Minutes of the Parish Council Annual Meeting

held in the Epworth Hall commencing at 7.00pm on Monday 9 May 2019


Present:           Cllr A Brock (Chairman)

Cllr I Beacham

Cllr S Dack

Cllr R Harwood

Cllr L Hodge

Cllr K Hughes

Cllr O Wales

Cllr R Webb

Present for part of the meeting:

Cllr R Curtis



In Attendance:   Mrs G Foster (Clerk to King’s Somborne Parish Council)


Public Session


B/Cllrs Ward and Jeffrey, C/Cllr Gibson and 4 members of the public were present for part of the meeting.


Several members of the public raised their concerns regarding the siting of the proposed passing places along Chalk Vale, in particular Passing Bays No 2 and 3. It was unclear as to the exact proposed location of the former but it appeared to be positioned outside or very close to the entrance to Chalk Vale Farm House and the existing and proposed adjoining properties; there were concerns over the safety of lorries manoeuvring close to these residential properties and, also, that it was incorrect to say there were two informal passing places between Chalk Vale Farm House and Chalk Hill-there were none. The original location of Passing Bay No 3 that had been proposed by TVBC was now to be located mid way between Chalk Hill and the Byway track entrance (previously known as Gypsy Lane); it was pointed out that there are substantial, long established hedges along the road as well as trees that needed to be protected.. There were also concerns that lorries would use these spaces as overnight parking and that littering would increase. Questions were asked regarding the funding that Highways and HCC have quoted as being available for the haunching and repairs to Chalk Vale given that the Transport Contribution paid by the Developers of Forest Extra, in accordance with the 2013 S.106 Undertaking, included funding the haunching of the damaged sections of Chalk Vale (some 17 had been identified by TVBC in 2013); the Undertaking was a condition to the approval of the Forest Extra planning application. The residents were advised that the Council would ask that a site meeting be arranged. Cllr Brock advised that he would contact HCC Transport Planner Matthew Bridger and if necessary HCC Cllr Gibson.. Action: Cllr Brock


  1. Election of Chairman.


57.1      Proposed: Cllr Webb, Seconded: Cllr Curtis, Resolved: Unanimously that Cllr Brock be elected as Chairman for the year 2019-2020. Cllr Brock signed the Declaration of Acceptance of office.


  1. Election of Vice-Chairman


58.1      Proposed: Cllr Curtis, Seconded: Cllr Harwood, Resolved: Unanimously that Cllr Hughes be elected as Vice-Chair.


  1. Apologies for Absence


59.1      Cllr S Whitehead; also B/Cllr Johnston and C/Cllr Gibson.


  1. Co-option of New Councillor and signing of Acceptance of Office.


60.1      Proposed: Cllr Hughes, Seconded: Cllr Harwood, Resolved: Unanimously that Mr Ian Beacham be co-opted to the Parish Council. Cllr Beacham signed the acceptance of office and confirmed he had received copies of all the papers served on councillors with the Agenda.

  1. Election of Chairman of the Planning Committee


61.1      Proposed: Cllr Curtis, Seconded: Cllr Hughes, Resolved: Unanimously that Cllr Harwood be elected as Chairman of the planning committee.


  1. Chair’s announcements and Councillors’ questions


62.1      None stated.


  1. To approve the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 1st April 2019


63.1      Proposed: Cllr Curtis, Seconded: Cllr Webb, RESOLVED: with Cllrs Beacham, Brock, Dack, Hodge and Wales abstaining (absent) that the minutes of the meeting held on 1st April 12019 which had been circulated with the agenda be accepted as a true record. The chairman duly signed the minute book.


  1. To consider any Matters Arising from those Minutes


64.1      Minute ref: 44.5 The Police would be invited to bring the speed camera Van to the Parish. Action: Clerk


64.2      Minute ref: 44.6 Correspondence had been received from the Diocese of Winchester confirming they were working with a developer on a planning application, surveys were being conducted at the site, but that they had not yet been able to secure a replacement site and that no changes would be made during 2019.


64.3      Minute ref: 44.8 The Clerk would meet with the land owner on 17 May to follow up about the trees in the stream at Horsebridge. Action: Clerk.


