Minutes of a Meeting of the Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group
held in the Epworth Hall at 7.00pm on Wednesday 4 July 2018
Present: Cllr A Brock (Chairman)
Mrs L Hodge
Mr G Searle
Public Session: Six members of the public were present.
- Chairman’s welcome and announcements
1.1 The Chairman welcomed all to the first NDP steering group following the completion of the pre-submission consultation and that this meeting was primarily focused with organising the representations so that they could be comprehensively addressed ahead of the final submission.
1.2 Concern was raised from the floor regarding flooding in KS7 and the Allotments. Following the feedback during the consultations on the Pre-submission the NDP Steering Group, authorised by the Parish Council has engaged Waterco to undertake a full desktop flood risk assessment looking at both ground and surface water flooding and advising on flood risk mitigation measures and suitable drainage systems to mitigate risk as far as possible on existing properties. Allotments currently being marked by the Diocese with the aim of selling for development would be classified as a Local area of Green Space in the plan and therefore protected for the community.
2. Apologies
2.1 Cllr K Hughes, Mrs L Searle and Mr D St.John
3. Previous meeting notes
3.1 Minutes of the previous meeting held on 23 May 2018 were accepted as a true record by those who were present at that meeting.
4. Matters arising
- Para 1.1.2 Concerns raised overt the accuracy of the South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA) landscape assessment have been formally responded to by the Neighbourhood and Planning Policy Officer who confirmed that the work was undertaken in accordance with established best practice and guidance including Topic Paper 6: Techniques and criteria for judging capacity and sensitivity (SNH & Countryside Agency, 2002), and that further, the views of residents (and other bodies) were sought as part of the Pre-submission Consultation and taken into account when deciding which sites are ultimately taken forward in the next stage of the NDP. And regarding the comments on views the assessment does state that it is more open to view on the northern boundary where there is less screening along part of this, but any development would-be seen in context with existing development. The site is seen as part of the valley bottom and existing settlement and not on exposed rising land.
- Para 1.1.3 The consultation confirmed that both the summary of the representations and original forms will be made available to TVBC as part of the submission of the final PlPara 1.1.4 The Consultation confirmed that the referendum for the NDP is a straight Yes and No to adopt
- Para 1.1.6 Potential inaccuracy regarding secondary schooling availability in Winchester to be carried forward to next meeting
Action: Mr G Searle
4. Para 3.1 Typo to minutes of 31 January 2018 have been corrected.
5. Para 4.2 Land owner’s details were made available at the Consultations following their permission. Owners are Browning (KS3 & 6), Whittock (KS5) and Morgan Trust (KS 7 and SHELAA 81).
6. para 6.1 SEA & HRA covered in 7.1 below.
7. Para 7.1 Pre-Submission Consultation presentation format was made in easy to digest bite sized detail along with maps showing contours flood zones and approximate developmental areas of the site and locations of historic buildings etc to make the plan more readily understandable.
8. Para 8.1 Consultation Presentations Posters generated, laminated and positioned in highly visible locations around the village as well as pubs shops and meeting halls
- 5. Declarations of Interest
- None declared.
- 6. SEA/HRA Screening Submission Update
6.1 HRA screening assessment for bats has been undertaken and with TVBC for comment; quote awaited for focussed SEA assessment; funding for the same is being sought by the Clerk. Questions have been raised by SDNPA as to why there was a requirement for either and irrespectively, the HRA needs to be carried out by a competent body. Action: Mr Clerk (funding) and Cllr Brock (HRA & SEA Queries
7. Pre-Submission Representations
7.1 Feedback has already been consolidated and organised by Public bodies, editorial and residential/business feedback, but now needs to be accurately established in a sortable format by issue so that these can be correctly identified by the relevant group for review/comment/action. A spreadsheet with the information cut and pasted from the original forms was thought best
Action: Mrs L Hodge
8. Any Other Business
- Serious concern was raised that the feedback form TVBC whilst comprehensive was both a surprise and major concern given that they had had the advance copy of the report for more than a month for comment to ensure that we had covered off everything satisfactorily before going into the pre-submission consultation. Concern was also raised that apparently TVBC Conservation Officer only reviews the NDP at the final consultation stage and not at the pre-consultation stage when their feedback can be taken into consideration for the final Plan. This needs to be queried with TVBC
Action: Cllr Brock
8.2 It was suggested that our final plan should be reviewed ideally by a retired examiner. Chairman to liaise with TVBC and also Mr Pybus as a member of the community well respected in Planning circles for potential candidates
Action: Cllr Brock
8.2 It was queried why the Flood Risk Assessment was only being undertaken on the Allocated Sites and not all of the potential sites (i.e. SHELAAs). The reason was simply that none of the other sites were near to centre of the village and the Borne and therefore EA flood zones and consequently it was not relevant to undertake the work on these sites. The work on the SEA proportionate assessment was expected to be undertaken on all sites.
- Mr Searle noticed that some of the work on the submitted HRA assessment for Mottisfont Bats submitted to TVBC needed to be amended
- Action: Mr G Searle
9. Date, time and place of next meeting
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.15pm