Minutes of a Meeting of the Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group
held in the Epworth Hall at 7.00pm on Wednesday 20 September 2017

Present: Cllr A Brock (Chairman)
Mr G Searle
Cllr R Lane
Mrs L Searle
Cllr R Sutton
Mr D StJohn

In attendance: Mr P J Storey (Clerk to King’s Somborne Parish Council) and Ms M Piggin (TVBC)

Public Session: Three members of the public were present.

In answer to queries from the public, it was confirmed that all appropriate and reasonable flood prevention precautions should be taken at the time of building a property after considering the risks and it was also confirmed that the Test Valley conservation officer would be involved in formulating TVBC’s views on the NDP.

1. Chairman’s welcome and announcements

1.1 The Chairman welcomed everyone, in particular, the new members of the Group Mrs L Hodge and Mrs L Searle, and Ms M Piggin, our new Community Engagement Officer from TVBC. A sincere vote of thanks was expressed to Ms C Thomson for her significant input into the NDP to date.

2. Apologies

2.1 Cllr K Hughes and Mr J Davies.

3. Previous meeting notes

3.1 Minutes of the previous meeting held on 2 August 2017 were accepted as a true record.

4. Matters arising

4.1 The Clerk had obtained the following printing costs for the final NDP; £2,488 for 800 copies, £435 for 40 copies and £288 for 20 copies. It was decided to confirm one of the two lower amounts at a later date with a view to having hard copies of the NDP in locations around the Parish for the public to access at their convenience.

5. Declarations of Interest

5.1 None declared. The necessary forms would be sent to the new members for their completion.
Action: Clerk

6. Site assessment

6.1 All sites with development potential were in the process of being assessed and after some debate it was agreed that the site assessment form, circulated with the agenda papers, as modified by Mr Searle would be used as the template with group members completing the gaps in the required information, much of which was readily available elsewhere on OneDrive and the TVBC website.

6.2 Consultations had taken place between local landowners and Cllr Brock to determine current local interest in development and it was noted that sites previously registered as SHLAAs would be renamed SHELAAS (Strategic Housing Economic Land Availability Assessments) after 28 October and require re-registration if the landowner still wished to be registered. The SG would then only deal with those landowners who successfully applied for re-registration.

6.3 Cllr Brock would issue a guidance note on the use of OneDrive and on how to populate the assessment form which all agreed needed to be interactive to enable everyone to input information which would immediately become accessible to all.
Action: Cllr Brock

7. Landscape assessment proposal

7.1 It was agreed that South Downs National Park expertise be engaged to produce a landscape assessment which would give credence to decisions reached by the SG and public consultations to date. The likely cost was between £1310 and £1600, the bulk of which could be found from grants unexpended to date with the balance coming from the
Parish Council. Staff from this organisation would also facilitate a public workshop on their findings as part of our public consultation process. Cllr Brock would follow this up.
Action: Cllr Brock

8. Communications review

8.1 Cllr Ryan confirmed the final wording of the update article to be included in the next issue of The Gauntlet had been agreed and printing was in hand.

Any other business.

9.1 None.

10. Date, time and place of next meeting

10.1 Wednesday 4 October 2017 at 7.00pm in the Epworth Hall.

There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.10pm