64.4      Minute ref: 44.10 No further response to the complaint about the speed of answering 101 calls had been received, however the Clerk had noted that the answering time had been much improved in the last month when she had called the service three times.


64.5      Minute ref: 46.2 The Clerk would chase for a reply regarding the Memorial Bench for Brian Orange. Action: Clerk


64.6      Minute ref: 48.2 The weed treatment of the recreation ground had been carried out on 1st May.


64.7      Minute ref: 48.7 Cllr Hughes advised discussions were ongoing with the youths of the village regarding youth shelter in light of the recent arson incident where benches had been destroyed. Action: Cllr Hughes


64.8      Minute ref: 48.8 The Clerk had reported the person living in the caravan near Scott’s Close to Aster. No reply had been received and would be chased. Action: Clerk


64.9      Minute ref: 48.9 Cllr Hughes is in conversation with the previous YMCA youth worker regarding ideas of what can be provided for young people in terms of support and education. Action: Cllr Hughes


64.10    Minute ref: 52.2 Twenty people had attended the Tidy Up session which had been a success. Cllrs noted their thanks to all volunteers and to the Crown Inn for hosting refreshments.


64.11    Minute ref: 53.1 The Communication tree arrangement would be formalised in accordance with GDPR. Action: Clerk.


64.12    Minute ref: 54.1 Councillors discussed the recent vandalism at the Recreation Ground and noted that the new camera for the tug of war gantry should be of a higher specification. Capabilities would be reviewed when a model had been identified for purchase. To arrange to review with Village Hall Committee. Action: Cllr Beacham and Clerk.


64.13    Minute ref: 55.1 The playground inspection report had been received and would be discussed at the next meeting. Action: Clerk


  1. Declarations of Interest and Requests for Dispensations


65.1      Cllr Brock declared an interest in agenda item 17 Payment of Accounts due to his expenses claim. All councillors had given the Clerk completed Disclosable Pecuniary Interest forms which would be forwarded to TVBC. Action: Clerk


B/Cllrs Ward and Jeffrey arrived at this point and the Chairman suspended the agenda to enable Cllr Ward to report


65.2      Cllr Ward introduced newly elected Cllr Jeffrey who both offered their congratulations to new councillors on joining the Parish Council and to Cllr Brock and Cllr Hughes on being re-elected to Chairman and Vice-Chair. Cllr Ward explained that he and Cllr Jeffrey along with Cllr Alison Johnston had been elected as Test Valley Borough Councillors for the newly formed Mid Test Ward which would cover 18 Parishes and 9,775 residents.


65.3      Cllr Ward had sent a newsletter to all Councillors before the meeting and would be interested to receive feedback. The newsletter would be posted on the Parish Council website. Action: Clerk


65.4      Cllr Ward reported that the pre-school building project had been slightly delayed due to the need to redesign access ramps at the entrance and rear of the building. The cost of these was higher than expected and the project was now a few thousand pounds short, however grant request to Loddon Test had been successful and only one further grant was awaited from Awards4all.


The Chairman then reverted to the agenda


  1. To receive a report on the Neighbourhood Development Plan


66.1      Cllr Brock advised that there was nothing to report since the Parish Assembly, other than the steering group would be meeting on 22 May at 10.00 in the Epworth Hall.


  1. To determine the time and place of ordinary meetings of the Council up to and including the next annual meeting of the Council.


67.1     A schedule had been circulated prior to the meeting. Proposed: Cllr Hughes, Seconded: Cllr Brock, Resolved: that the dates listed be noted and that consideration would be given to the need for an August meeting on the July agenda. Dates would be advertised on the website and confirmed with the hall booking manager. Action: Clerk.


  1. To consider Correspondence Received and determine any action required


68.1     The previous Clerk had written a letter of thanks to the Parish Council and the other contributors towards his leaving gift. A copy had been given to all Councillors.


68.2     The Safety Inspection report for the playareas had been received and an immediate risk had been remedied. The full report would be placed on the June agenda for consideration. Action: Clerk.


