Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting

held in the Epworth Hall commencing at 7.00pm on Monday 1 July 2019


Present:               Cllr A Brock (Chairman)

Cllr S Dack

Cllr L Hodge

Cllr K Hughes

Cllr O Wales

Cllr S Whitehead


Present for part of the meeting: B/Cllr A Ward.


In Attendance:   Mrs G Foster (Clerk to King’s Somborne Parish Council)


2 members of the public were present for part of the meeting.


  1. Public Session


125.1.    The Previous Clerk to the Council who is responsible for monitoring the spending on the Community Building project spoke to report to councillors the shortfall in funds relating to the agenda item no. 20.


125.2.    The project had started with an estimated cost of £100,000 and had now risen to £227,000. This had been due to additional specifications being required by TVBC, building legislation requirements and to a certain extent the wishes of the pre-school. Although funds had been received from HCC and TVBC Councillors and multiple grant givers, there was at worst case a shortfall of £17,000. Planning permission was expected to be given on 27th August and there was therefore some urgency to secure the required funds in order that the project could go ahead, and firm orders be placed to start building. It was re-iterated that the project had always been a council initiative and that the completed community building would be owned by the Parish Council. Additionally the building once completed would have a resale value.


  1. Apologies for Absence


126.1.    Cllrs Harwood, Curtis, Beacham and Webb had sent apologies which were accepted by Council. Cllr Gibson had also sent his apologies.


  1. Chair’s announcements and Councillors’ questions


127.1.    HCC virgin media had been contacted regarding damage in Winchester Road, which has been repaired.


127.2.    Cllr Brock has reported the drain at the Junction to Little Somborne to HCC.


127.3.    Temporary repairs have been made to the railings outside the corner shop, but the rails remain lose and have been reported to HCC.


127.4.    Cllr Brock remined those present that the River clean was scheduled for Thursday 4th July. Assistance for any volunteers would be welcomed.


127.5.    Cllr Hodge asked if there was any need for concern about the water level as had been measured by the Environment Agency recently. The Chairman reported that only the river sediment level had been measured as the groundwater levels were measured automatically. Any feedback from the EA would come via the EA Action team to the Chairman/Council.

127.6.    Cllr Dack asked if a “dog on lead area” could be an item for discussion on the August agenda. Cllr Dack would provide the Clerk with the motion wording. Action: Cllr Dack.


  1. To approve the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 3rd June 2019


128.1.    Proposed: Cllr Hughes, Seconded: Cllr Wales, RESOLVED: that the minutes of the meeting held on 9th May 2019 which had been circulated with the agenda be accepted as a true record. The chairman duly signed the minute book.


  1. To review the action list arising from those Minutes


129.1.    Cllr Brock’s Actions:


129.1.1.               Minute Ref: 104.3 SSE had been chased regarding burying the electric cables in the cricket outfield. No date for work starting had been received. Action: Cllr Brock.


129.1.2.               Minute Ref: 106.7 The exact location of the trees in the stream at Horsebridge had been reported to the Environment Agency.


129.1.3.               Minute Ref: 110.3 Sarah Hughes the Neighbourhood Planning Officer at TVBC had been asked for advice relating to publication of feedback from the NDP. She had advised Cllr Brock that the legislation required a “summary of feedback” but this was open to interpretation. Her view was that the best way to defend the findings of the plan was to publish respondent’s feedback in full. Councillors agreed that in the interests of openness and transparency and in the best interests of the community the PC would attempt to publish the written feedback in full. This would not completely satisfy the FOI request received but would go a long way towards doing so.


129.1.4.               Minute Ref: 110.4 The original NDP questionnaire had been re-circulated to Councillors. It was noted that the form mentioned “A Consultation Statement including a summary of all comments received and how these were considered will be made available”


129.1.5.               Minute Ref: 10.5 A summary report of the major changes to the NDP had been started and would be included in the amended NDP.


129.1.6.               Minute Ref: 118.1 HCC had been notified about the bollards requiring repair alongside the Borne.


129.1.7.               Minute Ref: 123.3 SSE had been asked to install a power point near the Tug-o-War gantry and will review when installing the underground cables.


129.2.    Cllr I Beacham’s Actions:


129.2.1.               Minute Ref: 106.8 & 64.5 A discussion had taken place with the widow of the parishioner the memorial bench was to be dedicated to. Another site request would be put to the farm manager to ask the landowners to consider. Action: Cllr Beacham. Contact details would be forwarded. Action: Clerk.


