Minutes of a Meeting of the Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group

held in the Epworth Hall at 7.00pm on Wednesday 23 May 2018


Present:                            Cllr A Brock (Chairman)

Mrs L Hodge

Cllr K Hughes

Mr G Searle                                              Mrs L Searle




Public Session:                    Six members of the public were present.



  1. Chairman’s welcome and announcements


    1. The Chairman welcomed all to the third meeting of the NDP steering group of the year now that the pre-submission version of the NDP was out for public consultation and took questions with the rest of the steering group from an extended public session:
      1. There appeared to be a contradiction in the contour height (40M) in the plan for the maximum building line above the valley floor (to be submitted as NDP feedback); 40M contour line is the maximum building line height.
      2. There were some concerns over the accuracy of the South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA) landscape assessment and whilst voiced form a the allocated KS3 site perspective it may affect other parts of the plan:
        – Sense of Belonging (no views were sought)
        – The time spent on site (thought not to have been long enough)
        – Accuracy of views (KS3 was in full view from Clarendon Way)
        SDNPA to clarify

Action: Cllr Brock

      1. Does the respondent’s original feedback from and/or the summary go back to TVBC with the final (amended) version of the Plan? Clarification to be sought form TVBC

Action: Cllr Brock

      1. Clarification sought as to the process regarding the referendum form the NDP: is it a straight Yes or No to adopt the plan or conditional on some aspects?

Action: Cllr Brock

      1. Can the maximum number of houses in a development be restricted to ensure that it is not further developed at some future date (to be submitted as NDP feedback); NDP to cover this in an amended policy
      2. Potential inaccuracy on comment with regard to secondary schooling (to be submitted as NDP feedback); will be checked

Action: Mr G Searle


  1. Apologies


2.1          Mr D St.John.


  1. Previous meeting notes


3.1          Minutes of the previous meeting held on 31 January 2018 were accepted as a true record by those who were present at that meeting save for a typo in Minutes 3.1 with regard to the date which should be rectified.

Action: Clerk


  • Matters arising
    1. Para 6.1 SDNPA – amendment to date change of the report undertaken
    2. Para 7.1   Land owner’s details were redacted from final version of the draft NDP though reinstatement was requested by a member of the public as the Parish Council Annual Assembly, this is being followed up and land owner’s permission sought



Action: Cllr Brock

    1. Para 7.2 NDP to be written such that the detail is held in Appendices to reduce the size of the main body of the report. A summary document was produced signposting where in the appendices and attachments, further detail could be sought
    2. Para 7.3 Permission for agreement to use copyrighted material in the NDP Copyright was received from all affected parties.
    3. Para 7.5 Draft to be provided to TVBC for informal assessment to ensure the Plan was directionally fit; comments received addressed in the pre-submission version of the NPD out for consultation.


  • Declarations of Interest



    1. None declared.


  • SEA/HRA Screening Submission

    1. This formal response from TVBC was received too late for detailed review. The Chairman went through the salient points and the recommendation that a proportionate and focused Strategic Environmental Assessment is required with regard to the heritage assets within the Parish and the Conservation Area and that for the Habitats Regulations assessment particular with regard to bats from the Mottisfont special area of conservation as the original 2.5 Km activity radius has now been extended to 7.5km which includes all of the sites (previously not applicable) and the River Test SSI impact from development. The recommendation of a sequential test to ensure development is directed to areas of lowest flood risk has already been covered in the NDP. The suggestion was that the specification of a proportionate and focussed strategic environmental assessment be sought from Historic England as well as recommended consultant s to undertake the same, though SDNPA was recommended by TVBC having already undertaken similar work elsewhere.


Action: Cllr Brock



  1. Pre-Submission Consultants

  2. Dates for public presentations has now been finalised as the 29th and 30th May and the 19th and 20th June the suggested format was to provide easy to digest bite sized detail along with Maps showing contours and flood zones and approximate developmental areas of the sites and historic building etc to make the content of the Plan more readily understandable.

Action: Cllr Brock



  1. Communications


8.1          It was agreed that communication is key – in particular to getting the message out as to why we needed the NDP and why it needed to be supported as well as learning more from the consultation presentations and the website. It was felt that there was not enough time to do a leaflet drop given that the first of the public meetings was next week, but it was agreed that an eye-catching poster was required and to be positioned on strategically positioned points around the village as well as the pubs and the shops as well as meeting halls to best cover the shops.

Action: Mrs L Hodge(design lead), Cllr Hughes (lamination) Mr Searle (distribution)



  1. Any other business.


9.1          None.


  1. Date, time and place of next meeting


10.1        TBC



There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.35pm