68.3     Jo Finch had resigned as the Village Correspondent.


68.4     A Freedom of Information request had been received by the Clerk, which was being responded to.

Action: Clerk


68.5     A member of the public had queried the minutes from the prior month and the Clerk had replied.


  1. To receive the minutes of the Planning Committee meetings on 1 and 15 April 2018


69.1     The minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 1 and 15 April had been circulated with the agenda. Cllr Harwood report that the considerations had been mainly trees and minor amendments, and planning applications that had not been contentious.


69.2      Proposed Cllr Harwood, Seconded Cllr Hughes, RESOLVED unanimously that the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 1 and 15 April 2019 be received and accepted.


  1. To review items mentioned in Standing Orders section 5j; recommendations made by committee.


70.2      It was noted that no recommendations had been received.


  1. To review delegation arrangements to committees, sub-committees, staff and other local authorities


71.2      The Clerk had tabled and circulated prior to the meeting all current delegations to the Planning Committee, the NDP Steering Group, the Clerk and to Mr P Storey as a volunteer. Proposed Cllr Harwood, Seconded Cllr Hughes, RESOLVED unanimously that the delegations be re-approved for the coming year.


  1. To review the terms of reference for committees


72.1      Proposed Cllr Harwood, Seconded Cllr Hughes, RESOLVED that Annex A of the standing orders are unchanged as reference for the planning committee and that the NDP Steering group would review their terms of reference at the next meeting. Action: Cllr Brock and Clerk.


  1. Appointment of members to existing committees.


73.1      The list of appointments was discussed and the Clerk would make the amendments and distribute.

Action: Clerk


  1. Appointment of any new committees in accordance with standing order 4.


74.1      Proposed Cllr Hughes, Seconded Cllr Harwood, RESOLVED unanimously that no new committees were required.


  1. Review of arrangements with other local authorities, not-for-profit bodies and businesses.


75.1      The Clerk had provided a current list of previously signed service contracts and leases prior to the meeting. Where cost was involved all contracts had been budgeted for. Proposed Cllr Hughes, Seconded Cllr Curtis, RESOLVED unanimously that the Clerk be delegated to approve payments or invoices where required under the contracts.


  1. Review of representation on or work with external bodies and arrangements for reporting back.


76.1      A list of contracts and arrangements with third parties had been distributed and it was noted that the Clerk was responsible for liaising with each in the first instance. Proposed Cllr Curtis, Seconded Cllr Webb, RESOLVED that back up Councillors be noted and approved. The list would be saved to the Council OneDrive for sharing. Action: Clerk.


  1. To make arrangements with a view to the council becoming eligible to exercise the general power of competence in the future.


77.1      After the election the Council were able to fulfil requirement of two thirds of the Councillors being elected. The Clerk would investigate training dates for the CiLCA course. Action: Clerk.


  1. Review of inventory of land and other assets.


78.1      The asset register as approved by the Auditor in April was reviewed and noted.


  1. Confirmation for arrangements of insurance cover in respect of all insurable risks.


79.1      Insurance Cover Notes had been circulated to confirm the insurance was in place. This was noted.


  1. Review of the Councils and/or staff subscriptions to other bodies.


80.1      The Clerk had provided a list of current subscriptions including CPRE (Campaign to Protect Rural England), HPFA (Hampshire Playing Fields Association), FiT (Fields in Trust), ICO (Independent Commissions Office), HALC (Hampshire Association of Local Councils) and SLCC (Society of Local Council Clerks). Proposed Cllr Harwood, Seconded Cllr Hughes, RESOLVED that subscriptions be renewed as and when the memberships expired. Action: Clerk.


  1. Review of the council’s complaints procedure


81.1      Proposed Cllr Curtis, Seconded Cllr Hughes, RESOLVED that no changed was required to Annex D of the standing orders.


  1. Review of the council’s policies procedures and practices in respect of its obligations under freedom of information and data protection legislation.


82.1      Proposed Cllr Harwood, Seconded Cllr Hughes, RESOLVED that no change was required to Annex F of the standing orders.


  1. Review of the council’s policy for dealing with the press/media.


83.1      Proposed Cllr Harwood, Seconded Cllr Hughes, RESOLVED that no change was required to Annex G of the standing orders.


  1. Review of the council’s employment policies and procedures.


84.1      There had not been time to collate all policies which had an impact on employment and it was Proposed Cllr Harwood, Seconded Cllr Hughes, RESOLVED to defer the review until the next meeting in June. Action: Clerk


  1. Review of the council’s expenditure incurred under s.137 of the Local Government Act 1972 or the General Power of Competence.


