Kings Somborne Parish Council
Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group Meeting
23 March 2016 at The Epworth Hall, Kings Somborne, 7.00pm
Present: Andrew Brock (AB) (Chairman), Graham Searle (GS); Fiona Dunger (FD); Peter Nickless (PN); Ryan Sutton (RS); Katie Hughes (KH); Judith Evans (Minutes); Tony Ward (AW); Sarah Fordham, Community Engagement Officer, TVBC (SF); Donna Moles, Consultant (DM)
Also Present: Peter Storey (PS) (Clerk)
Apologies: Robbie Lane (RL)
Copies: Website; OneDrive; KS Parish Councillors; Graham Smith, TVBC (GS TVBC); Simon Whitehead (SW)
No. | Minute | Action |
1. | Chairman’s welcome
AB welcomed visitors and explained the main purpose of the meeting was to go through the questionnaire, following feedback from DM and TVBC. It was also essential to confirm the content and arrangements for the communications that would precede delivery of the questionnaire to households.
TW updated the meeting regarding village housing currently managed by Hyde Housing was going to be taken over by Sovereign. He explained that the emphasis on rural exception sites was changing to community led developments.
DM to send e-copies to AB of her questionnaire comments and her proposal for supporting the KS NDP, covering the consultant time funded by TVBC. AB to respond with comments on the proposal.
AB |
2. | Previous Minutes –
These were proposed by KH, seconded by PN and agreed by all
Matters arising from previous Minutes
PS stated that current housing stock managed by Aster in the village consisted of 86 properties, of which 33 were bungalows, 16 were flats and 37 were houses. SF agreed to contact Sovereign to obtain similar information on their housing stock.
All agreed that the number of dwellings in the village that would be used in the NDP was 711
SINC ( Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation) within the Parish boundary – GS TVBC to confirm – ongoing
AB confirmed that the project plan had been updated to reflect the questionnaire delay due to Easter.
Definitions – all agreed that the current statutory definitions would be used in documents (e.g. questionnaire) and that should the definitions change during the NDP process, then documents would be updated at that time.
Questionnaire Review
James Moody of TVBC and DM had reviewed the draft questionnaire. They had divided the current questions into those that could be addressed by the NDP and those that needed to be asked in order to produce an update to the Parish Plan. A review of the Parish Plan was required. PS to suggest a delay to the Parish Plan update until 2017 at April PCM.
All agreed that the current questionnaire should be shortened and only include those questions relevant to NDP. All other questions to be kept for the Parish Plan review.
RS confirmed a Survey Monkey subscription had been obtained and that this would be used both for the online versions of the questionnaire and for analysing the data obtained. AB to send finalised questionnaire to RS for preparation of the Survey Monkey version.
There was a further discussion regarding the how many comment areas should be included. It was agreed that the two boxes included already were sufficient.
DM agreed to rewrite the Introduction to explain why certain questions were not in the questionnaire, what the NDP could and could not achieve. This to be by Tues 29th March if at all possible.
There was a discussion regarding the order of the sections and that perhaps housing was in too prominent a position. It was agreed that the first section would be Landscape and Open Spaces with Housing moved to the middle section.
There was further discussion about managing people’s expectations regarding possible development. DM said the best forum to manage this was the proposed public meetings following the completion of the base data. It was also proposed to add a line in Q.2, section B to include an option for no development at all, which was agreed by all. AB to renumber this section.
DM pointed out the correct definition of greenfield – AB to update
The printing and distribution of the questionnaire was discussed. AW to confirm a.s.a.p. that TVBC would arrange the printing of 1500 copies with colour banner headlines.
It was suggested that members of the working groups would act as testers for the questionnaire, in order to allow feedback on how long it took to complete and how easy it was to complete. This to be done between 28 and 31st March. All feedback to be sent via team leaders to AB so that the final version will be ready for printing by Friday 1st April.
FD, PN, GS |
Communications Plan
RS had updated the leaflet with feedback already received from SG members. It was agreed that the second paragraph was not needed. There was a discussion as to whether leaflets should have colour on them, and whether the chosen Wheatfield logo should be included to keep continuity of appearance. It was agreed that the logo would be included in grayscale only, in order to keep printing costs to a minimum. RS to complete changes and arrange for 1500 leaflets to be printed, posters for each Parish noticeboard and all public buildings plus send out via e-mail to the contact list, and to Parish Councillors. The leaflet should also appear on all social media platforms and on the website.
6.2 |
Leaflet and Questionnaire Distribution
The planned distribution date for a leaflet to each household is to be completed by Sunday 3rd April. Group leaders to advise their teams about helping with the leaflet drop. PS/AB to allocate roads to the groups as per the Gauntlet distribution list.
All agreed that the questionnaire volunteer distributors would need a brief about how to do the job and to enable them to answer any questions they might get asked. Wednesday 6th April at 7pm at the Epworth was the agreed time with AB to do the brief. The SG meeting to follow.
AB |
7.6 |
Issues that need resolving
AB confirmed that the link to the NDP page now operated both from the Parish Council website and from
DM explained that as the first thing the Inspector would look for was publicly available information then there needed to be a lot more information on the website, to include ToRs, Scope, working group and steering group members, minutes, presentations etc. RS to gather information and ask SW to put on the NDP page
It had been suggested that all the groups in the village should be approached and asked for the opportunity to do a 5 minute presentation about the NDP to their members at the next opportunity. To this end PS had e-mailed all groups and was awaiting their response.
DM advised that any conflicts of interest needed to be declared at the earliest opportunity and that the team needed to make sure that they were seen to be transparent.
Members of SOKs tried to attend the SG meeting, expressing concern over whether it was ‘proper’ to hold this meeting privately. DM, in her professional planning capacity, advised that as long as the minutes were clearly available on the website it was fine to keep the meeting closed. It was agreed that the SG meeting should continue in its present form to ensure the group remained focussed and unless the members invited the public to attend for a specific reason. DM reiterated that there would be plenty of opportunities for input by members of the public via the questionnaire and planned workshops.
RS was asked to prepare a sheet of FAQs and answers that volunteers could use when delivering and collecting questionnaires.
RS |
8. | Next Meeting
Wednesday 6th April 2016, 7.00pm at The Epworth Hall (Start of the meeting to consist of the brief to volunteers) |
All |