Minutes of a Meeting of the Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group
held in the Epworth Hall at 7.00pm on Wednesday 22 February 2017
Present: Cllr A Brock (Chairman)
Mrs F Dunger
Cllr R Lane
In attendance: Mr P J Storey (Clerk to King’s Somborne Parish Council)
Miss S Fordham (TVBC)
Ms C Thomson
Public Session: No members of the public were present.
1. Chairman’s welcome and announcements
1.1 The Chairman welcomed those present but again expressed his frustration that we were not quorate.
2. Apologies
2.1 Cllr Sutton, Mr G Searle and Mrs J Mein.
3. Previous meeting notes
3.1 Notes from the previous meeting held on 8 February 2017 were accepted.
4. Matters arising
4.1 Ms Thomson had identified local open spaces (LAGs) in spreadsheet format which would be circulated for comment at the next SG meeting.
Action: Clerk
4.2 Mr Searle had drafted the Part 6 Infrastructure Plan which would be circulated for comment at the next SG meeting but the draft for Part 5 was still awaited from Mr Nickless’ group.
Action: Clerk/Mr Nickless
4.3 Analysis was still awaited from Action Hampshire on the statistics produced by the housing needs survey. Ms Fordham would hasten their response.
Action: Ms Fordham
5. Declarations of Interest
5.1 None declared.
6. NDP drafting responsibilities
6.1 Cllr Brock would take follow up action with Mr Searle on the housing needs statistical analysis and Messrs Pybus and Kam’s views on the Design Guidance ahead of public consultation as well as some input on LAGS from Graham Smith (TVBC) with regards to the approach taken by the Quainton PC in their Neighbourhood Development Plan.
Action: Cllr Brock
7. Date, time and place of next meeting – Wednesday 8 March 2017 at 7.00pm in the Epworth Hall, Winchester Road, King’s Somborne
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 7.50pm