Kings Somborne Parish Council

Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group Meeting

08 June 2016 at The Epworth Hall, Kings Somborne, 7.00pm


Present: Andrew Brock (AB) (Chairman), Peter Nickless (PN); Ryan Sutton (RS); Katie Hughes (KH); Judith Evans (JE Minutes), Graham Searle (GS) Fiona Dunger (FD), John Pybus, Brian Orange, Janet Mein, Sarah Fordham (SF TVBC)

Also Present: Peter Storey (PS) (Clerk)

Apologies: Robbie Lane

Copies: Website; OneDrive; KS Parish Councillors; Graham Smith, TVBC (GS TVBC); Simon Whitehead (SW)

No. Minute Action
1. Chairman’s welcome

AB welcomed everybody and explained the main purpose of the meeting was to review the questionnaire presentation and define the public engagement meetings (workshop) format. He particularly thanked the deputies of the working groups for attending and Sarah Fordham from TVBC who would be helping with the workshops.


2. Previous Minutes

These were unanimously agreed. Matters arising had been dealt with. AB thanked all those who had helped with the distribution of the communication regarding workshops. AB also confirmed that he is updating the village website –




Declarations of Interest

None declared.





























Review of Presentation for workshops

The presentation was reviewed slide by slide. Concern was expressed over the length, however it was felt that not all slides needed to be presented at workshops but that the full version should be available on the website after the workshops, and that the direct link to it be available at the workshops.


Changes required by the team were recorded. Many took the form of additional questions that the data results stimulated. These to be added to the presentation


There were long discussions concerning the perceived mismatch between the desire to retain the village character, and small scale new development versus the clear requirement for smaller homes. It was concluded that this was a key question to be asked at the workshops.


Several team members raised the need for a Topic paper which would investigate how many houses the village would need based on projected population growth over the next 25 years. It was also mentioned that land supply itself would dictate rate of house building.


It was noted that N Wolstenholme was planning to carry out a survey of all potential brownfield sites within the Parish. The team felt it would also be worth asking the question at the workshops so should be added to the slide.


There was concern that no traffic calming would be possible on the A3057 du to its classification as an A road. PS to contact HCC to confirm what might be possible. It was agreed to add Community Speed Watch information to the relevant slide
































































   Format of workshops

The format for the workshops was discussed at length. It was felt that it would be important to summarise the overall results instead of dwelling too much on the detail.


It was agreed that, after the presentation, attendees would remain seated at their tables of 6 to 8 people and that the facilitators/group members would move around and prompt discussion of three key questions – notes to be recorded on pre-headed flip chart pages by a nominated scribe for each table


1.       Design Guidance (Landscape and Environment Group lead)

What should be in the design guidance – what is liked about the fabric of King’s Somborne – give examples, what would you not like to see? Give examples


2.       Housing Requirement (Housing Group lead)

Discuss the mismatch between the requirement for smaller homes and the desire to limit building, by size plot/time frame, and desire to keep King’s Somborne as a village environment


3.       Village Facilities and Infrastructure (Infrastructure Group lead)

What would you like to see included in a Community Activity Centre? Where?


Provision of refreshments was discussed. JE to purchase plastic cups. Tap water to be provided at each table.


TVBC to provide stationery for the event to include flipchart paper, Post It notes, pens. TVBC also to provide presentation boards.


It was agreed there would be a separate flip chart/Post It’s for “parking” items that needed to be addressed but not at the workshop.


PS agreed to summarise flipchart notes onto an outcomes document.


PS to do headcount and appx. Age group count at each workshop to prove that the spread of attendees reflected and represented the community. AB to confirm with DM that this would be sufficient evidence of community engagement














































7. Next Meeting

Wednesday 22 June 2016, 7.00pm at The Epworth Hall

