Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
held in the Epworth Hall commencing at 7.00pm on Monday 3 July 2017

Present: Cllr R Lane (Chairman)
Cllr A Brock
Cllr Griffith
Cllr R Harwood
Cllr K Hughes
Cllr R Sutton
Cllr S Whitehead

In Attendance: Mr P J Storey (Clerk to King’s Somborne Parish Council)

Public Session

Mr Kirby, as President of the Cricket Club, expressed his concern at the need to cancel a late cricket fixture because permission had been given for cars to be parked on the outfield the same evening. The Clerk explained that when extra parking was required for a Village Hall function, application was made to him by the Hall for permission and this would normally be granted provided the ground was hard and no fixtures were to be held. In this instance, the late fixture was not known and apologies were accepted.

Mr Gannaway, Secretary of the Football Club, was present to give opinion on the relocation of the football pitch.

106. Apologies for Absence

106.1 Cllr Curtis; also C/Cllr Gibson, B/Cllr Ward and Mr Dyke (Open Spaces Warden).

107. Chairman’s announcements and Councillors’ questions

107.1 None.

107.2 At the Chairman’s direction, discussion on relocation of the football pitch and future play equipment was moved forward on the agenda.

108. Relocation of the football pitch and siting of future play equipment

108.1 Complaints had been received from recent users of the Village hall on the dangers posed from flying footballs in the goal area with particular reference to instances occurring on Election Day when the Jubilee Room doors were in use. Councillors noted this and Mr Gannaway’s comments about training days and their future notification to the Clerk. Options such as protective netting were considered but discounted on grounds of cost and unsightliness so close to the Hall and the effort needed to erect and dismantle.

108.2 Relocating the pitch further away from the Hall and into Top Field had been suggested. The Clerk explained that Top Field was leased from TVBC and not owned by the Parish Council, as was the remainder of the recreation ground, and all recognised that considerable ground works would be necessary to accommodate all or part of the pitch. It was quite likely the associated costs would be exorbitant. Additionally, it was noted that Top Field was being considered as a potential location for a Zipwire and additional skate ramp equipment in the near future. The Chairman thanked everyone for their comments but determined there was no easy short term solution.

109. To accept the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 12 June 2017

109.1 Proposed Cllr Sutton, Seconded Cllr Harwood, RESOLVED with Cllrs Hughes, Griffith and Whitehead abstaining (not present for all/part of the meeting) that the minutes of the meeting held on 12 June 2017 be accepted as a true record.

110. To consider any Matters Arising from those Minutes

110.1 Para 74.1 Cllr Whitehead would now assume responsibility for obtaining information on potential new website providers.
Action: Cllr Whitehead

110.2 Para 100.1 Councillors noted Cllr Hughes had accepted the position of KSPC representative on the Village Hall management committee.

110.3 Para 104.1 Up Somborne residents were considering the future purpose of the recently acquired telephone kiosk on Strawberry Lane and would soon be renovating it.

111. Declarations of Interest and Requests for Dispensations

111.1 None declared or sought.

112. Co-option

112.1 Dr Adrian Townsend had put himself forward for co-option to fill one of the two vacancies existing on the Council and a short biographical note had been circulated before the meeting.

112.2 Proposed Cllr Lane, Seconded Cllr Harwood, RESOLVED unanimously that Dr Adrian Townsend be co-opted onto the Parish Council.

113. To consider Correspondence Received and determine any action required

113.1 A letter of thanks for the grant awarded had been received from Victim Support.

114. To receive minutes of the Planning Committee meetings held on 12 June 2017

114.1 The minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 12 June 2017 had been circulated with the agenda.

114.2 Proposed Cllr Harwood, Seconded Cllr Sutton, RESOLVED unanimously that the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 12 June 2017 be received and accepted.

115. Councillors’ Reports

115.1 Cllr Harwood reviewed the planning applications considered earlier in the evening with particular reference to the application from the Village Hall to extend the side of the building to accommodate the Pre-School in a new multi-purpose annex; this had been supported. He also drew attention to the overgrowth on the North Park footpath to the detriment of users; the Clerk would action with the Lengthsman and attempt to obtain more comprehensive reports from the Footpath Warden in future.
Action: Clerk

115.2 Cllr Whitehead requested all Councillors to submit a personal photo to the Clerk together with an updated biographical note to a maximum of 250 words to enable the website to be updated.
Action: All

115.3 Cllr Griffith reported on a successful stream clearance effort by a few willing volunteers.

115.4 Cllr Brock updated those present on the Neighbourhood Plan’s progress and the forthcoming public consultation to be held in the Village Hall on Thursday 27 July at 7.30pm. He and the Clerk would also be meeting with the Scouts’ management team to discuss the new landlord/tenant relationship now the Scouting area was owned by the Parish Council.
Action: Cllr Brock/Clerk