85.1      The Clerk had advised prior to the meeting that the auditor had confirmed that no expenditure had been incurred under section 137. The limit for the coming year of £10,442 had been noted.


  1. Review and adoption of appropriate standing orders and financial regulations


86.1      Proposed Cllr Hughes, Seconded Cllr Webb, RESOLVED that Annex E would not require amendment due to be approved in the February 2019 meeting, but that new Annex J be adopted and added to the standing orders and re-distributed. Action: Clerk.


  1. To receive Councillors’ reports, as appropriate, on actions taken and other matters


87.1      Cllr Curtis reported that he would be fixing a loose handrail at the playground that week. He advised that he had offered to take on the responsibility of refilling the dog waste bag dispenser at the Recreation Ground from the Clerk. Both Cllr Curtis and the Clerk had filled the dispenser in the same week and it was worrying that the bags were disappearing so quickly. This would be monitored. Action: Cllr Curtis


87.2      Cllr Dack advised that her husband had been approached and asked if he would volunteer to paint the railings by the Borne as the paint was flaking. It was suggested that this subject be added to the agenda for June. Action: Clerk


87.3      Cllr Hughes had been advised that the Beavers group might be closing in August due to the leader stepping down. Sadly no replacement had come forward yet. It was also reported that the School’s Reception Class for September was fully booked.


87.4      Cllr Hughes was pleased that the Clerk had been active on Facebook in replying to residents’ questions. The Clerk requested that she be allowed to create a separate profile as a Clerk for King’s Somborne in order not to use her personal account when representing the Council. This was thought appropriate. Action: Clerk


87.5      Cllr Hughes had heard that there had been more dog on dog attacks at the Recreation Ground. Residents are reminded to report all issues to the dog warden at TVBC and additionally to the RSPCA. However, if there is any threat of injury or to animals or people it is recommended to call the police.


87.6      Cllr Hughes advised that the KSSA Garage Safari is booked for Saturday 18th May. The school had asked if they would be able to put up a gazebo on the recreation ground. This was accepted by all present.


87.7      Cllr Harwood reported that Mr Storey had enquired a while ago if the Cricket Club could consider if they might be amenable to the Cricket boundary moving if the car park at the recreation ground needed enlarging as a result of the new Community Building/Pre-School. Cllr Harwood confirmed that the subject had been discussed and the Cricket Club would not see a small boundary move as a problem if it was necessary.


  1. To receive the RFO’s Report and Budget Monitoring


88.1      A budget monitoring report had been circulated with the agenda papers. April and May figures were similar to last year. Payments had been set up for 13th May.


  1. To approve Payment of Accounts


89.1      Proposed Cllr Hughes, Seconded Cllr Webb, RESOLVED that the following be approved for payment:

To                                For                                 Net                VAT                Gross Method

Mrs G Foster                Salary/expenses            720.41                                     720.41 Bacs

            John Ingleson               Bolt for notice board        3.19                                      3.19

TVBC                          Dog Bins 2018/19         897.00            179.40        1,076.40

HCC                             Lights maintenance        23.36               4.68            28.04

HALC                          Training                       45.00                9.00            54.00

KSVH                          Annual Assembly           35.00                                 35.00

KSVH                          IT Café – 04 April         32.00                                    32.00

KSVH                          IT Café – 05 May          32.00                                     32.00

KSVH                          IT Café – 06 June          32.00                                    32.00

Roger Jackson               Padlock and keys          14.95                                     14.95

Cllr Brock                     Expenses                      170.20                                    170.20

Unity                            Minibus 50+ Jan           83.50                                    83.50

Unity                            Minibus 50+ Feb           102.40                                    102.40

HALC                          Subscriptions                473.00                                    473.00

Viking Office                Ink & Stationery           45.46                 9.09              54.55

Seagrave inspections     Play area assessment     239.00             47.80            286.80

Toolsonline                  Generator Service         269.80             53.96             323.76

Barker & Geary             Account adjustment      12.81                                    12.81

Lightatouch                  Audit                           150.00                                   150.00

Mr M Rebbeck              Maintenance                 872.50                                  872.50

Simon Nightingale        SLR Sign                      41.67                                   41.67

South Downs                NDP Submission       1,312.50               262.50         1,575.00

Peter Storey                  Assembly Expenses       20.00                                     20.00

Peter Storey                  Generator Fuel              13.85                                      13.85

JRB                              Dog Waste Bags           69.30               11.55            80.85

Totals                                                         £5,710.90              £577.98      £6,288.88


Cllr Curtis offered his apologies at 9.00pm and left the meeting.


