Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
held in the Epworth Hall commencing at 7.00pm on Monday 3RD February 2020
Present: Cllr I Beacham
Cllr S Dack
Cllr R Harwood
Cllr L Hodge
Cllr K Hughes
Cllr G Searle
Cllr M Qassim
Cllr O Wales
Cllr R Webb
Cllr S Whitehead
In Attendance: Mrs G Foster (Clerk to King’s Somborne Parish Council)
Also present: HCC Cllr A Gibson and TVBC Cllr I Jeffry and 2 members of the public were present for part of the meeting.
- Public Session
- A member of the public asked when a response could be expected from South Downs in relation to the provision of a table explaining the site selection data and results. It was heard that SDNPA had had a delay in beginning the work and it was not expected to be started until the end of February.
- Apologies for Absence
- None received.
- To receive reports from C/Cllr Andrew Gibson and B/Cllr I Jeffrey.
- Cllr Gibson confirmed that two Councillor grant applications had been received from the Parish Council and were being processed. One was towards the lengthsman scheme and the other was for the over 50’s bus service. It was likely that one would be paid before the end of this financial year and the other at the beginning of the next financial year.
- HCC had declared they were looking to close 10 of the 47 libraries in the County, but it was unlikely the closures would affect residents in the Parish.
- B/Cllr Jeffrey advised that due to B/Cllr Ward’s recent accident he was covering Borough Council issues in King’s Somborne. He had also re-joined the Southern Area Planning Committee after the sad passing of North Baddesley’s councillor Nigel Anderdon. Alison Johnston was still able to freely represent the PC at any planning meeting should the need arise.
- To receive a short overview from a guest speaker: Horticultural Representative.
- The Council were very pleased to receive the Horticultural Secretary who gave a short overview of the King’s Somborne and District Horticultural Society which had been running for around 100 years. The society had around 100 members who all shared an interest in plants and gardens. The society would be hosting their 94th Flower show this year at the end of July. The group is diverse in terms of age and ranges from children and young adults up to retired and senior members. The society usually had guest speakers at the AGM and at an autumn meeting, but the most popular events were the summer BBQ and summer garden visits. The society is currently looking for a general secretary who can help promote the group and help with the organisation. Anyone wishing to join or help may contact the secretary on The Council thanked the guest speaker for attending the meeting and asked that their appreciation was passed onto the society for maintaining a traditional village event for 100yrs.
- Declarations of Interest and Requests for Dispensations
- None declared.
- Chairman’s announcements and Councillors’ questions
- Cllr Hughes proposed to vary the order of the items on the Agenda in line with Standing Order 10, a vi. This was seconded by Cllr Harwood and unanimously agreed and the co-option of councillors to vacant seats was brought forward. Councillors had been forwarded application forms from both interested parties prior ot the meeting. After consideration it was Proposed: Cllr Beacham, Seconded: Cllr Dack, and Resolved: unanimously to co-opt Graham Searle and Michelle Qassim to the Council.
- Both Cllr Qassim and Cllr Searle had been sent the Declarations of Interest forms to complete prior to the meeting in case they were co-opted. Neither had completed the forms and Councillors Resolved: That the forms could be completed immediately after the meeting as the Clerk had brought blank copies.
- To approve the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 6 January 2020
- Proposed: Cllr Harwood Seconded: Cllr Hodge RESOLVED: Unanimously that the minutes of the meeting held on 6th January 2020 which had been circulated prior to the meeting be accepted as a true record. The chairman duly signed the minute book.
- To review outstanding actions from the action list arising from those Minutes
- All actions had been completed except those listed below which were being progressed:
172.1 Map all the trees at Recreation Ground
186.2 Follow up on the legal work on John O’Gaunt Field.
187.4 New fence panel for Playground
196.9 Follow up on Cllr Gibson Grant for £500 – for minibus scheme – grant app no.: CG00020142
199.5 Follow up on Cllr Gibson Grant for £500 – for Lengthsman scheme – grant app no.: CG00020416
235.3 Digital mapping of the Cemetery
286.5 Follow up with Tree owners alongside Furzedown road
296.1 Amend the contact details on the resilience plan
298.4 Contact owner of the hedge alongside new lane and discuss the disposal of hedge cuttings.
298.6 Think about how to set up volunteer database and GDPR
- To receive the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting on 20 January 2020
- Planning minutes had been distributed to all councillors and it was RESOVLED: unanimously that these be accepted.
- Cllr Harwood advised that recently applications had mainly been for tree works.
- To receive the RFO’s Bank reconciliation, Trial Balance, Earmarked Reserves balances and to approve the Payment of the Accounts and sign the Bank reconciliation.
- The Clerk had circulated all the above paperwork and posted it on the website, no questions had been asked.
- The Bank accounts were noted to be holding £18,303.48 and £15,446.07.
- The Chairman signed the bank reconciliation.
- Earmarked reserves held in the Over 50’s Bus account were £393.00.
