Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting

held in the Village Hall

commencing at 7.00pm on Monday 3 November 2014


Present:           Cllr A Brock (Acting Chairman)

Cllr R Curtis

Cllr J Evans

Cllr F Fahy

Cllr R Jackson

Cllr R Lane

Cllr A Reeves

Cllr J Werrett



In Attendance:    Mr P J Storey (Clerk to King’s Somborne Parish Council)


Public Session


B/Cllr Ward, Mr Dyke (Open Spaces Warden) and 11 members of the public were present for part of the meeting.


Ms Grace Martin from the National Flood Forum gave a short presentation on the advantages of setting up local flood action groups.  The Forum is a national charity which advises on and co-ordinates local community flood preparation and prevention measures and makes representations to external agencies and Government on local communities’ behalf.  Although the Parish Council currently undertakes this on behalf of the community, those present thought the concept worth developing further and to provide the link between those volunteering and the Council and to avoid overlapping Cllr Evans volunteered to act as secretary to the King’s Somborne flood action group. The Forum also gave individual advice to those in need on, for example, insurance.  Ms Martin’s contact details are – or tel 07842 163437.


B/Cllr Ward touched on the planning considerations relating to the proposal by Gladman Developments to build housing at the top of Eldon Road and mentioned that although the Local Plan was still being developed there was unlikely to be much change affecting rural development in this area which was deemed to be countryside.  The principle that development should not take place in the countryside unless there was an over-riding need remained extant.  TVBC currently had provision for 5.89 years of housing land supply in our northern area and he noted the concerns being expressed by residents at this proposal.


Damage caused by contractors to the football pitch and the recreation ground was raised and the Clerk confirmed that this was routinely made good as work progressed.  Concern was also expressed at the dangers to the increasing number of cyclist riding along the unlit part of the Winchester Road at night.  The Clerk would raise the issue of lack of street lighting with HCC.

Action: Clerk


  1. Apologies for Absence


158.1   Cllrs Harwood and Whitehead.


  1. Chairman’s announcements and Councillors’ questions


159.1   Cllr Curtis raised the matter of overgrowing hedgerows adjacent to the Scout hut which obstructed the footpath and the dangers of motorists taking the bend outside the John O’Gaunt pub too quickly and hitting parked vehicles on the other side of the road.  The Clerk would take follow up action as appropriate.

Action: Clerk


  1. To approve the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 6 October 2014


161.1   Proposed Cllr Curtis, Seconded Cllr Werrett, RESOLVED unanimously that the minutes of the meeting held on 6 October 2014 be accepted as a true record.


  1. To consider any Matters Arising from those Minutes


162.1   Para 145.1  Church clock.  Investigation had shown the costs of servicing the Church clock could be reduced if we changed contractors.  The Clerk would arrange.

Action: Clerk


162.2   Para 149.3  Overhead power cables.  Cllr Brock confirmed the surveyor’s fees for valuing the land under which the overhead power cables across 3 Fields and the recreation ground were to be buried would be met by SSE.


162.3   Para 149.4  Sub station damage.  Cllr Fahy reported that the fence around the sub-station at the top of the footpath leading to the Muss Lane recreation ground had again been damaged and he had reported this.


162.4   Para 149.7  Cllr Evans confirmed that sufficient funds had been raised by Quiz Nights and other activities to cover the cost of providing the necessary protective box for the defibrillator.


162.5   Para 152.2  Village Hall stage lighting grant.  The final invoice for the stage lighting being provided for the Village Hall had been received showing £58.49 more than the approved grant.  Cllr Jackson would seek a contribution from The Somborne Players for this difference.

Action: Cllr Jackson


  1. Declarations of Interest and requests for Dispensations


163.1   None declared or sought.


  1. To receive the minutes of the Planning Committee


164.1   The minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 6 October 2014 had been circulated with the agenda papers.


164.2   Proposed Cllr Lane, Seconded Cllr Curtis, RESOLVED unanimously that the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 6 October 2014 be received and accepted.


  1. To consider Correspondence Received and determine any action required


165.1   The Clerk drew Members’ attention to correspondence received but no further action was thought necessary.


  1. To receive Councillors’ Reports


166.1   Cllr Curtis confirmed that the MUGA construction was progressing and that remedial work was taken on any damaged surface each day.


166.2   Cllr Evans commented on the dangers posed to drivers by the overhanging vegetation on the S bend out of the Village towards Romsey which the Clerk would report and to tree problems adjacent to Sopwith Close which were the landowner’s responsibility and to whom the complainants should refer.