115.5 Cllr Brock also updated Councillors on the new traffic regulation orders now in force restricting heavy goods vehicles from using certain local roads; however, they would need amending because of the adverse impact of the current wording on farm vehicles. He also briefed on the continuing erosion of the stream bank along Winchester Road which he had written to C/Cllr Gibson about in anticipation of the latter arranging a site meeting with Hampshire Highways officials to determine any remedial action.
Action: Cllr Brock

115.6 Cllr Hughes reported on the Village Hall’s intention to purchase upgraded CCTV cameras given the recent success in identifying a miscreant which had resulted in a Police visit to his home. The cameras covered the whole of the car park, a large part of the recreation ground including the MUGA, cricket store area and the TVBC waste compound although images further away from the hall were blurred hence, the review. Given the assistance provided to the Council, it was thought a contribution might be agreed towards the supply and installation costs. The Clerk would table firm costs in due course and remind Councillors at that time that any purchase could be gifted to the Village Hall as a VAT exempt purchase. An approach to B/Cllr Ward for a grant from his devolved budget could also be made.

115.7 Proposed Cllr Harwood, Seconded Cllr Sutton, RESOLVED unanimously that the Council supports the upgrade of the Village Hall CCTV cameras and that an approach be made to B/Cllr Ward for funding from his devolved budget.
Action: Clerk

115.8 Cllr Hughes also updated Councillors on the arrangements for the Fun Day and on the accounting in place to record the income and expenditure, given the Council’s commitment to meet any extra costs, and would liaise with the Clerk, as necessary.
Action: Cllr Hughes

115.9 Cllr Sutton urged more people to sign up to the Virgin Media Broadband offer to guarantee its implementation. This could be achieved on-line, via the Council’s Facebook page and at the Fun Day where the Company would have a presence. More banners would be displayed locally to encourage participation.
Action: Cllr Sutton

116. To receive the RFO’s Report and Budget Monitoring

116.1 A budget monitoring report had been circulated with the agenda papers. This was noted.

117. Payment of Accounts

117.1 Proposed Cllr Harwood, Seconded Cllr Sutton, RESOLVED with Cllr Brock abstaining (claimant) that the following accounts for June 2017 be approved for payment:

To For Net VAT Gross Chq/Internet
Mr P Storey Salary/expenses 891.89 15.63 907.52 Int
HMRC Tax/NIC 429.66 429.66 Int
Legal & General Staff pension 58.39 58.39 DD
Earth Anchors Ltd New seats (2) 538.00 107.60 645.60 Int
Cllr Hughes Butterfly kits 24.15 4.83 28.98 1817
Wellers Hedley Legal costs 552.00 110.40 662.40 Int
TV School Prize grant 75.00 75.00 Int
Victim Support Grant 50.00 50.00 Int
Cllr Brock Fuel reimbursement 11.79 11.79 Int
PJ Drew Evac and Bug signs 98.60 19.72 118.32 Int
Mr M Rebbeck Grounds maint 1052.00 1052.00 Int
Totals 3781.48 258.18 4049.66

118. To comment on the TVBC Electoral Review proposals

118.1 The Local Government Boundary Commission for England had published its draft recommendations on the future electoral arrangements for Test Valley; these were aimed at delivering electoral equality across the Borough and reducing the number of borough councillors from 48 to 43. The current public consultation would end on 14 August and full details of the proposals could be found on Councillors had raised objections previously and saw no reason to amend these given the proposals would introduce a new larger ward area, to include King’s Somborne, with this ward being divided between three borough councillors resulting in the probable loss of our current local dedicated representative.

118.2 It was agreed the Council should again object on the basis that whilst the concept of reorganising wards to enable similar head counts per councillor was understood, it meant in a rural area such as ours, with the vast majority of the Borough’s population living in the urban areas of Andover and Romsey, the proposed three councillors’ ability to manage logistically was greatly reduced and therefore their ability to represent effectively was compromised. Such population spread also meant that rural areas would become subservient to the requirements of the urban areas, in particular, the provision of social housing and its reliance on public transport, which was unsustainable in rural areas, thus adding to the life style pressures on those involved .
Action: Clerk to reply

119. Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) progress

119.1 Cllr Brock reported that Steering Group members continued with drafting and editing the NDP. A public consultation on the draft would be held on 27 July 2017 and the Steering Group would have a presence at the Fun Day on 22 July 2017.

120. Clerk’s monthly report

120.1 The Clerk confirmed that the two new seats had been installed on the recreation ground and in the Muss Lane open space.

120.2 Mr Heffernan, the Community Speedwatch co-ordinator, had reported that during the first three months of operation, 76 speeding motorists had been reported to the Police. There was also a noticeable effect on motorists when seeing the yellow hi-viz jackets worn by the team. Councillors agreed this was an excellent start and thanked the team for their efforts which they hoped would continue with increasing success in the future.

121. Date, time and place of next meeting

121.1 The next meeting would be held on Monday 7 August 2017 at 7.00pm in the Epworth Hall, Winchester Road, King’s Somborne.

There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.15pm