Your Neighbourhood Development Plan
Following on from the last Gauntlet update, we wanted to let you know the progress made since your approval to proceed at the last public consultation event which is as follows:
- The South Downs National Park Authority has been engaged to produce a visual assessment of the potential development sites.
- All sites have now had a detailed assessment (including aspects such as flood, conservation and heritage) for suitability and this also includes all the SHLAAs and the new SHELAAs¹
- Whilst still work in progress the revised map shows the latest outcome as the most appropriate locations for sustainable growth of the Parish² (subject to conformance).
- The Design Guidance, NDP Policies and writeup are nearing their first workable draft which will be the basis of the next public consultation.
Remember, all of our meetings are open to the public with a dedicated public session Q & A session and are advertised on the Parish notice boards. You can also find further details and all the latest information on the KSPC website.
¹ SHELAA is the Strategic Housing & Economic Land Availability Assessment replacing SHLAAs (Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment) which also considers Brownfield sites and is due to be published by TVBC in February 2018.
² This is based on the very best information we have at the moment – SHELAAs and the South Downs reports are not yet officially available to us.