Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
held in the Epworth Hall commencing at 7.00pm on Monday 13 February 2017

Present: Cllr R Harwood (Chairman)
Cllr A Brock
Cllr R Curtis
Cllr H Griffith
Cllr K Hughes
Cllr R Sutton
Cllr S Whitehead

In Attendance: Mr P J Storey (Clerk to King’s Somborne Parish Council)

Public Session

One member of the public was present, Mr Vanderpump, the newly elected chairman of the Village Hall management committee. He explained that his election followed the resignation of his predecessor, Dr T Macintosh, and that he looked forward to working closely with the Parish Council to the mutual benefit of both organisations and the community at large. Mr Vanderpump also clarified the background to the decision by the Hall to accommodate the extended Pre-School hours by building an extension on the side of the Hall by the kitchen to give the necessary larger space and the management committee would be looking for financial support for this via the Parish Council and/or from the community infrastructure levy (CIL funds) and other sources in due course. In the longer term, it was probable that a more permanent solution would become necessary and this could involve the relocation of the changing rooms from within the Hall to a new facility elsewhere which would require the Parish Council’s support in which case he accepted that a firm long term undertaking from the Village Hall to continue to provide a venue for the Pre-School would be required by the Parish Council if it was to commit funds to an alternative community project.

C/Cllr Gibson had submitted a written report from which the Clerk highlighted those parts relevant to the meeting. These included the purchase by HCC of several new large vehicles to fill sections of road and not just individual potholes; the continuation of county councillors’ devolved budgets; the renewal of the Lengthsman scheme for a further two years; an increase in HCC council tax of 4.99% with 3% of this going to adult social care, and the decision by HCC to take no further action on the extruding water outflow pipe from the Borne bank by the pedestrian bridge.

16. Apologies for Absence

16.1 Cllrs Fahy and Lane; C/Cllr Gibson and B/Cllr Ward.

17. Chairman’s announcements and Councillors’ questions

17.1 None.

18. To accept the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 9 January 2016

18.1 Proposed Cllr Sutton, Seconded Cllr Curtis, RESOLVED with Cllr Hughes abstaining (absent) that the minutes of the meeting held on 9 January 2017 be accepted as a true record.

19. To consider any Matters Arising from those Minutes

19.1 Para 7.2 Cllr Sutton was still following up the lack of a back-up power supply for the EE mast at the top of Cow Drove Hill.

19.2 Para 7.3 Cllr Sutton was organising a public meeting to be held in the Village Hall on Saturday 1 April 2017 at 10.00am discuss the offer by Virgin Media to provide Broadband in the area. He was in the process of advertising this event around the local area.

19.3 Para 7.8 Cllr Curtis and the Clerk had met on-site with the generator supplier and subsequently the Clerk had met with the Village Hall chairman to determine the suitability of the two potential locations for safely siting the generator. Cost estimates were awaited from the supplier which would be met from the SSEN grant

19.4 Para 10.2 Initial discussions with the Village Hall had established that no suitable room existed for Parish Council meetings on the first and third Mondays of each month because of existing bookings for the Hall. No further action would be taken at this time in seeking a comparable venue for meetings.

20. Declarations of Interest and Requests for Dispensations

20.1 None declared or sought.

21. To consider Correspondence Received and determine any action required

21.1 Old Vicarage Lane residents remained increasingly concerned at the frequency with which drivers used this road as a ‘rat run’ and the speeds involved. TVBC had referred the problem to the Parish Council and it was agreed that a sensible remedy could be to install bollards to narrow the road width at its point of entry. This would also prevent truck drivers from mistaking this exit from the A3057 for Church Road. Councillors noted Old Vicarage Lane was one of the preferred locations for the Community Speedwatch volunteers. The Clerk would advise TVBC accordingly.
Action: Clerk

21.2 Councillors noted the electoral review of TVBC warding now in hand and the consultation deadline of 3 April 2017. More information was available on and on the TVBC website. This matter would be placed on the March agenda for further discussion.
Action: Clerk

21.3 In October 2014, the Hampshire Police and Crime Panel produced its first scrutiny report which focussed on rural crime and actions taken to combat this. The Panel was now seeking responses to the success or otherwise of the Police and Crime Commissioner’s progress towards rural crime reduction. Cllr Brock would draft a response for the Clerk to submit on behalf of the Council.
Action: Cllr Brock/Clerk

22. To receive minutes of the Planning Committee meetings held on 9 and 23 January 2017

22.1 The minutes of the Planning Committee meetings held on 9 and 23 January 2017 had been circulated with the agenda.

22.2 Proposed Cllr Curtis, Seconded Cllr Sutton, RESOLVED unanimously that the minutes of the Planning Committee meetings held on 9 and 23 January 2017 be received and accepted.