129.2.2.               Minute Ref: 119.1 The Working Group for Safer travel had been started and the next meeting would be 8th July.


129.3.    Cllr R Curtis’ Actions:


129.3.1.               Minute Ref: 107.1 & 87.1 It was not known if the loose handrail had been attended to.


129.4.    Cllr S Dack’s Actions:


129.4.1.               Minute Ref: 112.7 Information had been received regarding the proposed Circus event. An approx. 50m x 50m area would be required. A Big Top would be erected, and several vehicles would be parked. The Circus company would arrive early one morning and leave around 7am the next day. A generator would be used for power during the day. The company would require the use of the Village Hall toilets, water and electricity overnight. The Village Hall committee would be consulted and when a date had been identified it would be checked with the Football & Cricket teams. Provided the school would be in agreement that any damage caused at the event would be covered by their insurance councillors were in agreement that the event could take place. Action: Cllr Dack


129.4.2.               Minute Ref: 119.1 In relation to the Working group for Safer Travel it was suggested to add a discussion regarding Hi-visibility Jackets for school children to the August meeting agenda. A full agenda proposal would be forwarded to the Clerk. Action: Cllr Dack.


129.5.    Cllr R Harwood’s Actions:

129.5.1.               104.2     The resident requesting access the rear garden from the recreation ground had advised this was no longer needed.


129.6.    Cllr K Hughes’ Actions:


129.6.1.               Minute Ref: 106.5 & 64.7: The Church would be asked at the next PCC meeting if they were still able to contribute to the youth club worker. Action: Cllr Hughes.


129.6.2.               Minute Ref: 112.8 Several local groups been approach and were willing to present at Council meetings. This would start in September and Cllr Hughes would liaise with the Clerk. Action: Cllr Hughes.


129.6.3.               Minute Ref: 121.1 A photograph of the monkey bars at the children’s playground had been circulated. The inspection company would be asked to comment why the issue had not been reported. Action: Clerk.


129.7.    Cllr O Wales’s Actions:


129.7.1.               Minute Ref: 115.1 Quotations for a battery isolator switch for the Village Hall Generator was estimated to cost £9.00 and a Solar Trickle Charger £133. It was agreed to try the battery isolator. Action: Cllr Wales.


129.7.2.               Minute Ref: 121.2 The rail surrounding the play area at the KS Recreation ground had been looked at and it was questioned whether it required replacement urgently. Any protruding nails would be hammered into the wood. The fence would be measured to allow estimates to be obtained and the state of the handrail monitored. Action: Cllrs Curtis and Wales.


129.8.    B/Cllr A Ward’s Actions:


129.8.1.               Minute Ref: 106.9 7& 64.8 Aster Housing had been contacted and the Caravan near Scott’s Close had moved. It was reported that the caravan was now parked on the highway in The Gorings. It would be reported to HCC. Action: Clerk.


129.8.2.               Minute Ref: 112.5 Cllr Ward would not be able to attend The Village Fun Day and therefore TVBC would not require a stall.


129.9.    Clerk’s Actions:


129.9.1.               Minute Ref: 104.1            Emergency planning information from the military had been added to the website.


129.9.2.               Minute Ref: 104.4 Maps of the Parish were in the progress of being collated online. A trial of an online package called “Parish Online” was being run to see if would bring any advantages for bespoke mapping.


129.9.3.               Minute Ref: 106.10 & 64.11 Forms for the Communication tree had been distributed although only a few had been returned so far. Verbal approaches would be made to explain the idea. Action: Cllr Hughes.


129.9.4.               Minute Ref: 107.2 & 84.1 New policies regarding employment were being prepared. Action: Clerk.


129.9.5.               Minute Ref: 107.3 & 98.1 A grant from SSE could not be applied for as the fund had closed in May. It would reopen in March 2020.


129.9.6.               Minute Ref: 110.2 NDP written feedback comments had been redacted. A check was required to ascertain which comments had been provided by each respondent in order to ensure that every respondent’s comments had been included. Action: Clerk.


129.9.7.               Minute Ref:112.4 TVBC had been contacted regarding the recent cutting of Muss Lane recreation ground. They had confirmed it was cut in error.


129.9.8.               Minute Ref: 114.2 All recently approved invoices had been paid.


129.9.9.               Minute Ref: 116.1 The purchase of Rialtas Suite Alpha Financial Management Software had been arranged.


