Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
held in the Epworth Hall commencing at 7.00pm on Monday 7 October 2019

Present: Cllr A Brock (Chairman)
Cllr R Curtis
Cllr S Dack
Cllr R Harwood
Cllr L Hodge
Cllr O Wales
Cllr R Webb

In Attendance: Mrs G Foster (Clerk to King’s Somborne Parish Council)

Also present: C/Cllr A Gibson, C/Cllr A Ward and 5 members of the public were present for part of the meeting.

196. Public Session

196.1. A volunteer helping with the community building project gave a short update. The concrete for the 10m square holes had been delivered as ready mix on large lorries which had needed to try and stay on the concrete plinth outside the village hall in order to minimise the damage to the grass. This had necessitated the removal of the gate to the football pitch. It was currently being left off and the gap was being blocked by parked cars to prevent unauthorised access. The community building was scheduled to be delivered on the 5th November.

196.2. Cllr Harwood had noted that the grass had been disturbed and there were ruts that had been created by the lorries along the edge of the pitch. It was questioned if the contractor for groundworks would be making good after works had been completed. The contract would be checked. Action: Clerk.

196.3. A member of the Village Hall Management Committee questioned if the Parish Council might need the use of the marquees owned by the VHMC for the VE Day Event next year. It was suggested that the Hall be booked in advance to reserve the date if it was thought to be needed. The VE Day working group would discuss and make the bookings. Action: Cllr Hodge

196.4. The same member of the Village Hall Management Committee advised that the CCTV for the Community building was being ordered in the next week and questioned if the Parish Council wished to additionally buy a camera to survey the Cricket Field from the Scout hut end and also asked if the Council would consider making a donation towards the upgraded Video recorder that was required. The costs to be discussed did not include provision for the connection of a power supply at the Scout Hut, nor an arrangement with the Scouts to tap into their power supply. Both items would need to be agreed separately. The questions had been scheduled as item 16 on the agenda and are covered in minute no. 212.1.

196.5. A representative of the Scouts and for the Church PCC advised that the Scouts had not yet found a new Chairman but were being supported by Romsey division. However it was hoped that a new Beaver Leader would be taking over the Beavers soon.

196.6. The Public Session was paused in order to allow the speaker for Item 2 on the agenda to present to Council due to her having another appointment to go to.

196.7. One of the Village Agents gave a short, informal presentation on the theme of what can be done to support older people in the Parish. She described the big gaps in the provision of public transport and described how valuable the monthly Minibus daytrips are to some residents in combating loneliness and isolation.

196.8. It was asked if there could be a bus or taxi share to Winchester once a week from King’s Somborne, and it was suggested that this should be a bookable service in order that no journeys are wasted and that a small charge should be made but it should remain a reasonable cost. Perhaps even a once a month trip to Salisbury.

196.9. HCC Cllr Gibson offered to donate £500 towards one of these projects. A grant request form would be completed. Action: Clerk.

196.10. There are other problems in travelling around the village for the elderly. Some on mobility scooters find that uneven drop kerbs create significant and painful jolting when going up or down them. Foliage from gardens overhanging the pavement can also cause problems to those on scooters and on foot. Some hedges are protruding over the footway to such an extent that it is not possible to pass without stepping into the road. This also affects mothers with buggies and can be very dangerous.

196.11. It was asked if the Council could write to residents to request that they keep their shrubs and hedges cut back to allow enough room to pass on the pavements. The Village Agent would supply a list of properties affected in this way. Action: Clerk.

196.12. Another issue noted was the lack of Sheltered Housing for people that want to stay in the Parish but need to downside.

196.13. Cllr Brock thanked the Village Agent for her presentation. The issues would be considered when planning the next year’s budget. Action: Clerk.

196.14. The Public session was resumed to allow other residents to speak.

196.15.  A resident asked for an update on the NDP site selection publication and in particular where and when the site table would be published showing: all proposed development sites in the NDP ordered by preference, stating the reasons for preference, and identifying the preferred access points. The chairman advised that it had not and would not be published separately, but would be published with the revised NDP when it was finalised. The Chairman then decided to cover Agenda item no. 17 at the same time. The following information was reported:

196.16. All changes have been made to the NDP in the light of the Housing Paper, revised Local Green Space and all other comments on the remainder of the document.