  1. To approve the Annual Governance Statement 2018/19


90.1      A copy of the Internal Audit Report signed by the Auditor and a copy of the Annual Governance Statement had been provided to all councillors. Proposed: Cllr Brock, Seconded: Cllr Hughes, RESOLVED: Unanimously that the Chairman sign the statement. Action: Cllr Brock & Clerk


  1. To approve the Accounting Statements & Financial Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2019


91.1      A copy of the Accounting Statements 2018/19 and the Financial Accounts for the period had been circulated to all councilors. Proposed: Cllr Brock, Seconded: Cllr Hughes, RESOLVED: Unanimously that the Chairman sign the statement and accounts. Action: Cllr Brock & Clerk


  1. To confirm Councillors’ Annual RPI check


92.1      All councilors had provided the Clerk with their forms for delivery to TVBC. Action: Clerk.


  1. Annual Assembly review


93.1      Cllr Brock noted that 45 parishioners had attended the Assembly which had included a surprise presentation to Mr Storey on his retirement. Cllr Harwood noted that the decision not to have a guest speaker had not had a detrimental impact on the meeting. The minutes would be displayed on the website as soon as possible. Action: Clerk.


  1. To consider response to HCC Chalk Vale passing places as per email from HCC


94.1      The consideration to this item had been given in the public session and a site meeting would be requested with HCC. Action: Cllr Brock.


  1. To consider the purchase of a Postbox on village hall for Clerk (non-urgent corres)


95.1      Proposed: Cllr Harwood, Seconded: Cllr Hughes, Resolved: that the Clerk purchase a postbox and arrange installation with the Village Hall Committee. Action: Clerk.


  1. Allotments (legal review report)


96.1      The Clerk had taken legal advice from HALC regarding the proposal to use a previous case support of a claim against the Diocese of Winchester. The advice received was that the claim was unlikely to be successful and this was noted. The originator of the idea would be informed. Action: Cllr Brock.


  1. Grant Application – £75 Victim Support in Chandlers Ford.


97.1      Proposed: Cllr Harwood, Seconded: Cllr Webb, Resolved: that a grant of £50 be given. Action: Clerk.


  1. Village Hall Generator – Battery optimiser


98.1      The generator’s battery required constant charging in order to maintain enough power to start the generator. Proposed: Cllr Hughes, Seconded: Cllr Brock, Resolved: that a grant from SSE be applied for in order to cover the cost of a trickle charger. Action: Clerk.


  1. Village correspondent – Vacancy


99.1      Jo Finch has stepped down from the role. The Village Agent would be approached: Action: Clerk.


  1. Insurance claim for Benches


100.1    The Clerk had reported the incident to the insurers and raised a claim. Proposed: Cllr Hughes, Seconded: Cllr Harwood, Resolved: that replacement seating would be considered after the completion of the pre-school build. This would be confirmed with the insurance broker. Action: Clerk


  1. To receive the Clerk’s Monthly Report


101.1    The bus shelter in Eldon Road had been scorched by vandals. This had been reported to the police.


101.2    Grants in the amount of £202,691.41 had been confirmed for the Pre-school build and one was outstanding for an amount of £8,600 from the National Lottery.


101.3    The weed treatment at the Recreation Ground had been carried out on the 1st May.


101.4    The Lengthsman contract had been signed and the Clerk would begin to schedule works next month.


  1. Date, time and place of next meeting


102.1   The next meeting would be on Monday 3 June 2019 at 7.00pm in the Epworth Hall, Winchester Road, King’s Somborne.



There being no further business, the Chairman thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 9.35pm




Signed as a true and accurate record of the meeting:……………………….Date…………