Minutes of a Meeting of the Planning Committee
held online via the Zoom platform on Monday 20th April 2020 at 7.00pm
Meeting ID: 781 8496 6890 – Password: 2304

Present online: Cllrs Beacham, Searle, Wales and Webb

In attendance: Mrs G Foster (Clerk to King’s Somborne Parish Council)

Public Session: No member of the public were present.

211. Welcome and Introduction

211.1. Cllr Webb welcomed everyone to the first virtual meeting of the Planning Committee.

212. Comments from the floor

212.1. None

213. Apologies

213.1. Cllr Harwood had sent his apologies.

214. Minutes of the Meeting held on 16th March 2020

214.1. The minutes of the meeting held on 16th March 2020 had been circulated with the agenda.

214.2. RESOLVED unanimously that the minutes of the meeting held on 16th March 2020 be accepted as a true record.

215. Matters Arising

215.1. None.

216. Declarations of Interests and Requests for Dispensations

216.1. None declared

217. Consideration of Planning Applications

217.1. After discussion responses to the following applications were Resolved:

a. 20/00809/TREES – 9 Muss Lane – H1 Conifer hedge – Fell: COMMENTS: Due to the fact that the hedge is a substantial barrier between the residential property and the Muss Lane Recreation Ground (to the South Side) removal of the hedge raises concerns for the safety and security of users of the play space. This will affect younger children particularly given there is no indication of how the boundary will be maintained if the hedge is removed. It was noted that the species of trees used to form the hedge were very slow growing and not the usual conifer variety. Concern was raised due to the birds nesting season as the hedge is approximately 80-90ft long. The Council would support the removal IF a secure barrier can be erected immediately and if an indigenous hedge can be planted in replacement. Councillors would request the planning officers to visit the property and assess how community safety can be maintained before considering whether a TPO needs to be placed on the individual trees which constitute the hedge.

b. 20/00734/FULLS – Wisteria House Romsey Road – Removal of existing conservatory and side lean-to and erection of single storey rear extension and alterations: OBJECTION: due to the design affecting the visual integrity of building and being out of character for the area. The alterations will lack symmetry due to the windows design on the Southwest elevation.

c. 19/02899/OUTS – AMENDMENT – Land East Of Furzedown Road Furzedown Road – Erection of 18 dwellings in Outline with all matters reserved except access Full – change of use of land to allotments with new access off Furzedown Road and erection of a storage building: OBJECTION: The amended application has only addressed access to the existing allotments and proposed new site. All other objections and comments that have been raised by Council and the public have been entirely ignored. There has been no attempt to address the objections made as to why the replacement site is not considered as an equivalent or better site than the current area. Council’s previous comments from the meeting of 16th December 2019 are repeated and maintained.

d. 19/02026/FULLS – APPEAL – Upper Eldon Farm Eldon Road – Change of use of land to residential (C3) use and construction of detached carport (retrospective): OBJECTION: Extending the curtilage of the property results in the loss of rural farmland which is central to the character of the immediate area this is particularly true in relation to the area southwest of the property and facing Eldon Road. There does not appear to be any “need” for the change of use to extend the curtilage as the area is open already and the existing curtilage was considered sufficient when the original application for the barn conversion 17/02335/FULLS was submitted a short time ago. It is considered that changing the use of the land to “residential” would open the doors for future planning applications for extra residential housing as the plot requested could easily provide for one or two other properties and this should be guarded against on the grounds of overdevelopment.

217.2. There were no further applications received from TVBC since publication of the agenda.

218. Report on Recent Planning Application decisions by TVBC

218.1. Trees:
a. 6 Old Fromans Farm Cow Drove Hill – T1 Purple Plum – 20/00570/TREES – NO OBJECTION

b. Muss Lane – (T1) Ash – 20/00243/TREES – Samphia – NO OBJECTION

c. Strawberry Fields Muss Lane – T1 Cherry – 20/00236/TREES – NO OBJECTION

218.2. Buildings:
a. Bramble Cottage Up Somborne Lane – 19/02793/FULLS & 19/02794/LBWS – WITHDRAWN

b. Middle Thatch Cottage Romsey Road – 20/00361/LBWS – CONSENT

c. Stafford Lodge Winchester Road – 20/00214/LBWS – CONSENT

d. North Park Farm Somborne Park Road – 20/00370/DEMS – PRIOR APPROVAL NOT REQUIRED.

219. Clerk’s and Councillors’ Report

219.1. Cllr Wales reported that the garages on the land west of Eldon Road had been demolished under planning permission granted under reference 16/01756/FULLS.

220. Date, time and place of next meeting – Monday 4th May 2020.

There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 19.42pm