda and was noted. The current bank balance stood at £29,034.43.
60. To waive the recreation ground casual hire charge for Jubilee events
60.1 A request had been received to waive the casual hire charge for the recreation ground for Jubilee events as the Village Hall was waiving its charges and some events were using both locations.
60.2 Proposed Cllr Brock, Seconded Cllr Harrison, RESOLVED unanimously that recreation ground casual hire charges be waived for Jubilee events.
61. Payment of Accounts
61.1 Proposed Cllr Brock, Seconded Cllr Pearson, RESOLVED unanimously that the following accounts for March be approved for payment:
To For Net VAT Gross Chq/Internet
Mr P Storey Salary/expenses 912.64 26.00 938.64 BACs
HMRC Tax/NIC 206.38 206.38 1768
BPC Shared costs 154.90 154.90 BACs
HCC Street light 29.42 5.88 35.30 BACs
TVBC SLR maintenance 750.00 750.00 BACs
J Griggs Play fencing repairs 894.17 894.17 1769
Sub Arb Church tree 510.00 510.00 BACs
KSVH Hire 38.00 38.00 1770
NALC LCR sub 15.50 15.50 1771
HALC HALC & NALC subs 369.00 369.00 BACs
Totals 3880.01 31.88 3911.89
62. To determine the purchase of table tennis equipment
62.1 Cllr Fahy introduced proposals to purchase two table tennis tables and associated equipment to enable the formation of a table tennis club at a cost of £280. He also reminded Councillors that Cllr Gibson had indicated his devolved budget would consider meeting this cost.
62.2 Proposed Cllr Fahy, Seconded Cllr Brock, RESOLVED unanimously that £280 be spent purchasing table tennis equipment and the Clerk claimed reimbursement from the County Cllr’s devolved budget.
Action: Clerk
63. To discuss means of participating in the Flower and Embroidery Festival
63.1 The Church was seeking entries and participation in its forthcoming Flower and Embroidery Festival. It was agreed that the rolling slide show on the Parish Council’s activities around the Parish and any suitable static display boards should be offered.
Action: Clerk
64. To appoint Cllr Fahy as the Parish Council’s representative on the Village Hall management committee
64.1 Proposed Cllr Harwood, Seconded Cllr Harrison, RESOLVED unanimously that Cllr Fahy be nominated the Parish Council’s representative on the Village Hall management committee.
65. To determine the relocation of the charity bins on the recreation ground
65.1 Following a decision last year to consider relocating the charity bins on the recreation ground after relocation of the bottle banks, thought was now given to the options, note having been taken of the objection made in the public session. Discussion also centred on which, if any, of the bins could be withdrawn to enable more parking and a more visually attractive aspect to be generated. Cllr Fahy proposed that the bins be relocated behind the BT hut but this proposal failed to attract a seconder.
65.2 Proposed Cllr Brock, Seconded Cllr Harrison, RESOLVED with Cllr Fahy against that the waste paper and foil bins should be removed, unless the foil bin would fit in the bottle bank compound, and that the litter bin be relocated.
Action: Clerk
65.3 Proposed Cllr Pearson, Seconded Cllr Harrison, RESOLVED unanimously that if physically and financially possible the two clothing banks be relocated to the position currently occupied by the cricket score hut and that the hut be moved adjacent to the rear wall of the compound facing the outfield. The Clerk would liaise with TVBC.
Action: Clerk
66. To consider further support to local councils’ right to appeal against planning decisions
66.1 The Council had previously supported a successful campaign waged by Leiston-cum-Sizewell to strongly encourage large developers to attend council meetings to discuss their proposals. Further support was now being sought to give parish councils the right to appeal against planning decisions to which they had objected.
66.2 Proposed Cllr Curtis, Seconded Cllr Pearson, RESOLVED unanimously that this Council’s support be given to the campaign to enable councils to appeal against a planning decision to which they had previously objected.
67. Jubilee Strategy progress report
67.1 Borough Cllr Ward, as lead on the Village Design Statement, had circulated a project overview paper which generated some discussion as some Councillors thought the process to be time wasteful.
67.2 Proposed Cllr Harwood, Seconded Cllr Harrison, RESOLVED with Cllrs Fahy and Pearson against that Cllr Ward’s proposals for the Village Design Statement be adopted.
68. To receive the Clerk’s monthly report
68.1 The Clerk briefed that following some information received on the availability of yearend funds from Awards for All, and with the Chairman’s agreement, he had completed a quick survey of needs from residents and submitted an application for funds to upgrade the Up Somborne play equipment; the result was anticipated in a month’s time.
68.2 Developer’s contribution money from the Lancaster Gate development was now available, part of which would be spent on providing a footpath from the development to the School and also complete the long awaited path from the School to the Village Hall. A proposed route had been agreed with TVBC although it would probably take up to a year for the project to be progressed through design and planning.
68.3 There was a proposal to close the Duttons Road council offices in Romsey and this was noted.
68.4 Toddlers’ play equipment. Repairs had been completed on the fence around the toddlers’ play equipment on the King’s Somborne recreation ground but the next day vandals had broken four of the vertical posts necessitating further repairs.
68.5 The Tree Warden had planted two Jubilee Oaks along the boundary of the cricket outfield near the practice nets and a further Oak had been planted adjacent to the bio-diversity area on 3 Fields.
69. Date, time and place of next meeting
69.1 The next meeting will the Annual General Meeting to be held on Monday 14 May 2012 at 7.00pm in the King’s Somborne Village Hall.
Action: All
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.10pm