Action: Clerk


166.3   Cllr Jackson had received a request for more lights on the Winchester Road in the area of Riverside Green and for a seat at the junction there near the bus stop for the convenience of the elderly.  The Clerk would investigate.

Action: Clerk


166.4   Cllr Fahy commented that the damaged substation at the footpath entrance to the Muss Lane recreation ground was a known drug dealing area and the Police were aware.  There had also been considerable damage caused to the Village Hall and surrounding area following a teenage party held in the Hall.  The Clerk was liaising with Highways on repairing the damaged road signs.

Action: Clerk


166.5   Cllr Lane reported on the planning meeting held earlier in the evening.


  1. To receive the RFO’s Report and Budget Monitoring


166.1   A budget monitoring report had been circulated with the agenda papers and was noted.


166.2   Proposed Cllr Lane, Seconded Cllr Fahy, RESOLVED unanimously that the Budget Report be accepted as tabled.


  1. Payment of Accounts


167.1   Proposed Cllr Werrett, Seconded Cllr Lane, RESOLVED unanimously that the following accounts for October 2014 be approved for payment:


To                                For                               Net             VAT          Gross      Chq/Internet

Mr P Storey                  Salary/expenses           629.33       0.87                       630.20             Int

HMRC                         Tax/NIC                       383.05                         383.05             Int

BPC                             Shared costs                   22.00                           22.00             Int

Cllr R Jackson             Parish clock repairs        65.00                           65.00             1806

SSE Electric                 Parish clock electricity               13.35       2.67                         16.02             DD

ICO                              Date protection fee        35.00                           35.00             DD

Southern Water                        Water charges                95.10                           95.10             DD

Mr M Rebbeck             Grounds maint             515.50                         515.50             Int

Royal British Legion    Grant                             50.00                           50.00             1807

Totals                                                             1808.33       3.54             1811.87


  1. To adopt revised Standing Orders and Financial Regulations


168.1   Recent changes in legislation had made it necessary to revise Standing Orders and Financial Regulations and a draft had been circulated with the agenda papers.


168.2   Proposed Cllr Werrett, Seconded Cllr Evans, RESOLVED unanimously that the revised Standing Orders and Financial Regulations be adopted as tabled.


  1. To adopt a website transition strategy


169.1   Item deferred to the next meeting as a result of Cllr Whitehead’s absence due to work commitments.

Action: Cllr Whitehead



  1. TVBC dog champion initiative


170.1   Following the presentation at last month’s Council meeting by the TVBC Environmental Health Officer on the introduction of a pilot scheme to appoint a ‘champion’ in the Parish to monitor and report on dog fouling, Cllr Werrett proposed that King’s Somborne become a pilot parish but as the proposal failed for want of a seconder  this initiative would not be progressed locally.


  1. Introduction of a Youth Council


171.1   Item deferred to next meeting as a result of Cllr Whitehead’s absence due to work.


  1. Need for additional speed indicator posts


  1. The Clerk had established that it would cost £95 per pole to add a further 4 poles to rotate the speed indicator device more widely around the Village. It was agreed to proceed with this subject to site surveys by Hampshire Highways on the most suitable locations which were thought to be approaching the village before Tanners Pond, on the A3057 before the Horsebridge Lane junction, approaching the village before reaching Humber View at the top of Eldon Road and coming down Furzedown Road before the junction with Eldon Road.


172.2   Proposed Cllr Werrett, Seconded Cllr Jackson, RESOLVED unanimously that funding for 4 additional speed indicator device poles be approved.


173      Parish Development Working Group update


173.1   No progress to report.


174      Clerk’s monthly report


174.1   The Clerk reported he was receiving numerous adverse comments following the distribution by Gladman Development of their consultation letter to residents on their plans to develop an area at the top of Eldon Road.


174.2   A serious water leak had occurred outside the Village Hall which was being investigated but which was unlikely to involve the Parish Council in any costs.  Some concern was expressed that the apparent increase in pipe problems could be due to the repairs currently in hand by Southern Water and the possible resultant increase in water pressure.


174.3   Councillors were invited to the opening of the refurbished Village Hall on 22 November 2014 and a formal invite would follow in due course. (Clerk’s note: this may be deferred due to a lack of suitable access inside the Hall)


  1. Date, time and place of next meeting


175.1    The next meeting would be on Monday 1 December 2014 at 7.00pm in the Epworth Hall, Winchester Road, King’s Somborne.



There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.05pm


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