Parish Council
Parish Council minutes April 2008
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
held in the Epworth Hall, King’s Somborne
commencing at 7.00pm on Monday 7 April 2008
Present: Cllr D Bidwell (Chairman)
Cllr R Bevan
Cllr R Dyke
Cllr F Fahy
Cllr R Harwood
Cllr R Lane
Cllr G Pearson
Cllr R Pidgeon
Cllr D Room
Cllr J Werrett
In Attendance: Mr P J Storey (Clerk to King’s Somborne Parish Council)
Public Session Borough Councillor Tony Ward, Dr Stephen Rake the Footpath Warden, and PC Martin Benton, were present for part of the meeting. PC Benton reported on the lack of response to the ‘Street meet’ initiative to provide a presence in the Eldon Road area to encourage local people to express any concerns they might have to the neighbourhood police team present, despite delivering over 200 leaflets and knocking on doors. He also reported an increase in deer poaching and that as a result the Police were stopping vehicles and searching them. Cllr Fahy reported the theft of broccoli from the allotments and it was emphasised that thefts such as this should be reported on 0845 045 4545 to enable a picture of local crime hotspots to be developed. Cllr Bevan mentioned the on-going car parking problem on the Eldon estate and that he was taking this up with Testway Housing. Cllr Lane drew attention to the spate of fly-tipping in Up Somborne which was noted by PC Benton.
1. Announcements by the Chairman
1.1. The Chairman welcomed everyone to his last full meeting as Chairman of the Parish Council as he would be standing down at the AGM. He emphasised his wish that all Councillors attended both the Annual Assembly and the forthcoming AGM. Cllr Bidwell also took the opportunity to comment that the eligibility criteria for Quality Parish status had been revised and now included a requirement that in order to become or renew their accreditation under the scheme, councils now had to be e-aware. Cllr Werrett offered his help to any Councillors wanting to improve their electronic awareness. Cllr Bidwell also expressed his concern at the verge decimation at the entrance to Nutcher’s Drove by an unknown vehicle and Cllr Werrett undertook to follow up the need to reinstate with HCC.
Action: Cllr Werrett
2. To receive reports from Tree Warden, Footpath Warden and other Volunteers
2.1 The Footpath Warden reported on another successful walk in March and mentioned that the Barton Stacey gas pipeline was passing through sites of archaeological interest. Cllr Pearson commented that erosion in the area of Horsebridge Station was now exposing old steel rail fixtures above ground level to the possible danger of pedestrians and the Footpath Warden undertook to investigate and report this for remedial action.
Action: Footpath Warden
3. To consider Test Valley Borough Council matters of interest to the Parish
3.1 Borough Councillor Ward drew attention to the forthcoming presentations in the Village Hall on 16 and 19 April on the plans to modernise the building and encouraged all to attend.
3.2 Cllr Fahy expressed his initial concern at the disappearance of the glass and can recycling banks and subsequent reassurance that the Borough Council was willing to issue bulk quantities of plastic bags in lieu to those householders who lived in terraced accommodation to which the brown bins were not issued.
3.3 Cllr Bidwell took the opportunity to request Cllr Ward’s assistance in seeking agreement from TVBC for the delegation of routine and non-contentious planning matters to the Parish Council for decision, as encouraged in recent legislation.
Action: Cllr Ward
4. Apologies for Absence
4.1 An apology had been received from Mrs Jo Finch, the Village Correspondent.
5. To approve the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 3 March 2008
5.1 Proposed Cllr Dyke, Seconded Cllr Pidgeon, RESOLVED unanimously that the minutes of the meeting held on 3 March 2008 be accepted as a true record.
6. To consider any Matters Arising from those minutes
6.1 There were no matters arising not dealt with elsewhere in these minutes.
7. Declarations of Interest
7.1 Cllr Harwood declared an interest in planning application 08/00834/FULLS.
8. To consider Correspondence Received and determine any action required
8.1 Details of correspondence received since the last meeting had been circulated with the agenda papers. No specific follow up action was thought necessary.
8.2 Cllr Werrett reported that he had been in correspondence with a local resident on the positioning of the speed reminder signs and that he was following this up with TVBC.
Action: Cllr Werrett
9. To receive reports on Planning Applications received and determined
9.1 The following responses had been made to recent planning applications received:
* 08/00531/Fulls – 3 Furzedown Cottages – erection of two storey rear extension and conservatory – no objection
* 08/00352/LBWS – The Crown Inn – internal changes – no objection
* 08/00365/FULLS – land adjacent to Surene, 4 Nutcher’s Drove – erection of two bed detached dwelling, new entrance drive and parking – no objection
* 08/00529/FULLS – Hoplands Equestrian Centre –new outdoor riding arena, extension to stables, upgrading entrance and approach route – concern at environmental impact, lines of sight for vehicles on approach roads and need for restriction on vehicles turning right from Braishfield and also left from Hoplands towards Braishfield
* 08/00653/FULLS – Hawthorns, Winchester Road – front conservatory – no objection
* 08/00811/FULLS – Willowside, Winchester Road – first floor extension to rear, installation of dormer window to side, roof light to rear and extension to canopy roof along rear elevation – no objection
* 08/00834/FULLS – 3 March Court Farm Cottages – rear and side single storey extension and incorporation of existing flat roofs within pitched element of new extension – no objection
* 08/00650/Trees – Church of England School – fell one Red Horse Chestnut and works to 7 Limes to remove epicormic growth – no objection
* 08/00562/TREES – Hayes Cottage, Romsey Road – fell two Ash and prune one Ash – no objection
9.1 The Clerk reported he had applied formally for permission to add a name to the War Memorial.
9.2 No applications had been determined.
10. To receive RFO’s Report and Budget Monitoring
10.1 An analysis of expenditure against budget had been circulated with the agenda papers and the RFO confirmed that the Council’s bank balances stood at £31224.92. Members were reminded that the end of the financial year had now been reached and that the internal audit of the accounts would be completed on 6 May, in time for final accounts to be presented for adoption at the AGM. The Clerk also reminded Members that thought should soon be given to funding some of the projects which had previously been identified as worthy of further consideration; namely replacement bus shelters, speed reminder signs, acquisition of Top Field, play equipment and further assistance to the Village Hall.
