Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting

held in the Epworth Hall commencing at 7.00pm on Monday 2nd March 2020


Present:                       Cllr I Beacham

Cllr R Harwood

Cllr L Hodge

Cllr K Hughes

Cllr G Searle

Cllr M Qassim

Cllr O Wales

Cllr R Webb


In Attendance:             Mrs G Foster (Clerk to King’s Somborne Parish Council)


Also present:               TVBC Cllr I Jeffry and 2 members of the public were present for part of the meeting.


  1. Public Session


  • A member of the public asked if his email had been circulated to councillors prior to the meeting. Cllr Hughes confirmed that it had been.


  1. Apologies for Absence


  • Cllr Whitehead and HCC Cllr Gibson had sent their apologies.


  1. To receive reports from C/Cllr Andrew Gibson and B/Cllr I Jeffrey.
    • Cllr Gibson was self-isolating after his recent return from Italy.
    • B/Cllr Jeffrey advised that Cllr Ward would need to rest for at least six weeks after his recent operation and Cllr Jeffrey would be standing in for him. B/C Cllr Johnston had recently moved into the Parish. No news had been received regarding the allotments and this would be chased. Action Clerk.


  1. Declarations of Interest and Requests for Dispensations


  • Cllr Hodge advised that she recently formed a Catering company. A new declaration of interests form wold be completed. Action: Cllr Hodge.


  1. To approve the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 3 February 2020


  • Proposed: Cllr Harwood Seconded: Cllr Webb RESOLVED: Unanimously that the minutes of the meeting held on 3rd February 2020 which had been circulated prior to the meeting be accepted as a true record. The chairman duly signed the minute book.


  1. To review outstanding actions on the cumulative Action List


  • The Chairman reported that she had agreed with the Clerk that the draft minutes would be sent to the Chairman by the 15th of the month for a first check. The action list to all councillors would be follow separately. The draft minutes would be published as soon as possible after the Chairman’s review.
  • Cllr Qassim arrived at 19:10 hrs.


  • All actions had been completed except those listed below which were being progressed:

172.1    Map all the trees at Recreation Ground

186.2    Follow up on the legal work on John O’Gaunt Field.

187.4    New fence panel for Playground

235.3    Digital mapping of the Cemetery

286.5    Follow up with Tree owners alongside Furzedown road

298.6    Set up of a volunteer database

312.1.1 Outsourcing the payroll function

314.1    Obtaining routes for the Spring Clean

317.5    Writing to the funeral directors


  1. To receive the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting on 3 & 17 February 2020


  • Planning minutes had been distributed to all councillors and it was RESOLVED: unanimously that these be accepted.


  1. To receive the RFO’s Bank reconciliation, Trial Balance, Earmarked Reserves balances and to approve the Payment of the Accounts and sign the Bank reconciliation.


  • The Clerk had circulated all the above paperwork and posted it on the website, no questions had been asked.
  • The Bank accounts were noted to be holding £988.00 and £52,240.63.
  • The Chairman signed the bank reconciliation.
  • Earmarked reserves held in the Over 50’s Bus account were £195.20.
  • A schedule of payments had been sent to all Councillors. RESOLVED: Unanimously to approve the payments as below:

Alex Rawling Farms Services    Flail hedge cutting                                     300.00                0.00           300.00

Clerk’s Pension contribrutions   Ee+ Er for Nov’19-Mar’20.                         721.40                0.00           721.40 B&Q                                     Bus Shelter fixing materials                          56.42         11.28                  67.70

Epworth Hall                            Rental for meeting 2019/20                         450.00                0.00           450.00

Gail Foster                                Salary Feb + March                                2,777.92                0.00      2,777.92

HALC                                      Annual Conference                                      75.00              15.00                   90.00

Land registry                            Title Deeds for landowner confirmation        42.00               0.00             42.00

HMRC                                     Feb Tax & NI contributions Ee+Er.             491.18                 0.00           491.98

HMRC                                     Mar Tax & NI contributions Ee+Er.            491.18                 0.00           491.98

John Perry                                Turf and Soil and labour                             700.00                0.00           700.00

KSVH                                      Computer Workshop                                    36.00                0.00            36.00

Proline Fencing + Decking        Deck installation                                   4,061.50            812.30  4,873.80

Simon Nightingale                    SLR Feb + Mar                                          83.34                 0.00             83.34

South Downs NPA                    Sequential Test Report                          1,312.50            262.50  1,575.00

TVBC                                      Loan Repayment                                   30,000.00                0.00      30,000.00

Viking Office Supplies              Office equipment                                         71.98              14.40           86.38

TOTAL                                               41,672.02             1,115.48           42,787.50

  • It was noted that the Clerk had not been, and would not be paid the March Salary early, but approval was required in the Calendar year to enable her to be paid at the end of March.


  • Receipts that had been received over the period were:

FROM                                     FOR                                                    TOTAL

HCC                                         Rental of Recreation Ground                          5.40

Loddon Test EU fund                Grant                                                   24,991.41

Richard Steel and Partners         Burial Fees                                                500.00

TOTAL                                               25,996.81


  1. To consider and revise the councillor appointment list.


  • The following re-organisations were Resolved: B/Cllr Johnston would be asked to take over the Horsebridge liaison role.
  • Cllr Searle would join the planning committee.
  • The playspace at Muss lane would be checked weekly by Cllr Hodge.
  • A resident in Up Somborne would be approached to see if they would take on the voluntary inspection of the recreation ground. Action: Clerk.
  • Cllr Hughes and Cllr Wales would join Cllr Webb and the Clerk in working on the resilience program.
  • Volunteers would continue to be sought to help the council in small ways. Action: Cllr Hughes.
  • The appointment schedule would be updated accordingly. Action: Clerk


  1. To consider and approve a councillor to join the HR committee.


  • Councillor Hodge volunteered to join the committee and this was approved unanimously.