196.17. The SEA has been completed and is being proof read, but the SEA has highlighted a significant impact of some sites on the Conservation Area. As a result mitigation has been added to some of the site allocation policies

196.18. All the representations (feedback) are being checked in detail, with the remainder (around half) to be completed in the next few days. An overview of changes in response to the representations will be inserted at the beginning of the NDP.

196.19. Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) to be revised in light of guidance from Test Valley BC on nutrient neutrality.

196.20. Guidance from Test Valley BC (when received) to be sent by Kings Somborne to consultants revising the HRA. Action: Clerk.

196.21. Any other necessary changes as result of final draft NDP e.g. site reference altered from previous version will also need to be sent to the HRA Consultants.

196.22. South Downs (the consultants writing the NDP) were aiming to have all information read to send to the Parish council by the 18th October.

196.23. It was further asked what the process would be from here onwards. The Chairman confirmed that the revised NDP would be checked to ensure that feedback comments had been addresses and then the Plan would be presented to the Full Parish Council for review. Cllr Hodge urged that all councillors bear in mind the feedback they had read during the redaction process and ensure it was addressed when reading the revised plan. Once accepted by the Parish Council, the new plan would then go to Test Valley for a quasi review before going out to consultation in the village for 6 weeks as had been done previously. It was further asked what the timescale would be until consultation and this was expected to be before the end of the year.

196.24. It was queried if TVBC would be sent the feedback that had been published and the Chairman replied that it would not be sent, as it would have already been taken into account. However the Clerk advised that she had been told by TVBC that the plan needed to demonstrate how the feedback information had been included. See minute 196.18.

196.25. Cllr Hodge Proposed: that another Councillor would join the NDP Steering Goup. The Chairman confirmed that the subject had been visited in the June meeting, however there was no barrier to any Councillor now wishing to join the Steering Group. No Councillors volunteered to do so.

197. Apologies for Absence

197.1. Cllrs Beacham and Whitehead had sent apologies which were accepted by Council.

198. To receive a short presentation from the representative of the Over 50’s Minibus Club.

198.1. This is covered in minute no.s 196.7 – 196.13

199. Chairman’s announcements and Councillors’ questions

199.1. SSE almost completed the laying of the electricity cables across the Cricket outfield. An upgrade has been made to the connections in Hayes Close. Concreting by the cricket nets has been done. The ground will need to settle before grassing. It was noted that the SSE had also left a pile of scalpings on the grass near the Cricket shed which would cause a problem for future grass cutting. Contact would be made with SSE to ensure they made good. Action: Cllr Brock

199.2. Cllr Brock and the Clerk had attended the Test Valley Association of Town and Parish Councils Annual meeting which had been well supported. Councillors are encouraged to attend these sessions which are TVBC’s support group for all Parish Councils.

199.3. The next meeting of the Test Valley Community Resilience Workshop would be held on Saturday 12th October. Cllrs Brock and Webb would be attending with the Clerk.

199.4. Cllr Brock advised that the river had been cleared, however Cllr Hodge noted that some of the gulleys were not cleared. A map of the affected areas would be created. Action: Cllrs Hodge and Wales. The issues would then be logged on the HCC website. Action: Clerk.

199.5. HCC Cllr Gibson would be happy to give a donation towards the cost of the lengthsman carrying out the work. A grant application would need to be submitted. Action: Clerk

200. To receive reports from C/Cllr Andrew Gibson and B/Cllr Tony Ward.

200.1. Cllr Gibson informed that he was a trustee of Catherine Edwards Trust which is tasked with giving £550pa to students to help with the cost of reference books for further education. The full amount for this year had not yet been spent and students were encouraged to apply. Cllr Gibson would provide some written criteria and the Parish Council would publicise where possible. Action: Cllr Gibson and Clerk.

200.2. Cllr Gibson was trying to set up a meeting with Highways and Cllrs Beacham and Brock and the Clerk in relation to the Safe Travel project and extending the 30mph speed limit. This effort would be continued.

200.3. Cllr Gibson had completed the Countess Mountbatten cycle ride which had raised £60,000.

200.4. Cllr Ward had sent the Mid Test Matters newsletter prior meeting it was available on the website. It was explained that at least 75 planning applications at TVBC are being held up because of the new Nitrate Neutrality conditions. Developers have stopped submitting plans until this issue is resolved by the Government.

201. To approve the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 2 September 2019

201.1. Proposed: Cllr Curtis, Seconded: Cllr Hughes RESOLVED: Unanimous that the minutes of the meeting held on 2nd September 2019 which had been circulated with the agenda be accepted as a true record. The chairman duly signed the minute book.

