Minutes of a Meeting of the Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group
held in the Epworth Hall at 7.00pm on Wednesday 22 November 2017
Present: Cllr G Searle (Acting Chairman)
Mr J Davies
Mrs L Hodge
Cllr K Hughes
Cllr R Lane
In attendance: Mr P J Storey (Clerk to King’s Somborne Parish Council)
Public Session: Mrs S Byram was present.
1. Chairman’s welcome and announcements
1.1 The Chairman welcomed everyone; there were no announcements.
2. Apologies
2.1 Cllrs A Brock and R Sutton, Mr D StJohn and Mrs L Searle.
3. Previous meeting notes
3.1 Minutes of the previous meeting held on 1 November 2017 were accepted as a true record.
4. Matters arising
4.1 Para 6.1 The South Downs appraisal was still awaited. Receipt was anticipated on 27 November 2017.
4.2 Para 6.2 Following the visit to TVBC by Cllr Brock and Mr Searle, it had been advised that the landowner/developer should be the primary person to address highways and access issues when putting together their proposals. Similarly, it was thought more appropriate for the landowner/developer to initiate any necessary ecological studies and not the Parish Council/NDPSG.
5. Declarations of Interest
5.1 None declared.
6. NDP drafting and Policies
6.1 Group leaders should continue to review their draft input into the NDP following the concept outlined in the separate documents now available on OneDrive; namely; Facilities and Infrastructure, Landscape and the Environment, and Housing, with each main heading further broken down into Context, Plan Objectives and Policies. TVBC had agreed this format. Regarding the amount of detail required, it had also been agreed with TVBC that the Context should give the salient facts, the Objectives should incorporate the reasoning why and the Policies should be clear and unambiguous. The Plan must be fully supported by clear evidence.
6.2 Mr Searle had updated the Facilities paper accordingly but the Landscape and Housing inputs still required some further editing along the lines suggested by Mr Searle and Group leaders noted this. All realised that further editing would be required once sight of the South Downs appraisal paper had been studied following which Housing and Landscape would have to re-assess the earmarked sites to determine their priority of selection or rejection and if the latter quote a sound reason for rejection. Ideally, this should be completed before the next meeting which, whilst being a tight timescale, should be possible.
Action: Group leaders
7. Any other business.
7.1 None.
8. Date, time and place of next meeting
8.1 Wednesday 29 November 2017 at 7.00pm in the Epworth Hall.
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 7.50pm