  1. To review the Trim Trail Report and consider actions / spending.


  • A report showing the condition of the Trim Trail equipment had been prepared by the Clerk. It was RESOLVED: Unanimously, to pay for the repairs amounting to £107.40 and vegetation cleared up to £75.00. A local tree surgeon would be asked if it was possible to lay bark chippings along the path. Action: Cllr Hughes.


  1. To consider the report on the TREE SURVEYS and quotations received for Church / Furzedown Road bank.


  • The Clerk had received some quotes to fell the trees on the bank alongside Furzedown Road and opposite the allotments. The Tree Warden had assessed that all bar four should be removed. Unfortunately, it was not clear who the landowners were for a third of the bank. A development company who were believed to own a portion of the land had been written to and asked to urgently assess their land and carry out remedial works. HCC Highways had refused to acknowledge that the trees were a risk to the pavement or highway and did not want to be involved. RESOLVED Unanimously, that HCC would be contacted again and asked to assess / remove the trees. Action: Clerk.
  • Another potential landowner would be contacted. Action: Cllr Hughes.
  • An advert would be placed in the Gauntlet reminding residents of their obligations. Action: Clerk.


  1. To Finalize arrangements for the Spring Clean / Date / Time
    • TVBC would lend equipment again. RESOLVED: Unanimously to hold the Spring Clean on Saturday 4th


  1. To consider if councillor Searle should take on direct liaison with South Downs, Statutory Bodies and sub-contractors for the duration of the NDP.
    • Councillor Searle proposed that correspondence with the Consultants handling the NDP and other statutory bodies should be handled by himself as the previous Vice-Chair of the Steering Group. The proposal was not seconded. The delegation to the Steering Group would not be continued as Full Council would consider decisions and take full responsibility for them. Contribution in terms of advice from the Steering Group would still be welcomed.
    • Councillor Searle expressed his frustration as the slow progress and asking if another meeting could take place to review the Site Selection table from the consultants before the next monthly meeting. The Chairman would call an Extraordinary meeting once the revised table had been received. Action: Cllr Hughes.


  1. To consider correspondence received and action to take.


  • An email had been received from a resident regarding the water pooling in Muss lane. The landowners and HCC Footpaths officer would be contacted. Action: Clerk.
  • A site selection table had been received from South Downs. It had not been completed and appeared to have some duplication. A revision had been requested. The Flood report from Waterco had also not been tabled and this would be questioned. South Downs advised they had not aggregated the final site scores themselves and only copied the sites assessment scores from the forms as advised by the Steering Group. The revised report would be sent to all councillors as soon as possible.
  • Resident written to advise of a traffic accident. The points raised would be replied to. Action: Clerk.
  • HCC Highways would be advised. Action: Clerk.


  1. Clerk’s Monthly Report


  • The Monthly report had been uploaded to the website and had been placed in the Councillors shared folders. No questions had been asked.
  1. To receive Councillors’ reports, as appropriate, on actions taken and related matters.


  • Cllr Harwood reported that SSE had not yet re-instated the trenches dug for the electric cables at the recreation ground it. Work would need to commence soon as the grass cutting contractor would not be able to cut the grass because of stones and lumps. The barriers and telegraph poles also needed removing. The previous chairman would be contacted to advise his contact at SSE. Action: Cllr Hughes.
  • The telegraph poles needed to be moved by the end of April. Action: Clerk
  • Trees were being considered to be planted next to pre-school to provide some screening for the immediate neighbours. Action: Cllr Wales, Cllr Harwood and Clerk.
  • Brett Hill from TVBC had met with Cllr Harwood and the Clerk to discuss the area behind the goal mouth on top field. TVBC had been asked to assist with a wildflower strip being planted in the spring. Costs were being tabled for council approval but it was not expected to be expensive and would be covered by the biodiversity budget and maintenance budget for the next financial year. Action: Clerk.
  • Wyevale garden centre would be asked if they had a planting donation scheme. Action: Clerk.
  • Cllrs Beacham and Wales had attended a meeting with Environment Agency arranged by the Clerk after the EA had cleared the flooded area from Froghole Lane down to Horsebridge. Many villagers had turned out to explain to the two EA representatives the problems experienced during the 2014 flooding. A walk was undertaken from The Crown Inn to Tanner’s Pond. A map of affected properties had been produced by the Clerk with help from the previous Clerk and sent to the EA in order that they could plan better for the Parish.
  • The VE Day organisation group had decided to cover costs with a ticket price. Therefore, the Council would only need to underwrite any losses.
  • Cllr Beacham reported that HCC Highways had sent a recent report showing they were moving forward with reviewing the Safe Travel ideas. SSE had been asked to quote for installing the lights outside the school. The officer handling Section 106 funds at TVBC had confirmed that developers were being chased for outstanding funds.
  • Cllr Hughes noted that the Defibrilator training had been very successful and an hour well worth spending. It had been helpful to remember that you cannot do any harm to someone whose heart has stopped, and any action you take increased that person’s chances of survival.
  • The Beavers group had been increasing in numbers and expressed an interest in planting some trees. Grants would be investigated. Action: Clerk.
  • A team of residents had been very helpful in the recent storms by moving trees that had fallen across the road. The Council were very grateful for their considerable efforts on numerous occasions.


  1. Date, Time and Place of Next Meeting – Monday 6th April 2020 at 7.00pm in the Epworth Hall, Winchester Road, King’s Somborne


There being no further business, the Chairman thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 21.01 pm