202. To review outstanding actions from the action list arising from those Minutes

202.1. Cllr A Brock (Chairman)
202.1.1. 176.1. and 178.7 – No information had yet been obtained from the Environment Agency as the meeting had been cancelled. This would be followed up. Action: Cllr Brock.
202.1.2. 179.1. The TVAPTC Annual meeting had been attended.
202.1.3. 189.1. A list of the NDP Steering Group members had been completed.
202.1.4. 189.2. Several members of the NDP Steering Group had not yet to revised their Declaration of Interest forms. This would be chased. Action: Cllr Brock.
202.1.5. 189.3. A revised declaration of interest form had been submitted.
202.1.6. 190.4. HCC Cllr Gibson had been asked for his assistance with HCC and speed issues.
202.1.7. 193.1. Different bank accounts had been looked at.

202.2. Cllr I Beacham
202.2.1. 181.2.2. Follow up with the owner of the John O’Gaunt Lane was required. Action: Cllr Beacham.
202.2.2. 189.3. A revised Declaration of interest form was still outstanding. Action: Cllr Beacham.
202.2.3. 190.5. The section 106 lists had been checked with the Clerk
202.2.4. 194.3. A request for an agenda item had been sent to the Clerk.

202.3. Cllr R Curtis
202.3.1. 189.3. No revision was needed to Declaration of interest form.
202.3.2. 194.2. Cllr Beacham would attend the Test Valley School Prizegiving.
202.4. Cllr S Dack
202.4.1. 181.4.2. 153.4.2. 129.4.1. A renewed insurance Certificate would be required next year:
202.4.2. 189.3. A revised declaration of interest form had been submitted.

202.5. Cllr R Harwood
202.5.1. 189.3. A revised declaration of interest form had been submitted.

202.6. Cllr L Hodge
202.6.1. 181.7.1. 153.8.1. 137.7. Website profile wording had been sent to Cllr Whitehead.
202.6.2. 189.3. A revised declaration of interest form had been submitted.

202.7. Cllr K Hughes (some carried over from August meeting)
202.7.1. 153.6.1. 129.6.1. The church would be pressed for more help regarding the youth worker idea and it would be followed up again. Action: Cllr Hughes.
202.7.2. 153.6.2. 129.6.2. The first village speaker had been arranged for this meeting.
202.7.3. 171.4. Contact the Anti-social Team at TVBC had been contacted.
202.7.4. 189.3. A revised declaration of interest form had been submitted.

202.8. Cllr O Wales
202.8.1. 181.6.2. 172.1. Trees of concern were being mapped.
202.8.2. 181.7.1. 153.8.1. 137.7. A website profile wording had been sent to Cllr Whitehead.
202.8.3. 189.3. A revised Declaration of interest form was still outstanding. Action Cllr Wales.
202.8.4. 192.1. Cllr Wales would show Councillors and the Village Hall Management Committee how the isolator worked and how to start the generator, In progress and to be continued. Action: Cllr Wales.

202.9. Cllr R Webb
202.9.1. 189.3. No revision was needed to Declaration of interest form.

202.10. Cllr S Whitehead
202.10.1. 181.7.1. 153.8.1. 137.7. Website profiles had been uploaded for Cllrs Hodge and Wales.
202.10.2. 181.7.2. Council email addresses required followup for installation. Action: Cllrs Whitehead, Beacham, Hodge, Curtis and Wales.
202.10.3. 181.7.3. Information had been received regarding data back up, however it should be further clarified. Action Cllr Webb.
202.10.4. 189.3. A revised declaration of interest form had been submitted.