- A schedule of payments had been sent to all Councillors. RESOLVED: Unanimously to approve the payments as below:
Andover Groundworks balance payment 10,900.00 2,180.00 13,080.00
stripping car park and gates 1,200.00 240.00 1,440.00
ATF Supplies extra 15 Dragon’s Teeth 98.85 19.77 118.62
Budget Fire Water mist fire extinguisher 46.99 9.40 56.39
Complete Security CCTV equipment 3,800.00 760.00 4,560.00
Gail Foster January Salary and expenses 1,437.43 0.00 1,437.43
Green Grass Services Planting hedges and Dec & Jan invs. 1,261.41 0.00 1,261.41
HMRC late payment charge 0.46 0.00 0.46
JAN Tax and NI conts 491.78 0.00 491.78
John Ingleson extra Turf for pre-school 33.33 6.67 40.00
King’s Somborne Village Hall Hall hire for CPR training 27.00 0.00 27.00
Hall hire computer club Feb 20 36.00 0.00 36.00
Lightatouch Audit April 2019 – Dec 2019 450.00 0.00 450.00
Proline Fencing & Decking Ltd Extra gate for Decking 720.00 144.00 864.00
balance of PO KSPC 02PS 1,554.50 310.90 1,865.40
balance of PO KSPC 06PS 11,801.00 2,360.20 14,161.20
Simon Nightingale SLR January invoice 41.67 0.00 41.67
SLCC Membership 1002424 227.00 0.00 227.00
Smith Electrical Electricity at preschool 446.00 0.00 446.00
PIR to decking lights 288.00 0.00 288.00
PIR to side bollard lights 288.00 0.00 288.00
delay switch to bollard lights 90.00 0.00 90.00
South Downs NPA SEA Draft report 1,687.50 337.50 2,025.00
Test Valley Borough Council Bins for Community building 60.00 0.00 60.00
Unity Services Andover December minibus trip 80.70 0.00 80.70
Viking Office Supplies Office supplies 100.93 20.19 121.12
Wernick Refurbished Buildings Cooker and hob 380.00 76.00 456.00
Final payment for Building 13,255.40 2,651.08 15,906.48
Working Men’s Club Grant aid for Fire Door 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00
TOTAL 51,803.95 9,115.71 60,919.66
- Receipts that had been received over the period were:
Blackwell & Moody Ltd Memorial fee 125.00
HMRC VAT refund 1,315.34
HMRC Dec 2019 VAT return 1,067.05
King’s Somborne VH Donation towards Preschool 5,000.00
King’s Somborne VH Donation towards CCTV 1,117.00
Lockerly Stone Memorial Fee 125.00
Sue Jackson Minibus trip January 77.00
TOTAL 8,826.39
- To consider and approve costs for the VE Day celebration.
- It was Resolved: Unanimously, that the Parish Council would contribute towards the costs of the VE Day celebration up to a maximum limit of £380. Clarification was needed on which entity would be formally hosting the event so that that their insurance requirements could be checked. The Village Hall Trustees would be consulted. Action: Clerk
- Cllr Hodge asked everyone to note that the celebration would take place in the afternoon, not the evening as had been previously reported.
- To consider and approve the costs for the Pre-school opening event.
- A rough estimate of the expected costs had been presented and council RESOLVED: by majority vote to accept expenses up to a maximum of £250 but expected that the final cost would be significantly lower. Where possible consumables should be bought on a sale or return policy. Discussion on what refreshments to provide would be tabled as soon as a date had been identified. Action: Clerk.
- To review the Internal Audit report and consider recommendations.
- The Auditor’s full report was noted, and Council were pleased that the internal control procedures “met the needs of the Council” in the auditor’s view. The recommendations were discussed, and it was unanimously Resolved:
- To investigate the outsourcing of the payroll function. Action: Cllr Hughes.
- To defer consideration of the Clerk’s pension scheme (NEST or LGPS) until the 2021/22 budget calculations. Action: Clerk.
- To review and approve the Financial Risk Assessment.
- It was RESOLVED unanimously to approve the Risk Assessment that had been signed by the auditor and RFO on 16th Action: Clerk.
- To consider correspondence received and action to take.
- An email had been received asking if the council would again participate in the Great British Spring Clean. It would be held during 20 March – 13 April. Councillors felt the previous year had been a success and should be repeated. Further discussion would take place at the March meeting and the item would be added to the agenda. Action: Clerk.
- The school would be asked if they would like to be included. Action: Cllr Hughes.
- TVBC would be contacted to see if the equipment borrowed last time could be utilised again. Action: Clerk.
- To receive Acceptance of Office Forms and Declarations of Interests from new Councillors.
- This had been discussed under minute item 305.2.
- To receive a report from the Safe Travel team.
- Cllr Beacham reported on a meeting he had attended with the Clerk and HCC Cllr Andrew Gibson and an officer from HCC Highways on 17th A copy of the written summary of the meeting had been provided to councillors in the agenda papers. HCC had agreed to assess different parts of the Parish with a view to implementing speed reduction measures. HCC would investigate whether £15k of section 106 Funds could be spent by the Parish Council to implement any solutions. The officer at HCC had been extremely helpful and positive that some solutions could be found, in the short term HCC had donated 200 wheelie bin stickers that had been distributed to residents. HCC would be chased to revert as soon as possible on their road assessments. Action: Cllr Beacham and Clerk.
