Minutes of a Meeting of the Planning Committee
held in the Epworth Hall at 7.00pm on Monday 15 July 2019
Present: Cllrs Harwood, Curtis, Dack, and Wales
In attendance: Mrs G Foster (Clerk to King’s Somborne Parish Council)
Public Session: No members of the public were present.
- Apologies
- Councillor Webb had sent his apologies.
- Minutes of the Meeting held on 1 July 2019
- The minutes of the meeting held on 1 July 2019 had been circulated with the agenda.
- Proposed Cllr Wales, Seconded Cllr Dack, RESOLVED unanimously that the minutes of the meeting held on 1 July 2019 be accepted as a true record.
- Matters Arising
- There was not yet a response to the Tree Warden Duties proposal. This would be chased. Action: Clerk
- A decision had still not been received from TVBC on application 19/00833/FULLS – New Lease Farm Winchester Road – Retention of mobile home with ancillary car parking for use by an agricultural worker although the determination deadline was published as 30 May 2019. TVBC would be contacted. Action: Clerk.
- Declarations of Interests and Requests for Dispensations
- None declared.
- Consideration of Planning Applications
- After discussion responses to the following applications were Resolved:
- 19/01594/TREES – Removal of 11 Conifers, Chilworth House, 5 Camp Field – Support
- 19/01689/FULLS – Two storey side and single storey rear extension – Ourn, Up Somborne Lane –
- 19/01684/FULLS – Conversion of existing barn into holiday let accommodation – Support
- There were no applications since publication of the agenda.
- It was noted by councillors that some online applications had much less information than was sent in the hard copy package for review. (E.g. 19/01689/FULLS) This has made reviewing coming to a decision much more difficult. TVBC would be asked if all supporting papers could be uploaded.
- Report on Recent Planning Application decisions by TVBC
- 18/01719/FULLS – Grain buildings Forest of Bere estate – change of use of land and buildings from agricultural to light industry (amended scheme) – REFUSE
- 19/01453/TREES | T1 Cherry – Fell to ground | 8 Nutchers Drove – NO OBJECTION
- 19/00867/ADVS – Advertising board on land adjacent to the A3057 / opposite Compton Corner – CONSENT
- Clerk’s and Councillors’ Report
- Due to consent being given on the Advertising board 19/00867 it was questioned what regulations needed to be complied with. TVBC would be contacted. Action: Clerk.|
- Date, time and place of next meeting – Monday 5 August 2019 at 6.30pm in the Epworth Hall, Winchester Road, King’s Somborne
There being no further business, the acting Chairman closed the meeting at 7.20pm