Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting

held in the Epworth Hall commencing at 7.00pm on Monday 10 December 2018


Present:      Cllr A Brock (Chairman)

Cllr R Curtis

Cllr S Dack

Cllr H Griffith

Cllr R Harwood

Cllr K Hughes

Cllr A Townsend

Cllr H Townsend

Cllr R Webb


In Attendance:   Mr P J Storey (Clerk to King’s Somborne Parish Council)


Public Session


Mr R Dyke (Open Spaces Warden), B/Cllr Ward and 4 members of the public were present for part of the meeting.


The Chairman apologised for late notification of the date change for last month’s meeting.


Mr Dyke reported on the satisfactory state of the Muss Lane open space and noted the efforts made to cut back the vegetation. He also tendered his resignation as the Open Spaces Warden for this area wef 31 March 2019.


Mr Smart again raised his serious concerns at the length of time taken to obtain responses from Waterco Ltd on their flood risk assessment for KS3 as currently contained in the draft NDP and complained at their lack of serious explanation to the concerns raised. He held the view that the planned location of the attenuation tanks in this area would prevent them coping with water run off given their proximity to the water table and cited the extent of flooding in 2014 without there being any development being in place. Cllr Brock undertook to follow this up with Mr Smart outside of the meeting.

Action: Cllr Brock


Following a query on the recently produced Sustainability Appraisal, incorporating the Strategic

Environmental Assessment (SA/SEA) Scoping Report, it was confirmed this was being co-ordinated by TVBC to whom responses should be made before the deadline of 8 January 2019. This information was also on the Parish Council website to enable easier access to the consultation with a clear link for ease of responses. The Chairman also confirmed that most of the costs incurred in producing the NDP had been met from external grant sources thus easing the strain on Parish Council funds.


B/Cllr Ward was pleased to announce that a grant of £95k was likely to be approved by TVBC towards the new community building/preschool from the community infrastructure levy (CIL) meaning we would then have £172k of the £197k needed to fund the project. Some final detailed planning on tree and hedge work was in hand as was the production of a statement on future use of the building. TVBC’s Southern Area Planning Committee would determine the full application probably a meeting in January 2019 immediately after which a contract to design and deliver could be placed.

  1. Apologies for Absence

 199.1   Cllr Whitehead not present; apologies received from C/Cllr Gibson.

 200. Chair’s announcements and Councillors’ questions

 200.1   Cllr Brock reported on the first round of replacement clerk interviews and confirmed a final selection would be made after completion of the second round on Monday 17 December 2018.

200.2   Hampshire Highways had made good the flooding problems opposite the New Lane ford but Virgin Media’s response to the need to make good some poor reinstatement work especially on verges following their cable installation and a decision on the colour of the pavement cabinets (black or grey) in the conservation area were still awaited. The Clerk would continue to hasten.

Action: Clerk

 To accept the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 5 November 2018

 201.1   Proposed Cllr Curtis, Seconded Cllr Hughes, RESOLVED with Cllrs Griffith, A Townsend and H Townsend abstaining (absent) that the minutes of the meeting held on 5 November 2018 which had been circulated with the agenda be accepted as a true record.

 To consider any Matters Arising from those Minutes

 202.1   Para 179.1        Cllr Brock was still awaiting a date for the undergrounding of the electricity supply cables across the 3 Fields site.

Action: Cllr Brock

 202.2   Para 179.2        The Village Hall had deferred any further review of CCTV until the new community building/preschool was in situ when a complete review of the whole area would be undertaken. Cllr Hughes would monitor.

Action: Cllr Hughes

 202.3   Para 170.4        The Clerk briefed that the Diocese did not support the felling the Yew tree in the Churchyard and as a result TVBC was unlikely to approve its felling. See para 202.6 below.

 202.4   Para 179.4        The horse trough had now been relocated to the Church following information that it had been originally provided by the Bevan family when their animals grazed on 3 Fields.

202.5   Para 183.1        Cllr Dack would obtain three quotes for the supply and installation of village entrance gates for consideration and the Clerk would liaise with Hampshire Highways on their location and also identify external grant providers,

Action: Cllr Dack and Clerk

202.6   Para 187.4        Expert opinion had concluded that little else could be done to the Church Yew to minimise poisonous berries falling in to the children’ play area without putting the health of the tree at serious risk and as such approval from the Diocese and subsequently TVBC was unlikely. Cllr Hughes reiterated the current need for the school to blanket off one third of the children’s play area to minimise risk and proposed that the grant aid application from the School Association for £945 to install a canopy over the affected area be reconsidered but her proposal failed to attract a seconder. There was the view expressed that providing a cover would also allow for extended use of the area in inclement weather but this was not mentioned in the original grant application, only the use to eliminate yew berries falling in the play area, which the Council could not support. The Clerk was instructed to suggest to the Association’s chairman that they rethink what they could do and also to advise that any erection of a structure in the grounds of a listed building would most likely also require planning authority approval, after which, if appropriate, then resubmit a further application. The point was made that no effort appeared to have been made to clear the detritus from the affected play area.