23. Councillors’ Reports

23.1 Cllr Sutton was researching the value of staging a community business event in the Village Hall enabling local businesses to show their involvement in the community and the potential for development locally. He had also attended the recent Scouts Open Day with Caroline Noakes MP which had been well supported.
Action: Cllr Sutton

23.2 On behalf of local Scotts Close residents, Cllr Sutton tabled the annoyance and frustration felt by those residents at the increasing number of irresponsible dog owners who allowed their pets to ‘poo’ on the streets and the private land of local residents and who made no effort to pick up. He was encouraging residents to photograph the dog in action and submit to the TVBC dog warden for possible prosecution. He would also produce posters for local display and the Clerk would place an article in The Gauntlet. There was also an on-going problem with irresponsible dog owners exercising their pets on the main recreation ground and trim trail and not picking up. The Clerk would discuss possible addition measures with the TVBC dog warden.
Action: Cllr Sutton and Clerk

23.3 Finally, Cllr Sutton reported on the results of his investigation into website designers and had identified Parish Council Websites as, in his opinion, a suitable organisation to produce and host a new site for the Parish Council. The associated costs were £649 for design and first year maintenance and £120pa to host thereafter. There remained certain aspects to agree before contracting with this company but Councillors thought this to be a positive step forward.

23.4 Proposed Cllr Sutton, Seconded Cllr Hughes, RESOLVED unanimously that subject to final agreement over the detail Parish Council Websites be contracted to provide a new Parish Council website at £649 to design and maintain for the first year with a following annual charge of £120 for its maintenance.

23.5 Cllr Hughes sought support for an initiative to provide bird boxes to children attending the Horticultural Show to encourage an interest in wildlife. The boxes would cost £1 each and she thought 40 initially to be sufficient.

23.6 Proposed Cllr Hughes, Seconded Cllr Sutton, RESOLVED that 40 bird boxes be purchased at £1 each and charged to the biodiversity budget, the boxes to be given out to young children at the Horticultural Show.

23.7 Cllr Brock confirmed that completion of the legal documentation relating to the transfer of land title between Fields in Trust and the Parish Council was imminent. Similarly, the agreements for undergrounding the electricity supply lines across the 3 Fields site.

23.8 Cllr Whitehead pointed out the dangers generated by the Stroud School minibus parking on the corner of Church Road and the slip road outside the Church at peak times in the morning to the annoyance of passing drivers. The Clerk would contact the School.
Action: Clerk

24. To receive the RFO’s Report and Budget Monitoring

24.1 The Clerk, as RFO, reported that following discontent at the manner in which our solicitors had been handling the legal work relating to the land transfer from Fields in Trust, a reduction in fee had been successfully negotiated. The County Council had requested that a formal licence be drawn up between them and the Parish Council relating to the agreement whereby the Primary School continued to use the recreation ground and the MUGA. However, Councillors saw no need to enter into such an agreement which could limit the frequency with which hire charges were increased; the Clerk would inform HCC accordingly.
Action: Clerk

24.2 A budget monitoring report had been circulated with the agenda papers. This was noted.

25. Payment of Accounts

25.1 Proposed Cllr Curtis, Seconded Cllr Griffith, RESOLVED unanimously that the following accounts for January 2017 be approved for payment:

To For Net VAT Gross Chq/Internet
Mr P Storey Salary/expenses 886.80 39.02 925.82 Int
HMRC Tax/NIC 419.97 419.97 Int
Legal & General Staff pension 37.82 37.82 DD
Glasdon Ltd Grit bin and contents 188.19 37.63 225.82 Int
Cllr S Whitehead GoDaddy renewal 52.03 52.03 1814
Totals 1584.07 76.65 1660.72

26. Pre-School grant aid application

26.1 The Pre-School had applied for a grant totalling £512.25 including VAT to renew their outside creative play area and further enhance their reputation among parents. The Clerk reminded Councillors that items purchased could be gifted to the Pre-School enabling the Council to reclaim the VAT provided the invoice was made out to the Parish Council.