- Clerk’s Monthly Report
- The Clerk and the Village Agent had attended a meeting with the organiser of the Broughton Community Bus Scheme. Some valuable advice had been received and further investigation was being undertaken. However, it had been estimated that the scheme would need at least 20 volunteer drivers in order to operate. They would be required to commit to drive the bus 1 day per month. The Clerk would compile a list of interested volunteers and report back at the next meeting. An advert would be placed in the Gauntlet. Action: Clerk.
- It was suggested that Houghton may wish to share the running of a community bus scheme. Their Parish Clerk would be contacted. Action: Clerk.
- Test Valley School and the Primary School would also be asked if they had an interest in using the community bus. Action: Clerk.
- The Clerk and the Village Agent had also attended another meeting with HCC on 20th January regarding the proposals for the no. 16 Bus. The meeting had also been attended by the Stockbridge Clerk and Cllrs Biddlecombe and Cunningham of Littleton and Harestock Parish Council. A tender for the service for the next two years was being prepared by HCC who had been working on preserving the service for as long as possible. The result of the tender decision would be publicised on the 10th
- There had been some issues at the cemetery with graves not being left level by the funeral directors. The Clerk had taken some pictures and the funeral directors would be written to. Action: Clerk.
- A glass panel in the Bus Shelter at Eldon Road had been broken. An estimate had been received for the repair, however the clerk would try and find cheaper quotations. Action: Clerk.
- Cllr Hodge left the meeting at 20:28hrs.
- The landowner of an area of watermeadows in Horsebridge had been contacted as the Clerk had received reports that water was being hindered from flowing due to debris and fallen branches. The landowner had agreed to send a man to clear the waterway. Cllr Searle reported that the environment agency had very recently inspected the area behind his property which was close to the area in question. It was reported that the EA inspector had confirmed that a fallen tree was not substantially restricting flow as water had been managing to pass underneath but it was recommended that the tree be removed before additional debris accumulated. A copy of the EA report would be requested. Action: Clerk.
- CPR Training had been arranged for 19th February at 7.30pm or 22nd February at 11.00am in the Village Hall.
- The cutting of the Trees and vegetation in Furzedown Road had not been completed and would be progressed. Owners of the bank were being investigated. Action: Clerk.
- To consider Flood risks and decide on any appropriate actions and/or spending.
- A discussion ensued and several councillors expressed their concern at the current water level which was very near to entering some properties. Council specifically noted that the Borne maintenance team had done an amazing job of clearing it and water was flowing as fast as possible. Cllr Wales reported he had pumps running 24 hrs to avoid his property flooding. Several councillors had signed up to Flood Alerts and it was felt that residents should also sign up themselves as it was so easy. Information on how to do this would be posted on the website and the Facebook page. Action: Clerk.
- Although the flood risk was considered high, councillors felt it was not the Council’s responsibility to provide sandbags or other preventative measures to residents. Councillors felt that the flood risks were well known and that residents needed to make their own contingency plans. This was in line with TVBC advice.
- The Clerk advised that TVBC had a limited supply of sandbags, but these were not being distributed at this time and would likely only be delivered if the current Amber warning changed to a Red warning. Councillors living along Winchester Road would make an effort to identify any elderly or particularly vulnerable residents and would assist if they were unable to physically collect or move sandbags themselves. An advert would be placed in the Gauntlet asking for volunteers. Action: Clerk.
- If flooding became serious in Winchester Road, it may become necessary to close the road to avoid the extra damage that can be caused by the waves created when vehicles travel through the water. A process would be put in place wth HCC in advance to ensure this could be done quickly if need be. Action: Clerk.
- To consider and agree the Council’s suggested name for the new community building.
- The following names had been considered: 1842 Building, Richard Dawes Annex, Richard Dawes Building, Richard Dawes Community Building. It was Resolved: unanimously that the Council would prefer the building to be called “The King’s Somborne Community Building”.
- To receive Councillors’ reports, as appropriate, on actions taken and related matters.
- Cllr Harwood reported that the Planning committee had not heard anything from TVBC or the Diocese of Winchester regarding the allotments application. It had been noted that the planning application to fill in the former chalk quarry had been refused by TVBC.
- Cllr Dack reported that the footpath from the Romsey Road to the Recreation Ground was partially blocked by fencing panels that had blown over and hedges that were overgrown. The owners of the properties would be contacted. Action: Clerk.
- Cllr Whitehead reported that some of the Trim trail equipment had deteriorated and was in need of repair. This would be checked and a full report made of the condition of each exercise station. Action: Clerk.
- Cllr Wales reported that there were no issues with the generator at the Village Hall.
- It was also reported that the missing no entry sign on the Village Green had not been replaced by HCC. This would be chased. Action: Clerk.
- Date, Time and Place of Next Meeting – Monday 2nd March 2020 at 7.00pm in the Epworth Hall, Winchester Road, King’s Somborne
There being no further business, the Chairman thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 8.58pm