Action: Clerk

202.7   Para 188.2        The Village Hall management committee had now confirmed their wish to install an all-weather clock to be gifted by the Parish Council on the outside wall of the Hall above and to the left of the new entrance porch. A white self-correcting clock with black lettering with some ‘In Remembrance‘ motif on the face to mark the 100th anniversary of the ending of WW1 was the preferred design. The Hall would meet the installation and maintenance costs of the clock and the cost of a presentational plaque.

202.8   Proposed Cllr Hughes, Seconded Cllr Dack, RESOLVED unanimously that the Parish Council gift a clock costing up to £850 to the Village Hall to be mounted on the front external wall. Cllr Brock to liaise with the Village Hall Management team to finalise details ahead of the Council placing an order.

Action: Cllr Brock

202.9   Para 189.         No further action had been taken to open a second bank account for monies granted to or spent on the new community building/preschool project because it had as yet not been proven necessary.

202.10 Para 191.1        Whilst a small width tractor had been located, no suitable local flail had been identified to flail cut the hedge growth in the Muss Lane open space. Cllr Brock would re-communicate to the farming community to see if they could help and failing this the Clerk would investigate commercial hire of a suitable flail.

Action: Clerk & Cllr Brock

202.11 Para192.1         The Clerk had negotiated a £50 reduction to £900 on the earlier quote for a full year’s contract to rotate weekly and maintain the speed limiter device or £500 for a fortnightly servicealbeit without emergency call outs included between visits. The contractor was awaiting a decision.

202.12 Proposed Cllr Curtis, Seconded Cllr Brock, RESOLVED unanimously that Standing Orders be set aside to enable a decision to be made on the contract for the speed indicator device’s rotation and maintenance in 2020-21 given TVBC would no longer provide this service.

202.13 Proposed Cllr Webb, Seconded Cllr Harwood, RESOLVED unanimously that the Parish Council enter into a one year contract wef 1 April 2020 for the fortnightly rotation and maintenance of the speed indicator device at a cost of £500.

Action: Clerk

  1. Declarations of Interest and Requests for Dispensations

 203.1   None declared or sought.

  1. To consider Correspondence Received and determine any action required

 204.1   Test Valley School had thanked the Council for its contribution towards their annual prize-giving.

 205  To receive minutes of the Planning Committee meetings held on 5 and 26 November 2018

 205.1   The minutes of the Planning Committee meetings held on 5 and 26 November 2018 had been circulated with the agenda.

205.2   Proposed Cllr Harwood, Seconded Cllr Curtis, RESOLVED unanimously that the minutes of the Planning Committee meetings held on 5 and 26 November 2018 be received and accepted.

 206.  Councillors’ Reports

206.1   Cllr A Townsend noted with thanks the efforts being made to contact someone in Virgin Media to make good the damaged verges and run offs especially along Horsebridge Road following the installation of their broadband cables.

206.2   Cllr A Townsend also queried if training should be given to the public on how to use the defibrillators installed on the side wall of The Crown and at Rookley Manor Farm. Some training had been given initially to a few community responders but the current thinking was that once the cabinet had been accessed, advice became available on each step to take to save a life so it was not thought necessary at this time to introduce training. However, the Clerk would submit an article to The Gauntlet emphasising there was no need to be wary of using the device as it tells you what to do. Councillors noted the Village Hall was considering acquiring a defibrillator.

Action: Clerk

206.3   Cllr Griffith expressed her concern at the low response for more community wardens to help those in need at time of emergency despite her advertising in The Gauntlet over recent months. She and Cllr Hughes would adopt a more personal and direct approach to individuals and organisations in the Parish to encourage more community spirit. Cllrs Hughes and Webb would also act as wardens for the Eldon Road area.

Action Cllrs Griffith, Hughes and Webb

206.4   Cllr Hughes reported the favourable comments she had received on the relocation of the junior goal post where the openness of the site enabled more play than did its previous location adjacent to the MUGA. There was now sufficient space to lay a proper junior pitch if the need arose in the future and funds became available.

206.5   Cllr Hughes requested that £450 be ringfenced from the Community budget or other budget for next year to underwrite the proposed Community Fun Day. Standing Orders would have to be set aside to determine this non-agenda item.

206.6   Proposed Cllr Hughes, Seconded Cllr Brock, RESOLVED unanimously that Standing Orders be set aside to enable a decision to be made to ringfence £450 in next year’s budget to underwrite the costs of the proposed Community Fun Day.

206.7   Cllr Harwood confirmed he would arrange for the cricket club roller to continue to flatten the edge of the football pitch where the fencing had been removed now the holes had been filled. The Football Club would also see if they could help when their pitch was rolled next year. He also reported that three people had turned up at the planning committee earlier in the evening to support the new community building/preschool application which was on the agenda for a formal response.

206.8   Cllr Harwood also commented that some of the road signs had been spun round where the hedgecutter had caught them with his machine and not made good. The Clerk would liaise with Hampshire Highways accordingly.