129.9.10.             Minute Ref: 118.2 An hourly rate for painting the railings had been obtained, but a full quotation could not be prepared until the exact length of railings to be overhauled had been ascertained. A plan would be produced for further consideration by council. Action: Clerk.


129.9.11.             Minute Ref: 119.2            Wilton Town Council had been contacted and their road speed limit reduction process had been explained. A copy of Wiltshire’s Highways policy would be obtained if possible. Action: Clerk.


129.9.12.             Minute Ref: 120.1 Notices had been put up on the notice boards regarding advert size.


129.9.13.             Minute Ref: 121.3 Replacing the caps at the top of the climbing frame in Up Somborne was still pending. Vitaplay would be contacted. Action: Clerk.


  1. Cllr Tony Ward arrived and joined the meeting at 19.50hrs


130.1.    B/Cllr Ward had circulated a report which is available on the website.


130.2.    It was reported that the planning application for the Forest of Bere had been rejected.


130.3.    B/Cllr Ward would give the name of the Youth Worker employed by Knightwood Parish Council to Cllr Hughes. The individual may be interested in coming to the Parish once a week but would need a small group of volunteers to run a youth club. Action: B/Cllr Ward and Cllr Hughes.


130.4.    Wayne Hemingway, co-founder of Red or Dead, had been contracted by TVBC to redesign Andover town centre. It was expected to be a 10-year project.


  1. Declarations of Interest and Requests for Dispensations


131.1.    None stated.


  1. To consider Correspondence Received and determine any action required


132.1.    An email had been received about climbing frame at the playground. Cllr Curtis had carried out some repairs which were required.


132.2.    A resident had emailed the Clerk regarding the Speeding problem through the Village. Cllr Dack had been informed and would take his comments to the Safer Travel working group.


  1. To receive minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 3 June and 17 June 2019


133.1.    The minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 3 June and 17 June had been circulated with the agenda.


133.2.    Proposed Cllr Wales, Seconded Cllr Dack, RESOLVED unanimously that the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 3 and 17 June 2019 be received and accepted.


  1. To receive the RFO’s Report and Budget Monitoring


134.1.    A budget monitoring report had been circulated with the agenda papers. This was noted.


  1. Payment of Accounts


135.1.    A schedule of paid accounts had been sent with the Meeting papers. Councillors noted the payments made during month by the Clerk under prior authorisations as below:

To                                        For                        Minute                 Net                       VAT                       Gross

Mrs G Foster                     Salary/expenses                May 86.1             £751.41              £-                     £751.41

Simon Nightingale           SLR Camera        May 86.1                £41.67              £-                        £41.67

Cllr Tony Ward   Planning App      May 71.2             £117.00              £-                    £117.00

Cllr Tony Ward   Laser hire            May 71.2                £97.81              £-                        £97.81

Whitchurch TC  Training               June 117.1             £65.00              £-                        £65.00

TVBC     Election fees      statutory                                              £24.00              £4.80                   £28.80

Green Grass Services       Maintenance      May 89.1             £822.50              £-                         £822.50

Unity Bus                            Admin account  May 86.1             £168.70              £-                         £168.70

Victim support   Grant                    May 97.1                £50.00              £-                         £50.00

Totals                                  PAID OUT                                         £2,138.09           £4.80             £2,142.89


  1. To receive an update on the NDP


136.1.    The Clerk reported that comments on the original feedback data sheet had now been redacted. In order to prepare comments for wider review she would need perform another check that all respondents’ comments had been included on the sheet. The comments could then be sorted by respondent for Full Council review. Action: Clerk.


136.2.    Cllr Brock and the Clerk had been able to access the Ordnance Survey website under the Public Services mapping Agreement and maps were being prepared of all sites to show the revised settlement areas within each site.


136.3.    South Downs were due to send an update, however in order to complete the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) revised housing maps were required.


  1. Councillors’ Reports


137.1.    Cllr Hughes reported that there had been another dog attack, this time in Nutcher’s Grove. The Warden had been informed.


137.2.    There have been reports of vehicles travelling the wrong way along the one-way road in front of the church.


137.3.    The Corner shop had been broken into.


137.4.    Cllr Hodge had asked if the grass at the junction of New Lane and Tanner’s Pond could be cut as it was obscuring the view turning onto the main road. Action: Clerk.


