Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) – progress
The 69 responses to the consultation on the draft NDP are currently being assessed and the responses will form part of the final document when submitted for external examination. In addition, the proportionate Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA) is also under way and once complete the proportionate Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) will commence in later this month.
The additional Flood Study as a result of the pre-submission consultation is due imminently – so do check back with the KSPC website regularly to review this Study.
The aim of the HRA & SEA assessments is to determine if the NDP, as proposed, is likely to have a significant environmental impact on the local area and follows on from the need to comply with European Directive 2001/42/EC. Similarly, we need assess any adverse impact on the inhabitants of any recognised European site e.g the Mottisfont bat population.
The Steering Group following approval by the Parish Council is seeking to outsource all of these assessments, the final assembly of the NDP, as well as an additional review by an independent local examiner before formal submission to TVBC to ensure, that as best we can, the NDP meets the required standards for successful public consultation and that the independent examiner reviewing the submitted Plan likewise concurs.
Peter Storey
Parish Clerk