Minutes of a Meeting of the Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group
held in the Epworth Hall at 7.00pm on Wednesday 3 May 2017
Present: Cllr A Brock (Chairman)
Ms C Thomson
Cllr R Lane
Mr G Searle
In attendance: Mr P J Storey (Clerk to King’s Somborne Parish Council)
Public Session: Mrs S Byram was also present.
1. Chairman’s welcome and announcements
1.1 The Chairman welcomed those present but regretted the meeting was not quorate so formal business could not be transacted. He expressed his frustration at this as the process was now taking much longer than previously hoped and planned.
2. Apologies
2.1 Cllr Sutton.
3. Previous meeting notes
3.1 Minutes of the previous meeting held on 22 March 2017 were noted by those present.
4. Matters arising
4.1 The Clerk confirmed he had counted 679 addresses on the electoral roll and that TVBC had sent out 702 council tax demands. These figures conflicted with the 718 housing needs surveys sent out by Action Hampshire.
4.2 Cllr Brock would raise the double counting issue of those recorded on the housing waiting list and the different figures being quoted for the number of dwellings in the Parish.
4.3 Ms Thomson would include reference to flood risk and prevention measures in her group’s draft.
5. Date, time and place of next meeting – Wednesday 17 May 2017 at 7.00pm in the Epworth Hall, Winchester Road, King’s Somborne
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 7.20pm