10.2 The Council’s annual insurance renewal fell due in June and the Clerk had obtained a quote from Norwich Union who were offering improved cover for a lower premium than Zurich Municipal, the Council’s current insurers. A saving in premium of £442 was likely if the Council signed up for a three year agreement and the Clerk had recommended Members approve the change in insurers. However, Cllr Werrett thought a further approach should be made in an attempt to further reduce the premium before a decision was made.
Action: Clerk
11. To approve Payment of Accounts
11.1 Proposed Cllr Pidgeon, Seconded Cllr Bevan, RESOLVED unanimously that the following accounts be approved for payment:
To For Net VAT Gross Chq
Mr P Storey Salary/expenses 563.91 563.91 1408 HMRC Tax/ Employer’s NIC 297.71 297.71 1409 Bishopstoke PC Shared costs 15.00 15.00 1410
Mr M Rebbeck Grounds maint 101.00 101.00 1411
Barker&Geary Fencing 4112.13 719.63 4831.76 1412
TVBC Grass cutting 703.87 123.18 827.05 1413
HALC Fees and NALC levy 288.00 288.00 1414
HALC LCR subscription 13.50 13.50 1415
TVBC Cemetery rates 08/09 114.19 114.19 1416
C Johnson Bier Hut repairs 484.35 484.35 1417
Totals 6693.66 842.81 7536.47
12. To receive reports from Members on external meetings they have attended or have attended in any other capacity
12.1 Cllr Harwood commented on a Neighbourhood Watch meeting at which the need for a youth shelter had been discussed but Members remembered their earlier initiative in staging a meeting for young persons to attend to discuss their needs and that no-one had turned up and thought no further action to be necessary at this time.
13. To receive Councillors’ reports, as appropriate, on actions taken including the Parish Plan
13.1 None tabled.
14. To receive the Clerk’s monthly report
14.1 Tug of War competition. A request had been received to relocate the Tug O’ War competition to the junior football pitch to be near to the Village Hall to encourage more spectators. This led to lengthy discussion on making good likely damage and alternate locations. Cllr Dyke proposed a site 3 metres to the side of the running line of the main football pitch which failed to attract a seconder. Cllr Werrett then proposed and Cllr Pearson seconded that the offer of the original site be confirmed and this motion was RESOLVED with 8 votes for, one against and one abstention.
Action: Clerk to inform organisers accordingly
14.2 Beavers Football. Entry into the Under 8s Tyro League was being organised from August onwards and a request had been received to play across the existing junior football pitch as the required goal size for Beavers was smaller than the existing pitch. Portable goals would have to be used with the pitch being marked out before each game. The question of levying a hire charge would be considered at a later date.
14.3 Proposed Cllr Dyke, Seconded Cllr Bevan, RESOLVED that Beavers football be permitted on the junior football pitch.
Action: Clerk to confirm accordingly
14.4 The provision of a Tiny Tots slide would be an agenda item at the next meeting.
Action: Clerk 14.5 HCC Minerals and Waste Development Framework. A request had been received to publicise the results of the consultation regarding the HCC Minerals and Waste Development Framework in newsletters and on parish council websites and this was agreed.
15. To consider Environmental matters of interest to the Parish
15.1 Cllrs Fahy, Harwood and Werrett would follow up ideas on establishing a bio-diversity site along the edge of the Muss Lane play area.
Action: Cllrs Fahy, Harwood and Werrett
16. To consider Highway matters of interest to the Parish
16.1 Cllrs Lane and Werrett had met with HCC Highways staff and highlighted to them a variety of matters around the Parish requiring their attention. It was hoped that many of these would receive attention over the coming months. Minutes of the meeting would be produced in due course and circulated to Members.
16.2 Cllr Pidgeon reported that the vehicle emptying gullies had missed a drain near the Scott Close garages and that he would follow this up to prevent further flooding of the area.
Action: Cllr Pidgeon
17. To receive reports on the Parish recreational facilities and Cemetery
17.1 Concern was expressed that the roller on the edge of the cricket area had not been removed and the Clerk was instructed to give three months notice to the owner after which the roller would be removed under arrangements made by the Council.
Action: Clerk
17.2 Cllr Fahy reported that the multi-purpose surface project group had suspended their fundraising efforts for the time being and had accepted an offer to play tennis on a privately owned court. They would resume their planning and fundraising activities for a multi-purpose surface when practical.
18. Date, time and place of next meeting
18.1 The next meeting would be the Annual General Meeting to be held on Monday 12 May 2008 at 7.00pm in the Epworth Hall, King’s Somborne.
18.2 The Annual Parish Assembly would be held in the King’s Somborne Village Hall at 7.30pm on Thursday 1 May 2008 and all were encouraged to attend.
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the Meeting at 9.30pm
Clerk to the Council