137.5.    Cllr Wales reported a low hanging Willow branch at the bottom of New Lane. TVBC would be contacted to arrange cutting it back. Action: Cllr Wales.


137.6.    There had been branches taking down some power cables and leaving debris on the pavement along the A3057 near the triangle. TVBC Tree Officers had been contacted by Cllr Wales.


137.7.    Cllr Whitehead had set up new Parish Council email addresses for the new councillors to use. Passwords would be distributed. Action: Cllr Whitehead.


137.8.    Cllr Dack advised another member of the Speedwatch team would join the Safer Travel Working Group.


  1. Clerk’s Monthly Report


138.1.    Riatas accounting software installation had been organised for Wednesday 3rd July with follow up training on Friday 5th July.


138.2.    The grounds maintenance contractor had cut the youth football area on Top Field and would continue to do so when required. The local farmer who had been permitted to cut Top Field and John O‘Gaunt field for haymaking would take an additional cutting.


138.3.    The Auditor was due to visit on 19th July to double check installation of the accounting Software.


  1. To consider if an August FULL COUNCIL meeting is required.


139.1.    Proposed: Cllr Hughes, Seconded: Cllr Hodge, RESOLVED: Unanimously to keep the August meetings as scheduled.


  1. To consider the hosting of a community event to celebrate VE Day 75th Anniversary on 8th May 2020.


140.1.    It was agreed that an event of some kind be investigated. Volunteers would be sought in order to form a working party to discuss arrangements. A budge would be discussed in the November meeting. An advert would be placed in the Gauntlet and information passed via the Communications tree. Action: Clerk.


  1. To consider the cost and if thought appropriate to agree to pay for the hall hire for the annual pantomime.


141.1.    Cllr Hughes asked if the Parish Council could consider funding another community event in the same way that they funded the Village Fun day. It was suggested that the Annual Pantomime was open to the whole village and would be preferable to keep ticket costs as low as possible in order to ensure every family could afford to attend. Proposed: Cllr Hughes, Seconded: Cllr Wales, Resolved: by majority vote with 5 votes for and 1 against that the Parish Council pay the costs of the Hall hire directly. Action: Clerk.


  1. To receive an estimate on the trickle charger for the Generator at the Village Hall and consider action to take.

142.1.    Proposed: Cllr Hughes, Seconded: Cllr Wales, Resolved: Unanimously that Cllr Wales purchase a battery isolator for the Village Hall Generator and arrange installation. Action: Cllr Wales.


  1. To receive a report on the shortfall in funds for the Community building.


143.1.    The report received during the public session had been considered sufficient to brief all present.


  1. To consider and if thought appropriate to approve the launch of a Crowdfunding campaign.


144.1.    The Clerk explained that a campaign on behalf of the Parish Council had been drafted to help raise the last money needed for the Pre-School building. The platform was hosted free of charge and all monies would be paid to the Parish Council bank account and be ringfenced for the Pre-school building. Proposed: Cllr Hughes, Seconded: Cllr Wales, Resolved: Unanimously to approve the launch. Action: Clerk.


  1. To approve the creation of a PayPal account for Parish Council to receive online donations for projects.


145.1.    Proposed: Cllr Hughes, Seconded: Cllr Wales, Resolved: Unanimously to approve the creation and use of a PayPal account to collect funds online.


  1. To consider the Parish Council ringfencing 17k from reserves for the Community Building.


146.1.    It was noted that the agenda item did not read correctly. A donation was not required given that the project remained a Parish Council initiative. After consideration of budget planning it was Proposed: Cllr Dack, Seconded: Cllr Wales, Resolved: Unanimously to Ringfence £17,000 of Parish Council reserves in case other grant applications or fundraising did not raise the current shortfall between approved grant funding and total project cost. Action: Clerk.


146.2.    Councillors were advised that The Village Hall had made an application to Veolia for an amount to cover the cost of the decking and ramps around the community building. Any funds received against that grant application would reduce the amount required from the Parish Council.


146.3.    The Village Hall had agreed to give £30,000 to the project originally and this amount (less the amount of already paid invoices) would need to be deposited in the Parish Council bank account prior to the ordering of the building.


  1. Date, Time and Place of Next Meeting – Monday 5th August 2019 at 7.00pm in the Epworth Hall, Winchester Road, King’s Somborne


There being no further business, the Chairman thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 9.20pm