202.11. Mrs G Foster – Clerk
202.11.1. 181.6.2. 172.1. The mapping of trees was ongoing.
202.11.2. 181.8.18. The TPO list from TVBC had been compared to Cllr Hodge’s list and mapping was ongoing
202.11.3. 184.3. The £5,670 had been booked in the Council’s accounts following auditor’s approval.
202.11.4. 185.1. Grants received for the Pre-School building had been moved into Earmarked Funds.
202.11.5. 185.3. The minute no.s regarding the Village Fun Day costs had been last year.
202.11.6. 186.1. £75 had been sent to Test Valley School
202.11.7. 186.2. Estimates for work on the lease for John O’Gaunt Field was still outstanding. Action: Clerk.
202.11.8. 186.3. The road closure for Remembrance Sunday had been applied for.
202.11.9. 187.1. The Clerk had signed up for the portfolio submission for Cilca.
202.11.10. 187.3. Playground inspection reports had been placed on the agenda.
202.11.11. 187.4. Replacement panels for the righthand side of the play area had been ordered.
202.11.12. 189.3. Blank RPI forms had been sent to all councillors to check and complete.
202.11.13. 190.5. Section 106 lists had been reviewed with TVBC and Cllr Beacham.
202.11.14. 191.1. The fence by village hall had been blocked.
202.11.15. 193.1. New bank accounts had been looked at and the Clerk would open a new account.
202.11.16. 194.1. An appeal for volunteers to help organise VE day celebrations had been repeated.
202.11.17. 194.3. The motion for another dog waste bag dispenser had been added to the next month’s agenda.

203. Declarations of Interest and Requests for Dispensations

203.1. It was noted that new declarations had been posted to the website. Some were still outstanding and would be posted during the next month.

204. To receive the minutes of the Planning Committee meetings on 5 August 2019
204.1. Planning minutes had been distributed to all councillors and it was RESOVLED: unanimously that these be accepted. Cllr Harwood informed that there were a significant amount of applications that were still outstanding.

205. To receive the RFO’s Bank reconciliation and Budget Monitoring reports

205.1. The Clerk had circulated various budget reports including a detailed budget for the pre-school building and a copy of the bank reconciliation These had also been posted to the website.

206. To note the Earmarked reserve account balances.

206.1. The following balances were held in ringfenced accounts: Over 50’s Bus account = £280.00, Pre-School Build Contribution = £17,000 and Grant Funds received for the Pre-School = 82,853.16.

207. To approve Payment of Accounts and sign the bank reconciliation and statement

207.1. The bank account reconciliation showing £129,233.22 was agreed by Council. The Chairman signed the bank reconciliation and requested that the Trial Balance to be reported every month. Action: Clerk.

207.2. A schedule of payments had been sent to all Councillors. Payments had been made in line with prior delegations. RESOLVED: Unanimously to accept the payments as below:
To For Amount
Barker & Geary Ltd Fence posts + timber £ 226.27
British Heart Foundation Donation towards defibrillator £ 600.00
British Heart Foundation AED wall cabinet £ 594.00
CPRE Annual subs £ 36.00
Clerk Salary and Expenses £ 712.51
Green Grass Services August + September invoices £ 1,766.33
John Rolfe Hedge cutting £ 534.00
KS Village Hall Computer Club hall hire £ 32.00
PKF Littlejohn External Audit £ 360.00
Seagrave Inspection Services Bi-annual playground inspection £ 286.80
Simon Nightingale SLR September £ 41.67
SLCC Cilca portfolio fees £ 350.00
Cilca training course £ 408.00
Smith Electrical Payment for materials £ 2,200.00
TLC Direct Lighted Bollards for Preschool £ 649.01
Unity Services Andover Minibus Trip August £ 112.20
Wernick Refurbished Buildings Deposit on Pre-school £ 79,532.40
TOTAL £ 88,516.19

207.3. Receipts that had been received over the period were:
From For Amount
BT Facility Services Hedge cutting £ 120.00
Cullen Memorials Headstone £ 125.00
HCC Recreation Ground hire £ 62.50
HPFA Grant £ 200.00
Have a Heart fund Donation towards AED wall cabinet £ 295.00
HMRC VAT refund £ 312.99
South Central Ambulance Donation towards AED wall cabinet £ 200.00
Village Minibus Organiser Trip income for September £ 84.00
TVBC Section 106 Grant £ 95,000.00
TVBC CAF Grant £ 25,000.00
TVBC Precept 2nd instalment £ 19,283.50
TOTAL £140,682.99

208. To consider seeking the approval of the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities & Local Government to apply for a PWLB loan of £50,000 over the borrowing term of 18 months.

208.1. Cllr Ward explained the payment terms that had been agreed with all suppliers involved in the building project. It was noted that the public consultation on Survey Monkey had resulted in a response rate of just over 90% in favour of taking the loan of £50,000 over 18 months.

208.2. It was Proposed: Cllr Curtis, Seconded: Cllr Harwood. Resolved: Unanimously to seek the approval of the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities & Local Government to apply for a PWLB loan of £50,000 over the borrowing term of 1.5 years (18 months) for the building of the Community Building / Pre-School. The annual loan repayments will come to around £990.00.