Action: Clerk

  1. To receive the RFO’s Report and Budget Monitoring

 207.1   A budget monitoring report had been circulated with the agenda papers. This was noted.

207.2   A bid had been submitted to Hampshire Playing Fields Association for a grant of £1,256 to meet the costs of relocating the goal posts on the main recreation ground and a response was expected in February next year.

  1. Payment of Accounts

 208.1   Proposed Cllr A Townsend, Seconded Cllr Griffith, RESOLVED unanimously that the following accounts for November 2018 be approved for payment:


To                               For                                 Net          VAT       Gross    Chq/Internet

Mr P Storey                 Salary/expenses          738.56       8.68        747.24             Bacs

HMRC                          Tax/NIC                        454.63                       454.63             Bacs

Legal & General         Staff pension                   80.42                        80.42             DD

HALC                 Cllr trg                             40.00       8.00        48.00              Bacs

KSVH                 IT trg                              32.00                          32.00              Bacs

Vitaplay                      Remedial work            850.00   170.00     1020.00              Bacs

Mr M Rebbeck          Grounds maint              733.25                       733.25              Bacs

Bartlett Trees            Tree relocation            800.00   160.00        960.00             Bacs

SLCC                           ALCC subs                    40.00                            40.00             Bacs

SLCC                           KSPC subs                   156.00                          156.00             Bacs

RBL                            Wreath & Donation      50.00                           50.00             13

Totals                                                        3974.86     346.68   4321.54

 209      To adopt the Precept and Expenditure Budget for 2019/20

 209.1   A draft Expenditure Budget and Precept had been circulated with the agenda. It was thought appropriate to amend aspects of this and consider an increase of 5% in the Precept which on current rates would produce an extra £1.836, equal to an estimated increase on a Band D council tax payer of £2.60pa, to contribute towards the additional costs generated by a likely increase in staff time and to meet anticipated legal costs associated with leases and production of the NDP.

209.2   Proposed Cllr Harwood, Seconded Cllr Hughes, RESOLVED with one vote against that the Council adopt an Expenditure Budget of £49,745 and a Precept of £38,567 for 2019-20 with the difference being made up from other income streams and reserves.

209.3   A copy of the adopted Expenditure Budget and Precept is attached to these minutes.

  1. Recreation Ground hire charges for 2019-20

 210.1   Proposed Cllr Hughes, Seconded Cllr Griffith, RESOLVED with Cllr Harwood abstaining (personal interest) that no increase be made in the hire charges for use of the recreation ground facilities nor should a charge be made for casual users for 2019-20.

 211.   Burial Board fees and charges for 2019-20

 211.1   Proposed Cllr Hughes, Seconded Cllr Webb, RESOLVED unanimously that no increase be made in the Burial Board fees and charges for 2019-20.

  1. To confirm the appointment of the new clerk

 212.1   Interviews were currently being held and a decision was anticipated in mid-December with the selected candidate attending the January meeting for confirmation of appointment.

Action: Clerk

 213.  Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) progress

213.1   In addition to the discussion during the public session, Cllr Brock confirmed the likelihood of a further public consultation on the NDP given the amount of additional information now available.

 214.  Clerk’s monthly report

214.1   Cllr Brock and the Clerk had attended a presentation by TVBC on their progress to date in reviewing the Test Valley Landscape Character Assessment; this had proven interesting.

  1. Date, time and place of next meeting

215.1   The next meeting would be on Monday 7 January 2019 at 7.00pm in the Epworth Hall, Winchester Road, King’s Somborne.

There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.50pm










Approved Income and Expenditure Budget 2019-20


Forecast Out-turn 2018-19 Budget 2019-20
Precept 36730 38567
Interest Received 20 25
Interment 2500 2000
Memorials 1250 1250
Purchased Graves 3000 2500
Sports Field 720 720
44220 £45,062.00
Total Income
General Administration
Clerk’s Remuneration/NIC 15120 15000
Office/admin Expenses 1300 1300
Insurance 1745 1831
Audit fees 700 725
Subscriptions 800 850
Courses & Training 500 500
Facility Hire 670 670
Election costs 0 1000
Councillors’ Expenses 100 100
Legal 5000
Sub Total 20935 £26,976.00
Community Services & Projects
Communications 500 500
Vandalism repairs 250 250
Biodiversity 50 50
Maintenance/dog bins 2000 2150
Parish Clock 325 325
Grant Aid 2000 2500
Sub Total 5125 £5,775.00
Burial Board
Cemetery maintenance 2829 2000
Church Yard 2250 2000
General maintenance 500
Sub Total 5079 £4,000.00
Open Spaces
Open Spaces
3 Fields 2000 2000
Village Green 750 800
Muss Lane 200 200
Up Somborne Rec 400 400
King’s Somborne Rec 4000 4000
Sub Total 7350 £7,400.00
Play equipment maint 770 1000
Community safety/SLR 1250 1250
Street lighting 47 47
MUGA Maintenance 0 500
Sub Total 2067 £2,797.00
NDP (contingency) 0
Communication 1000
Consultancy Fees 2000
Sub Total 0 3000
Total 40556 49745