Members of the Parish Council are summoned to attend the Meeting

to be held at the Epworth Hall, King’s Somborne on Monday 8 September 2014 at 7.00pm


This Meeting is Open to the Public (7.00 – 7.15pm Question Time)

and will include discussions with the County and Borough Councillors as appropriate





  1. Apologies for Absence


  1. Announcements by the Chairman and Councillors’ questions


  1. To approve the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 4 August 2014


  1. To consider any Matters Arising from those Minutes


  1. Declarations of Interest and Requests for Dispensations


  1. To receive minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 4 August 2014


  1. To consider Correspondence Received and determine any action required


  1. To receive Councillors’ reports, as appropriate, on actions taken and other matters


  1. To receive the RFO’s Report and Budget Monitoring


  1. To approve Payment of Accounts


  1. To consider Grant Aid applications from the KS Village Hall and KS Players


  1. To receive a progress report from the Parish Development Working Group


  1. To receive the Clerk’s Monthly Report


  1. Date, Time and Place of Next Meeting – Monday 6 October 2014 at 7.00pm in the Epworth Hall King’s Somborne



Clerk to King’s Somborne Parish Council

2 September2014 


Members:  Cllrs Brock, Curtis, Evans, Fahy, Harwood, Jackson, Lane, Reeves, Werrett and Whitehead

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