26.2 Proposed Cllr Whitehead, Seconded Cllr Griffith, RESOLVED that a grant of £512.25 including VAT be approved for the Pre-School to enable it to renew its outside creative play equipment and that, where possible, the items purchased be gifted by the Council to enable VAT to be reclaimed.

27. To adopt the Annual Financial Risk Assessment

27.1 Current audit and accounting regulations required an annual financial risk assessment to be adopted by the Parish Council before the yearend to which the assessment related. A risk assessment signed off by the Clerk and Internal Auditor had been circulated with the agenda papers.

27.2 Proposed Cllr Brock, Seconded Cllr Harwood, RESOLVED that the Annual Financial Risk Assessment, as tabled, be accepted and adopted.

28. Standing Orders, Financial Regulations and Policies review

28.1 It had been four years since the last full review of Standing Orders, Financial Regulations and Policies and a revised addition had been circulated before the meeting.

28.2 Proposed Cllr Brock, Seconded Cllr Harwood, RESOLVED that the revised Standing Orders, Financial Regulations and Policies, as tabled, be accepted and adopted.

29. King’s Somborne Village Hall as a multi-use activity centre.

29.1 The Village Hall management committee had submitted a paper seeking the Parish Council’s agreement to recognising the Hall as a multi-use activity centre (MAC) which, if accepted, would facilitate the Hall successfully bidding for external funding including community infrastructure levy funds. Given the Council’s stated wish to support the Hall whenever possible, Councillors saw no reason not to accept this wish by the Hall.

30. Councillor Evan’s leave of absence

30.1 Cllr Evans had been unable to fulfil her councillor duties for the past six months due to extenuating personal circumstances and the rules stated that unless an acceptable reason was adopted by the Parish Council for extended absence that Councillor was deemed to have resigned after six months non-appearance. Councillors accepted that the circumstances were such that an extension should be given.

30.2 Proposed Cllr Brock, Seconded Cllr Whitehead, RESOLVED that a further three months leave of absence be granted to Cllr Evans in the hope that her personal circumstanced would have improved to the extent she could resume her councillor duties.
Action: Clerk to inform Cllr Evans accordingly.

31. Sharing the Speed Indicator Device with Chilbolton Parish Council

31.1 In the absence of C/Cllr Gibson who had made this request, this matter was deferred to the March meeting.

32. Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) progress

32.1 Cllr Brock was pleased to report that Steering Group members had started drafting the NDP. A response rate of 28% had been submitted on the Housing Needs Survey which, whilst low, was sufficient to provide a meaningful basis for statistical analysis. As a result of the recent Government White Paper on housing need, some further help and interpretation was required from TVBC to ensure our NDP reflected the most up to date information and interpretation.
Action: Cllr Brock

33. Clerk’s monthly report

33.1 The remaining unoccupied caravan in the Scotts Close car park would soon be removed by Aster contractors.

33.2 A salt/grit bin had been installed at the top end of the slip road leading to the recreation ground for use in inclement icy weather.

33.3 Community Speedwatch volunteers had been out twice in the past fortnight to get into the practice of recording speeding drivers and reporting their details to the Police.

33.4 We now have a new PCSO, Storm Perrott, to replace PCSO Jo Cole who has retired.

33.5 The Up Somborne community was looking to acquire a debrillator for possible installation in the redundant BT call box. Councillors agreed that if a donation was required from Council funds and assuming it was approved the purchase invoice should be made out to the Parish Council so the device could be donated and VAT reclaimed.

33.6 A need had arisen for a minibus co-ordinator to submit bids for a TVBC community bus on behalf of local community organisations and to allocate a qualified volunteer driver. The Clerk would advertise the need in The Gauntlet.
Action: Clerk

34. Date, time and place of next meeting

34.1 The next meeting would be on Monday 6 March 2017 at 7.00pm in the Epworth Hall, Winchester Road, King’s Somborne.

There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.05pm