Minutes of a Meeting of the Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group
held in the Epworth Hall at 10.00am on Wednesday 22 May 2019
Present: Cllr A Brock (Chairman)
Cllr L Hodge
Mr G Searle
Mr D St.John
Mrs Gail Foster (Clerk to the King’s Somborne Parish Council)
Public Session: TVBC Community engagement officer Imogen Colley
TVBC Neighbourhood Planning Officer Sarah Hughes
No members of the public were present.
- Chairman’s welcome and announcements
- The Chairman welcomed all to the first NDP steering group this year and confirmed that steps had been made with South Downs following the appointment of Kevin Wright.
- Apologies
2.1 Mrs L Searle and Mrs J Mein.
- Previous meeting notes
3.1 Minutes of the previous meeting held on 04 July 2018 were accepted as a true record by those who were present at that meeting. Proposed: Mr Searle, Seconded: Cllr Hodge. The Chairman signed the minutes.
- Matters arising
- All actions from the previous meeting had been actioned and cleared by Council. TVBC has offered to do a free quasi inspectors review prior to going out to consultation the next time and this is likely to be undertaken by Sarah Hughes which should significantly both improve and speed up the process
- Declarations of Interest
- None declared.
- Review the Terms of Reference for the Committee
- The Terms of Reference were circulated prior to the meeting and the only recommendation for change was section 4 detailing the Membership. The Parish Council representation would be reduced to 2 Cllrs one of which would be the Chairman. Proposed: Cllr Hodge, Seconded: Mr D St.John. Action: Clerk to amend and distribute
- Review Revised NDP draft and Necessary Actions
- Ensuring that the correct number of new homes was built in accordance with the wishes of the community gave rise to a significant issue in relation to ensuring that over development did not occur given that phasing could not be done as originally intended – only if there was a significant constraint to allow development not to occur (e.g. a significant rebuild of infrastructure). This meant that the original excess in sites that were there to ensure availability should one or more not process for any reason and/or we had sufficient sites to easily modify the NDP in future years should legislation give rise to further development beyond that originally planned without having to re wok the entire NDP process. It was questioned if some sites be listed as reserve sites, or whether to choose the most appropriate sites and discard the others. The recommendation on the advice of Mrs Hughes was that a table would be drawn up showing all proposed sites, ordered by preference and stating the reasons for preference. Preferred access points would be included. Action: Mr Searle and Cllr Brock.
7.2 It was pointed out that the NDP as written would also create problems in that an individual site could be overdeveloped that that the developable area of the site each site should be given and represented on a map with justifications for the reductions and overall requirements such as local green space and biodiversity areas etc. Action: Cllr Brock and Mr Searle.
7.3 Mr Searle had produced several spreadsheet examples of the housing size mix for each site taking into account the total amount of houses required and the minimum amount of affordable homes that would be needed. In the light of 7.1. This needed to be further refined and checked before actioning 7.1 and 7.2 in details Action: Mr Searle (support Mr S Hughes).
7.4 Local Green Spaces needed to be reviewed; Cllr Hodge raised the issue of the land at Spencer’s Farm which according to the data was also a Local Green Space. Action: Cllr G Searle
7.5 Once the information was updated, the same would be provided to t to South Downs so that a further version of the Plan can be produced and the SEA instigated. Action Cllr Brock.
7.6 Once the next iteration of the Plan had been produced, Mrs Hughes agreed to kindly review before the final version of the NDP was produced
- Communications
The Clerk advised that a FOI request had been received in relation to the consultation feedback and questioned what information was already in the public domain and what further information was ready to be published now. Cllr Brock advised that the survey for 2/3 bedroom houses had already been published. From the feedback data the Clerk has been able to review it would seem that an excessive number of hours would be needed to redact and anonymise all the data. Full feedback information would be forwarded to the Clerk in spreadsheet form for further review. Action: Cllr Hodge and Clerk.
The shared data storage application would be checked to make sure everyone had access. Action: Cllr Brock.
- Any Other Business
- Mrs Hughes advised that the Council would be eligible to access the Public Service Mapping Agreement with Ordnance Survey and offered to check whether or not we held such a licence and provide the necessary information in order for us e to gain access This will allow Parish Council to produce their own maps without the need of TVBC’s mapping department.. An application would be made to Ordnance Survey if required. Action: Clerk.
- Mrs Hughes asked when the revised plan was estimated to be ready for consultation again. Cllr Brock estimated that the consultation would be in August.
- Date, time and place of next meeting
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 1.00pm