208.3. It is not intended to increase the council tax precept for the purpose of the loan repayments.

209. To consider Correspondence Received and determine any action required

209.1. A resident had written to request permission to site scaffolding in the access lane to the village hall on 15th October. Council felt in the interest of being good neighbours that this should be allowed until the 19th October. The would write to the resident and Barker and Gearys and the Village Hall Committee would notify hirers. Traffic cones would be placed at the entrance to deter vehicular access. Action: Clerk.

209.2. Resident had written regarding some tree works that might be required in the Church yard. Cllr Wales was investigating and would prepare a Tree Works Application if thought necessary. Action: Cllr Wales.

209.3. Another resident had written asking for information regarding NDP and stated that the feedback was hard to read on the website. The Clerk had replied with a soft copy of the redacted feedback.

210. Clerk’s Monthly Report

210.1. Defibrillator for the Village Hall had been bought and was in the process of being installed.

210.2. It had been suggested that CPR training from community responders be arranged. A member of the VH management committee had offered to provide this. A date would be proposed. Action: Chairman of the VHMC and Clerk.

210.3. PKF Littlejohn had finally sent the certificate to sign off the External Audit and this had been posted on the website with the dates for accounts inspection.

210.4. The Clerk had submitted Unit 1 and 4 for the Cilca portfolio and her appraisal meeting had been scheduled.

211. To consider the purchase of dog waste bag dispenser and sign at Cow Drove Hill & Muss Lane.

211.1. It was Proposed: Cllr Hughes, Seconded: Cllr Wales, Resolved: Unanimously that a map of the current dog bins and bag dispensers would be produced along with the proposed new sites. A link to the new mapping system would be resent to all Councillors. Action: Clerk.

211.2. Costs would be added to the budget for discussion at the next month’s meeting. Action: Clerk.

212. To consider the purchase of CCTV camera for PC and 1/3 cost of new Video Recorder for VH.

212.1. It was Proposed: Cllr Hughes, Seconded: Cllr Hodge, Resolved: Unanimously that 1/3 of the cost of the new Video recorder being £467 + VAT, be paid by the Parish Council and that when the new system is in operation consideration will be given to whether the Parish Council require another camera for their own security purposes. The equipment would be ordered by the PC as part of the Community building project. Action: Clerk.

213. To receive an update on the NDP and to consider a request for another councillor to join the Sub-Committee.
213.1. This was covered in the public session see minutes 196.15 – 196.25.

214. To receive an update on the Pre-School / Community Building Works.

214.1. This had been covered in the Public Session.

215. To receive an update from the Safe Travel Working Group.

215.1. A meeting had taken place on Friday 4th October at TVBC with Owen Carine to investigate the use of Section 106 funds for the project. Different fund allocations were looked at and claims are progressing. At this stage it is looking positive that some funds could be released to the Council, but we cannot yet confirm when or how much.

216. To note the external inspection reports for the play areas and consider if action is to be taken.

216.1. It was Resolved: Unanimously that the Clerk would only rectify critical actions. The CIL fund and Section 106 funds would be checked for suitability for spending on playground improvements and for replacing older equipment. The Budget for next year would consider the need to accrue for renovation of the play areas. Action Clerk.

216.2. The chains on the Nest Swing would be checked as soon as possible. Action Clerk.

217. To consider Council’s response to the HALC policy consultation on 5G Mobile Coverage in Rural Areas.

217.1. It was Resolved: by majority to reply in support of the Government’s proposals. Action: Clerk.

218. To consider an amendment to the Scheme of delegation in Annex J of the standing orders.

218.1. It was resolved unanimously to change the working to read:
3.1 In the event of any matter arising which requires an urgent decision relating to the running, maintenance or use of Council property, facilities or managed areas, notwithstanding delegated powers granted by paragraph 2.2 above, the Clerk shall forthwith consult with the Chairman and/or Vice-Chairman and those Members so consulted together with the Clerk shall have delegated power to act on behalf of the Council in respect of the particular matter then under consideration.

219. To receive Councillors’ reports, as appropriate, on actions taken and related matters

219.1. None reported.

220. Date, Time and Place of Next Meeting – Monday 4th November 2019 at 7.00pm in the Epworth Hall, Winchester Road, King’s Somborne

There being no further business, the Chairman thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 9.40pm